Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × USA
2 × Hungary
Collaborated with:
Z.Ésik ∅ Á.Mészáros K.Gelle
Talks about:
character (2) automata (2) scatter (2) grammar (2) context (2) müller (2) mcfls (2) oper (2) free (2) synchron (1)
Person: Szabolcs Iván
DBLP: Iv=aacute=n:Szabolcs
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- AFL-2014-Ivan #automaton
- Synchronizing weighted automata (SI), pp. 301–313.
- DLT-2013-EsikI
- Operational Characterization of Scattered MCFLs (ZÉ, SI), pp. 215–226.
- DLT-J-2013-EsikI14
- Operational Characterization of Scattered MCFLs (ZÉ, SI), pp. 1001–1016.
- AFL-2011-IvanM #context-free grammar #generative #word
- Müller context-free grammars generating well-ordered words (SI, ÁM), pp. 225–240.
- DLT-2010-EsikI #context-free grammar #on the
- On Müller Context-Free Grammars (ZÉ, SI), pp. 173–184.
- CIAA-2008-EsikI #game studies #logic
- Games for Temporal Logics on Trees (ZÉ, SI), pp. 191–200.
- AFL-2017-GelleI #automaton
- Reversible languages having finitely many reduced automata (KG, SI), pp. 114–127.