1330 papers:
CBSE-2015-BenesDHKN #composition #testing- Complete Composition Operators for IOCO — Testing Theory (NB, PD, TAH, JK, DN), pp. 101–110.
CASE-2015-ChenH #assembly #automation #distributed #petri net #using- Maximally permissive distributed control of automated manufacturing systems with assembly operations using Petri nets (CC, HH), pp. 532–538.
CASE-2015-HuangCZ #modelling- Interval model based human welder’s movement control in machine assisted manual GTAW torch operation (NH, SC, YZ), pp. 395–400.
CASE-2015-JinDAWBBBL #distributed #framework- A comprehensive framework of factory-to-factory dynamic fleet-level prognostics and operation management for geographically distributed assets (CJ, DD, HDA, KW, MB, BB, PB, JL), pp. 225–230.
CASE-2015-KaipaTSKLG #automation #using- Resolving automated perception system failures in bin-picking tasks using assistance from remote human operators (KNK, SSTK, SS, AMK, JDL, SKG), pp. 1453–1458.
CASE-2015-MeddouriDF #analysis #generative #induction #performance #predict #using- Performance analysis of an autonomous induction generator under different operating conditions using predictive control (SM, LAD, LF), pp. 1118–1124.
CASE-2015-NelaturiB0K #automation- Automatic spatial planning for machining operations (SN, GB, CF, TK), pp. 677–682.
CASE-2015-RonBF #identification- Identification of operations at robotic welding lines (MR, PB, OF), pp. 470–476.
CASE-2015-YangH0 #assembly #automation #distributed #petri net- A Petri net-based distributed control of automated manufacturing systems with assembly operations (YY, HH, YL), pp. 1090–1097.
DAC-2015-ChenSZDJ #optimisation- Optimizing data placement for reducing shift operations on domain wall memories (XC, EHMS, QZ, PD, WJ), p. 6.
DAC-2015-GangopadhyayNR #power management- Integrated power management in IoT devices under wide dynamic ranges of operation (SG, SBN, AR), p. 6.
DAC-2015-RoyLUP #multi #named #optimisation #paradigm #performance- OSFA: a new paradigm of gate-sizing for power/performance optimizations under multiple operating conditions (SR, DL, JU, DZP), p. 6.
DAC-2015-WasicekLKGIA #simulation- System simulation from operational data (AW, EAL, HK, LG, AI, IA), p. 6.
DATE-2015-KumarAL #detection #fault #monitoring- Operational fault detection and monitoring of a memristor-based LUT (TNK, HAFA, FL), pp. 429–434.
DATE-2015-LiXWNP #fine-grained #multi #power management #reduction #using- Leakage power reduction for deeply-scaled FinFET circuits operating in multiple voltage regimes using fine-grained gate-length biasing technique (JL, QX, YW, SN, MP), pp. 1579–1582.
SIGMOD-2015-VerroiosLG #crowdsourcing #named- tDP: An Optimal-Latency Budget Allocation Strategy for Crowdsourced MAXIMUM Operations (VV, PL, HGM), pp. 1047–1062.
VLDB-2015-JoglekarGP #data analysis- Smart Drill-Down: A New Data Exploration Operator (MJ, HGM, AGP), pp. 1928–1939.
ITiCSE-2015-KirkpatrickP #assurance #operating system #process #using- Using the Readiness Assurance Process and Metacognition in an Operating Systems Course (MSK, SP), pp. 183–188.
ESOP-2015-ChengR #detection #spreadsheet #static analysis- Static Analysis of Spreadsheet Applications for Type-Unsafe Operations Detection (TC, XR), pp. 26–52.
FoSSaCS-2015-Jaber #game studies #semantics- Operational Nominal Game Semantics (GJ), pp. 264–278.
SCAM-2015-HuckBU #c++- Checking C++ codes for compatibility with operator overloading (AH, CB, JU), pp. 91–100.
STOC-2015-Louis #algorithm #approximate #markov- Hypergraph Markov Operators, Eigenvalues and Approximation Algorithms (AL), pp. 713–722.
LATA-2015-EremondiIM #bound- Insertion Operations on Deterministic Reversal-Bounded Counter Machines (JE, OHI, IM), pp. 200–211.
FM-2015-AmatoMMS #abstract domain- Narrowing Operators on Template Abstract Domains (GA, SDNDM, MCM, FS), pp. 57–72.
SEFM-2015-AmighiDBH #source code #specification #verification- Specification and Verification of Atomic Operations in GPGPU Programs (AA, SD, SB, MH), pp. 69–83.
SEFM-2015-DawC #diagrams #process #semantics #uml- An Extensible Operational Semantics for UML Activity Diagrams (ZD, RC), pp. 360–368.
GaM-2015-RadwanH #detection #refactoring #smell- Detecting and Refactoring Operational Smells within the Domain Name System (MR, RH), pp. 113–128.
ICGT-2015-RadkeABHT #constraints #graph #invariant #ocl #set- Translating Essential OCL Invariants to Nested Graph Constraints Focusing on Set Operations (HR, TA, JSB, AH, GT), pp. 155–170.
CHI-2015-LiOT #fault- Exploring the Effect of Pre-operational Priming Intervention on Number Entry Errors (KYL, PO, HWT), pp. 1335–1344.
CHI-2015-ZhengFSDYG #maintenance- Eye-Wearable Technology for Machine Maintenance: Effects of Display Position and Hands-free Operation (XSZ, CF, PMdS, SD, TY, SG), pp. 2125–2134.
DHM-HM-2015-GotoLTYH #analysis #eye tracking- Analysis of Eye Movement of Caregiver Concerning on Transfer Operation (AG, ML, YT, TY, HH), pp. 58–65.
DUXU-UI-2015-DuWDXJ #case study #metric #using- Study on Operating Clearance Measurement of Some Connectors by Using Motion Capture (HD, LW, LD, YX, CJ), pp. 45–53.
DUXU-UI-2015-LaiH #mobile- Virtual Touchpad for Cursor Control of Touchscreen Thumb Operation in the Mobile Context (YRL, TKPH), pp. 563–574.
DUXU-UI-2015-TribeOBKVWKVW- Tattoo Antenna Temporary Transfers Operating On-Skin (TATTOOS) (JT, DO, JCB, NK, DMSV, AAW, RK, KV, WW), pp. 685–695.
HCI-DE-2015-IgaTAF #predict- Study of Uninterruptible Duration Prediction Based on PC Operation (HI, TT, KA, KF), pp. 350–359.
HCI-DE-2015-StopkaPF #concept #requirements- User Requirements for Intermodal Mobility Applications and Acceptance of Operating Concepts (US, RP, KF), pp. 415–425.
HCI-IT-2015-MijovicMMMKG #fault #human-computer #predict #towards- Towards Creation of Implicit HCI Model for Prediction and Prevention of Operators’ Error (PM, MM, MM, IM, VK, IG), pp. 341–352.
HCI-UC-2015-BorsciLBJ #assessment #prototype- Early Prototype Assessment of a New Virtual System for Training Procedural Skills of Automotive Service Operators: LARTE Tool (SB, GL, MB, BJ), pp. 135–143.
HIMI-IKC-2015-Iwata #difference #learning- Method to Generate an Operation Learning Support System by Shortcut Key Differences in Similar Software (HI), pp. 332–340.
HIMI-IKC-2015-WangN #analysis #identification #matrix- Dot Matrix Analysis of Plant Operation Data for Identifying Sequential Alarms Triggered by Single Root Cause (ZW, MN), pp. 152–158.
SCSM-2015-FukudaWFHFHN #towards- Text-Mining of Hand-Over Notes for Care-Workers in Real Operation — Toward an Employee-Driven Innovation (KF, KW, TF, MH, RF, MH, TN), pp. 30–38.
ICEIS-v1-2015-HernandezMV #energy #middleware- An IFC4-based Middleware for Data Interoperability in Energy Building Operation (JLH, SM, CV), pp. 287–294.
ICEIS-v3-2015-TiamSM #process- An Operational Model of Variable Business Process (RTT, ADS, RM), pp. 162–172.
AMT-2015-DyckGLSG #automation #behaviour #model transformation #towards #verification- Towards the Automatic Verification of Behavior Preservation at the Transformation Level for Operational Model Transformations (JD, HG, LL, SS, SG), pp. 36–45.
MoDELS-2015-LarsenDCM #behaviour #coordination- A Behavioral Coordination Operator Language (BCOoL) (MEVL, JD, BC, FM), pp. 186–195.
MoDELS-2015-NiemannHGW #contract- Extracting frame conditions from operation contracts (PN, FH, MG, RW), pp. 266–275.
MoDELS-2015-SalayKSC #megamodelling #model management- Enriching megamodel management with collection-based operators (RS, SK, ADS, MC), pp. 236–245.
PPDP-2015-GallF #formal method #semantics- A refined operational semantics for ACT-R: investigating the relations between different ACT-R formalizations (DG, TWF), pp. 114–124.
PPDP-2015-Schmidt-Schauss #call-by #functional #semantics- Improvements in a functional core language with call-by-need operational semantics (MSS, DS), pp. 220–231.
SAC-2015-ByunC #automation #constraints #operating system #safety #testing #using- Automated system-level safety testing using constraint patterns for automotive operating systems (TB, YC), pp. 1815–1822.
SAC-2015-EvangelistaFBA #named #symmetry- Bt-Join: a join operator for asymmetric storage device (NLE, JdAMF, AB, NA), pp. 988–993.
SAC-2015-InacioDBNM #file system #operating system #parallel #parametricity #performance- Performance impact of operating systems’ caching parameters on parallel file systems (ECI, MARD, FZB, POAN, DDJdM), pp. 2066–2068.
SAC-2015-PenhaW #design pattern- Parameterization of fail-operational architectural patterns (DOdP, GW), pp. 471–473.
SAC-2015-TakanoI #correctness #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics- Thunk recycling for lazy functional languages: operational semantics and correctness (YT, HI), pp. 2079–2086.
SAC-2015-ZiccardiSV #operating system- A time-composable operating system for the Patmos processor (MZ, MS, TV), pp. 1892–1897.
SPLC-2015-FilhoABAB #empirical #java #product line #source code- Assessing product line derivation operators applied to Java source code: an empirical study (JBFF, SA, OB, MA, BB), pp. 36–45.
SPLC-2015-MontalvilloD #branch #development #git #modelling #repository- Tuning GitHub for SPL development: branching models & repository operations for product engineers (LM, OD), pp. 111–120.
ASPLOS-2015-DautenhahnKDCA #architecture #kernel #operating system- Nested Kernel: An Operating System Architecture for Intra-Kernel Privilege Separation (ND, TK, WD, JC, VSA), pp. 191–206.
HPCA-2015-TiwariGRMRVOLDN #comprehension #design #fault #gpu #scalability- Understanding GPU errors on large-scale HPC systems and the implications for system design and operation (DT, SG, JHR, DM, PR, SSV, DAGdO, DL, ND, POAN, LC, ASB), pp. 331–342.
HPDC-2015-HaleD #kernel #operating system #parallel- A Case for Transforming Parallel Runtimes Into Operating System Kernels (KCH, PAD), pp. 27–32.
ICLP-2015-PerchyV #constraints- Opinions and Beliefs as constraint system operators (SP, FV).
TAP-2015-SoekenSD #invariant #ocl #specification- Coverage of OCL Operation Specifications and Invariants (MS, JS, RD), pp. 191–207.
WICSA-2014-FuZBX #analysis- A Recoverability-Oriented Analysis for Operations on Cloud Applications (MF, LZ, LB, XX), pp. 125–128.
WICSA-2014-SmileyMW #adaptation #architecture #performance #product line #reuse- A Dynamic Software Product Line Architecture for Prepackaged Expert Analytics: Enabling Efficient Capture, Reuse and Adaptation of Operational Knowledge (KS, SM, PW), pp. 205–214.
CASE-2014-FantiLIMUA #approach- A Decision Support System approach for the postal delivery operations (MPF, RL, GI, AMM, WU, LA), pp. 588–593.
CASE-2014-KaoCC #performance #variability- Target setting with consideration of target-induced operation variability for performance improvement of semiconductor fabrication (YTK, SCC, CMC), pp. 774–779.
CASE-2014-ParkLK #implementation #visualisation- Implementation of spatial visualization for a tele-operated robot in a complex and hazardous environment (SP, YCL, GWK), pp. 285–289.
CASE-2014-WuBZ #approach #linear #scheduling- Linear programming-based approach to scheduling of crude oil operations in refinery with oil type mixing requirement (NW, LB, MZ), pp. 430–435.
CASE-2014-ZengXLMS #evaluation #performance- An analytical model for performance evaluation of operating room schedules in orthopedic surgery (ZZ, XX, JL, HM, SGSR), pp. 570–575.
CASE-2014-ZhangXG #multi #scheduling- Simulation-based surgery appointment sequencing and scheduling of multiple operating rooms (ZZ, XX, NG), pp. 399–404.
DAC-2014-DengBZW #performance- An Efficient Two-level DC Operating Points Finder for Transistor Circuits (JD, KB, YZ, NW), p. 6.
DAC-2014-MoctarB #parallel- Parallel FPGA Routing based on the Operator Formulation (YOMM, PB), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WaeijenSCH #reduction- Reduction Operator for Wide-SIMDs Reconsidered (LW, DS, HC, YH), p. 6.
DATE-2014-HeYH0 #design #named #power management- SuperRange: Wide operational range power delivery design for both STV and NTV computing (XH, GY, YH, XL), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KimKGH #energy #performance- Utilization-aware load balancing for the energy efficient operation of the big.LITTLE processor (MK, KK, JRG, SH), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-YangMPOP #logic #using- Complementary resistive switch based stateful logic operations using material implication (YY, JM, DKP, MO, SP), pp. 1–4.
SIGMOD-2014-HuangCCLXWBH #generative- The next generation operational data historian for IoT based on informix (SH, YC, XC, KL, XX, CW, KB, IH), pp. 169–176.
VLDB-2014-ChaPSKRL- Interval Disaggregate: A New Operator for Business Planning (SKC, KP, CS, KK, CR, SL), pp. 1381–1392.
ESOP-2014-ZomerGRS #encapsulation- Checking Linearizability of Encapsulated Extended Operations (OZ, GGG, GR, MS), pp. 311–330.
FoSSaCS-2014-CarraroG #call-by #semantics- A Semantical and Operational Account of Call-by-Value Solvability (AC, GG), pp. 103–118.
WRLA-2014-LucasM #order #termination- Strong and Weak Operational Termination of Order-Sorted Rewrite Theories (SL, JM), pp. 178–194.
WRLA-2014-LucasM14a #2d #dependence #proving #termination- 2D Dependency Pairs for Proving Operational Termination of CTRSs (SL, JM), pp. 195–212.
ICPC-2014-White #data type #identification #named- dsOli: data structure operation location and identification (DHW), pp. 48–52.
ICSME-2014-ChaparroBMP #metric #on the #quality #refactoring- On the Impact of Refactoring Operations on Code Quality Metrics (OC, GB, AM, MDP), pp. 456–460.
PEPM-2014-PayetS #android #process #semantics- An operational semantics for android activities (ÉP, FS), pp. 121–132.
DLT-J-2013-EsikI14- Operational Characterization of Scattered MCFLs (ZÉ, SI), pp. 1001–1016.
AFL-2014-CevorovaJMPS #automaton- Operations on Automata with All States Final (KC, GJ, PM, MP, JS), pp. 201–215.
CIAA-2014-Roche-LimaDF #automaton #kernel- Pairwise Rational Kernels Obtained by Automaton Operations (ARL, MD, BF), pp. 332–345.
ICALP-v1-2014-IaconoO #why- Why Some Heaps Support Constant-Amortized-Time Decrease-Key Operations, and Others Do Not (JI, ÖÖ), pp. 637–649.
ICALP-v2-2014-BellBMR #complexity #symmetry- Symmetric Groups and Quotient Complexity of Boolean Operations (JB, JAB, NM, RR), pp. 1–12.
FM-2014-GunadiT #android #case study #logic #metric #monitoring #operating system #performance #runtime- Efficient Runtime Monitoring with Metric Temporal Logic: A Case Study in the Android Operating System (HG, AT), pp. 296–311.
FM-2014-LiuXZS #verification- Formal Verification of Operational Transformation (YL, YX, SJZ, CS), pp. 432–448.
CHI-2014-BidwellHD #interface- Measuring operator anticipatory inputs in response to time-delay for teleoperated human-robot interfaces (JB, AH, SD), pp. 1467–1470.
CSCW-2014-SunXA- Exhaustive search of puzzles in operational transformation (CS, YX, A), pp. 519–529.
CSCW-2014-XuSL #convergence- Achieving convergence in operational transformation: conditions, mechanisms and systems (YX, CS, ML), pp. 505–518.
DHM-2014-GaoH #approach #fault #nondeterminism #research- Research on the Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) Operational Error of Pilot Base on Cloud Model and Uncertainty Theory (YG, YH), pp. 91–100.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-MartinsMS- The Encourage Operators to Promote Manual Flight Operations- a Pandemic in Modern Aviation (ETM, ITM, MMS), pp. 317–325.
HIMI-AS-2014-AsikisL #recommendation #research- Operations Research and Recommender Systems (TA, GL), pp. 579–589.
HIMI-AS-2014-JiangLLC #identification #network #sequence- Neural Networks for Identifying Civil Pilot’s Operation Sequences (ZJ, QL, YL, BC), pp. 241–252.
HIMI-DE-2014-LeeLS14a #communication #development- Development of Digital-Device-Based Cooperation Support System to Aid Communication between MCR Operators and Field Workers in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) (SML, HCL, PHS), pp. 483–490.
HIMI-DE-2014-UedaA14a #twitter- Suggestion of Operation Method of the Interest Shift Model of the Twitter User (YU, YA), pp. 664–677.
EDOC-2014-VenebergISB #architecture #enterprise- Enterprise Architecture Intelligence: Combining Enterprise Architecture and Operational Data (RKMV, MEI, MvS, LB), pp. 22–31.
ICEIS-v1-2014-KannistoHPK #architecture #assessment #distributed #information management #mobile #performance #reasoning #rule-based- Distributed Knowledge Management Architecture and Rule Based Reasoning for Mobile Machine Operator Performance Assessment (PK, DH, LP, SK), pp. 440–449.
ICEIS-v1-2014-MamcenkoG #mobile #predict #using- Customer Churn Prediction in Mobile Operator Using Combined Model (JM, JG), pp. 233–240.
ICEIS-v3-2014-KwanroengjaiLTS #framework #performance- Operational Alignment Framework for Improving Business Performance of an Organisation (JK, KL, CT, LS), pp. 352–359.
KDD-2014-LiuGXXGP #modelling #probability #process #workflow- Proactive workflow modeling by stochastic processes with application to healthcare operation and management (CL, YG, HX, KX, WG, MP), pp. 1593–1602.
KEOD-2014-BellCBB #ontology #performance- Reasoner Performance on Ontologies for Operations (SB, JC, MB, RPB), pp. 304–311.
KR-2014-Herzig #logic- Belief Change Operations: A Short History of Nearly Everything, Told in Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments (AH).
SEKE-2014-ChenS #education #online #re-engineering- Supporting Online Synchronous Education for Software Engineering via Web-based Operation Record and Replay (DC, YS), pp. 528–533.
PPDP-2014-Ilik #continuation #normalisation #proving #tutorial- Proofs in continuation-passing style: normalization of Gödel’s System T extended with sums and delimited control operators: Distilled Tutorial (DI), pp. 55–56.
PPDP-2014-LucasM #declarative #logic #proving #source code #termination- Proving Operational Termination of Declarative Programs in General Logics (SL, JM), pp. 111–122.
PPDP-2014-Tarau #encoding- Bijective Collection Encodings and Boolean Operations with Hereditarily Binary Natural Numbers (PT), pp. 31–42.
POPL-2014-Krebbers #axiom #c #nondeterminism #semantics #sequence- An operational and axiomatic semantics for non-determinism and sequence points in C (RK), pp. 101–112.
SAC-2014-HassanB #as a service- Green-as-a-service (GaaS) for cloud service provision operation (MIH, RB), pp. 1219–1220.
SAC-2014-KlingerLRMLGSFM #low cost- A low cost digital operating room (AK, GLdL, VR, GM, GL, VG, FSdS, MDF, MBM), pp. 36–37.
SAC-2014-MatiasPASH #case study #empirical #operating system #reliability- An empirical exploratory study on operating system reliability (RM, MP, LBdA, CS, LH), pp. 1523–1528.
SAC-2014-SakamotoKTT #visualisation- Method for visualizing undone operations based on changes on desktop screen (AS, TK, TT, MT), pp. 193–195.
FSE-2014-ZhouM #mining- Mining micro-practices from operational data (MZ, AM), pp. 845–848.
ICSE-2014-YaoHJ #analysis #case study #equivalence #using- A study of equivalent and stubborn mutation operators using human analysis of equivalence (XY, MH, YJ), pp. 919–930.
ASPLOS-2014-Calder #challenge #operating system- Inside windows azure: the challenges and opportunities of a cloud operating system (BC), pp. 1–2.
ASPLOS-2014-CriswellDA #operating system- Virtual ghost: protecting applications from hostile operating systems (JC, ND, VSA), pp. 81–96.
ASPLOS-2014-LinWZ #mobile #named #operating system- K2: a mobile operating system for heterogeneous coherence domains (FXL, ZW, LZ), pp. 285–300.
HPCA-2014-ZhengMW #energy- Exploiting thermal energy storage to reduce data center capital and operating expenses (WZ, KM, XW), pp. 132–141.
OSDI-2014-BelayPKGKB #latency #named #operating system #throughput- IX: A Protected Dataplane Operating System for High Throughput and Low Latency (AB, GP, AK, SG, CK, EB), pp. 49–65.
OSDI-2014-PeterLZPWKAR #named #operating system- Arrakis: The Operating System is the Control Plane (SP, JL, IZ, DRKP, DW, AK, TEA, TR), pp. 1–16.
OSDI-2014-SpahnBLBGK #abstraction #data transformation #fine-grained #named #operating system- Pebbles: Fine-Grained Data Management Abstractions for Modern Operating Systems (RS, JB, ML, SB, RG, GEK), pp. 113–129.
OSDI-2014-ZellwegerGKR #kernel #operating system- Decoupling Cores, Kernels, and Operating Systems (GZ, SG, KK, TR), pp. 17–31.
ICST-2014-AssiriB #assessment #automation #quality- An Assessment of the Quality of Automated Program Operator Repair (FYA, JMB), pp. 273–282.
ICST-2014-DelamaroOA #design- Designing Deletion Mutation Operators (MED, JO, PA), pp. 11–20.
ASE-2013-CotroneoLFN #named #operating system #robust #testing- SABRINE: State-based robustness testing of operating systems (DC, DDL, FF, RN), pp. 125–135.
ASE-2013-XuHRW #data flow #testing- Testing properties of dataflow program operators (ZX, MH, GR, KLW), pp. 103–113.
ASE-2013-ZhangGMK #random- Operator-based and random mutant selection: Better together (LZ, MG, DM, SK), pp. 92–102.
CASE-2013-BengtssonL #algorithm #behaviour #identification #modelling #using #visualisation- Operation behavior modeling using relation identification and visualization algorithms (KB, BL), pp. 368–373.
CASE-2013-BouhnikA #adaptation #correlation #exponential #markov- Markov G/G/s model adaptation to factory operational curve though exponential correlation (SB, SA), pp. 730–734.
CASE-2013-SunSS #optimisation #scheduling- Integrated operating room scheduling optimization under particularly workload constrain of surgeon (BS, JS, LS), pp. 972–977.
DAC-2013-BartoliniCDMSS #operating system #research- The autonomic operating system research project: achievements and future directions (DBB, RC, GD, MM, MDS, FS), p. 10.
DAC-2013-LuoCH #design #nondeterminism- Design of cyberphysical digital microfluidic biochips under completion-time uncertainties in fluidic operations (YL, KC, TYH), p. 7.
DAC-2013-MaricAV #adaptation #energy #hybrid #named #predict #reliability- APPLE: adaptive performance-predictable low-energy caches for reliable hybrid voltage operation (BM, JA, MV), p. 8.
DAC-2013-RellermeyerLK #embedded #operating system- Cloud platforms and embedded computing: the operating systems of the future (JSR, SWL, MK), p. 6.
DAC-2013-TrivediCM #case study #power management- Exploring tunnel-FET for ultra low power analog applications: a case study on operational transconductance amplifier (ART, SC, SM), p. 6.
DATE-2013-MaricAV #architecture #hybrid #performance #reliability #using- Efficient cache architectures for reliable hybrid voltage operation using EDC codes (BM, JA, MV), pp. 917–920.
DATE-2013-ThabetLAPD #architecture #flexibility #hardware #manycore #performance- An efficient and flexible hardware support for accelerating synchronization operations on the STHORM many-core architecture (FT, YL, CA, JMP, RD), pp. 531–534.
DocEng-2013-NevesZM #adaptation #algorithm #detection #documentation #image- An adaptive thresholding algorithm based on edge detection and morphological operations for document images (RFdPN, CZ, CABM), pp. 107–110.
PODS-2013-Wong #calculus #power of #relational #set- A dichotomy in the intensional expressive power of nested relational calculi augmented with aggregate functions and a powerset operator (LW), pp. 285–296.
SIGMOD-2013-FernandezMKP #fault tolerance #using- Integrating scale out and fault tolerance in stream processing using operator state management (RCF, MM, EK, PP), pp. 725–736.
VLDB-2013-AntonelliCCLT- Exploiting the Diversity, Mass and Speed of Territorial Data by TELCO Operator for Better User Services (FA, AC, CC, RL, GT), pp. 1164–1165.
VLDB-2013-NagendraC #framework #named- SkySuite: A Framework of Skyline-Join Operators for Static and Stream Environments (MN, KSC), pp. 1266–1269.
VLDB-2013-ShangK #anti- Skyline Operator on Anti-correlated Distributions (HS, MK), pp. 649–660.
FoSSaCS-2013-Abou-SalehP #semantics- Comodels and Effects in Mathematical Operational Semantics (FAS, DP), pp. 129–144.
PEPM-2013-Thiemann- Partially static operations (PT), pp. 75–76.
CIAA-2013-BrzozowskiL #complexity- Universal Witnesses for State Complexity of Basic Operations Combined with Reversal (JAB, DL), pp. 72–83.
CIAA-2013-MaiaMR #complexity #finite- Incomplete Transition Complexity of Basic Operations on Finite Languages (EM, NM, RR), pp. 349–356.
DLT-2013-EsikI- Operational Characterization of Scattered MCFLs (ZÉ, SI), pp. 215–226.
DLT-2013-PanellaPLM #precedence- Operator Precedence ω-Languages (FP, MP, VL, DM), pp. 396–408.
SEFM-2013-Choi #constraints #generative #operating system #specification #testing- Constraint Specification and Test Generation for OSEK/VDX-Based Operating Systems (YC), pp. 305–319.
CHI-2013-GartenbergBPMT #adaptation #automation #fault- Adaptive automation and cue invocation: the effect of cue timing on operator error (DG, LAB, JP, JMM, JGT), pp. 3121–3130.
CHI-2013-HeoL13a #estimation #multi- Indirect shear force estimation for multi-point shear force operations (SH, GL), pp. 281–284.
DHM-HB-2013-JanochaGPSLJFS #assessment- Assessment of Body Surface Potential Mapping in VDT-Operators (AJ, MG, WP, RS, KLS, EJ, PF, MS), pp. 223–231.
DHM-SET-2013-BerberianSC- Causal Attribution and Control: Between Consciousness and Psychical Half-Shadow Application to Flight Operations (BB, JCS, LC), pp. 11–20.
DHM-SET-2013-WangZWLCZL #complexity #fault- Effects of Spaceflight Operation Complexity and Training on Operation Error (MW, YZ, BW, PL, SC, JZ, ML), pp. 118–125.
DUXU-NTE-2013-MeloSAR #aspect-oriented- Ergonomics Aspects in Operators of the Electric Power Control and Operation Centers (MM, LBS, AA, FR), pp. 169–178.
HCI-AMTE-2013-TanoKHIHI #3d #sketching- Enhanced 3D Sketch System Incorporating “Life-Size” and “Operability” Functions (ST, NK, XH, JI, TH, MI), pp. 480–489.
HIMI-D-2013-SilvaZGBSV #question- Are the Intrusive Effects of SPAM Probes Present When Operators Differ by Skill Level and Training? (HIS, JZ, TG, VB, TZS, KPLV), pp. 269–275.
HIMI-HSM-2013-ChiangWCH #analysis #performance #smarttech- An Analysis of Smartphone Size Regarding Operating Performance (ZHC, CCW, ACC, CyH), pp. 363–372.
HIMI-HSM-2013-HorieT- Characteristics of Touch Panel Operation with Non-Dominant Hand in Car Driving Context (YH, TT), pp. 577–584.
HIMI-HSM-2013-LeaN #framework #performance #quality #research #usability- Usability of Performance Dashboards, Usefulness of Operational and Tactical Support, and Quality of Strategic Support: A Research Framework (BRL, FFHN), pp. 116–123.
HIMI-HSM-2013-LeeJ #analysis #simulation #using- Task Analysis of Soft Control Operations Using Simulation Data in Nuclear Power Plants (SJL, WJ), pp. 524–529.
HIMI-HSM-2013-Noda #analysis #industrial #monitoring #performance #statistics- Performance Monitoring of Industrial Plant Alarm Systems by Statistical Analysis of Plant Operation Data (MN), pp. 131–135.
HIMI-HSM-2013-OConnorRZKLDJBVS #empirical- Pre-study Walkthrough with a Commercial Pilot for a Preliminary Single Pilot Operations Experiment (RO, ZR, JZ, RWK, JL, AQVD, WWJ, VB, KPLV, TZS), pp. 136–142.
HIMI-HSM-2013-WadaNS #approach- Approach to Haptic Guidance Control in Steering Operation Based on Cooperative States between Driver and Control System (TW, RN, SS), pp. 596–605.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-BarotH #implementation #interface #lifecycle- Lifecycle Support of Automotive Manufacturing Systems through a Next-Generation Operator Interface Implementation (VB, RH), pp. 277–286.
AdaEurope-2013-BaldovinMV #operating system #towards- Towards a Time-Composable Operating System (AB, EM, TV), pp. 143–160.
ICEIS-v3-2013-SzirbikB #architecture #network- Discovering the EIS Architecture that Supports Hub-and-Spoke Freight Transportation Networks Operating in a Cross Dock Mode (NBS, PB), pp. 388–395.
ICEIS-v3-2013-Zghal #database #evolution- Change Operators for Managing Schema Evolution in Geographical Databases (SZ), pp. 187–193.
CIKM-2013-DerakhshanSS #data type #performance #streaming- A new operator for efficient stream-relation join processing in data streaming engines (RD, AS, BS), pp. 793–798.
ICML-c3-2013-GrunewalderAS- Smooth Operators (SG, AG, JST), pp. 1184–1192.
KDD-2013-RobardetSPF #dependence- When TEDDY meets GrizzLY: temporal dependency discovery for triggering road deicing operations (CR, VMS, MP, AF), pp. 1490–1493.
KEOD-2013-BellBBKS #case study #named #ontology- PRONTOE — A Case Study for Developing Ontologies for Operations (SB, RPB, MB, DK, DS), pp. 17–25.
GPCE-2013-KurilovaR #data type #linked data #on the #open data- On the simplicity of synthesizing linked data structure operations (DK, DR), pp. 155–158.
LOPSTR-2013-FakhrySA #implementation #semantics #text-to-text #towards- Towards the Implementation of a Source-to-Source Transformation Tool for CHR Operational Semantics (GF, NS, SA), pp. 145–163.
LOPSTR-2013-PoulsenM #composition #generative #semantics- Generating Specialized Interpreters for Modular Structural Operational Semantics (CBP, PDM), pp. 220–236.
PPDP-2013-DanvyZ #call-by #evaluation- A synthetic operational account of call-by-need evaluation (OD, IZ), pp. 97–108.
PPDP-2013-Garcia-PerezNM #order #semantics- Deriving the full-reducing Krivine machine from the small-step operational semantics of normal order (ÁGP, PN, JJMN), pp. 85–96.
PPDP-2013-Holdermans #data type #functional #guidelines #random testing #testing- Random testing of purely functional abstract datatypes: guidelines for dealing with operation invariance (SH), pp. 275–284.
PPDP-2013-JedynakBB #coq- An operational foundation for the tactic language of Coq (WJ, MB, DB), pp. 25–36.
SAC-PL-J-2011-ViroliBU13 #semantics- Operational semantics of proto (MV, JB, KU), pp. 633–656.
SAC-2013-CohenA #composition #refactoring- Practical use of static composition of refactoring operations (JC, AA), pp. 1700–1705.
SAC-2013-EgnersM #framework #multi- Secure roaming and infrastructure sharing for multi-operator WMNs (AE, UM), pp. 1800–1807.
SAC-2013-ImJLL #configuration management #manycore #operating system- A dynamically reconfigurable operating system for manycore systems (CI, MJ, JL, SL), pp. 1622–1627.
SAC-2013-MatiasOA #case study #experience #operating system #quality #reliability- Operating system reliability from the quality of experience viewpoint: an exploratory study (RMJ, GDO, LBdA), pp. 1644–1649.
SAC-2013-MeloC #automation #case study #difference #evolution #generative- Automatic generation of evolutionary operators: a study with mutation strategies for the differential evolution (VVdM, GLCC), pp. 188–193.
SAC-2013-ShikanoAYSOU #case study #design- Study on supporting technology for operational procedure design of IT systems in cloud-era datacenters (HS, MA, JY, TS, SO, KU), pp. 405–407.
SLE-2013-AfroozehBJSV #precedence #specification- Safe Specification of Operator Precedence Rules (AA, MvdB, AJ, ES, JJV), pp. 137–156.
ASPLOS-2013-GiuffridaKT #automation #operating system- Safe and automatic live update for operating systems (CG, AK, AST), pp. 279–292.
ASPLOS-2013-HofmannKDLW #named #operating system- InkTag: secure applications on an untrusted operating system (OSH, SK, AMD, MZL, EW), pp. 265–278.
ASPLOS-2013-MadhavapeddyMRSSGSHC #kernel #library #named #operating system- Unikernels: library operating systems for the cloud (AM, RM, CR, DJS, BS, TG, SS, SH, JC), pp. 461–472.
PLOS-2013-Kell #operating system #question- The operating system: should there be one? (SK), p. 7.
PPoPP-2013-ParkST #parallel #programming- Parallel programming with big operators (CP, GLSJ, JBT), pp. 293–294.
SOSP-2013-NikolaevB #kernel #named #operating system- VirtuOS: an operating system with kernel virtualization (RN, GB), pp. 116–132.
ICST-2013-DengOL #empirical #evaluation- Empirical Evaluation of the Statement Deletion Mutation Operator (LD, JO, NL), pp. 84–93.
RTA-2013-TushkanovaRGK #automation #calculus #decidability- Automatic Decidability: A Schematic Calculus for Theories with Counting Operators (ET, CR, AG, OK), pp. 303–318.
TAP-2013-OudinetCB #evaluation- Evaluation of ASLan Mutation Operators (JO, AC, MB), pp. 178–196.
QoSA-2012-Barnes #architecture #case study #evolution #multi- NASA’s advanced multimission operations system: a case study in software architecture evolution (JMB), pp. 3–12.
ASE-2012-IbrahimGHA #ambiguity #analysis #kernel #operating system #points-to #using- Supporting operating system kernel data disambiguation using points-to analysis (ASI, JG, JHHH, MA), pp. 234–237.
CASE-2012-BergagardF #concurrent #multi #sequence- Deadlock avoidance for multi product manufacturing systems modeled as sequences of operations (PB, MF), pp. 515–520.
CASE-2012-EndoNH #energy #estimation- Simplified Factory Energy Management System based on operational condition estimation by sensor data (ME, HN, YH), pp. 14–19.
CASE-2012-GhonaimGS #on the #problem- On the assignment problem of arbitrary processing time operations in partially overlapping manufacturing resources (WG, HG, WS), pp. 341–346.
CASE-2012-ReeseWLDOOBE #modelling- Early warning system modeling for patient bispectral index prognosis in anesthesia and the operating room (JR, YW, LL, HD, EO, MSO, VLB, GE), pp. 297–302.
CASE-2012-XieLSD #agile #evaluation #modelling #performance- Improving rapid response operations in acute care delivery — part I: System modeling and performance evaluation (XX, JL, CHS, PD), pp. 303–308.
CASE-2012-XieLSD12a #agile #case study- Improving rapid response operations in acute care delivery — part II: Continuous improvement and case study (XX, JL, CHS, PD), pp. 309–314.
CASE-2012-YalcindagMS #health #problem- Operator assignment and routing problems in home health care services (SY, AM, ES), pp. 329–334.
CASE-2012-YiLTW #framework #scheduling- A new operational framework to job shop scheduling for reducing carbon emissions (QY, CL, YT, QW), pp. 58–63.
DAC-2012-ChangH #power management- Near-threshold operation for power-efficient computing?: it depends.. (LC, WH), pp. 1159–1163.
DAC-2012-LiuAHG #standard- Standard cell sizing for subthreshold operation (BL, MA, JH, JPdG), pp. 962–967.
DAC-2012-SinhaVVXZ #concept #statistics- Reversible statistical max/min operation: concept and applications to timing (DS, CV, NV, JX, VZ), pp. 1067–1073.
DAC-2012-SironiBCCHSS #adaptation #named #operating system #performance #self- Metronome: operating system level performance management via self-adaptive computing (FS, DBB, SC, FC, HH, DS, MDS), pp. 856–865.
DAC-2012-YouseffBKGWA #operating system- The case for elastic operating system services in fos (LY, NB, HK, CGI, DW, AA), pp. 265–270.
DATE-2012-VatajeluF #evaluation #parametricity #performance #reliability- Efficiency evaluation of parametric failure mitigation techniques for reliable SRAM operation (EIV, JF), pp. 1343–1348.
DATE-2012-WangLPW #algorithm #difference #linear #simulation- An operational matrix-based algorithm for simulating linear and fractional differential circuits (YW, HL, GKHP, NW), pp. 1463–1466.
VLDB-2012-ZengJZ #logic #query- Adding Logical Operators to Tree Pattern Queries on Graph-Structured Data (QZ, XJ, HZ), pp. 728–739.
ITiCSE-2012-Asad #image #student- Junior high school students performing image smoothening and noise filtering by applying mathematical operations (KA), p. 390.
ITiCSE-2012-GoldweberDJ #hardware #operating system #using- Supporting operating systems projects using the μMPS2 hardware simulator (MG, RD, TJ), pp. 63–68.
FASE-2012-MaggiMA #constraints #framework #monitoring- An Operational Decision Support Framework for Monitoring Business Constraints (FMM, MM, WMPvdA), pp. 146–162.
FoSSaCS-2012-BiernackiL #bisimulation- Applicative Bisimulations for Delimited-Control Operators (DB, SL), pp. 119–134.
ICSM-2012-BernhartMFSG #incremental #migration #re-engineering- Incremental reengineering and migration of a 40 year old airport operations system (MB, AM, MF, SS, TG), pp. 503–510.
ICSM-2012-OmoriKM #case study #code completion- A study on repetitiveness of code completion operations (TO, HK, KM), pp. 584–587.
PLDI-2012-FengGN #effectiveness #parallel- Effective parallelization of loops in the presence of I/O operations (MF, RG, IN), pp. 487–498.
FLOPS-2012-BiernackiL #bisimulation #normalisation- Normal Form Bisimulations for Delimited-Control Operators (DB, SL), pp. 47–61.
ICALP-v2-2012-RosuS #axiom #formal method #semantics #towards- Towards a Unified Theory of Operational and Axiomatic Semantics (GR, AS), pp. 351–363.
ICFP-2012-Danielsson #monad #semantics #using- Operational semantics using the partiality monad (NAD), pp. 127–138.
IFL-2012-SeningtonD #metaheuristic- Decomposing Metaheuristic Operations (RS, DD), pp. 224–239.
CSCW-2012-AgustinaSX #3d #collaboration #dependence #design #realtime- Operational transformation for dependency conflict resolution in real-time collaborative 3D design systems (A, CS, DX), pp. 1401–1410.
CSCW-2012-SunWF #2d #collaboration #editing #orthogonal #realtime- Operational transformation for orthogonal conflict resolution in real-time collaborative 2d editing systems (CS, HW, HF), pp. 1391–1400.
ICEIS-v1-2012-HudecS #fuzzy #query #set- Construction of Fuzzy Sets and Applying Aggregation Operators for Fuzzy Queries (MH, FS), pp. 253–258.
ICEIS-v2-2012-LelionnaisBDRS #behaviour #modelling #operating system #realtime- Formal Behavioral Modeling of Real-time Operating Systems (CL, MB, JD, OHR, CS), pp. 407–414.
CIKM-2012-CosciaR #how #using #web- Knowing where and how criminal organizations operate using web content (MC, VR), pp. 1412–1421.
ICML-2012-BalleQC #learning #modelling #optimisation- Local Loss Optimization in Operator Models: A New Insight into Spectral Learning (BB, AQ, XC), p. 236.
ICPR-2012-ChangLCH #case study #comparative #recognition- Applying scattering operators for face recognition: A comparative study (KYC, CFL, CSC, YPH), pp. 2985–2988.
ICPR-2012-DornellesH #algorithm #approach #image #search-based- A genetic algorithm based approach for combining binary image operators (MMD, NSTH), pp. 3184–3187.
ICPR-2012-HagiyaK #adaptation #probability- Probabilistic keyboard adaptable to user and operating style based on syllable HMMs (TH, TK), pp. 65–68.
ICPR-2012-PalenichkaPKL #image #modelling #multi #using- Model-based extraction of image area descriptors using a multi-scale attention operator (RMP, MP, YK, AL), pp. 853–856.
KEOD-2012-HmidaCBN #3d #logic #using- From 9-IM Topological Operators to Qualitative Spatial Relations using 3D Selective Nef Complexes and Logic Rules for Bodies (HBH, CC, FB, CN), pp. 208–213.
KMIS-2012-HamadaAS #generative #learning #using- A Generation Method of Reference Operation using Reinforcement Learning on Project Manager Skill-up Simulator (KH, MA, MS), pp. 15–20.
KMIS-2012-KataokaTKH #information management #network- An Information Sharing Method for Skilled Management Operations based on Bayesian Network Inference (TK, KT, MK, MH), pp. 257–260.
KMIS-2012-OtsukiAS #using- An Improvement Method of User Operations using Decision Tree on Project Manager Skill-up Simulator (MO, MA, MS), pp. 158–163.
KMIS-2012-RezendeLBJMRB #framework #information management #modelling- Modelling and Knowledge Management in the Field of Road Infrastructure Operation and Regulation — Study on the Methods Application in an Organizational Unit (LR, MAL, CRNB, JdLPCJ, LAM, SAR, CAMB), pp. 265–268.
KR-2012-BoothFKP #logic- Credibility-Limited Revision Operators in Propositional Logic (RB, EF, SK, RPP).
SEKE-2012-Pelto-PiriMT #evaluation #industrial- A Unified Model for Server Usage and Operational Costs Based on User Profiles: An Industrial Evaluation (JPP, PM, RT), pp. 205–210.
SEKE-2012-VicenteDMM #comprehension #execution #kernel #operating system- Improving Program Comprehension in Operating System Kernels with Execution Trace Information (EV, GD, RM, MdAM), pp. 174–179.
SIGIR-2012-BlancoB #multi #query- Extending BM25 with multiple query operators (RB, PB), pp. 921–930.
ECMFA-2012-MosserBD #adaptation #commutative #composition- A Commutative Model Composition Operator to Support Software Adaptation (SM, MBF, LD), pp. 4–19.
MoDELS-2012-SaadaDHNS #generative #model transformation- Generation of Operational Transformation Rules from Examples of Model Transformations (HS, XD, MH, CN, HAS), pp. 546–561.
MoDELS-2012-SaadaDHNS #generative #model transformation- Generation of Operational Transformation Rules from Examples of Model Transformations (HS, XD, MH, CN, HAS), pp. 546–561.
OOPSLA-2012-TamayoABS #behaviour #comprehension #database- Understanding the behavior of database operations under program control (JMT, AA, NGB, MS), pp. 983–996.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-DerezinskaR #c# #evaluation #object-oriented #quality #source code #standard- Quality Evaluation of Object-Oriented and Standard Mutation Operators Applied to C# Programs (AD, MR), pp. 42–57.
SAC-2012-ImJLLL #manycore #operating system #realtime- A real-time operating system for manycore systems (CI, MJ, JDL, SL, SL), pp. 1845–1846.
SAC-2012-JeremicMBR #operating system- Operating system support for dynamic over-provisioning of solid state drives (NJ, GM, AB, JR), pp. 1753–1758.
SAC-2012-MaamarFLH #implementation #social #specification #using #web #web service- Specifying and implementing social Web services operation using commitments (ZM, NF, ML, SH), pp. 1955–1960.
SAC-2012-MascardiL #algorithm #named #ontology- BOwL: exploiting Boolean operators and lesk algorithm for linking ontologies (VM, AL), pp. 398–400.
SAC-2012-UkimotoDO #resource management #testing- Software testing-resource allocation with operational profile (SU, TD, HO), pp. 1203–1208.
ICSE-2012-Shang #developer #using- Bridging the divide between software developers and operators using logs (WS), pp. 1583–1586.
SLE-2012-BarenghiVCMP #generative #named #parallel #parsing #precedence- PAPAGENO: A Parallel Parser Generator for Operator Precedence Grammars (AB, EV, SCR, DM, MP), pp. 264–274.
ASPLOS-2012-PanneerselvamS #named #operating system- Chameleon: operating system support for dynamic processors (SP, MMS), pp. 99–110.
HPCA-2012-JiangZZYC #memory management- Improving write operations in MLC phase change memory (LJ, BZ, YZ, JY, BRC), pp. 201–210.
LCTES-2012-BouissouC #semantics #simulation- An operational semantics for Simulink’s simulation engine (OB, AC), pp. 129–138.
PPoPP-2012-HoeflerS #detection #optimisation- Communication-centric optimizations by dynamically detecting collective operations (TH, TS), pp. 305–306.
CAV-2012-ThakurR #symbolic computation- A Method for Symbolic Computation of Abstract Operations (AVT, TWR), pp. 174–192.
ICLP-2012-VirsedaMT #concurrent #constraints #functional #logic programming #semantics- A Concurrent Operational Semantics for Constraint Functional Logic Programming (RdVV, FPM, MMGT), pp. 154–163.
ICST-2012-MeszarosL #graph transformation- Verified Operational Patterns with Graph Transformation (TM, TL), pp. 954–961.
LICS-2012-Parys #on the- On the Significance of the Collapse Operation (PP), pp. 521–530.
SMT-2012-FalkeSM #array #formal method #set- A Theory of Arrays with set and copy Operations (SF, CS, FM), pp. 98–108.
ASE-2011-BotincanDDP #manycore #memory management- Safe asynchronous multicore memory operations (MB, MD, AFD, MJP), pp. 153–162.
ASE-2011-PohlLP #algorithm #analysis #automation #comparison #feature model #modelling #performance- A performance comparison of contemporary algorithmic approaches for automated analysis operations on feature models (RP, KL, KP), pp. 313–322.
ASE-2011-SurapaneniNMW #performance- Exploring caching for efficient collection operations (SS, VKSN, SKM, TW), pp. 468–471.
CASE-2011-AnghinolfiPSS #integer #optimisation #programming- Integer programming and ant colony optimization for planning intermodal freight transportation operations (DA, MP, SS, SS), pp. 214–219.
CASE-2011-JamesBHACC #mining #mobile #using- Tele-operation of a mobile mining robot using a panoramic display: an exploration of operators sense of presence (CAJ, TPB, KH, LA, CC, AC), pp. 279–284.
CASE-2011-LemattreDFPS #analysis #architecture #design #reachability- Designing operational control architectures of critical systems by reachability analysis (TL, BD, JMF, JFP, PS), pp. 12–18.
CASE-2011-YonezawaKZIHSIYF #approach #experience #performance- Long-term operational experience with a robot cell production system controlled by low carbon-footprint Senju (thousand-handed) Kannon Model robots and an approach to improving operating efficiency (HY, HK, MZ, KI, NH, YS, MY, TF), pp. 291–298.
DAC-2011-FuketaIYTNSS #logic- A closed-form expression for estimating minimum operating voltage (VDDmin) of CMOS logic gates (HF, SI, TY, MT, MN, HS, TS), pp. 984–989.
DAC-2011-HsuSPCH #algorithm #distributed #geometry #layout- A distributed algorithm for layout geometry operations (KTH, SS, YCP, CC, TYH), pp. 182–187.
DATE-2011-BoosNSHHGKS #analysis- Strategies for initial sizing and operating point analysis of analog circuits (VB, JN, MS, SH, SH, HG, DK, RS), pp. 1672–1674.
DATE-2011-NalamCAC- Dynamic write limited minimum operating voltage for nanoscale SRAMs (SN, VC, RCA, BHC), pp. 467–472.
DocEng-2011-SadallahAP #component #specification- Component-based hypervideo model: high-level operational specification of hypervideos (MS, OA, YP), pp. 53–56.
ICDAR-2011-LeBS #documentation #image #using- Ternary Entropy-Based Binarization of Degraded Document Images Using Morphological Operators (THNL, TDB, CYS), pp. 114–118.
SIGMOD-2011-LvCHC- Operation-aware buffer management in flash-based systems (YL, BC, BH, XC), pp. 13–24.
ITiCSE-2011-Esser #memory management #operating system- Combining memory management and filesystems in an operating systems course (HGE), p. 386.
FASE-2011-EhrigET #graph #using #version control- A Formal Resolution Strategy for Operation-Based Conflicts in Model Versioning Using Graph Modifications (HE, CE, GT), pp. 202–216.
FoSSaCS-2011-StahlV #guidelines- A Trace-Based View on Operating Guidelines (CS, WV), pp. 411–425.
CSMR-2011-SchuurJB #empirical #evaluation #maintenance- Reducing Maintenance Effort through Software Operation Knowledge: An Eclectic Empirical Evaluation (HvdS, SJ, SB), pp. 201–210.
PLDI-2011-KimR #commutative #data type #linked data #open data #semantics #verification- Verification of semantic commutativity conditions and inverse operations on linked data structures (DK, MCR), pp. 528–541.
CIAA-J-2010-CuiGKY11 #complexity- State Complexity of Two Combined Operations: Catenation-Union and Catenation-Intersection (BC, YG, LK, SY), pp. 1797–1812.
DLT-J-2010-PribavkinaR11 #complexity- State Complexity of Code Operators (EVP, ER), pp. 1669–1681.
AFL-2011-Blanchet-SadriNT #on the #word- On Operations Preserving Primitivity of Partial Words with One Hole (FBS, SN, AT), pp. 93–107.
CIAA-2011-HolzerK #automaton #finite- Gaining Power by Input Operations: Finite Automata and Beyond (MH, MK), pp. 16–29.
DLT-2011-HolzerJ #complexity- Chop Operations and Expressions: Descriptional Complexity Considerations (MH, SJ), pp. 264–275.
LATA-2011-CharlierDHS #finite- Finite Orbits of Language Operations (EC, MD, TH, JS), pp. 204–215.
LATA-2011-SalomaaSY #complexity- Undecidability of the State Complexity of Composed Regular Operations (AS, KS, SY), pp. 489–498.
CHI-2011-LuL #gesture #mobile #user interface #using- Gesture avatar: a technique for operating mobile user interfaces using gestures (HL, YL), pp. 207–216.
CSCW-2011-ShaoLLG #protocol #web- An operational transformation based synchronization protocol for web 2.0 applications (BS, DL, TL, NG), pp. 563–572.
DHM-2011-LinMC- Dynamic Power Tool Operation Model: Experienced Users vs. Novice Users (JHL, RWM, CCC), pp. 394–398.
DHM-2011-LiZ #evaluation- Ergonomics Evaluation of Three Operation Postures for Astronauts (DL, YZ), pp. 129–138.
DHM-2011-WuHYNH #parametricity #using- Using Physiological Parameters to Evaluate Operator’s Workload in Manual Controlled Rendezvous and Docking (RVD) (BW, FH, ZY, JN, WH), pp. 426–435.
DHM-2011-ZhangWZQL #complexity #fault- Task Complexity Related Training Effects on Operation Error of Spaceflight Emergency Task (YZ, BW, XZ, WQ, ML), pp. 436–445.
DUXU-v1-2011-HuangW #analysis #gesture #interactive #mobile #usability- Usability Analysis in Gesture Operation of Interactive E-Books on Mobile Devices (CHH, CMW), pp. 573–582.
DUXU-v2-2011-ChangH #performance- Effects of Menu Types and Item Lengths on Operation Efficiency (YHC, TKPH), pp. 376–383.
HCD-2011-GoreHHBM #approach #modelling #performance- A Methodical Approach for Developing Valid Human Performance Models of Flight Deck Operations (BFG, BLH, NH, DLB, EM), pp. 379–388.
HCD-2011-Hazlett-KnudsenSB #design #knowledge base #user interface- Knowledge Based Design of User Interface for Operating an Assistive Robot (RHK, MAS, AB), pp. 304–312.
HCD-2011-HoriKK #testing #usability- Investigation of Indirect Oral Operation Method for Think Aloud Usability Testing (MH, YK, TK), pp. 38–46.
HCI-ITE-2011-ByerD- VOSS -A Voice Operated Suite for the Barbadian Vernacular (DB, CD), pp. 325–330.
HCI-UA-2011-FolmerPV #reduction- An Analytical Alarm Flood Reduction to Reduce Operator’s Workload (JF, DP, BVH), pp. 297–306.
HCI-UA-2011-LeeKJ #analysis #fault- Control Error Analysis of Computerized Operational Environment in Nuclear Power Plants (SJL, JK, SCJ), pp. 360–367.
HIMI-v1-2011-ZhouDHY #industrial #interface #tool support- A Human Interface Toolkit for Developing Operation Support System of Complex Industrial Systems with IVI-COM Technology (YZ, YD, XH, HY), pp. 82–89.
HIMI-v2-2011-KajioWTS #design- Relationality-Oriented Systems Design for Emergence, Growth, and Operation of Relationality (TK, MW, IT, KS), pp. 381–387.
HIMI-v2-2011-KikenRBBKSVB #online #performance #tool support- Effect of ATC Training with NextGen Tools and Online Situation Awareness and Workload Probes on Operator Performance (AK, RCR, LPB, SB, JMK, TZS, KPLV, VB), pp. 483–492.
HIMI-v2-2011-NguyenBRHVSB #how #multi- How Data Comm Methods and Multi-dimensional Traffic Displays Influence Pilot Workload under Trajectory Based Operations (JHN, LPB, RCR, MH, KPLV, TZS, VB), pp. 507–515.
ICEIS-J-2011-Moghadampour11b #algorithm #random #search-based- Outperforming Mutation Operator with Random Building Block Operator in Genetic Algorithms (GM), pp. 178–192.
ICEIS-v1-2011-WangRP #process #research- Research of Circular Logistics Process of Telecommunications Operators (YW, YR, LP), pp. 308–313.
ICEIS-v1-2011-XiaoL #architecture- Architecture for Operation Management in Urban Rail Traffic (MX, SL), pp. 481–485.
ICEIS-v1-2011-XiaoZTZC #network- A New Chinese Public Welfare Operation Mode based on Value Network Model (DX, ZZ, ZT, JZ, FC), pp. 510–514.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Moghadampour #algorithm #random #search-based- Random Building Block Operator for Genetic Algorithms (GM), pp. 54–62.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Moghadampour11a #adaptation #algorithm #integer #search-based #self- Self-adaptive Integer and Decimal Mutation Operators for Genetic Algorithms (GM), pp. 184–191.
ICEIS-v2-2011-YuanL #enterprise #float #research #standard- The Research of Public Transport Enterprises Quota Floating Fuel — National Standard GB4353 Fuel Consumption for Passenger Vehicles in Operation Applied to the Public Transport Enterprise (YY, ML), pp. 291–296.
ICEIS-v2-2011-ZhuXM #assessment #network #risk management #using- Operational Hazard Risk Assessment using Bayesian Networks (ZJZ, YX, EM), pp. 135–139.
ICEIS-v4-2011-WangG #game studies #integration #research- Research on the Operational Integration Processing of Telecom Operators based on Game Theory (XW, ZG), pp. 444–448.
CIKM-2011-DuanLZ #automation #query- Automatic query reformulation with syntactic operators to alleviate search difficulty (HD, RL, CZ), pp. 2037–2040.
CIKM-2011-OkamotoWNC #information management- Annotating knowledge work lifelog: term extraction from sensor and operation history (MO, NW, SN, KC), pp. 2581–2584.
ICML-2011-KadriRPDR #functional #kernel- Functional Regularized Least Squares Classication with Operator-valued Kernels (HK, AR, PP, ED, AR), pp. 993–1000.
KDD-2011-McCue #security- Operational security analytics: doing more with less (CM), p. 782.
KEOD-2011-MunozCLCP #enterprise #framework #integration #ontology #process- Ontological Framework for the Enterprise from a Process Perspective — Operational, Tactical and Strategic Integration for Improved Decision-making (EM, ECG, JML, AEC, LP), pp. 538–546.
SEKE-2011-Kaiser #concurrent #debugging #higher-order #using- Constructing Subtle Concurrency Bugs Using Synchronization-Centric Second-Order Mutation Operators (LWGK), pp. 244–249.
ECMFA-2011-BarrettCB #detection- Table-Driven Detection and Resolution of Operation-Based Merge Conflicts with Mirador (SB, PC, GB), pp. 329–344.
ECMFA-2011-CombemaleGR #domain-specific language #semantics- A Generic Tool for Tracing Executions Back to a DSML’s Operational Semantics (BC, LG, VR), pp. 35–51.
ECMFA-2011-NoirDESB #case study #consistency #detection #experience #nondeterminism #representation- Operation Based Model Representation: Experiences on Inconsistency Detection (JLN, OD, DE, MAAdS, XB), pp. 85–96.
OOPSLA-2011-ShachamBASVY #concurrent #testing- Testing atomicity of composed concurrent operations (OS, NGB, AA, MS, MTV, EY), pp. 51–64.
LOPSTR-2011-StroderESGF #analysis #complexity #linear #prolog #semantics #termination- A Linear Operational Semantics for Termination and Complexity Analysis of ISO Prolog (TS, FE, PSK, JG, CF), pp. 237–252.
PPDP-2011-BiernackaBL #continuation #type system- Typing control operators in the CPS hierarchy (MB, DB, SL), pp. 149–160.
SAC-2011-BruggemannA- Context-aware replacement operations for data cleaning (SB, HJA), pp. 1700–1704.
SAC-2011-ChiangH #embedded #operating system- Supporting dynamic update and resource protection in an embedded operating system (MLC, HYH), pp. 616–620.
SAC-2011-Vega-OliverosMP #authoring #documentation #interactive #multi- Media-oriented operators for authoring interactive multimedia documents generated from capture sessions (DAVO, DSM, MdGCP), pp. 1267–1272.
SAC-2011-ViroliBC #semantics- Core operational semantics of Proto (MV, JB, MC), pp. 1325–1332.
ICSE-2011-JeanneretGB- Estimating footprints of model operations (CJ, MG, BB), pp. 601–610.
SPLC-2011-McGregorM #product line- Management and Operation of a Software Product Line (JDM, DM), p. 354.
ASPLOS-2011-HofmannDKRW #kernel #operating system- Ensuring operating system kernel integrity with OSck (OSH, AMD, SK, IR, EW), pp. 279–290.
CGO-2011-RusAL #automation #distance #locality #optimisation #reuse #string- Automated locality optimization based on the reuse distance of string operations (SR, RA, DXL), pp. 181–190.
HPCA-2011-AnsariFGM #design #named #polymorphism #robust- Archipelago: A polymorphic cache design for enabling robust near-threshold operation (AA, SF, SG, SAM), pp. 539–550.
HPCA-2011-JiangS #architecture #framework #operating system- Architectural framework for supporting operating system survivability (XJ, YS), pp. 456–465.
HPCA-2011-SampsonVGGST #performance- Efficient complex operators for irregular codes (JS, GV, NGH, SG, SS, MBT), pp. 491–502.
LCTES-2011-BerthierMM #embedded #operating system #programming- Synchronous programming of device drivers for global resource control in embedded operating systems (NB, FM, LM), pp. 81–90.
PPoPP-2011-BotincanDDP #automation #memory management #proving #safety- Automatic safety proofs for asynchronous memory operations (MB, MD, AFD, MJP), pp. 313–314.
SOSP-2011-RossbachCSRW #abstraction #named #operating system- PTask: operating system abstractions to manage GPUs as compute devices (CJR, JC, MS, BR, EW), pp. 233–248.
ICST-2011-Bogdanov #generative #testing- Test Generation for X-machines with Non-terminal States and Priorities of Operations (KB), pp. 130–139.
ISSTA-2011-YasmeenG #analysis #automation #framework- Automated framework for formal operator task analysis (AY, ELG), pp. 78–88.
CBSE-2010-LauNTR #behaviour #composition #design pattern- (Behavioural) Design Patterns as Composition Operators (KKL, IN, CMT, TR), pp. 232–251.
ASE-2010-BergerSLWC #modelling #operating system #variability- Variability modeling in the real: a perspective from the operating systems domain (TB, SS, RL, AW, KC), pp. 73–82.
CASE-2010-FantiSU #constraints #scheduling- Scheduling the internal operations in distribution centers with buffer constraints (MPF, GS, WU), pp. 75–80.
CASE-2010-HuZLW #assembly #automation #concurrent #flexibility- Deadlock-free control of ratio-enforced automated manufacturing systems with flexible routes and assembly operations (HH, MZ, ZL, NW), pp. 459–464.
CASE-2010-LiuCW #programming- Aggregated state dynamic programming for operating theater planning (YL, CC, KW), pp. 1013–1018.
DAC-2010-CabeQS #power management- Stacking SRAM banks for ultra low power standby mode operation (ACC, ZQ, MRS), pp. 699–704.
DAC-2010-WangCW #identification #performance- Fast identification of operating current for toggle MRAM by spiral search (SHW, CYC, CWW), pp. 923–928.
DAC-2010-ZhaoC- Synchronization of washing operations with droplet routing for cross-contamination avoidance in digital microfluidic biochips (YZ, KC), pp. 635–640.
DATE-2010-AnastasiaA #energy #image #refinement #scheduling #trade-off- Scheduling and energy-distortion tradeoffs with operational refinement of image processing (DA, YA), pp. 1719–1724.
DATE-2010-GeisNRRVC- An 11.6-19.3mW 0.375-13.6GHz CMOS frequency synthesizer with rail-to-rail operation (AG, PN, JR, YR, GV, JC), pp. 697–701.
DATE-2010-PenolazziSH #energy #operating system #performance #predict #realtime- Predicting energy and performance overhead of Real-Time Operating Systems (SP, IS, AH), pp. 15–20.
DATE-2010-PerezSF #data flow #graph #optimisation #relational- Optimizing Data-Flow Graphs with min/max, adding and relational operations (JP, PS, VF), pp. 1361–1364.
DATE-2010-RitheGWDGBC #analysis #logic #statistics- Non-linear Operating Point Statistical Analysis for Local Variations in logic timing at low voltage (RR, JG, AW, SD, GG, DB, AC), pp. 965–968.
DocEng-2010-JansenCB #documentation #editing #multi- A model for editing operations on active temporal multimedia documents (JJ, PC, DCAB), pp. 87–96.
SIGMOD-2010-CastellanosWDG #framework #information management #named #streaming- SIE-OBI: a streaming information extraction platform for operational business intelligence (MC, SW, UD, CG), pp. 1105–1110.
SIGMOD-2010-CieslewiczRSY #automation #data-driven #detection- Automatic contention detection and amelioration for data-intensive operations (JC, KAR, KS, YY), pp. 483–494.
ESOP-2010-JagadeesanPR #generative #memory management #modelling #semantics- Generative Operational Semantics for Relaxed Memory Models (RJ, CP, JR), pp. 307–326.
FASE-2010-NguyenNPN #fine-grained #representation #version control- Operation-Based, Fine-Grained Version Control Model for Tree-Based Representation (TTN, HAN, NHP, TNN), pp. 74–90.
ICSM-2010-RamaP #composition- Software modularization operators (GMR, NP), pp. 1–10.
PEPM-2010-Henglein #algebra #equivalence #lazy evaluation #optimisation #relational #using- Optimizing relational algebra operations using generic equivalence discriminators and lazy products (FH), pp. 73–82.
PLDI-2010-YangH #automation #operating system #type safety #verification- Safe to the last instruction: automated verification of a type-safe operating system (JY, CH), pp. 99–110.
STOC-2010-KawamuraC #analysis #complexity- Complexity theory for operators in analysis (AK, SAC), pp. 495–502.
DLT-J-2008-BassinoGN10 #complexity #finite- The Average State Complexity of Rational Operations on Finite Languages (FB, LG, CN), pp. 495–516.
DLT-2010-PribavkinaR #complexity #regular expression- State Complexity of Prefix, Suffix, Bifix and Infix Operators on Regular Languages (EVP, ER), pp. 376–386.
LATA-2010-Crespi-ReghizziM #automaton #precedence- Operator Precedence and the Visibly Pushdown Property (SCR, DM), pp. 214–226.
LATA-2010-Cruz-SantosM #on the #quantum #reduction #satisfiability- On the Hamiltonian Operators for Adiabatic Quantum Reduction of SAT (WCS, GML), pp. 239–248.
IFM-2010-DaumSS #correctness- From Operating-System Correctness to Pervasively Verified Applications (MD, NS, MS), pp. 105–120.
ICFP-2010-HoldermansH #analysis #higher-order #polymorphism- Polyvariant flow analysis with higher-ranked polymorphic types and higher-order effect operators (SH, JH), pp. 63–74.
EDOC-2010-KoegelHLHD #modelling- Comparing State- and Operation-Based Change Tracking on Models (MK, MH, YL, JH, JD), pp. 163–172.
CIKM-2010-SongC #database #performance- Efficient set-correlation operator inside databases (SS, LC), pp. 139–148.
ICPR-2010-Jean #analysis- Local Optical Operators for Subpixel Scene Analysis (YDJ), pp. 3448–3451.
KR-2010-KoniecznyGP #problem #taxonomy- Taxonomy of Improvement Operators and the Problem of Minimal Change (SK, MMG, RPP).
SIGIR-2010-KeM #effectiveness #information retrieval #network #performance #scalability- Scalability of findability: effective and efficient IR operations in large information networks (WK, JM), pp. 74–81.
ECMFA-2010-KusterGE #modelling #process- Dynamic Computation of Change Operations in Version Management of Business Process Models (JMK, CG, GE), pp. 201–216.
ICMT-2010-WimmerKKRSS- Surviving the Heterogeneity Jungle with Composite Mapping Operators (MW, GK, AK, WR, JS, WS), pp. 260–275.
MoDELS-v1-2010-BeaudouxBBJ- Active Operations on Collections (OB, AB, OB, JMJ), pp. 91–105.
MoDELS-v2-2010-GerthKLE #detection #precise #process #using- Precise Detection of Conflicting Change Operations Using Process Model Terms (CG, JMK, ML, GE), pp. 93–107.
GPCE-2010-KriegerKW #automation #contract #performance #simulation- Automatic and efficient simulation of operation contracts (MPK, AK, BW), pp. 53–62.
RE-2010-LockerbieBMBE #analysis #concept #modelling #simulation #using- Using i* Modelling as a Bridge between Air Traffic Management Operational Concepts and Agent-based Simulation Analysis (JL, DB, NAMM, HAPB, MHCE), pp. 351–356.
SAC-2010-AveiroST #enterprise #generative #modelling #towards- Towards a GOD-theory for organizational engineering: continuously modeling the continuous (re)generation, operation and deletion of the enterprise (DA, ARS, JMT), pp. 150–157.
SAC-2010-BelohlavekV #concept analysis #constraints- Background knowledge in formal concept analysis: constraints via closure operators (RB, VV), pp. 1113–1114.
SAC-2010-ChenSC #aspect-oriented #evolution #framework #operating system- An aspect-oriented framework for operating system evolution (JC, HMS, CFC), pp. 226–230.
SAC-2010-ChoePR #estimation- Dispatching AGVs with noisy estimation of crane operation time (RC, TP, KRR), pp. 1288–1293.
SAC-2010-OliverSF #abstraction #network #operating system- An operating system abstraction layer for portable applications in wireless sensor networks (RSO, IS, GF), pp. 742–748.
ICSE-2010-ZhangHHXM #question #random- Is operator-based mutant selection superior to random mutant selection? (LZ, SSH, JJH, TX, HM), pp. 435–444.
SLE-2010-HerrmannsdoerferVW #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling- An Extensive Catalog of Operators for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH, SV, GW), pp. 163–182.
HPCA-2010-LiBKKRH #architecture #manycore #operating system- Operating system support for overlapping-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architectures (TL, PB, RCK, DAK, DR, SH), pp. 1–12.
LCTES-2010-KimLSP #memory management #multi- Operation and data mapping for CGRAs with multi-bank memory (YK, JL, AS, YP), pp. 17–26.
OSDI-2010-TangMK #operating system #trust- Trust and Protection in the Illinois Browser Operating System (ST, HM, STK), pp. 17–32.
PPoPP-2010-CastaldoW #parallel #scalability #using- Scaling LAPACK panel operations using parallel cache assignment (AMC, RCW), pp. 223–232.
LICS-2010-JohannSV #algebra- A Generic Operational Metatheory for Algebraic Effects (PJ, AS, JV), pp. 209–218.
CBSE-2009-LoiretNBL #component #embedded #operating system #realtime- Component-Based Real-Time Operating System for Embedded Applications (FL, JFN, JPB, OL), pp. 209–226.
CASE-2009-BengtssonLYFB #development #logic #specification- Operation-oriented specification for integrated control logic development (KB, BL, CY, PF, SB), pp. 183–190.
CASE-2009-VoronovA #model checking #process #using #verification- Verification of process operations using model checking (AV, KÅ), pp. 415–420.
CASE-2009-WangLABH #flexibility #quality- Monotonic and non-monotonic properties of product quality in flexible manufacturing systems with batch operations (JW, JL, JA, SB, NH), pp. 13–18.
DATE-2009-Cilardo #architecture- A new speculative addition architecture suitable for two’s complement operations (AC), pp. 664–669.
DATE-2009-DabiriVPS #energy #realtime- Energy minimization for real-time systems with non-convex and discrete operation modes (FD, AV, MP, MS), pp. 1416–1421.
DATE-2009-SuCGSP #memory management #named #operating system- SecBus: Operating System controlled hierarchical page-based memory bus protection (LS, SC, PG, CS, RP), pp. 570–573.
ICDAR-2009-NaegelW #documentation- Document Binarization Based on Connected Operators (BN, LW), pp. 316–320.
VLDB-2009-CandeaPV #concurrent #predict #scalability- A Scalable, Predictable Join Operator for Highly Concurrent Data Warehouses (GC, NP, RV), pp. 277–288.
ITiCSE-2009-Hwang #education #operating system #video- Video courseware for teaching operating systems with Windows (SwH), p. 340.
ITiCSE-2009-Hwang09a #education #learning #operating system- Blended learning for teaching operating systems with Windows (SwH), p. 380.
WRLA-2008-LucasM09 #equation #order #source code #termination- Operational Termination of Membership Equational Programs: the Order-Sorted Way (SL, JM), pp. 207–225.
LATA-2009-AbdullaDB #comparison #petri net- A Language-Based Comparison of Extensions of Petri Nets with and without Whole-Place Operations (PAA, GD, LVB), pp. 71–82.
LATA-2009-BordihnHK #problem #subclass- Undecidability of Operation Problems for T0L Languages and Subclasses (HB, MH, MK), pp. 236–246.
LATA-2009-CaronCM #automaton #multi- Multi-tilde Operators and Their Glushkov Automata (PC, JMC, LM), pp. 290–301.
LATA-2009-HanSY #complexity #regular expression- State Complexity of Combined Operations for Prefix-Free Regular Languages (YSH, KS, SY), pp. 398–409.
FM-2009-GiannakopoulosDFK #alloy #semantics #towards- Towards an Operational Semantics for Alloy (TG, DJD, KF, SK), pp. 483–498.
IFM-2009-CabotCR #contract #ocl #uml #verification- Verifying UML/OCL Operation Contracts (JC, RC, DR), pp. 40–55.
SEFM-2009-DaumSS #correctness #implementation #operating system #realtime- Implementation Correctness of a Real-Time Operating System (MD, NS, MS), pp. 23–32.
GT-VMT-2009-MazanekM #diagrams #editing #generative- Generating Correctness-Preserving Editing Operations for Diagram Editors (SM, MM), pp. 38–49.
DHM-2009-Filla #modelling- A Methodology for Modeling the Influence of Construction Machinery Operators on Productivity and Fuel Consumption (RF), pp. 614–623.
DHM-2009-ItoISK #development- Development of a Driver Model in Powered Wheelchair Operation (TI, TI, MS, MK), pp. 384–393.
DHM-2009-LandryL #assurance- A Model of Integrated Operator-System Separation Assurance and Collision Avoidance (SJL, AVL), pp. 394–402.
HCI-NIMT-2009-KasamatsuMIJ #effectiveness #feedback #visual notation- Effective Combination of Haptic, Auditory and Visual Information Feedback in Operation Feeling (KK, TM, KI, HJ), pp. 58–65.
HCI-NT-2009-Liu #design #difference #gender #industrial #interface- Effects of Gender Difference on Emergency Operation Interface Design in Semiconductor Industry (HL), pp. 484–489.
HCI-NT-2009-Sauro #modelling- Estimating Productivity: Composite Operators for Keystroke Level Modeling (JS), pp. 352–361.
HCI-NT-2009-ShastriPW #monitoring- A Method to Monitor Operator Overloading (DS, IP, AW), pp. 169–175.
HIMI-DIE-2009-FuchigamiOT #process- Brain Activities Supporting Finger Operations, Analyzed by Neuro-NIRS (MF, AO, HT), pp. 495–504.
HIMI-DIE-2009-GarciaV #performance- Effects of Practice with Foot- and Hand-Operated Secondary Input Devices on Performance of a Word-Processing Task (FPG, KPLV), pp. 505–514.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KawashimoSDAT- A Skill Transfer Method for Manual Machine Tool Operation Utilizing Cutting Sound (TK, NS, DD, MA, TT), pp. 77–86.
HIMI-DIE-2009-MistrzykR #industrial #modelling- Practical Use of Task Models for Building and Modeling Operations Chart in the Industrial Production (TM, AR), pp. 140–148.
OCSC-2009-HaslerBP #3d #collaboration #framework #research- Collaborative Work in 3D Virtual Environments: A Research Agenda and Operational Framework (BSH, TB, RP), pp. 23–32.
OCSC-2009-TakeuchiN- Attribution of Identity in Autonomous Action of Remotely Operated Robot (YT, HN), pp. 265–271.
CAiSE-2009-BlancMMM #consistency #detection #incremental #nondeterminism- Incremental Detection of Model Inconsistencies Based on Model Operations (XB, AM, IM, TM), pp. 32–46.
CAiSE-2009-QueraltT #concept #reasoning #uml- Reasoning on UML Conceptual Schemas with Operations (AQ, ET), pp. 47–62.
CAiSE-2009-Simone #modelling- Computer-Centric Business Operating Models vs. Network-Centric Ones (MdS), pp. 6–7.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-CastroO #multi #quality #using- Using Quality Costs in a Multi-agent System for an Airline Operations Control (AJMC, EO), pp. 19–24.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-WangWWL #canonical #modelling #process- Deriving Canonical Business Object Operation Nets from Process Models (ZW, JW, LW, YL), pp. 182–187.
KDD-2009-PatnaikMSR #data mining #mining #using- Sustainable operation and management of data center chillers using temporal data mining (DP, MM, RKS, NR), pp. 1305–1314.
KDIR-2009-WohrerZDB #composition #data mining #metaprogramming #mining #optimisation #towards- Unboxing Data Mining Via Decomposition in Operators — Towards Macro Optimization and Distribution (AW, YZ, EuHD, PB), pp. 243–248.
KEOD-2009-HodickyF- Decision Support System for a Commander at the Operational Level (JH, PF), pp. 359–362.
KEOD-2009-MatusiewiczMR #logic- Reduced Implicate Tries and Logical Operations (AM, NVM, ER), pp. 456–459.
KEOD-2009-SassiJG #approach #how #maintenance #ontology- How to Evolve Ontology and Maintain Its Coherence — A Corrective Operations-based Approach (NS, WJ, FG), pp. 384–387.
ECMDA-FA-2009-KusterGE #modelling #process- Dependent and Conflicting Change Operations of Process Models (JMK, CG, GE), pp. 158–173.
ICMT-2009-GronmoKM #graph transformation- A Collection Operator for Graph Transformation (RG, SK, BMP), pp. 67–82.
MoDELS-2009-BroschLSWWKRS #modelling #word- An Example Is Worth a Thousand Words: Composite Operation Modeling By-Example (PB, PL, MS, KW, MW, GK, WR, WS), pp. 271–285.
MoDELS-2009-BroschLSWWKRS #modelling #word- An Example Is Worth a Thousand Words: Composite Operation Modeling By-Example (PB, PL, MS, KW, MW, GK, WR, WS), pp. 271–285.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-SadilekW #grammarware #semantics #using- Using Grammarware Languages to Define Operational Semantics of Modelled Languages (DAS, GW), pp. 348–356.
PPDP-2009-BiernackaB #proving #termination- Context-based proofs of termination for typed delimited-control operators (MB, DB), pp. 289–300.
PADL-2009-NavarroR #declarative #network #semantics- Operational Semantics for Declarative Networking (JANP, AR), pp. 76–90.
POPL-2009-Barker- Wild control operators (CB), p. 152.
POPL-2009-BoudolP #approach #memory management #modelling- Relaxed memory models: an operational approach (GB, GP), pp. 392–403.
POPL-2009-Ridge #approach #distributed #verification- Verifying distributed systems: the operational approach (TR), pp. 429–440.
SAC-2009-CamaraBG #operating system #towards- Towards organizational agent-oriented operating systems (JPC, VJB, AGF), pp. 752–756.
SAC-2009-HassaineMF- Composing a high fidelity HLA federation for littoral operations (FH, RM, CF), pp. 2087–2092.
SAC-2009-HecklM #composition #process- Operational control of service processes: modularization as precondition (DH, JM), pp. 239–244.
SAC-2009-ParkH #embedded #fine-grained #operating system #programming #using- Building a customizable embedded operating system with fine-grained joinpoints using the AOX programming environment (JP, SH), pp. 1952–1956.
SAC-2009-YokoyamaHSK #internet #operating system #policy #security- Simplifying security policy descriptions for internet servers in secure operating systems (TY, MH, MS, KK), pp. 326–333.
ICSE-2009-AlrajehKRU #learning #modelling #requirements- Learning operational requirements from goal models (DA, JK, AR, SU), pp. 265–275.
ICSE-2009-PadioleauTZ #operating system #taxonomy- Listening to programmers — Taxonomies and characteristics of comments in operating system code (YP, LT, YZ), pp. 331–341.
ASPLOS-2009-LenharthAK #operating system- Recovery domains: an organizing principle for recoverable operating systems (AL, VSA, STK), pp. 49–60.
HPCA-2009-ReddiGHWSB #predict #using- Voltage emergency prediction: Using signatures to reduce operating margins (VJR, MSG, GHH, GYW, MDS, DMB), pp. 18–29.
SOSP-2009-PorterHRBW #operating system #transaction- Operating systems transactions (DEP, OSH, CJR, AB, EW), pp. 161–176.
LICS-2009-DawarGHL #logic #rank- Logics with Rank Operators (AD, MG, BH, BL), pp. 113–122.
LICS-2009-PfenningS #logic programming #order #semantics- Substructural Operational Semantics as Ordered Logic Programming (FP, RJS), pp. 101–110.
TLCA-2009-HerbelinZ #call-by #deduction #λ-calculus- An Operational Account of Call-by-Value Minimal and Classical λ-Calculus in “Natural Deduction” Form (HH, SZ), pp. 142–156.
CASE-2008-LamiriAX #scheduling- Patients scheduling in a hospital operating theatre (ML, VA, XX), pp. 627–632.
CASE-2008-XueZD #multi- Planning regrasp operations for a multifingered robotic hand (ZX, JMZ, RD), pp. 778–783.
DATE-2008-ChenDC #encryption #operating system- Operating System Controlled Processor-Memory Bus Encryption (XC, RPD, ANC), pp. 1154–1159.
SIGMOD-2008-QiCTCL #taxonomy- Supporting OLAP operations over imperfectly integrated taxonomies (YQ, KSC, JT, SC, FL), pp. 875–888.
ITiCSE-2008-PerezMF #learning #operating system- Cooperative learning in operating systems laboratory (JEP, JGM, IMF), p. 323.
FoSSaCS-2008-KlinS #calculus #probability #process #semantics- Structural Operational Semantics for Stochastic Process Calculi (BK, VS), pp. 428–442.
ICPC-2008-FonsecaCHP #behaviour #how #web- How to Interconnect Operational and Behavioral Views of Web Applications (RFCdF, DCdC, PRH, MJVP), pp. 263–267.
MSR-2008-OmoriM #development #editing #source code- A change-aware development environment by recording editing operations of source code (TO, KM), pp. 31–34.
FLOPS-2008-KameyamaY #continuation- Typed Dynamic Control Operators for Delimited Continuations (YK, TY), pp. 239–254.
CIAA-2008-Salomaa- Language Decompositions, Primality, and Trajectory-Based Operations (KS), pp. 17–22.
DLT-2008-JiraskovaO #automaton #complexity #finite #on the- On the State Complexity of Operations on Two-Way Finite Automata (GJ, AO), pp. 443–454.
SEFM-2008-Cortesi #abstract interpretation- Widening Operators for Abstract Interpretation (AC), pp. 31–40.
SEFM-2008-GorankoS #distributed #logic #multi- Tableau-Based Decision Procedure for the Multi-agent Epistemic Logic with Operators of Common and Distributed Knowledge (VG, DS), pp. 237–246.
IFL-2008-DanielssonN #parsing- Parsing Mixfix Operators (NAD, UN), pp. 80–99.
AdaEurope-2008-HamidN #ada #semantics- Operational Semantics of Ada Ravenscar (IH, EN), pp. 44–58.
CAiSE-2008-CostalGQT #concept #contract- Drawing Preconditions of Operation Contracts from Conceptual Schemas (DC, CG, AQ, ET), pp. 266–280.
EDOC-2008-SchropferS- Introducing a Method to Derive an Enterprise-Specific SOA Operating Model (CS, MS), pp. 235–244.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-MerigoG- The Linguistic Generalized OWA Operator and its Application in Strategic Decision Making (JMM, AMGL), pp. 219–224.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-UnemeKO #scheduling- Nurse Scheduling by Cooperative GA with Variable Mutation Operator (SyU, HK, MO), pp. 249–252.
ICML-2008-ShiBY #learning #modelling #using- Data spectroscopy: learning mixture models using eigenspaces of convolution operators (TS, MB, BY), pp. 936–943.
ICPR-2008-NorellL #distance #image- Spatially-variant morphological operations on binary images based on the polar distance transform (KN, JL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PaclikLND #analysis #estimation #multi #using- Variance estimation for two-class and multi-class ROC analysis using operating point averaging (PP, CL, JN, RPWD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-PerezO #invariant #learning #programming #search-based- Learning invariant region descriptor operators with genetic programming and the F-measure (CBP, GO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ShinK #algorithm #using- Enhanced Resolution-aware Fitting algorithm using interpolation operator (JS, DK), pp. 1–4.
KR-2008-EveraereKM- Conflict-Based Merging Operators (PE, SK, PM), pp. 348–357.
KR-2008-EyerichBN #complexity #on the- On the Complexity of Planning Operator Subsumption (PE, MB, BN), pp. 518–527.
KR-2008-Kern-Isberner #reasoning- Linking Iterated Belief Change Operations to Nonmonotonic Reasoning (GKI), pp. 166–176.
KR-2008-KoniecznyP- Improvement Operators (SK, RPP), pp. 177–187.
BX-2008-Xiong1- Operation-Based Synchronization with Intra-Relation Support (YX), p. 46.
ICMT-2008-RomeikatRMB #qvt- Translation of QVT Relations into QVT Operational Mappings (RR, SR, PM, BB), pp. 137–151.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-RiveraV #difference #representation- Representing and Operating with Model Differences (JER, AV), pp. 141–160.
PPDP-2008-OlarteV #monad #security- The expressivity of universal timed CCP: undecidability of Monadic FLTL and closure operators for security (CO, FDV), pp. 8–19.
POPL-2008-MooreG #semantics #transaction- High-level small-step operational semantics for transactions (KFM, DG), pp. 51–62.
REFSQ-2008-MaidenNL #case study #experience #requirements- Inventing Requirements: Experiences with an Airport Operations System (NAMM, CN, JL), pp. 58–72.
SAC-2008-MariSPZL #3d #algorithm #re-engineering- Improving the neural meshes algorithm for 3D surface reconstruction with edge swap operations (JFM, JHS, GP, MRZ, ALML), pp. 1236–1240.
SAC-2008-SeoKRK #2d #algorithm #deployment #search-based- A genetic algorithm for sensor deployment based on two-dimensional operators (JHS, YHK, HBR, SJK), pp. 1812–1813.
SAC-2008-YiMCJK #named #operating system #realtime- PreeMe: preemptive real-time task management for event-driven sensor operating systems (SY, HM, YC, IJ, YK), pp. 1726–1727.
ICSE-2008-BlancMMM #consistency #detection #nondeterminism- Detecting model inconsistency through operation-based model construction (XB, IM, AM, TM), pp. 511–520.
ICSE-2008-NaminAM #effectiveness- Sufficient mutation operators for measuring test effectiveness (ASN, JHA, DJM), pp. 351–360.
ASPLOS-2008-ChenGLSWBDP #approach #named #operating system- Overshadow: a virtualization-based approach to retrofitting protection in commodity operating systems (XC, TG, ECL, PS, CAW, DB, JSD, DRKP), pp. 2–13.
ASPLOS-2008-WeinsbergDABW #operating system #programmable- Tapping into the fountain of CPUs: on operating system support for programmable devices (YW, DD, TA, MBY, PW), pp. 179–188.
OSDI-2008-Boyd-WickizerCCMKMPSWDZZ #named #operating system- Corey: An Operating System for Many Cores (SBW, HC, RC, YM, MFK, RM, AP, LS, MW, YhD, YZ, ZZ), pp. 43–57.
OSDI-2008-DavidCCC #named #operating system #reliability- CuriOS: Improving Reliability through Operating System Structure (FMD, EC, JCC, RHC), pp. 59–72.
OSDI-2008-YangLBKM #named #operating system- Redline: First Class Support for Interactivity in Commodity Operating Systems (TY, TL, EDB, SFK, JEBM), pp. 73–86.
CAV-2008-GulavaniG #abstract domain #abstraction #analysis- A Numerical Abstract Domain Based on Expression Abstraction and Max Operator with Application in Timing Analysis (BSG, SG), pp. 370–384.
CAV-2008-VakkalankaGK #order #reduction #source code #verification- Dynamic Verification of MPI Programs with Reductions in Presence of Split Operations and Relaxed Orderings (SSV, GG, RMK), pp. 66–79.
CSL-2008-Katsumata- A Characterisation of λ Definability with Sums Via TT-Closure Operators (SyK), pp. 278–292.
ICLP-2008-MarekR #on the- On the Continuity of Gelfond-Lifschitz Operator and Other Applications of Proof-Theory in ASP (VWM, JBR), pp. 223–237.
ISSTA-2008-TianNGT #concurrent #detection #recognition- Dynamic recognition of synchronization operations for improved data race detection (CT, VN, RG, ST), pp. 143–154.
LICS-2008-Edalat- Weak Topology and a Differentiable Operator for Lipschitz Maps (AE), pp. 364–375.
LICS-2008-Staton #category theory #logic #semantics- General Structural Operational Semantics through Categorical Logic (SS), pp. 166–177.
CASE-2007-FalkmanLA #specification #using- Specification of Production Systems using PPN and Sequential Operation Charts (PF, BL, KA), pp. 20–25.
CASE-2007-FukuiNSMMF #automation #safety- Requirement of three-position enabling switches for installing in enabling devices to achieve operational safety of robotics and automation applications (TF, MN, YS, IM, AM, TF), pp. 111–116.
CASE-2007-HoshinoO #design #performance- Performance Design of Operating Robots in a Seaport Container-Handling System (SH, JO), pp. 692–697.
CASE-2007-LamiriDX #random- Operating Room Planning with Random Surgery Times (ML, JD, XX), pp. 521–526.
CASE-2007-PuSZD #operating system #precise #realtime- An Application of Real-time Operating System in High Speed and High Precision Motion Control Systems (DP, XS, WZ, HD), pp. 997–1001.
DAC-2007-GoldgeisserCD #hardware #modelling- Modeling Safe Operating Area in Hardware Description Languages (LBG, EC, ZD), pp. 377–382.
DATE-2007-MolinaRMH #multi #optimisation #synthesis- Area optimization of multi-cycle operators in high-level synthesis (MCM, RRS, JMM, RH), pp. 449–454.
ICDAR-2007-Hirata #documentation- Document Processing via Trained Morphological Operators (NSTH), pp. 794–798.
SIGMOD-2007-BeyerHRSG #estimation #multi #on the- On synopses for distinct-value estimation under multiset operations (KSB, PJH, BR, YS, RG), pp. 199–210.
VLDB-2007-BiveinisSJ #in memory #performance- Main-Memory Operation Buffering for Efficient R-Tree Update (LB, SS, CSJ), pp. 591–602.
VLDB-2007-ZhangZZP #relational- Tracing Lineage Beyond Relational Operators (MZ, XZ, XZ, SP), pp. 1116–1127.
ITiCSE-2007-Hwang #case study #education #experience #operating system- Teaching operating systems with Windows: experiences and contributions (SwH), p. 316.
ITiCSE-2007-Sheehan #education #operating system #ruby- Teaching operating systems with ruby (RJS), pp. 38–42.
ESOP-2007-CenciarelliKS #axiom #java #memory management- The Java Memory Model: Operationally, Denotationally, Axiomatically (PC, AK, ES), pp. 331–346.
CIAA-J-2006-SalomaaY07 #complexity #estimation #on the- On the State Complexity of Combined Operations and their Estimation (KS, SY), pp. 683–698.
DLT-2007-OchmanskiS- A Star Operation for Star-Free Trace Languages (EO, KS), pp. 337–345.
LATA-2007-LiuMSY #complexity- State Complexity of Basic Operations Combined with Reversal (GL, CMV, AS, SY), pp. 355–366.
AGTIVE-2007-BalasubramanianNNNSTK #model transformation- Applying a Grouping Operator in Model Transformations (DB, AN, SN, BN, FS, RT, GK), pp. 410–425.
GT-VMT-2007-BalasubramanianNNSTK #graph transformation #model transformation- A Subgraph Operator for Graph Transformation Languages (DB, AN, SN, FS, RT, GK).
GT-VMT-2007-LaraGB #generative #graph grammar #specification- Triple Patterns: Compact Specifications for the Generation of Operational Triple Graph Grammar Rules (JdL, EG, PB).
GT-VMT-2007-LindqvistLP #query- A Query Language With the Star Operator (JL, TL, IP).
CHI-2007-VogelB #interface #named #using- Shift: a technique for operating pen-based interfaces using touch (DV, PB), pp. 657–666.
DHM-2007-KanezashiMO #difference #interface- Strategy to Operate Cylindrical Interface-Operation Difference According to the Dimension of the Cylinder and That of the Hand (OK, NM, JO), pp. 865–873.
DHM-2007-UpadrastaKL- Advanced Technology Training for Operating the Microlithography Panel Printer (BU, MTK, SSL), pp. 998–1007.
HCI-AS-2007-LeeS #estimation #process- Experimental Effect Estimation of an Integrated Decision Support System to Aid Operator’s Cognitive Activities for Nuclear Power Plants (SJL, PHS), pp. 620–628.
HCI-IDU-2007-KangY #difference #performance- Age Differences in Performance, Operation Methods, and Workload While Interacting with an MP3 Player (NEK, WCY), pp. 854–861.
HCI-IDU-2007-SavoyS #effectiveness- Effectiveness of Content Preparation in Information Technology Operations: Synopsis of a Working Paper (AS, GS), pp. 624–631.
HCI-IPT-2007-MaWMWM #smarttech- Wearable Computers IN the Operating Room Environment (QM, PW, GM, AW, DM), pp. 1165–1172.
HIMI-IIE-2007-SchmidtRWMF #development #human-computer #interface #video- Development of an Augmented Vision Video Panorama Human-Machine Interface for Remote Airport Tower Operation (MS, MR, BW, CM, NF), pp. 1119–1128.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ShibuyaTKT #3d- Operation-Action Mapping in 3D Information Space on Portable Information Terminal (YS, HT, IK, YT), pp. 628–634.
HIMI-IIE-2007-YuasaA #information management #interface #process- Production Information Management Interface for Operators in Production Process (TY, YA), pp. 994–1003.
HIMI-MTT-2007-FuchigamiOTO #case study #comparative #interface #process- A Comparative Study of Brain Activities Engaged in Interface Operations by Means of NIRS Trajectory Map (MF, AO, HT, MO), pp. 830–839.
CAiSE-2007-SedlmayrRGRMM #automation #standard- Automating Standard Operating Procedures in Intensive Care (MS, TR, TG, RR, MM, AMB), pp. 516–530.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-BenschBRBSB #operating system #optimisation #predict #self- Self-Learning Prediction System for Optimisation of Workload Management in a Mainframe Operating System (MB, DB, WR, MB, WGS, PB), pp. 212–218.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-BrijsDVBW #research- The Importance of Aggregation Operator Characteristics in Marketing Research (KB, BD, KV, TB, GW), pp. 237–246.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-CastroO #distributed #multi #problem- A Distributed Multi-Agent System to Solve Airline Operations Problems (AJMC, EO), pp. 22–30.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-CarreiraGPW #data transformation #execution #optimisation- One-to-many data transformation operations — optimization and execution on an RDBMS (PJFC, HG, JLMP, AW), pp. 21–27.
ICEIS-J-2007-CastroO07a #distributed #multi #problem #using- Solving Airline Operations Problems Using Specialized Agents in a Distributed Multi-Agent System (AJMC, ECO), pp. 173–184.
ECIR-2007-HuurninkR #query #retrieval #video- Term Selection and Query Operations for Video Retrieval (BH, MdR), pp. 708–711.
ICML-2007-PetersS #learning- Reinforcement learning by reward-weighted regression for operational space control (JP, SS), pp. 745–750.
ECMDA-FA-2007-ScheidgenF #semantics #specification- Human Comprehensible and Machine Processable Specifications of Operational Semantics (MS, JF), pp. 157–171.
MoDELS-2007-CabotG #contract #diagrams #uml- Deriving Operation Contracts from UML Class Diagrams (JC, CG), pp. 196–210.
MoDELS-2007-CuccuruMTG #semantics #uml- Enhancing UML Extensions with Operational Semantics (AC, CM, FT, SG), pp. 271–285.
MoDELS-2007-CabotG #contract #diagrams #uml- Deriving Operation Contracts from UML Class Diagrams (JC, CG), pp. 196–210.
MoDELS-2007-CuccuruMTG #semantics #uml- Enhancing UML Extensions with Operational Semantics (AC, CM, FT, SG), pp. 271–285.
POPL-2007-MatthewsF #multi #semantics #source code- Operational semantics for multi-language programs (JM, RBF), pp. 3–10.
REFSQ-2007-NcubeLM #automation #case study #experience #generative #modelling #requirements- Automatically Generating Requirements from i* Models: Experiences with a Complex Airport Operations System (CN, JL, NAMM), pp. 33–47.
SAC-2007-HuangHYCK #named #network #operating system- LA-TinyOS: a locality-aware operating system for wireless sensor networks (TYH, KYH, HYY, ETHC, CTK), pp. 1151–1158.
SAC-2007-MinYCH #memory management #operating system #performance- An efficient dynamic memory allocator for sensor operating systems (HM, SY, YC, JH), pp. 1159–1164.
SAC-2007-Suzuki #approach #problem- An edit operation-based approach to the inclusion problem for DTDs (NS), pp. 482–488.
SAC-2007-VignagaB #design #diagrams #interactive- Transforming system operations’ interactions into a design class diagram (AV, MCB), pp. 993–997.
SAC-2007-YiMLKJ #concurrent #multi #named #operating system #stack #thread- SESAME: space-efficient stack allocation mechanism for multi-threaded sensor operating systems (SY, HM, SL, YK, IJ), pp. 1201–1202.
GTTSE-2007-Wachsmuth #domain-specific language #modelling #semantics- Modelling the Operational Semantics of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (GW), pp. 506–520.
ICSE-2007-GanapathyKJJ #concept analysis #legacy #mining #using- Mining Security-Sensitive Operations in Legacy Code Using Concept Analysis (VG, DK, TJ, SJ), pp. 458–467.
CGO-2007-HeTPDA #kernel #operating system- Code Compaction of an Operating System Kernel (HH, JT, SP, SKD, GRA), pp. 283–298.
PPoPP-2007-MamidalaNVSP #on the #performance #scalability #trade-off #using- On using connection-oriented vs. connection-less transport for performance and scalability of collective and one-sided operations: trade-offs and impact (ARM, SN, AV, GS, DKP), pp. 46–54.
SOSP-2007-CriswellLDA #architecture #execution #operating system- Secure virtual architecture: a safe execution environment for commodity operating systems (JC, AL, DD, VSA), pp. 351–366.
SOSP-2007-RossbachHPRAW #hardware #memory management #named #operating system #transaction #using- TxLinux: using and managing hardware transactional memory in an operating system (CJR, OSH, DEP, HER, BA, EW), pp. 87–102.
SOSP-2007-SuAF #analysis #configuration management #named #operating system- AutoBash: improving configuration management with operating system causality analysis (YYS, MA, JF), pp. 237–250.
LICS-2007-Klin #algebra #logic #semantics- Bialgebraic Operational Semantics and Modal Logic (BK), pp. 336–345.
CASE-2006-ChenZY #multi #quality #research- Research of Multi-operation Quality Control based on Minimum Quality Loss (CC, LZ, YY), pp. 437–441.
CASE-2006-ChoWTF #distributed #scheduling- Autonomous Distributed Scheduling Adjustment Function with Interchanging Operations (SCC, KW, KT, SF), pp. 387–392.
CASE-2006-FangL #agile #multi- A Class of Optimal Operation Planning for Kanban Managed Multi-Stage Production System (YF, YJL), pp. 369–374.
CASE-2006-LamiriX #using- Operating Rooms Planning Using Lagrangian Relaxation Technique (ML, XX), pp. 176–181.
CASE-2006-LeeLS #clustering #graph- Token delays and generalized workload balancing for timed event graphs with application to cluster tool operation (TEL, HYL, RSS), pp. 93–99.
CASE-2006-XieZJ- Optimal control for networked control system via δ-operator formulation (LX, WZ, ZJ), pp. 656–660.
DAC-2006-WeiD #composition #development #megamodelling- Systematic development of nonlinear analog circuit macromodels through successive operator composition and nonlinear model decoupling (YW, AD), pp. 1023–1028.
DAC-2006-YangLD #memory management #operating system- High-performance operating system controlled memory compression (LY, HL, RPD), pp. 701–704.
DATE-2006-GarciaMN- Bootstrapped full--swing CMOS driver for low supply voltage operation (JCG, JAMN, SN), pp. 410–411.
DATE-2006-IgnatNSN #classification #impact analysis #operating system #realtime- Soft-error classification and impact analysis on real-time operating systems (NI, BN, YS, GN), pp. 182–187.
DATE-2006-ParkESNDP #automation #embedded #generative #performance- Automatic generation of operation tables for fast exploration of bypasses in embedded processors (SP, EE, AS, AN, ND, YP), pp. 1197–1202.
DATE-2006-PettisRL #automation #operating system #policy #runtime- Automatic run-time selection of power policies for operating systems (NP, JR, YHL), pp. 508–513.
DATE-DF-2006-ChengL #multi- A fast-lock mixed-mode DLL with wide-range operation and multiphase outputs (KHC, YLL), pp. 178–182.
SIGMOD-2006-LiuZR #memory management #query #runtime- Run-time operator state spilling for memory intensive long-running queries (BL, YZ, EAR), pp. 347–358.
SIGMOD-2006-MathisHH #query #xml- Locking-aware structural join operators for XML query processing (CM, TH, MPH), pp. 467–478.
ITiCSE-2006-GasparGS #operating system- SOFTICE undergraduate operating systems laboratories (AG, CG, JS), p. 354.
ESOP-2006-Leroy #induction #semantics- Coinductive Big-Step Operational Semantics (XL), pp. 54–68.
FoSSaCS-2006-BonsangueK #equation- Presenting Functors by Operations and Equations (MMB, AK), pp. 172–186.
FoSSaCS-2006-PaoliniPR #normalisation- An Operational Characterization of Strong Normalization (LP, EP, SRDR), pp. 367–381.
CSMR-2006-RysselbergheRD #detection #version control- Detecting Move Operations in Versioning Information (FVR, MR, SD), pp. 271–278.
ICSM-2006-Stallman #linux #operating system- The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System (RMS), p. 426.
CIAA-2006-Yu #complexity #on the- On the State Complexity of Combined Operations (SY), pp. 11–22.
DLT-2006-DassowV #finite #multi #string- Ciliate Bio-operations on Finite String Multisets (JD, GV), pp. 168–179.
ICALP-v2-2006-DelauneLLT #analysis #morphism #protocol- Symbolic Protocol Analysis in Presence of a Homomorphism Operator and Exclusive Or (SD, PL, DL, RT), pp. 132–143.
FM-2006-LundS #diagrams #semantics #sequence chart #uml- A Fully General Operational Semantics for UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams with Potential and Mandatory Choice (MSL, KS), pp. 380–395.
FM-2006-OliveiraR #refinement- Pointfree Factorization of Operation Refinement (JNO, CJR), pp. 236–251.
ICFP-2006-Lin #monad #programming- Programming monads operationally with Unimo (CKL), pp. 274–285.
CHI-2006-BardramBS #operating system- Support for activity-based computing in a personal computing operating system (JEB, JBP, MS), pp. 211–220.
CHI-2006-GrossmanHBAB #using- Hover widgets: using the tracking state to extend the capabilities of pen-operated devices (TG, KH, PB, MA, RB), pp. 861–870.
CSCW-2006-NomuraHH- The uses of paper in commercial airline flight operations (SN, EH, BEH), pp. 249–258.
CSCW-2006-SunS- Operation context and context-based operational transformation (DS, CS), pp. 279–288.
AdaEurope-2006-AlonsoSAP #approach- A Systematic Approach to Developing Safe Tele-operated Robots (DA, PS, BÁ, JAP), pp. 119–130.
CIKM-2006-OrdonezG #matrix #relational- Vector and matrix operations programmed with UDFs in a relational DBMS (CO, JGG), pp. 503–512.
ICPR-v3-2006-ArcelliBS #3d #set- A New Set of Topology Preserving Removal Operations in the 3D Space (CA, GSdB, LS), pp. 1055–1058.
ICPR-v3-2006-XueLF #image #using- Iterative Image Restoration using a Non-Local Regularization Function and a Local Regularization Operator (FX, QSL, WF), pp. 766–769.
ICPR-v4-2006-LandgrebePD- Precision-recall operating characteristic (P-ROC) curves in imprecise environments (TL, PP, RPWD), pp. 123–127.
KDD-2006-LiuZBX #analysis #using- Rule interestingness analysis using OLAP operations (BL, KZ, JB, WX), pp. 297–306.
MoDELS-2006-AlanenP #modelling #set- Basic Operations over Models Containing Subset and Union Properties (MA, IP), pp. 469–483.
MoDELS-2006-AlanenP #modelling #set- Basic Operations over Models Containing Subset and Union Properties (MA, IP), pp. 469–483.
OOPSLA-2006-RussellD- Eliminating synchronization-related atomic operations with biased locking and bulk rebiasing (KR, DD), pp. 263–272.
OOPSLA-2006-WasserrabNST #c++ #inheritance #multi #semantics #type safety- An operational semantics and type safety prooffor multiple inheritance in C++ (DW, TN, GS, FT), pp. 345–362.
LOPSTR-2006-Payet #detection #term rewriting #using- Detecting Non-termination of Term Rewriting Systems Using an Unfolding Operator (ÉP), pp. 194–209.
SAC-2006-CorreaZS #multi #operating system- Operating system multilevel load balancing (MC, AFZ, RS), pp. 1467–1471.
SAC-2006-CutelloNP #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation #using- Real coded clonal selection algorithm for unconstrained global optimization using a hybrid inversely proportional hypermutation operator (VC, GN, MP), pp. 950–954.
SAC-2006-Miyazaki #array #database #in memory #memory management- A memory subsystem with comparator arrays for main memory database operations (JM), pp. 511–512.
ICSE-2006-YangM #development #industrial #re-engineering- Development of software engineering: co-operative efforts from academia, government and industry (FY, HM), pp. 2–11.
ASPLOS-2006-Rosenblum #architecture #operating system- Impact of virtualization on computer architecture and operating systems (MR), p. 1.
OSDI-2006-JoukovTIWZ #analysis #latency #operating system #profiling- Operating System Profiling via Latency Analysis (NJ, AT, RI, CPW, EZ), pp. 89–102.
OSDI-2006-Ta-MinLL #configuration management #interface #operating system #trust- Splitting Interfaces: Making Trust Between Applications and Operating Systems Configurable (RTM, LL, DL), pp. 279–292.
IJCAR-2006-Miller #reasoning #representation #semantics- Representing and Reasoning with Operational Semantics (DM), pp. 4–20.
LICS-2006-FioreS #calculus #congruence #process #semantics- A Congruence Rule Format for Name-Passing Process Calculi from Mathematical Structural Operational Semantics (MPF, SS), pp. 49–58.
SAT-2006-Goldberg #algorithm- Determinization of Resolution by an Algorithm Operating on Complete Assignments (EG), pp. 90–95.
VMCAI-2006-RanzatoT #abstract interpretation- Strong Preservation of Temporal Fixpoint-Based Operators by Abstract Interpretation (FR, FT), pp. 332–347.
VMCAI-2006-SchachteS- Closure Operators for ROBDDs (PS, HS), pp. 1–16.
WICSA-2005-Christensen #architecture #framework #prototype #towards- Towards an Operational Framework for Architectural Prototyping (HBC), pp. 301–302.
CASE-2005-LuhMSYSXJC- Coherent configuration and operation of building transportation systems (PBL, LM, ESJ, DY, AS, BX, GJ, SCC), pp. 178–184.
DAC-2005-ChoiCK #embedded #power management- DC-DC converter-aware power management for battery-operated embedded systems (YC, NC, TK), pp. 895–900.
DAC-2005-WanR #linear #reduction- Operator-based model-order reduction of linear periodically time-varying systems (YW, JSR), pp. 391–396.
DATE-2005-CarterOS #concurrent #fault #modelling #testing- Circuit-Level Modeling for Concurrent Testing of Operational Defects due to Gate Oxide Breakdown (JRC, SO, DJS), pp. 300–305.
DRR-2005-MaD #identification #using- Font identification using the grating cell texture operator (HM, DSD), pp. 148–156.
PODS-2005-SrivastavaMW #query- Operator placement for in-network stream query processing (US, KM, JW), pp. 250–258.
SIGMOD-2005-AhmadBCHHJMPRTXXZ #distributed- Distributed operation in the Borealis stream processing engine (YA, BB, UÇ, MH, JHH, AJ, AM, OP, AR, NT, WX, YX, SBZ), pp. 882–884.
SIGMOD-2005-JohnsonMR #algorithm- Sampling Algorithms in a Stream Operator (TJ, SM, IR), pp. 1–12.
ITiCSE-2005-MaiaMP #education #framework #operating system #using- A constructivist framework for operating systems education: a pedagogic proposal using the SOsim (LPM, FBM, ACPJ), pp. 218–222.
WRLA-2004-MasonT05 #framework #interactive #maude #named- IOP: The InterOperability Platform & IMaude: An Interactive Extension of Maude (IAM, CLT), pp. 315–333.
ICSM-2005-ZhaoLCY #reliability #testing- Software Reliability Growth Model from Testing to Operation (JZ, HL, GC, XZY), pp. 691–694.
ICSM-IT-2005-Cuadrado- A Configuration and Change Management System for Ground Segment Operation Software (FCC), pp. 52–60.
SAS-2005-BagnaraHMZ #abstraction- Widening Operators for Weakly-Relational Numeric Abstractions (RB, PMH, EM, EZ), pp. 3–18.
CIAA-J-2004-BordihnHK05 #context-free grammar #problem #subclass- Unsolvability levels of operation problems for subclasses of context-free languages (HB, MH, MK), pp. 423–440.
CIAA-J-2004-KariKS05- Operations on trajectories with applications to coding and bioinformatics (LK, SK, PS), pp. 531–546.
DLT-J-2004-DassowH05 #problem #product line- Language families defined by a ciliate bio-operation: hierarchies and decision problems (JD, MH), pp. 645–662.
ICALP-2005-MousaviR #orthogonal #semantics- Orthogonal Extensions in Structural Operational Semantics (MRM, MAR), pp. 1214–1225.
FM-2005-WoodcockCF #model checking #semantics- Operational Semantics for Model Checking Circus (JW, AC, LF), pp. 237–252.
SEFM-2005-SunW #process #realtime #refinement #semantics- Operational Semantics for Real-Time Processes with Action Refinement (XS, JW), pp. 54–63.
ICFP-2005-HallgrenJLT #approach #haskell #operating system- A principled approach to operating system construction in Haskell (TH, MPJ, RL, APT), pp. 116–128.
IFL-2005-DanvyM- A Rational Deconstruction of Landin’s J Operator (OD, KM), pp. 55–73.
IFL-2005-WeeldenSP #syntax- Polytypic Syntax Tree Operations (AvW, SS, RP), pp. 142–159.
ICEIS-v1-2005-Greene #enterprise- Changing the Way the Enterprise Works: Operational Transformations (TG), p. 7.
ICEIS-v1-2005-KircheZT #corba #realtime- Real-Time Sales & Operations Planning with Corba: Linking Demand Management with Production Planning (ETK, JZ, TT), pp. 122–129.
ICEIS-v2-2005-AhmanH #approach #game studies #reduction #simulation #using- Using a Game Theoretical Approach for Experimental Simulation of Brood Reduction — Conflict and Co-Operation, Effect on Brood Size with Limited Resources (FÅ, LH), pp. 220–225.
ECIR-2005-MishneR #query #retrieval #web- Boosting Web Retrieval Through Query Operations (GM, MdR), pp. 502–516.
SEKE-2005-NabliFG #adaptation #algebra #data flow #multi #using- Adapting Multidimensional Schemes to Data sources using Algebraic Operators (AN, JF, FG), pp. 713–718.
POPL-2005-GopanRS #analysis #array #framework- A framework for numeric analysis of array operations (DG, TWR, SS), pp. 338–350.
RE-2005-HassineRD #case study #semantics- An ASM Operational Semantics for Use Case Maps (JH, JR, RD), pp. 467–468.
SOSP-2005-EfstathopoulosKVFZKMKM #operating system #process- Labels and event processes in the Asbestos operating system (PE, MNK, SV, CF, DZ, EK, DM, MFK, RM), pp. 17–30.
LICS-2005-Dalmau- Generalized Majority-Minority Operations are Tractable (VD), pp. 438–447.
LICS-2005-EscardoK #programming language- Operational Domain Theory and Topology of a Sequential Programming Language (MHE, WKH), pp. 427–436.
LICS-2005-MelliesV #framework #parametricity #polymorphism #recursion- Recursive Polymorphic Types and Parametricity in an Operational Framework (PAM, JV), pp. 82–91.
RTA-2005-Simpson #linear #reduction #semantics #λ-calculus- Reduction in a Linear λ-Calculus with Applications to Operational Semantics (AKS), pp. 219–234.
CBSE-2004-Mikic-RakicM #architecture #distributed- Software Architectural Support for Disconnected Operation in Highly Distributed Environments (MMR, NM), pp. 23–39.
DAC-2004-NolletMVMV #network- Operating-system controlled network on chip (VN, TM, DV, JYM, SV), pp. 256–259.
DAC-2004-Pomeranz #functional #generative #on the #testing- On the generation of scan-based test sets with reachable states for testing under functional operation conditions (IP), pp. 928–933.
DAC-2004-VanderhaegenB #automation #design #geometry #programming #using- Automated design of operational transconductance amplifiers using reversed geometric programming (JPV, RWB), pp. 133–138.
DATE-v1-2004-Fit-FloreaHK #reliability- Enhancing Reliability of Operational Interconnections in FPGAs (AFF, MH, FK), pp. 746–747.
DATE-v1-2004-VuleticRPI #configuration management #interface #operating system- Operating System Support for Interface Virtualisation of Reconfigurable Coprocessors (MV, LR, LP, PI), p. 748.
SIGMOD-2004-DillKSZ #integration #towards- Service-Oriented BI: Towards tight integration of business intelligence into operational applications (MD, AK, SS, TZ), p. 900.
SIGMOD-2004-GovindarajuLWLM #database #performance #using- Fast Computation of Database Operations using Graphics Processors (NKG, BL, WW, MCL, DM), pp. 215–226.
SIGMOD-2004-KumaranH #multi #named #sql- LexEQUAL: Multilexical Matching Operator in SQL (AK, JRH), pp. 949–950.
SIGMOD-2004-ZhouR #database #performance- Buffering Database Operations for Enhanced Instruction Cache Performance (JZ, KAR), pp. 191–202.
VLDB-2004-BandiSAA #case study #database #hardware- Hardware Acceleration in Commercial Databases: A Case Study of Spatial Operations (NB, CS, AEA, DA), pp. 1021–1032.
VLDB-2004-GuhaKMS #approximate- Merging the Results of Approximate Match Operations (SG, NK, AM, DS), pp. 636–647.
ITiCSE-2004-Davoli #education #linux #operating system- Teaching operating systems administration with user mode linux (RD), pp. 112–116.
ESOP-2004-Ghica #analysis #approach #logic #semantics #specification- Semantical Analysis of Specification Logic, 3: An Operational Approach (DRG), pp. 264–278.
FASE-2004-HamonR #semantics- An Operational Semantics for Stateflow (GH, JMR), pp. 229–243.
TACAS-2004-YorshRS #analysis- Symbolically Computing Most-Precise Abstract Operations for Shape Analysis (GY, TWR, SS), pp. 530–545.
ICSM-2004-SampathMSP #framework #testing- Composing a Framework to Automate Testing of Operational Web-Based Software (SS, VM, ALS, LLP), pp. 104–113.
DLT-2004-DaleyD #on the- On Codes Defined by Bio-Operations (MD, MD), pp. 127–138.
DLT-2004-Dassow #product line- A Ciliate Bio-operation and Language Families (JD), pp. 151–162.
IFM-2004-Dunne #comprehension- Understanding Object-Z Operations as Generalised Substitutions (SD), pp. 328–342.
AFP-2004-PlasmeijerW04 #functional- A Functional Shell That Operates on Typed and Compiled Applications (RP, AvW), pp. 245–272.
CSCW-2004-LiL #editing- Preserving operation effects relation in group editors (DL, RL), pp. 457–466.
CSCW-2004-SunXSC #collaboration #word- Operational transformation for collaborative word processing (DS, SX, CS, DC), pp. 437–446.
CAiSE-2004-RalyteRD #towards- Towards a Meta-tool for Change-Centric Method Engineering: A Typology of Generic Operators (JR, CR, RD), pp. 202–218.
ICEIS-v4-2004-BalatosPIJL #concept #design #e-commerce #framework- Introducing an Operational and Techonological E-Commerce Framework for European SMEs: Designing Regional and Interegional E-Commerce Zones for SMEs in Four Less Favoured European Regions (LFRS) Based on Request Based Virtual Organisation (RBVO) Concept (AB, KP, II, VJ, ML), pp. 309–315.
ICPR-v1-2004-ColemanSH #design #scalability- A Systematic Design Procedure for Scalable Near-Circular Laplacian of Gaussian Operators (SAC, BWS, MGH), pp. 700–703.
ICPR-v1-2004-Hanbury #image #multi- The Morphological Top-Hat Operator Generalised to Multi-Channel Images (AH), pp. 672–675.
ICPR-v1-2004-LindebergAL- Galilean-Diagonalized Spatio-Temporal Interest Operators (TL, AA, IL), pp. 57–62.
ICPR-v2-2004-RayBP #algorithm #problem #search-based- New Operators of Genetic Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problem (SSR, SB, SKP), pp. 497–500.
ICPR-v3-2004-WuWW #adaptation #image #parametricity- Regularized Image Restoration Based on Adaptively Selecting Parameter and Operator (XW, RW, CW), pp. 662–665.
ICPR-v4-2004-BradleyL #estimation #using- Sample Size Estimation using the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (APB, IDL), pp. 428–431.
SIGIR-2004-TryfonopoulosKD #algorithm #information retrieval #modelling #proximity- Filtering algorithms for information retrieval models with named attributes and proximity operators (CT, MK, YD), pp. 313–320.
PPDP-2004-DoughertyGL #normalisation- Characterizing strong normalization in a language with control operators (DJD, SG, PL), pp. 155–166.
SAC-2004-Mosses #semantics- Exploiting labels in Structural Operational Semantics (PDM), pp. 1476–1481.
SAC-2004-NehabP- Schemata Theory for the real coding and arithmetical operators (DFN, MACP), pp. 1006–1012.
ASPLOS-2004-GomaaPV #named #operating system #smt- Heat-and-run: leveraging SMT and CMP to manage power density through the operating system (MAG, MDP, TNV), pp. 260–270.
LCTES-2004-GuoBN #compilation #configuration management #hardware #reuse- Input data reuse in compiling window operations onto reconfigurable hardware (ZG, BB, WAN), pp. 249–256.
OSDI-2004-LiLMZ #debugging #named #operating system- CP-Miner: A Tool for Finding Copy-paste and Related Bugs in Operating System Code (ZL, SL, SM, YZ), pp. 289–302.
OSDI-2004-NagarajaOBMN #comprehension #internet- Understanding and Dealing with Operator Mistakes in Internet Services (KN, FO, RB, RPM, TDN), pp. 61–76.
ICLP-2004-DuckSBH #constraints #semantics- The Refined Operational Semantics of Constraint Handling Rules (GJD, PJS, MJGdlB, CH), pp. 90–104.
ICLP-2004-PetitG #constraints #probability #statistics #testing- Probabilistic Choice Operators as Global Constraints: Application to Statistical Software Testing (MP, AG), pp. 471–472.
ICLP-2004-VennekensGD- Splitting an Operator (JV, DG, MD), pp. 195–209.
VMCAI-2004-BagnaraHZ #set- Widening Operators for Powerset Domains (RB, PMH, EZ), pp. 135–148.
ASE-2003-XieN #testing- Tool-Assisted Unit Test Selection Based on Operational Violations (TX, DN), pp. 40–48.
DATE-2003-JiangMB #algebra #multi- Reducing Multi-Valued Algebraic Operations to Binary (JHRJ, AM, RKB), pp. 10752–10757.
DATE-2003-Mooney #clustering #hardware #operating system- Hardware/Software Partitioning of Operating Systems (VJM), pp. 10338–10339.
DATE-2003-SirisantanaR #logic #power management- Selectively Clocked CMOS Logic Style for Low-Power Noise-Immune Operations in Scaled Technologies (NS, KR), pp. 11160–11161.
DocEng-2003-BrunoMM #xquery- Extending xQuery with transformation operators (EB, JLM, EM), pp. 1–8.
HT-2003-GarzottoP #hypermedia #multi- Integrating user operations in multichannel hypermedia (FG, VP), pp. 77–78.
SIGMOD-2003-BabcockBDM #data type #memory management #scheduling- Chain : Operator Scheduling for Memory Minimization in Data Stream Systems (BB, SB, MD, RM), pp. 253–264.
VLDB-2003-CarneyCZRCS #data type #scheduling- Operator Scheduling in a Data Stream Manager (DC, UÇ, AR, SBZ, MC, MS), pp. 838–849.
VLDB-2003-HinneburgLH #data mining #database #mining #named- COMBI-Operator: Database Support for Data Mining Applications (AH, WL, DH), pp. 429–439.
PLDI-2003-ChuFM #clustering #multi- Region-based hierarchical operation partitioning for multicluster processors (MLC, KF, SAM), pp. 300–311.
SAS-2003-BagnaraHRZ #precise- Precise Widening Operators for Convex Polyhedra (RB, PMH, ER, EZ), pp. 337–354.
CIAA-2003-HosoyaM #constraints- Boolean Operations for Attribute-Element Constraints (HH, MM), pp. 201–212.
ICALP-2003-AriolaH #logic- Minimal Classical Logic and Control Operators (ZMA, HH), pp. 871–885.
ICALP-2003-EisnerFHMC- The Definition of a Temporal Clock Operator (CE, DF, JH, AM, DVC), pp. 857–870.
ICALP-2003-Okhotin #equation #problem- Decision Problems for Language Equations with Boolean Operations (AO), pp. 239–251.
SEFM-2003-BossiFPR #data flow #refinement #security- Refinement Operators and Information Flow Security (AB, RF, CP, SR), pp. 44–53.
IFL-2003-GrelckST #array- With-Loop Scalarization — Merging Nested Array Operations (CG, SBS, KT), pp. 118–134.
CHI-2003-KurniawanKEB #design #evaluation- Design and user evaluation of a joystick-operated full-screen magnifier (SHK, AK, DGE, PB), pp. 25–32.
ICEIS-v1-2003-AbelloRSODGS #object-oriented #on the- On Operations to Conform Object-Oriented Schemas (AA, ER, FS, MO, CD, EG, JS), pp. 39–46.
ICEIS-v3-2003-BonacinB #design #towards- Designing Towards Supporting and Improving Co-Operative Organisational Work Practices (RB, MCCB), pp. 233–238.
ICEIS-v3-2003-SerraoNT #analysis #open source #operating system #security- Open Source Security Analysis — Evaluating Security of Open Source vs. Closed Source Operating Systems (CS, DN, PT), pp. 433–440.
ICEIS-v4-2003-KoideNKGM #scalability #using- Operation-Support System for Large-Scale System Using Information Technology (SK, HN, YK, AG, RM), pp. 430–437.
CIKM-2003-ChowdhuryP #requirements #scalability- Operational requirements for scalable search systems (AC, GP), pp. 435–442.
CIKM-2003-JiangC #analysis #data type #relational- Queueing analysis of relational operators for continuous data streams (QJ, SC), pp. 271–278.
ICML-2003-Graepel #difference #equation #linear #process- Solving Noisy Linear Operator Equations by Gaussian Processes: Application to Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (TG), pp. 234–241.
ICML-2003-MooreW #learning #network- Optimal Reinsertion: A New Search Operator for Accelerated and More Accurate Bayesian Network Structure Learning (AWM, WKW), pp. 552–559.
SEKE-2003-BlakeW #database #information management #navigation #process- Developmental and Operational Processes for Agent-Oriented Database Navigation for Knowledge Discovery (MBB, ABW), pp. 216–223.
SEKE-2003-SuzukiT #information management #set #web- Path Set Operations for Clipping of Parts of Web Pages and Information Extraction from Web pages (TS, TT), pp. 547–554.
RE-2003-LoucopoulosZP #design #elicitation #game studies #requirements- Requirements Elicitation for the Design of Venue Operations for the Athens Olympic Games (PL, KZ, NP), pp. 223–232.
RE-2003-LutzM #requirements #testing- Resolving Requirements Discovery in Testing and Operations (RRL, ICM), p. 33–?.
SAC-2003-ChenC #named- Similar_Join: Extending DBMS with a Bio-specific Operator (JYC, JVC), pp. 109–114.
SAC-2003-Weyuker #testing #using- Using Operational Distributions to Judge Testing Progress (EJW), pp. 1118–1122.
ICSE-2003-FredrikssonG- Trustworthy and sustainable operations in marine environments (MF, RG), pp. 806–807.
ICSE-2003-HarderME #abstraction #testing- Improving Test Suites via Operational Abstraction (MH, JM, MDE), pp. 60–73.
HPCA-2003-SlechtaCFFMQSPL #optimisation- Dynamic Optimization of Micro-Operations (BS, DC, BF, MF, GAM, JQ, FS, SJP, SL), pp. 165–176.
PPoPP-2003-DeitzCCS #array #design #implementation #parallel- The design and implementation of a parallel array operator for the arbitrary remapping of data (SJD, BLC, SEC, LS), pp. 155–166.
SOSP-2003-LieTH #hardware #implementation #operating system- Implementing an untrusted operating system on trusted hardware (DL, CAT, MH), pp. 178–192.
SOSP-2003-SwiftBL #operating system #reliability- Improving the reliability of commodity operating systems (MMS, BNB, HML), pp. 207–222.
TLCA-2003-KakutaniH #category theory #fixpoint- Parameterizations and Fixed-Point Operators on Control Categories (YK, MH), pp. 180–194.
DAC-2002-HuangM #configuration management #parallel- Exploiting operation level parallelism through dynamically reconfigurable datapaths (ZH, SM), pp. 337–342.
DATE-2002-WilsonRZBK #behaviour #fault #modelling #using- Behavioural Modelling of Operational Amplifier Faults Using VHDL-AMS (PRW, JNR, MZ, ADB, YK), p. 1133.
DATE-2002-YooNGJ #automation #design #generative #modelling #operating system #performance #simulation- Automatic Generation of Fast Timed Simulation Models for Operating Systems in SoC Design (SY, GN, LG, AAJ), pp. 620–627.
SIGMOD-2002-ZhouR #database #implementation #using- Implementing database operations using SIMD instructions (JZ, KAR), pp. 145–156.
VLDB-2002-ConradGJM #database #logic #physics #using- Database Selection Using Actual Physical and Acquired Logical Collection Resources in a Massive Domain-specific Operational Environment (JGC, XSG, PJ, MM), pp. 71–82.
FASE-2002-HagererHMNSI #modelling #testing- Demonstration of an Operational Procedure for the Model-Based Testing of CTI Systems (AH, HH, TMS, ON, BS, HDI), pp. 336–340.
CSMR-2002-YehK #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering Aggregation Relationship Based on Propagation of Operations (DY, WYK), pp. 223–229.
SCAM-2002-BischofBLRV #matlab #source code- Combining Source Transformation and Operator Overloading Techniques to Compute Derivatives for MATLAB Programs (CHB, HMB, BL, AR, AV), pp. 65–72.
SCAM-2002-ZhangMHH #semantics- Mechanized Operational Semantics of WSL (XZ, MM, MH, LH), pp. 73–82.
CIAA-J-2000-PighizziniS02 #complexity- Unary Language Operations, State Complexity and Jacobsthal’s Function (GP, JS), pp. 145–159.
CIAA-2002-GuingneN #finite #lazy evaluation- Finite State Lazy Operations in NLP (FG, FN), pp. 138–147.
CIAA-2002-HolzerK #automaton #complexity #finite #nondeterminism- State Complexity of Basic Operations on Nondeterministic Finite Automata (MH, MK), pp. 148–157.
DLT-2002-DaleyK- Some Properties of Ciliate Bio-operations (MD, LK), pp. 116–127.
DLT-2002-HolzerK #complexity #nondeterminism- Unary Language Operations and Their Nondeterministic State Complexity (MH, MK), pp. 162–172.
IFL-2002-WeeldenP #functional #operating system #towards- Towards a Strongly Typed Functional Operating System (AvW, MJP), pp. 215–231.
CSCW-2002-DavisSL #standard- Generalizing operational transformation to the standard general markup language (AHD, CS, JL), pp. 58–67.
Ada-2002-BarrM #ada #embedded #named #open source #operating system #safety- Boss/Ada: An Open Source Ada 95 Safety Kit ( A dependable open source embedded operating system for GNAT) (VB, SM), pp. 53–66.
SIGAda-2002-CareyAW #ada #experience #scalability- The national ignition facility: early operational experience with a large Ada control system (RWC, PJVA, JPW), p. 11.
ICEIS-2002-AlmeidaR #development- Some Reflections on IS Development as Operator of Organisational Change (AA, LR), pp. 543–552.
ICEIS-2002-VontasKAKHMV #enterprise #mobile- Integrating Mobile Agent Infrastructures in Operational ERP Systems (AV, PK, CA, AK, PH, YM, MV), pp. 1107–1110.
CIKM-2002-Al-KhalifaJ #multi #query #xml- Multi-level operator combination in XML query processing (SAK, HVJ), pp. 134–141.
ICPR-v2-2002-BarataP #classification #clustering #modelling #set #using- Improving Classification Rates by Modelling the Clusters of Trainings Sets in Features Space Using Mathematical Morphology Operators (TB, PP), pp. 328–331.
ICPR-v2-2002-HuangTL #energy #image- Wavelet Image Enhancement Based on Teager Energy Operator (MYH, DCT, MSCL), p. 993–?.
ICPR-v3-2002-LeungKCT #documentation #fuzzy #image #normalisation #using- Normalization of Contrast in Document Images Using Generalized Fuzzy Operator with Least Square Method (CCL, PCKK, FHYC, WKT), pp. 115–118.
ICPR-v3-2002-LinB #detection- Discovering Operators and Features for Object Detection (YL, BB), pp. 339–342.
ICPR-v4-2002-BarataP02a #classification #clustering #modelling #set #using- Improving Classification Rates by Modelling the Clusters of Trainings Sets in Features Space Using Mathematical Morphology Operators (TB, PP), pp. 90–93.
OOPSLA-2002-KawachiyaKO #java- Lock reservation: Java locks can mostly do without atomic operations (KK, AK, TO), pp. 130–141.
LOPSTR-2002-AmatoS #alias #framework #towards- A General Framework for Variable Aliasing: Towards Optimal Operators for Sharing Properties (GA, FS), pp. 52–70.
LOPSTR-2002-FernandezS #approach #calculus- An Operational Approach to Program Extraction in the Calculus of Constructions (MF, PS), pp. 111–125.
PPDP-2002-BlancE- A generic operator over discrete time intervals (JB, RE), pp. 145–155.
SAC-2002-BrommeKEK #algorithm #authentication #concept #framework #operating system #testing- A conceptual framework for testing biometric algorithms within operating systems’ authentication (AB, MK, OE, OK), pp. 273–280.
SAC-2002-MalyZBMSW #evaluation #library #named #xml- DL-COTF: an XML based digital library for U. S. Navy’s operational test and evaluation force (KM, MZ, SB, AM, SS, WW), pp. 493–497.
SAC-2002-Norvag #database #query #xml- Temporal query operators in XML databases (KN), pp. 402–406.
FSE-2002-LetierL #specification- Deriving operational software specifications from system goals (EL, AvL), pp. 119–128.
ICSE-2002-InoueHHN #architecture #industrial- A dynamic pair-program sending architecture for industrial remote operations (TI, YH, KH, MN), pp. 385–391.
ASPLOS-2002-LiJSVR #comprehension #control flow #operating system #predict- Understanding and improving operating system effects in control flow prediction (TL, LKJ, AS, NV, JR), pp. 68–80.
ASPLOS-2002-ZengELV #ecosystem #energy #named #operating system- ECOSystem: managing energy as a first class operating system resource (HZ, CSE, ARL, AV), pp. 123–132.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-Barthelmann #operating system- Inter-task register-allocation for static operating systems (VB), pp. 149–154.
OSDI-2002-NavarroIDC #operating system- Practical, Transparent Operating System Support for Superpages (JN, SI, PD, ALC), pp. 89–104.
CSL-2002-KuceraS #logic #ltl- The Stuttering Principle Revisited: On the Expressiveness of Nested X and U Operators in the Logic LTL (AK, JS), pp. 276–291.
ISSTA-2002-Bishop #bound #reliability- Rescaling reliability bounds for a new operational profile (PGB), pp. 180–190.
RTA-2002-Forest #calculus #pattern matching- A Weak Calculus with Explicit Operators for Pattern Matching and Substitution (JF), pp. 174–191.
ASE-2001-LedangS #behaviour #diagrams #modelling #uml- Modeling Class Operations in B: Application to UML Behavioral Diagrams (HL, JS), pp. 289–296.
DAC-2001-LapinskiiJV #clustering- High-Quality Operation Binding for Clustered VLIW Datapaths (VSL, MFJ, GdV), pp. 702–707.
DAC-2001-MathurS #analysis #precise #using- Improved Merging of Datapath Operators using Information Content and Required Precision Analysis (AM, SS), pp. 462–467.
DATE-2001-FioriM #analysis- Analysis of EME produced by a microcontroller operation (FF, FM), pp. 341–347.
DATE-2001-GauthierYJ #automation #embedded #generative #operating system- Automatic generation and targeting of application specific operating systems and embedded systems software (LG, SY, AAJ), pp. 679–685.
DATE-2001-MoyaML #design #operating system- A hardware-software operating system for heterogeneous designs (JMM, FM, JCL), p. 820.
DATE-2001-ShinKC #optimisation- An operation rearrangement technique for power optimization in VLIM instruction fetch (DS, JK, NC), p. 809.
PODS-2001-BenediktLSS #query #string- String Operations in Query Languages (MB, LL, TS, LS).
VLDB-2001-CatozziR #operating system #parallel- Operating System Extensions for the Teradata Parallel VLDB (JC, SR), pp. 679–682.
ITiCSE-2001-ClaypoolFW #open source #operating system- An open source laboratory for operating systems projects (MC, DF, CEW), pp. 145–148.
ICSM-2001-Lemos #architecture #evolution #using- Describing Evolving Dependable Systems Using Co-Operative Software Architectures (RdL), p. 320–?.
SAS-2001-Goubault #analysis #float #precise- Static Analyses of the Precision of Floating-Point Operations (EG), pp. 234–259.
ICEIS-v1-2001-Abi-Zeid #named- SARPlan: A Decision Support System for Canadian Search and Rescue Operations (IAZ), pp. 383–390.
ICEIS-v1-2001-Iordanova #architecture- An Agent-Based Architecture of Future Integrated Operational Decision Supporting Systems (BNI), pp. 509–513.
ICEIS-v2-2001-ShinkawaM #consistency #enterprise #information management- An Information System View of Consistency and Integrity in Enterprise Operations (YS, MJM), pp. 709–716.
KDD-2001-KnorrNZ #robust- Robust space transformations for distance-based operations (EMK, RTN, RHZ), pp. 126–135.
SIGIR-2001-Hoenkamp #performance #semantics- Unitary Operators for Fast Latent Semantic Indexing (FLSI) (EH), pp. 400–401.
POPL-2001-Calcagno #calculus #correctness #safety #semantics- Stratified operational semantics for safety and correctness of the region calculus (CC), pp. 155–165.
ESEC-FSE-2001-ClarkeJRZ #generative #named #source code #specification- STG: a tool for generating symbolic test programs and oracles from operational specifications (DC, TJ, VR, EZ), pp. 301–302.
ESEC-FSE-2001-CoadyKFS #composition #operating system #using- Using aspectC to improve the modularity of path-specific customization in operating system code (YC, GK, MJF, GS), pp. 88–98.
ICSE-2001-DillonS #analysis #graph #specification #using- Leightweight Analysis of Operational Specifications Using Inference Graphs (LKD, KS), pp. 57–67.
PPoPP-2001-VetterM #analysis #communication #distributed #scalability #statistics- Statistical scalability analysis of communication operations in distributed applications (JSV, MOM), pp. 123–132.
SOSP-2001-ChouYCHE #empirical #fault #operating system- An Empirical Study of Operating System Errors (AC, JY, BC, SH, DRE), pp. 73–88.
SOSP-2001-PillaiS #embedded #operating system #power management #realtime #scalability- Real-Time Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Low-Power Embedded Operating Systems (PP, KGS), pp. 89–102.
ICLP-2001-BeldiceanuC #constraints #product line- Revisiting the Cardinality Operator and Introducing the Cardinality-Path Constraint Family (NB, MC), pp. 59–73.
ASE-2000-BlackOY #specification- Mutation Operators for Specifications (PEB, VO, YY), p. 81–?.
DAC-2000-DesmetVM #generative #operating system- Operating system based software generation for systems-on-chip (DD, DV, HDM), pp. 396–401.
DAC-2000-DickLRJ #analysis #embedded #operating system- Power analysis of embedded operating systems (RPD, GL, AR, NKJ), pp. 312–315.
SIGMOD-2000-Lomet #logic #online #using- High Speed On-line Backup When Using Logical Log Operations (DBL), pp. 34–45.
ITiCSE-2000-Holliday #kernel #operating system- A kernel-based synchronization assignment for the operating systems course (MAH), p. 184.
PEPM-2000-Walpole #case study #challenge #experience #operating system- Operating Systems Specialization: Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges (Abstract of Invited Talk) (JW), p. 83.
STOC-2000-MuthukrishnanS #approximate #comparison #nearest neighbour #sequence- Approximate nearest neighbors and sequence comparison with block operations (SM, SCS), pp. 416–424.
CIAA-2000-Wareham #automaton #complexity #composition #finite #set- The Parameterized Complexity of Intersection and Composition Operations on Sets of Finite-State Automata (TW), pp. 302–310.
WLC-2000-Matsuda- Characterization of Valuation Rings and Valuation Semigroups by Semistar-Operations (RM), pp. 339–351.
IFM-2000-Bowen #animation #hardware #logic programming #semantics #specification- Combining Operational Semantics, Logic Programming and Literate Programming in the Specification and Animation of the Verilog Hardware Description Language (JPB), pp. 277–296.
ICFP-2000-Baker-FinchKT #evaluation #lazy evaluation #parallel #semantics- An operational semantics for parallel lazy evaluation (CABF, DJK, PWT), pp. 162–173.
CSCW-2000-Sun #editing #undo- Undo any operation at any time in group editors (CS), pp. 191–200.
AdaEurope-2000-LacommeCCN #ada #uml- MTS Integrating UML, HOOD, Ada in a Full Ada Operational Software Project (TL, SC, AC, FN), pp. 211–224.
CAiSE-2000-VassiliadisQVJ #process- A Model for Data Warehouse Operational Processes (PV, CQ, YV, MJ), pp. 446–461.
ICPR-v1-2000-KruizingaP #analysis- A Nonlinear Texture Operator Specialized in the Analysis of Dot-Patterns (PK, NP), pp. 1197–1201.
ICPR-v2-2000-BurrellP #algorithm #detection #learning #online #parametricity #probability #process- Sequential Algorithms for Detecting Changes in Acting Stochastic Processes and On-Line Learning of their Operational Parameters (AB, TPK), pp. 2656–2659.
ICPR-v2-2000-KoprinskaK #evolution #fuzzy #network #recognition- Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network for Camera Operations Recognition (IK, NKK), pp. 2523–2526.
ICPR-v2-2000-SuzukiHS #component #performance- Fast Connected-Component Labeling Based on Sequential Local Operations in the Course of Forward Raster Scan Followed by Backward Raster Scan (KS, IH, NS), pp. 2434–2437.
ICPR-v2-2000-WeigelJP #estimation- Estimation of Probabilities for Edit Operations (AW, TJ, AP), pp. 2777–2780.
ICPR-v3-2000-CoquinBO #3d #distance- 3D Nonstationary Local Distance Operator (DC, PB, AO), pp. 3963–3966.
ICPR-v3-2000-GarciaV #geometry #image- Acceleration of Thresholding and Labeling Operations through Geometric Processing of Gray-Level Images (MAG, BXV), pp. 3429–3432.
ICPR-v3-2000-GrigorescuPK #case study #comparative #distance #using- A Comparative Study of Filter Based Texture Operators Using Mahalanobis Distance (SEG, NP, PK), pp. 3897–3900.
ICPR-v3-2000-JeonY #adaptation #image #using- Image Restoration Using Dual Adaptive Regularization Operators (WJ, TY), pp. 3049–3052.
ICPR-v3-2000-LomenieSGC- Morphological Operations on Delaunay Triangulations (NL, GS, LG, NC), pp. 3556–3559.
ICPR-v3-2000-MaenpaaPO #classification #multi- Texture Classification by Multi-Predicate Local Binary Pattern Operators (TM, MP, TO), pp. 3951–3954.
ICPR-v3-2000-RubertoDKJ #image #segmentation #using- Segmentation of Blood Images Using Morphological Operators (CDR, AGD, SK, BJ), pp. 3401–3404.
ICPR-v3-2000-SalembierG- Connected Operators Based on Region-Tree Pruning Strategies (PS, JLG), pp. 3371–3374.
ICPR-v4-2000-OnishiIF #image #video- Production of Video Images by Computer Controlled Camera Operation Based on Distribution of Spatiotemporal Mutual Information (MO, MI, KF), pp. 4102–4105.
ICPR-v4-2000-RataTQS #3d #multi- Multi-Directional Camera 3-D Vision System for Micro-Operation (SH, DT, SG, KS), pp. 4583–4588.
SIGIR-2000-DingC00a #query- Beyond the traditional query operators (C(D, CHC), pp. 377–378.
SIGIR-2000-Sormunen #effectiveness #evaluation #novel #query- A novel method for the evaluation of Boolean query effectiveness across a wide operational range (ES), pp. 25–32.
UML-2000-EngelsHHS #approach #behaviour #diagrams #metamodelling #modelling #semantics #uml #visual notation- Dynamic Meta Modeling: A Graphical Approach to the Operational Semantics of Behavioral Diagrams in UML (GE, JHH, RH, SS), pp. 323–337.
UML-2000-Kwon #model checking #semantics #uml- Rewrite rules and Operational Semantics for Model Checking UML Statecharts (GK), pp. 528–540.
UML-2000-SendallS #case study #specification- From Use Cases to System Operation Specifications (SS, AS), pp. 1–15.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-HartwichT #distributed #execution #object-oriented #performance- Operation Execution Groups: Efficient Operation Processing in Widely Distributed Object Systems (CH, ST), pp. 157–168.
PPDP-2000-Rocca #semantics- Operational semantics and extensionality (SRDR), pp. 24–31.
SAC-2000-OgataF #evaluation #on-demand #semantics- Operational Semantics of Rewriting with the On-demand Evaluation Strategy (KO, KF), pp. 756–764.
SAC-2000-ShibusawaMNH #communication- Scatter and Gather Operations on an Asynchronous Communication Model (SS, HM, SN, JiH), pp. 685–691.
ASPLOS-2000-RedstoneEL #analysis #architecture #behaviour #operating system #parallel #thread- An Analysis of Operating System Behavior on a Simultaneous Multithreaded Architecture (JR, SJE, HML), pp. 245–256.
HPCA-2000-MowryR #memory management #multi #thread #using- Software-Controlled Multithreading Using Informing Memory Operations (TCM, SRR), pp. 121–132.
HPDC-2000-KonCMNB #distributed #named #operating system- 2K: A Distributed Operating System for Dynamic Heterogeneous Environments (FK, RHC, MDM, KN, FJB), pp. 201–210.
OSDI-2000-GriffinSGN #operating system- Operating System Management of MEMS-based Storage Devices (JLG, SWS, GRG, DN), pp. 227–242.
CL-2000-DuchierN #constraints #set- Dominance Constraints with Set Operators (DD, JN), pp. 326–341.
CL-2000-Pallotta #composition #logic #logic programming #semantics #source code- A Meta-logical Semantics for Features and Fluents Based on Compositional Operators over Normal Logic Programs (VP), pp. 777–791.
CSL-2000-Esik #axiom #fixpoint- Axiomatizing the Least Fixed Point Operation and Binary Supremum (ZÉ), pp. 302–316.
ISSTA-2000-FranklD #branch #case study #comparison #data flow #reliability #testing- Comparison of delivered reliability of branch, data flow and operational testing: A case study (PGF, YD), pp. 124–134.
LICS-2000-SimpsonP #axiom #category theory #fixpoint- Complete Axioms for Categorical Fixed-Point Operators (AKS, GDP), pp. 30–41.
TestCom-2000-KatoOSMIS #testing- Interoperability Testing System of TCP/IP Based Systems in Operational Environment (TK, TO, HS, YM, AI, KS), p. 143–?.
ASE-1999-LingamarlaSLWEG #automation #embedded #multi #validation- System for Automated Validation of Embedded Software in Multiple Operating Configurations (SL, GBS, JL, MW, GE, SG), pp. 323–326.
DAC-1999-FengPNKW #approach #performance- Efficient Computation of Quasi-Periodic Circuit Operating Conditions via a Mixed Frequency/Time Approach (DF, JRP, KN, KSK, JW), pp. 635–640.
DATE-1999-ONilsJ #implementation #independence #operating system #protocol #specification #synthesis- Operating System Sensitive Device Driver Synthesis from Implementation Independent Protocol Specification (MO, AJ), pp. 562–567.
DATE-1999-RayaneVN #detection #embedded- A One-Bit-Signature BIST for Embedded Operational Amplifiers in Mixed-Signal Circuits Based on the Slew-Rate Detection (IR, JVM, MN), p. 792–?.
DATE-1999-WeissSR #embedded #operating system #performance #realtime #using- Emulation of a Fast Reactive Embedded System using a Real Time Operating System (KW, TS, WR), pp. 764–765.
ICDAR-1999-TanYHWZ #using- Text/Graphics Separation using Agent-based Pyramid Operations (CLT, BY, WH, QW, ZZ), pp. 169–172.
VLDB-1999-JaedickeM- User-Defined Table Operators: Enhancing Extensibility for ORDBMS (MJ, BM), pp. 494–505.
ESOP-1999-DanvyY #continuation- An Operational Investigation of the CPS Hierarchy (OD, ZY), pp. 224–242.
ICSM-1999-KhoshgoftaarAYJH #experience #fault #legacy #metric #predict- Experience Paper: Preparing Measurements of Legacy Software for Predicting Operational Faults (TMK, EBA, XY, WDJ, JPH), p. 359–?.
WIA-1999-CampeanuCSY #complexity #finite- State Complexity of Basic Operations on Finite Languages (CC, KCI, KS, SY), pp. 60–70.
FM-v2-1999-YongG #semantics- An Operational Semantics for Timed RAISE (XY, CG), pp. 1008–1027.
IFM-1999-TreharneS #algebra #process #using- Using a Process Algebra to Control B Operations (HT, SS), pp. 437–456.
ICFP-1999-FlattFKF #lisp #operating system #programming language- Programming Languages as Operating Systems (or Revenge of the Son of the Lisp Machine) (MF, RBF, SK, MF), pp. 138–147.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BoussoffaraE99a #similarity- An operator support system based on situation similarity (BB, PFE), pp. 1291–1295.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HollnagelN #approach #collaboration #performance- The collaboration between operators and procedures: a cognitive systems engineering approach to performance improvement (EH, YN), pp. 1211–1215.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KasviKVPR #learning- Supporting a learning operative organization (JJJK, IK, MV, AP, LR), pp. 197–201.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Kim- Cooperative tele-operation in virtual environment (SJK), pp. 598–603.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MesserS #concept #distributed #operating system- Concepts for distributed groupware operating systems (BM, KS), pp. 308–312.
HCI-CCAD-1999-NumanoMTMNFM #fault #reduction- Reduction of human errors in plant operation utilizing human error correction function as an individual and crew (MN, KM, KT, HM, YN, JF, YM), pp. 1206–1210.
HCI-CCAD-1999-StahreJ #concept #information management #smarttech- The super operator concept — wearable information system for manufacturing system personnel (JS, AJ), pp. 192–196.
HCI-CCAD-1999-TakanoSS #behaviour #simulation- Intellectual simulation of operating team behavior in coping with anomalies occurring at commercial nuclear power plants (KT, WS, KS), pp. 1201–1205.
HCI-CCAD-1999-TsuchiyaHMH #estimation- Estimation of plant operator’s cognitive modes based on the cognition model (KT, YH, HM, EH), pp. 1306–1310.
HCI-EI-1999-AarasRH- Can a more neutral position and support of the forearms at the Table top reduce pain for VDU operators. Laboratory and field studies (AA, OR, GH), pp. 51–55.
HCI-EI-1999-ChenC #case study #interface #visual notation- A study on tactile interfaces as an aid to home electronic appliance operation for the visually impaired (WZC, WKC), pp. 740–744.
HCI-EI-1999-DaeleC #simulation- Between the situation of simulation and the situation of reference: the operators’ representations (AVD, DC), pp. 875–879.
HCI-EI-1999-Harel #automation #usability #validation- Automatic Operation Logging and Usability Validation (AH), pp. 1128–1133.
HCI-EI-1999-KotaniH- Relationship between Size of Icons and Mouse Operating Force with Complex Actions during Pointing Tasks (KK, KH), pp. 412–415.
HCI-EI-1999-TakahashiKMFK #adaptation #design #interface- Design of Interface for Operational Support of an Experimental Accelerator with adaptability to User Preference and Skill Level (MT, YK, SM, MF, MK), pp. 251–255.
HCI-EI-1999-Tsunoda #prototype- Cyber-Messe part 2: An Operational Prototype Model (TT), pp. 769–773.
HCI-EI-1999-Urokohara #analysis #design #usability #user interface #using- Method to Build Good Usability: Task Analysis and User Interface Design Using Operation Flowcharts (HU), pp. 928–932.
ICEIS-1999-BragancaR #process- System for Operational Process Management (AB, CR), p. 765.
ICEIS-1999-ValeSFMRM #named- SPARSE-IT: An Intelligent Tutor for Power System Control Center Operator Training (ZAV, AS, LF, NM, CR, AM), pp. 327–334.
MLDM-1999-PetrouS #fuzzy- Generalized Fuzzy Aggregation Operators (MP, KRS), pp. 195–208.
SIGIR-1999-LosadaB #documentation #modelling #ranking #using- Using a Belief Revision Operator for Document Ranking in Extended Boolean Models (DEL, AB), pp. 66–73.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-CrespoRM #automation- Obtaining Generic Classes Automatically through a Parameterization Operator: A Focus on Constrained Genericity (YC, JJR, JMMC), pp. 166–176.
LOPSTR-1999-BertolinoEP #source code- The Replacement Operation for CCP Programs (MB, SE, CP), pp. 216–233.
PPDP-1999-LuC #semantics- An Operational Semantics of Starlog (LL, JGC), pp. 294–310.
POPL-1999-MoranS #call-by #lazy evaluation- Improvement in a Lazy Context: An Operational Theory for Call-by-Need (AM, DS), pp. 43–56.
ICSE-1999-BorgidaD #component #information management #towards- Adding more “DL” to IDL: Towards More Knowledgeable Component Inter-Operability (AB, PTD), pp. 378–387.
OSDI-1999-GamsaKAS #concurrent #locality #memory management #multi #named #operating system- Tornado: Maximizing Locality and Concurrency in a Shared Memory Multiprocessor Operating System (BG, OK, JA, MS), pp. 87–100.
OSDI-1999-Hand #operating system #self- Self-Paging in the Nemesis Operating System (SMH), pp. 73–86.
OSDI-1999-TamchesM #fine-grained #kernel #operating system- Fine-Grained Dynamic Instrumentation of Commodity Operating System Kernels (AT, BPM), pp. 117–130.
PPoPP-1999-KielmannHBPB #clustering #communication #named- MagPIe: MPI’s Collective Communication Operations for Clustered Wide Area Systems (TK, RFHH, HEB, AP, RB), pp. 131–140.
CADE-1999-Sofronie-Stokkermans #complexity #decidability #on the- On the Universal Theory of Varieties of Distributive Lattices with Operators: Some Decidability and Complexity Results (VSS), pp. 157–171.
CSL-1999-DiekertG #logic- An Expressively Complete Temporal Logic without Past Tense Operators for Mazurkiewicz Traces (VD, PG), pp. 188–203.
CSL-1999-Mosses #logic #semantics #specification- Logical Specification of Operational Semantics (PDM), pp. 32–49.
LICS-1999-HellaLNW #logic- Logics with Aggregate Operators (LH, LL, JN, LW), pp. 35–44.
TLCA-1999-Goguen #framework #logic #semantics- Soundness of the Logical Framework for Its Typed Operational Semantics (HG), pp. 177–197.
DATE-1998-LiG #algorithm #behaviour- An Algorithm To Determine Mutually Exclusive Operations In Behavioral Descriptions (JL, RKG), pp. 457–463.
WRLA-1998-Eker #evaluation #term rewriting- Term rewriting with operator evaluation strategies (SE), pp. 311–330.
ICALP-1998-Pitts #equivalence #logic- Existential Types: Logical Relations and Operational Equivalence (AMP), pp. 309–326.
WIA-1998-DuchampFL #automaton #multi- Operations over Automata with Multiplicities (GD, MF, ÉL), pp. 183–191.
WIA-1998-HuerterSWY #automaton #finite #implementation- Implementing Reversed Alternating Finite Automaton (r-AFA) Operations (SH, KS, XW, SY), pp. 69–81.
WIA-1998-Tronicek- Operations on DASG (ZT), pp. 82–91.
IFL-1998-HallBTK #functional #parallel #semantics #strict #towards- Towards an Operational Semantics for a Parallel Non-Strict Functional Language (JGH, CABF, PWT, DJK), pp. 54–71.
CSCW-1998-PalmerC #distributed #spreadsheet- Operation Transforms for a Distributed Shared Spreadsheet (CRP, GVC), pp. 69–78.
CSCW-1998-SunE #algorithm #editing #realtime- Operational Transformation in Real-Time Group Editors: Issues, Algorithms, and Achievements (CS, CAE), pp. 59–68.
EDOC-1998-HoffnerS #contract- Co-operation, contracts, contractual match-making and binding (YH, AS), pp. 75–86.
ICPR-1998-ArcelliS #parallel- Parallel lowering of digital pictures by topology preserving operations (CA, LS), pp. 1601–1603.
ICPR-1998-HuetP98a #classification #fuzzy #image #multi #segmentation- Fusion of images after segmentation by various operators and interpretation by a multi-scale fuzzy classification (FH, SP), pp. 1843–1845.
ICPR-1998-KruizingaP #segmentation- Grating cell operator features for oriented texture segmentation (PK, NP), pp. 1010–1014.
ICPR-1998-LeeHSL #analysis #automation #bound #detection #parsing #using #video- Automatic video parsing using shot boundary detection and camera operation analysis (MSL, BWH, SS, SWL), pp. 1481–1483.
ICPR-1998-OjalaP #multi #parametricity- Nonparametric multichannel texture description with simple spatial operators (TO, MP), pp. 1052–1056.
ICPR-1998-SukanyaTS #classification #image #multi #using- Image classification using the surface-shape operator and multiscale features (PS, RT, MS), pp. 334–337.
KR-1998-CostelloP #quantifier- Quantifiers and Operations on Modalities and Contexts (TC, AP), pp. 270–281.
KR-1998-WolterZ #decidability #logic #on the- On the Decidability of Description Logics with Modal Operators (FW, MZ), pp. 512–523.
SIGIR-1998-HyoudoNI #comparison #dependence #proximity #retrieval- Comparison Between Proximity Operation and Dependency Operation in Japanese Full-Text Retrieval (YH, KN, TI), pp. 341–342.
OOPSLA-1998-OlkenJMPA #distributed #lessons learnt #monitoring- Object Lessons Learned from a Distributed System for Remote Building Monitoring and Operation (FO, HAJ, CM, MAP, MFA), pp. 284–295.
ALP-PLILP-1998-Pitts #higher-order #semantics- Operational Versus Denotational Methods in the Semantics of Higher Order Languages (AMP), pp. 282–283.
ICRE-1998-HaglindJR #analysis #case study #empirical #experience #requirements- Experiences Integrating Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis An Empirical Study of Operations & Management System Procurement Projects (MH, LJ, MR), pp. 108–117.
SAC-1998-HallamY #fuzzy #product line #pseudo #strict- Families of fuzzy implication operators within measure M1 and their pseudo-strict (NH, KMY), pp. 262–266.
HPDC-1998-VahdatADBCEY #named #operating system- WebOS: Operating System Services for Wide Area Applications (AV, TEA, MD, EB, DEC, PE, CY), pp. 52–63.
LCTES-1998-SeoPH #operating system #performance #realtime- Efficient User-Level I/O in the ARX Real-Time Operating System (YS, JP, SH), pp. 166–175.
JICSLP-1998-McAloon #linear #logic programming #research- Disjunctive Linear Programming: At the Intersection of Operations Research and Logic Programming (KM), pp. 5–6.
LICS-1998-Benthem #logic #process- Process Operations in Extended Dynamic Logics (JvB), pp. 244–250.
LICS-1998-Bernstein #congruence #higher-order #semantics #theorem- A Congruence Theorem for Structured Operational Semantics of Higher-Order Languages (KLB), pp. 153–164.
LICS-1998-FernandezM #equivalence #induction #interactive- Coinductive Techniques for Operational Equivalence of Interaction Nets (MF, IM), pp. 321–332.
ICDAR-1997-KatoWN #recognition- Recognition of Essential Folding Operations: A Step for Interpreting Illustrated Books of Origami (JK, TW, TN), pp. 81–85.
DLT-1997-JancarMPPV #automaton- Deleting Automata with a Restart Operation (PJ, FM, MP, MP, JV), pp. 191–202.
DLT-1997-Kudlek- Mix Operation with Catenation and Shuffle (MK), pp. 387–398.
DLT-1997-LitovskyP #on the- On a Binary Zigzag Operation (IL, BP), pp. 273–289.
DLT-1997-MrazPP #automaton- Deleting Automata with a Restart Operation and Marcus Grammars (FM, MP, MP), pp. 329–342.
ICALP-1997-Dami #fault #reduction #runtime- Labelled Reductions, Runtime Errors and Operational Subsumption (LD), pp. 782–793.
WIA-1997-Revuz #automaton- Operations on Extended Automata (DR), pp. 171–175.
FME-1997-CazierD #2d #set #term rewriting- Term Rewrite Systems to Derive Set Boolean Operations on 2D Objects (DC, JFD), pp. 605–623.
FME-1997-Charpentier #distributed #source code- A UNITY Mapping Operator for Distributed Programs (MC), pp. 665–684.
FME-1997-LanoS #design- Design of Reactive Control Systems for Event-Drivem Operations (KL, AS), pp. 142–161.
ICFP-1997-Shivers #automation #operating system- Automatic Management of Operating System Resources (OS), pp. 274–279.
IFL-1997-Scholz #array- WITH-Loop-Folding in SAC — Condensing Consecutive Array Operations (SBS), pp. 72–91.
CHI-1997-KandoganS #evaluation #multi- Elastic Windows: Evaluation of Multi-Window Operations (EK, BS), pp. 250–257.
HCI-CC-1997-Andersen- A Computerised System for Training of Medical Doctors in Pre-hospital Rescuing Operation during Emergency Situations (VA), pp. 773–776.
HCI-CC-1997-DobronetsSV #identification- Ergodynamic Method of Identification of the Cognitive Strategy Used by the Human-Operator (BSD, AAS, VFV), pp. 837–840.
HCI-CC-1997-FoxBBBB #design- Human Factors Techniques for Designing the Virtual Mission Operations Center (JAF, JB, RB, PB, MB), pp. 737–740.
HCI-CC-1997-GiladH #design- Keyboard Operations in a Negative Slope Design (IG, SH), pp. 611–614.
HCI-CC-1997-JoynerSS #evaluation- The Context of Co-operative Working-Generic Issues, and all Evaluation of Some Software for Co-operative Working in a Manufacturing Engineering Engineering Environment (SMJ, CES, MAS), pp. 297–300.
HCI-CC-1997-MamiyaHSK- A New Way to Overcome the Uneasy Operation of Touch-Sensitive Displays by Incorporating “Click” Mechanism CC Switch (MM, HH, YS, MK), pp. 619–622.
HCI-CC-1997-Olszewski- Application of Ergonomics in Creating of Workplace of Computer’s Operator in Manufacturing (JO), pp. 695–698.
HCI-CC-1997-TakedaH #question- Does the Circadian Rhythm of VDT Operators Cause Fluctuations of CFF Value that to Mask Fatigue Variations During Work Load? (MT, YH), pp. 563–566.
HCI-CC-1997-Venda97a #assembly #design #industrial #testing- Ergonomic Design and Industrial Testing of the Televised Assembly and Manual Material Handling Workstations with Indirect Observation of Operations (VFV), pp. 847–850.
HCI-CC-1997-VendaL #assembly #evaluation #using- Ergonomic Evaluation of Manual Assembly Operations Using Direct and Indirect Observation Workstations in Sitting and Standing Positions (VFV, SSL), pp. 855–858.
HCI-SEC-1997-BoussoffaraE #interface #process- Reducing Operator Mental Load Through Dynamic Icons Interfaces and Process Notice (BB, PFE), pp. 391–394.
HCI-SEC-1997-ChangKC #development #maintenance- Development Strategies on an Intelligent Software System for Total Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants (SHC, HGK, SSC), pp. 229–232.
HCI-SEC-1997-EllisBMJA #interactive #latency #visual notation- Operator Interaction with Visual Objects: Effect of System Latency (SRE, FB, BMM, RHJ, BDA), pp. 973–976.
HCI-SEC-1997-FurutaNK- Vizualization of Knowledge Model Used for Plant Operation (KF, KN, SK), pp. 751–754.
HCI-SEC-1997-HollnagelH #communication #lessons learnt #problem #question- Twenty-Five Years of Operator-Process Communication: Lessons Learned and Problems Solved? (EH, JØH), pp. 221–224.
HCI-SEC-1997-Ibrahim #editing #optimisation- Optimizing Cut-and-Paste Operations in Directed-Graph Editing (BI), pp. 359–362.
HCI-SEC-1997-KrishnanM- Strategies for Integrating and Separating Pen-Based Operational States (SNK, SM), pp. 439–442.
HCI-SEC-1997-NishitaniKKS #industrial #usability- Experimental Method for Usability Test of Industrial Plant Operation System (HN, TK, TK, CS), pp. 625–628.
AdaEurope-1997-Pichon #ada #integration- CCO-Mars’96 Integration HOOD, Ada and XInAda in a full Ada Operational Software Project (PP), pp. 196–208.
CIKM-1997-JosifovskiS #specification- Incorporating Association Pattern and Operation Specification in ODMG’s OQL (VJ, SYWS), pp. 332–340.
SIGIR-1997-GreiffCT #modelling #probability- Computationally Tractable Probabilistic Modeling of Boolean Operators (WRG, WBC, HRT), pp. 119–128.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Pacherie #design pattern #parallel- Operator Design Pattern for Data Parallel Computation (JLP), pp. 340–354.
PLILP-1997-AnconaZ #framework #mixin- Overriding Operators in a Mixin-Based Framework (DA, EZ), pp. 47–61.
POPL-1997-Sands #functional #proving- From SOS Rules to Proof Principles: An Operational Metatheory for Functional Languages (DS), pp. 428–441.
POPL-1997-WandS #semantics #using- Denotational Semantics Using an Operationally-Based Term Model (MW, GTS), pp. 386–399.
RE-1997-DarimontS #approach #requirements #reuse- Reusing Operational Requirements: A Process-Oriented Approach (RD, JS), p. 16–?.
SAC-1997-Julstrom #adaptation #algorithm #search-based- Adaptive operator probabilities in a genetic algorithm that applies three operators (BAJ), pp. 233–238.
SAC-1997-KozaBAK #evolution #programming #search-based #using- Evolution using genetic programming of a low-distortion, 96 decibel operational amplifier (JRK, FHBI, DA, MAK), pp. 207–216.
SAC-1997-Mao #constraints #order #parallel #problem #scheduling- A parallel multi-operation scheduling problem with machine order constraints (WM), pp. 473–477.
HPCA-1997-MarkatosK #kernel #operating system- User-Level DMA without Operating System Kernel Modification (EPM, MK), pp. 322–331.
SOSP-1997-BugnionDR #multi #named #operating system #scalability- DISCO: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable Multiprocessors (EB, SD, MR), pp. 143–156.
LICS-1997-TuriP #semantics #towards- Towards a Mathematical Operational Semantics (DT, GDP), pp. 280–291.
RTA-1997-KuhlerW #data type #equation #induction #proving #specification #theorem proving- Conditional Equational Specifications of Data Types with Partial Operations for Inductive Theorem Proving (UK, CPW), pp. 38–52.
DAC-1996-Gupta #analysis #constraints #embedded #execution- Analysis of Operation Delay and Execution Rate Constraints for Embedded Systems (RKG), pp. 601–604.
HT-1996-NurnbergLSS #hypermedia #operating system #paradigm- Hypermedia Operating Systems: A New Paradigm for Computing (PJN, JJL, ERS, JLS), pp. 194–202.
VLDB-1996-MeoPC #mining- A New SQL-like Operator for Mining Association Rules (RM, GP, SC), pp. 122–133.
ITiCSE-1996-Hartley #education #hypermedia #network #operating system #using- A hypermedia lab manual for operating systems: using the network to teach (SJH), pp. 8–10.
ITiCSE-1996-Jones96a #education #java #operating system- RCOS.java: an animated operating system for computer science education (DJ), p. 233.
ITiCSE-1996-LeesC #learning #natural language #operating system- Applying natural language technology to the learning of operating systems functions (BL, JC), pp. 11–13.
ICALP-1996-Miltersen #bound #multi- Lower Bounds for Static Dictionaries on RAMs with Bit Operations But No Multiplication (PBM), pp. 442–453.
IFL-1996-Scholz #array #functional #on the #programming- On Programming Scientific Applications in SAC — A Functional Language Extended by a Subsystem for High-Level Array Operations (SBS), pp. 85–104.
ICPR-1996-Karasik #3d #commutative #on the #representation #set- On a planar representation of 3D figures commutative with respect to set and morphological operations (YBK), pp. 615–619.
ICPR-1996-SukanyaTTS #image- A new operator for describing topographical image structure (PS, HT, RT, MS), pp. 50–54.
ICPR-1996-TurnerH- An EM-like relaxation operator (MT, ERH), pp. 166–170.
ECOOP-1996-JezequelP #parallel- Parallel Operators (JMJ, JLP), pp. 275–294.
OOPSLA-1996-HassenAB #distributed #execution #flexibility- A Flexible Operation Execution Model for Shared Distributed Objects (SBH, IA, HEB), pp. 30–50.
SAC-1996-HuizingaM- Disconnected operation for heterogeneous servers (DMH, PM), pp. 312–321.
ICSE-1996-Anderson #development #operating system- An Operating System Development: Windows 3 (Abstract) (CA), p. 101.
ICSE-1996-WatanabeS #adaptation #generative #operating system #standard #testing- A Specification-Based Adaptive Test Case Generation Strategy for Open Operating System Standards (AW, KS), pp. 81–89.
ASPLOS-1996-ChenNCARL #operating system- The Rio File Cache: Surviving Operating System Crashes (PMC, WTN, SC, CMA, GR, DEL), pp. 74–83.
ASPLOS-1996-VergheseDGR #locality #operating system- Operating System Support for Improving Data Locality on CC-NUMA Compute Servers (BV, SD, AG, MR), pp. 279–289.
CC-1996-ChowCLLS #alias #effectiveness #memory management #representation- Effective Representation of Aliases and Indirect Memory Operations in SSA Form (FCC, SC, SML, RL, MS), pp. 253–267.
HPCA-1996-XiaT #multi #operating system #performance- Improving the Data Cache Performance of Multiprocessor Operating Systems (CX, JT), pp. 85–94.
CADE-1996-GrafM- Advanced Indexing Operations on Substitution Trees (PG, CM), pp. 553–567.
CADE-1996-Salzer #axiom #multi #quantifier- Optimal Axiomatizations for Multiple-Valued Operators and Quantifiers Based on Semi-lattices (GS), pp. 688–702.
CAV-1996-BerregebBR #automation #commutative #induction #verification- Automated Verification by Induction with Associative-Commutative Operators (NB, AB, MR), pp. 220–231.
LICS-1996-Pitts #logic #reasoning- Reasoning about Local Variables with Operationally-Based Logical Relations (AMP), pp. 152–163.
DAC-1995-FarrahiTS #memory management #segmentation- Memory Segmentation to Exploit Sleep Mode Operation (AHF, GET, MS), pp. 36–41.
VLDB-1995-HoelS #benchmark #metric- Benchmarking Spatial Join Operations with Spatial Output (EGH, HS), pp. 606–618.
VLDB-1995-KalusD #flexibility #relational- Flexible Relations — Operational Support of Variant Relational Structures (CK, PD), pp. 539–550.
VLDB-1995-MehtaD #database #parallel- Managing Intra-operator Parallelism in Parallel Database Systems (MM, DJD), pp. 382–394.
PEPM-1995-EtalleG- The Replacement Operation for CLP Modules (SE, MG), pp. 168–177.
STOC-1995-HenzingerK #algorithm #graph #random- Randomized dynamic graph algorithms with polylogarithmic time per operation (MRH, VK), pp. 519–527.
DLT-1995-Gramatovici #parsing- Introducing the Operational Parser (RG), pp. 466–471.
CHI-1995-MullerCADWEC #information management- Telephone Operators as Knowledge Workers: Consultants Who Meet Customer Needs (MJM, RC, CA, BD, CW, CE, JC), pp. 130–137.
AdaEurope-1995-Laurens #ada- PRONAOS Ground Control Center: First Operational Ada Application in C.N.E.S (AL), pp. 124–138.
ICML-1995-Wang #approach #incremental #learning- Learning by Observation and Practice: An Incremental Approach for Planning Operator Acquisition (XW), pp. 549–557.
OOPSLA-1995-ItohYT #concurrent #low level #named #operating system #programming #using- SCONE: Using Concurrent Objects for Low-level Operating System Programming (JiI, YY, MT), pp. 385–398.
POPL-1995-Bloom #semantics #specification- Structured Operational Semantics as a Specification Language (BB), pp. 107–117.
SAC-1995-HuizingaH #distributed- Two-level client caching and disconnected operation of notebook computers in distributed systems (DMH, KAH), pp. 390–395.
SAC-1995-SaiedianW #automation- An operational model for intelligent forms in office automation (HS, KWW), pp. 415–419.
HPCA-1995-TorrellasXD #operating system #optimisation #performance- Optimizing Instruction Cache Performance for Operating System Intensive Workloads (JT, CX, RLD), pp. 360–369.
LCT-RTS-1995-HuangL #concurrent #execution #predict #worst-case- Predicting the Worst-Case Execution Time of the Concurrent Execution of Instructions and Cycle-Stealing DMA I/O Operations (TYH, JWSL), pp. 1–6.
PPoPP-1995-HwangLJ #array #fortran #source code #synthesis- An Array Operation Synthesis Scheme to Optimize Fortran 90 Programs (GHH, JKL, RDCJ), pp. 112–122.
SOSP-1995-BershadSPSFBCE #operating system #performance #safety- Extensibility, Safety and Performance in the SPIN Operating System (BNB, SS, PP, EGS, MEF, DB, CC, SJE), pp. 267–284.
SOSP-1995-ChenECMDSS #operating system #performance- The Measured Performance of Personal Computer Operating Systems (JBC, YE, KC, DM, AD, MIS, MDS), pp. 299–313.
SOSP-1995-EnglerKO #architecture #kernel #named #operating system #resource management- Exokernel: An Operating System Architecture for Application-Level Resource Management (DRE, MFK, JO), pp. 251–266.
SOSP-1995-PuABCCIKWZ #incremental #operating system- Optimistic Incremental Specialization: Streamlining a Commercial Operating System (CP, TA, APB, CC, CC, JI, LK, JW, KZ), pp. 314–324.
SOSP-1995-RosenblumBHWG #architecture #operating system #performance #roadmap- The Impact of Architectural Trends on Operating System Performance (MR, EB, SAH, EW, AG), pp. 285–298.
ICLP-1995-PodelskiS #constraints #logic programming #semantics #source code- Operational Semantics of Constraint Logic Programs with Coroutining (AP, GS), pp. 449–463.
ILPS-1995-Dershowitz #semantics- Goal Solving as Operational Semantics (ND), pp. 3–17.
TLCA-1995-Goguen #semantics- Typed Operational Semantics (HG), pp. 186–200.
EDAC-1994-DalkilicP #bound #scheduling #using- Optimal Operation Scheduling Using Resource Lower Bound Estimations (MED, VP), pp. 319–324.
VLDB-1994-HoelS #performance- Performance of Data-Parallel Spatial Operations (EGH, HS), pp. 156–167.
LFP-1994-Biswas- In-Place Updates in the Presence of Control Operators (SKB), pp. 283–293.
AdaEurope-1994-SevestreB #ada #generative #multi #operating system #thread- Adequacy of the New Generation of Multithreading Operating Systems to the Ada Tasking Model (JS, JB), pp. 24–32.
KDD-1994-Kaufman #development #learning #multi #tool support #using- Comparing International Development Patterns Using Multi-Operator Learning and Discovery Tools (KAK), pp. 431–440.
KR-1994-Teege #difference #logic- Making the Difference: A Subtraction Operation for Description Logics (GT), pp. 540–550.
SEKE-1994-KrogstieS- Extending a temporal rule language with deontic operators (JK, GS), pp. 314–321.
PLILP-1994-BrogiCMMPRT #composition #implementation- Implementations of Program Composition Operations (AB, AC, PM, VM, DP, CR, FT), pp. 292–307.
PLILP-1994-MoreauQ #continuation #difference- Partial Continuations as the Difference of Continuations — A Duumvirate of Control Operators (LM, CQ), pp. 182–197.
POPL-1994-CleavelandY #framework #process- An Operational Framework for Value-Passing Processes (RC, DY), pp. 326–338.
ICRE-1994-FairleyTB #concept #requirements #specification- The concept of operations: the bridge from operational requirements to technical specifications (REF, RHT, PB), pp. 40–47.
ASPLOS-1994-ArgadeCT #monitoring #operating system #runtime- A Technique for Monitoring Run-Time Dynamics of an Operating System and a Microprocessor Executing User Applications (PVA, DKC, CT), pp. 122–131.
ASPLOS-1994-TalluriH #operating system #performance- Surpassing the TLB Performance of Superpages with Less Operating System Support (MT, MDH), pp. 171–182.
ASPLOS-1994-ThekkathLL #distributed #operating system- Separating Data and Control Transfer in Distributed Operating Systems (CAT, HML, EDL), pp. 2–11.
CC-1994-HoogerbruggeC- Transport-Triggering versus Operation-Triggering (JH, HC), pp. 435–449.
HPDC-1994-HuangM #design #implementation #network #reduction- Design and Implementation of Global Reduction Operations Across ATM Networks (CH, PKM), pp. 43–50.
ICLP-1994-Guglielmi #concurrent #generative #logic programming #programming language- Concurrency and Plan Generation in a Logic Programming Language with a Sequential Operator (AG), pp. 240–254.
DAC-1993-GraebWA #analysis #optimisation #worst-case- Improved Methods for Worst-Case Analysis and Optimization Incorporating Operating Tolerances (HEG, CUW, KA), pp. 142–147.
KBSE-1993-BhatM #evolution #specification- Operation for Evolving Specifications (SB, KM), p. 17.
ICDAR-1993-Popescu #hypermedia- Co-operative work in a hypertext system for universities (CP), pp. 696–698.
SIGMOD-1993-MannaiB #information management- Enhancing Inter-Operability and Data Sharing In Medical Information Systems (DNM, KMB), pp. 495–498.
SIGMOD-1993-PolyachenkoA #development #distributed #parallel- Instrumental Complex of Parallel Software System Development and Operating Environment Support for Distributed Processing within Multitransputer Systems, TRANSSOFT (BEP, FIA), pp. 548–549.
VLDB-1993-ThomasD #concept- A Plan-Operator Concept for Client-Based Knowledge Progressing (JT, SD), pp. 555–566.
PEPM-1993-ConselPW #composition #incremental #operating system #partial evaluation #performance- Incremental Partial Evaluation: The Key to High Performance, Modularity and Portability in Operating Systems (CC, CP, JW), pp. 44–46.
WSA-1993-Monsuez #polymorphism- Polymorphic Types and Widening Operators (BM), pp. 267–281.
FPCA-1993-Gordon #functional #lazy evaluation #semantics- An Operational Semantics for I/O in a Lazy Functional Language (ADG), pp. 136–145.
FPCA-1993-PurushothamanS #semantics- From Operational Definitions to Abstract Semantics (SP, JS), pp. 276–288.
HCI-ACS-1993-Cook #correlation #performance- Teleoperation of Heavy Equipment: Individual and Environmental Correlates of Operator Performance (TMC), pp. 278–282.
HCI-ACS-1993-Haduch #interactive- Operator Interaction with Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) (TWH), pp. 289–294.
HCI-ACS-1993-HoonhoutZ #behaviour #industrial #process- Operator Behavior and Supervisory Control Systems in the Chemical Process Industry (HCMH, HJGZ), pp. 109–114.
HCI-ACS-1993-HorieOO- Acupressure for Eyestrain Relief in VDT Operators (YH, TO, OÖ), pp. 774–779.
HCI-ACS-1993-KaarelaHJ #design- Providing Plant Design Knowledge to the Operators (KK, PH, JJ), pp. 546–551.
HCI-ACS-1993-RubinoMPST #bibliography- Longitudinal Survey of Ocular Disorders and General Complaints in VDU Operators (GFR, GM, GP, AS, MT), pp. 768–773.
HCI-ACS-1993-Soderberg #design #how- How the Design of the Premises Supports a New Organizational Structure as Viewed by Full-Time Operators in Large-Scaled Tele-Services (IS), pp. 839–844.
HCI-ACS-1993-Stahre #named- Humanufacturing — Operator Decision Suport in a CIM Environment (JS), pp. 2–7.
HCI-ACS-1993-StuartSHFL- Remote Operations in the Hazardous Environments of Space (MAS, CES, RCH, TFF, AJL), pp. 295–300.
HCI-ACS-1993-VankovGRV #complexity- Operational Complexity of Controlling Space Vehicles (AV, YG, AR, AV), pp. 219–224.
HCI-SHI-1993-GlazkovRVV #complexity- Control of Cosmonauts Training to Overcome Operational Complexity (YG, AR, AV, AV), pp. 772–777.
HCI-SHI-1993-KatoDO- The Basic Study of Natural Operation in Virtual Space (NK, MD, AO), pp. 681–686.
HCI-SHI-1993-MoriyaT #concept- Concept of Minute Operation and its Application to Pen-Based Computers (SM, HT), pp. 1034–1039.
HCI-SHI-1993-UjitaKIK #analysis- Cooperative Work Analysis of Plant Operator Crew (HU, RK, KI, RK), pp. 955–960.
HCI-SHI-1993-YuT #performance- Musculoskeletal Discomfort and Job Performance of Keyboard Operators (ITSY, HSCT), pp. 1058–1063.
AdaEurope-1993-Bloch- An Operational Computer Aided Software Environment: ILIADE (MGB), pp. 216–226.
TRI-Ada-1993-KrantzBGSV #multi #operating system- The Aladdex Operating Systems for the Aladdin Multiprocessor (DK, RB, SG, BS, MV), pp. 354–366.
SEKE-1993-BhaM #evolution #specification- Operations for Evolving Specifications (SB, KM), pp. 343–345.
SIGIR-1993-LeeKKL #evaluation #framework #on the #retrieval- On the Evaluation of Boolean Operators in the Extended Boolean Retrieval Framework (JHL, WYK, MHK, YJL), pp. 291–297.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Duke93a- Class Operators for Object Compatibility (RD), pp. 449–461.
TOOLS-USA-1993-DeublerK #object-oriented #operating system- Object Oriented Restructuring of the General Purpose Operating System BS2000 (HHD, MK), pp. 21–30.
ICRE-1993-FenselAS #analysis #semantics- Giving Structured Analysis Techniques a Formal and Operational Semantics with KARL (DF, JA, RS), pp. 267–286.
ESEC-1993-Godart #coordination #developer #named #transaction- COO: A Transaction Model to Support COOperating Software Developers COOrdination (CG), pp. 361–379.
PPoPP-1993-PrinsP #source code- Transforming High-Level Data-Parallel Programs into Vector Operations (JP, DWP), pp. 119–128.
SOSP-1993-ChenB #memory management #operating system #performance- The Impact of Operating System Structure on Memory System Performance (JBC, BNB), pp. 120–133.
SOSP-1993-WobberABL #authentication #operating system- Authentication in the Taos Operating System (EW, MA, MB, BWL), pp. 256–269.
CSL-1993-Stewart #fixpoint #quantifier- Incorporating Generalized Quantifiers and the Least Fixed Point Operator (IAS), pp. 318–333.
ICLP-1993-BosschereJ #implementation #multi #named #prolog #semantics- Multi-Prolog: Definition, Operational Semantics and Implementation (KDB, JMJ), pp. 299–313.
ILPS-1993-PostGK #parsing- Deterministic Parsing of Languages with Dynamic Operators (KP, AVG, JK), pp. 456–472.
ISSTA-1993-Woit #specification- Specifying Operational Profiles for Modules (DMW), pp. 2–10.
HT-ECHT-1992-Colorni #hypermedia #learning #research- A Hypertext for Learning Operational Research (Demonstration) (AC), p. 291.
PODS-1992-GinsburgW #approach #pattern matching #query #towards- Pattern Matching by Rs-Operations: Toward a Unified Approach to Querying Sequenced Data (SG, XSW), pp. 293–300.
SIGMOD-1992-Hong #parallel- Exploiting Inter-Operation Parallelism in XPRS (WH), pp. 19–28.
ESOP-1992-PurushothamanS #evaluation #lazy evaluation #semantics- An Adequate Operational Semantics for Sharing in Lazy Evaluation (SP, JS), pp. 435–450.
STOC-1992-SimonS #complexity #on the #ram #set- On the Complexity of RAM with Various Operation Sets (JS, MS), pp. 624–631.
LFP-1992-Rozas- Taming the Y Operator (GJR), pp. 226–234.
CAiSE-1992-HagelsteinR #declarative #specification- Reconciling Operational and Declarative Specifications (JH, DR), pp. 221–238.
KR-1992-DoniniLNSN #concept- Adding Epistemic Operators to Concept Languages (FMD, ML, DN, AS, WN), pp. 342–353.
KR-1992-Lownie #logic- A Contraction Operator For Classical Propositional Logic (TML), pp. 720–731.
SEKE-1992-Ameur #evaluation- Formal Program Developments Directed by Operational Properties Evaluation (YAA), pp. 1–8.
SEKE-1992-Berztiss #constraints- Operational Construction of Integrity Constraints (ATB), pp. 487–494.
OOPSLA-1992-ChaseLLB #lightweight #operating system- Lightweight Shared Objects in a 64-Bit Operating System (JSC, HML, EDL, MBH), pp. 397–413.
OOPSLA-1992-Yokote #concept #implementation #operating system- The Apertos Reflective Operating System: The Concept and its Implementation (YY), pp. 414–434.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Assis-ArantesBLRRSC #paradigm- Application of the Object Paradigm in Satellite Checkout and Payload Operations (PAA, EB, GL, TR, JR, RS, NC), pp. 311–323.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-Bucker #object-oriented #research- Object Oriented Operations Research (MB), p. 413.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-McCue #c++- Intercepting Fecht and Store Operations in C++ (DLM), pp. 275–282.
TOOLS-USA-1992-PauwWJ #c++ #metadata- An Operational Metadata System for C++ (PAP, RW, AJ), pp. 215–223.
ICSE-1992-BasiliCMPPW #experience #re-engineering- The Software Engineering Laboratory: An Operational Software Experience Factory (VRB, GC, FEM, RP, GTP, SW), pp. 370–381.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Jeffay92 #network #operating system #video- Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (Abstract) (KJ), p. 16.
SOSP-WIP-1991-LaRowe92 #architecture #operating system #research- Operating Systems Research Related to the Galactica Net Architecture (Abstract) (RPLJ), p. 13.
ASPLOS-1992-HollandG #array #clustering- Parity Declustering for Continuous Operation in Redundant Disk Arrays (MH, GAG), pp. 23–35.
ASPLOS-1992-KoldingerCE #architecture #operating system- Architectural Support for Single Address Space Operating Systems (EJK, JSC, SJE), pp. 175–186.
ASPLOS-1992-TorrellasGH #multi #operating system #performance- Characterizing the Caching and Synchronization Performance of a Multiprocessor Operating System (JT, AG, JLH), pp. 162–174.
CC-1992-HoogerbruggeC #architecture #pipes and filters- Comparing Software Pipelining for an Operation-Triggered and a Tarnsport-Triggered Architecture (JH, HC), pp. 219–228.
HPDC-1992-ShinjoK #distributed #operating system #parallel- Harmonizing a Distributed Operating System with Parallel and Distributed Applications (YS, YK), pp. 114–123.
CSL-1992-Gonzalez-MorenoHR #functional #logic programming #on the #semantics- On the Completeness of Narrowing as the Operational Semantics of Functional Logic Programming (JCGM, MTHG, MRA), pp. 216–230.
IWPTS-1992-WalterP #concurrent #semantics- An Operational Semantics for Concurrent TTCN (TW, BP), pp. 131–143.
LICS-1992-LincolnM #aspect-oriented #linear #λ-calculus- Operational aspects of linear λ calculus (PL, JCM), pp. 235–246.
LICS-1992-MasonT #reasoning- References, Local Variables and Operational Reasoning (IAM, CLT), pp. 186–197.
DAC-1991-KuFM #optimisation- Control Optimization Based on Resynchronization of Operations (DCK, DF, GDM), pp. 366–371.
DAC-1991-LoboP #optimisation #scheduling- Redundant Operator Creation: A Scheduling Optimization Technique (DAL, BMP), pp. 775–778.
PODS-1991-Garcia-MolinaS #nondeterminism #queue- Non-Deterministic Queue Operations (HGM, KS), pp. 53–62.
VDME-1991-1-Benveniste #approach #semantics- Writing Operational Semantics in Z: A Sructural Approach (MVB), pp. 164–188.
CHI-1991-WhittakerBC #analysis #interactive #process- Co-ordinating activity: an analysis of interaction in computer-supported co-operative work (SW, SEB, HHC), pp. 361–367.
AdaEurope-1991-Gudenberg #ada #parallel- Modellin SIMD — Type Parallel Arithmetic Operations in Ada (JWvG), pp. 110–124.
KDD-1991-SilvermanHM- Unsupervised Discovery in an Operational Control Setting (BGS, MRH, TMM), pp. 431–448.
ML-1991-Kadie91a #concept #learning #set- Continous Conceptual Set Covering: Learning Robot Operators From Examples (CMK), pp. 615–619.
ML-1991-YooF #bound #effectiveness #identification- Identifying Cost Effective Boundaries of Operationality (JPY, DHF), pp. 569–573.
LOPSTR-1991-Mill #partial evaluation- Pruning Operators for Partial Evaluation (PMM), pp. 183–204.
PLILP-1991-Boye #logic programming #named #semantics #source code- S-SLD-resolution — An Operational Semantics for Logic Programs with External Procedures (JB), pp. 383–393.
PLILP-1991-HentenryckD #constraints #finite #logic programming #semantics- Operational Semantics of Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains (PVH, YD), pp. 395–406.
POPL-1991-QueinnecS #continuation- A Dynamic Extent Control Operator for Partial Continuations (CQ, BPS), pp. 174–184.
ICSE-1991-JacobyT #evaluation #geometry #parametricity #reliability- Parameter Value Computation by Least Square Method and Evaluation of Software Availability and Reliability at Service-Operation by the Hyper-Geometric Distribution Software Reliability Growth Model (HGDM) (RJ, YT), pp. 226–237.
ASPLOS-1991-AndersonLBL #architecture #design #interactive #operating system- The Interaction of Architecture and Operating System Design (TEA, HML, BNB, EDL), pp. 108–120.
PPoPP-1991-LaRoweWE #memory management #multi #operating system- Exploiting Operating System Support for Dynamic Page Placement on a NUMA Shared Memory Multiprocessor (RPLJ, JTW, CSE), pp. 122–132.
SOSP-1991-DravesBRD #communication #concurrent #continuation #operating system #thread #using- Using Continuations to Implement Thread Management and Communication in Operating Systems (RD, BNB, RFR, RWD), pp. 122–136.
SOSP-1991-KistlerS #file system- Disconnected Operation in the Coda File System (JJK, MS), pp. 213–225.
ICLP-1991-HentenryckD #constraints #logic #logic programming- The Cardinality Operator: A New Logical Connective for Constraint Logic Programming (PVH, YD), pp. 745–759.
ICLP-1991-Smith #constraints- Constraint Operations for CLP(FT) (DAS), pp. 760–774.
ICLP-1991-WatanabeK #layout #parallel #problem- Co-operative Hierarchical Layout Problem Solver on Parallel Inference Machine (TW, KK), p. 892.
ISLP-1991-Plumer #automation #prolog #proving #source code #termination- Automatic Termination Proofs for Prolog Programs Operating on Nonground Terms (LP), pp. 503–517.
LICS-1991-MalacariaR #algebra #λ-calculus- Some Results on the Interpretation of λ-calculus in Operator Algebras (PM, LR), pp. 63–72.
DAC-1990-McNallC #architecture #automation #pipes and filters #synthesis- Automatic Operator Configuration in the Synthesis of Pipelined Architectures (KNM, AEC), pp. 174–179.
VLDB-1990-Mohan #concurrent #multi #named #transaction- ARIES/KVL: A Key-Value Locking Method for Concurrency Control of Multiaction Transactions Operating on B-Tree Indexes (CM), pp. 392–405.
ICALP-1990-LarsenX #composition #semantics- Compositionality Through an Operational Semantics of Contexts (KGL, LX), pp. 526–539.
ICALP-1990-Moller #algebra #process- The Importance of the Left Merge Operator in Process Algebras (FM), pp. 752–764.
ICALP-1990-PrasadGM #algebra #concurrent #functional #integration #programming #semantics #symmetry- Operational and Algebraic Semantics for Facile: A Symmetric Integration of Concurrent and Functional Programming (SP, AG, PM), pp. 765–778.
LFP-1990-HannanM #automaton #semantics- From Operational Semantics to Abstract Machines: Preliminary Results (JH, DM), pp. 323–332.
LFP-1990-HowardM #axiom #semantics- Operational and Axiomatic Semantics of PCF (BTH, JCM), pp. 298–306.
LFP-1990-NadathurW #representation- A Representation of λ Terms Suitable for Operations on Their Intensions (GN, DSW), pp. 341–348.
GG-1990-Barthelmann #category theory #graph grammar- Describing Göttler’s Operational Graph Grammars with Pushouts (KB), pp. 98–112.
ML-1990-Minton #composition #design- Issues in the Design of Operator Composition Systems (SM), pp. 304–312.
CADE-1990-Basin #commutative #morphism #similarity- Equality of Terms Containing Associative-Commutative Functions and Commutative Binding Operators in Isomorphism Complete (DAB), pp. 251–260.
CSL-1990-BorgerS #prolog #semantics- A Formal Operational Semantics for Languages of Type Prolog III (EB, PHS), pp. 67–79.
NACLP-1990-BonacinaH #semantics #source code- Operational and Denotational Semantics of Rewrite Programs (MPB, JH), pp. 449–464.
ICALP-1989-GrooteV #bisimulation #congruence #semantics- Structural Operational Semantics and Bisimulation as a Congruence (Extended Abstract) (JFG, FWV), pp. 423–438.
ICALP-1989-MansourST #bound- Lower Bounds for Computations with the Floor Operation (YM, BS, PT), pp. 559–573.
ML-1989-GervasioD #learning- Explanation-Based Learning of Reactive Operations (MTG, GD), pp. 252–254.
ML-1989-SimsB- Discovering Mathematical Operation Definitions (MHS, JLB), pp. 308–313.
ML-1989-SobekL #learning #using- Using Learning to Recover Side-Effects of Operators in Robotics (RPS, JPL), pp. 205–208.
ECOOP-1989-YokoteTT #architecture #distributed #object-oriented #operating system- A Reflective Architecture for an Object-Oriented Distributed Operating System (YY, FT, MT), pp. 89–106.
OOPSLA-1989-MarquesG #object-oriented #operating system- Extending the Operating System to Support an Object-Oriented Environment (JAM, PG), pp. 113–122.
OOPSLA-1989-RussoC #design #memory management #multi #object-oriented #operating system #using- Virtual Memory and Backing Storage Management in Multiprocessor Operating Systems Using Object-Oriented Design Techniques (VFR, RHC), pp. 267–278.
ASPLOS-1989-Dally #float- Micro-Optimization of Floating Point Operations (WJD), pp. 283–289.
SOSP-1989-AbrossimovR #kernel #memory management #operating system- Generic Virtual Memory Management for Operating System Kernels (VA, MR, MS), pp. 123–136.
CSL-1989-Borger #logic #prolog #semantics- A Logical Operational Semantics of Full Prolog. Part I: Selection Core and Control (EB), pp. 36–64.
CSL-1989-GurevichM #algebra #semantics- Algebraic Operational Semantics and Occam (YG, LSM), pp. 176–192.
LICS-1989-MasonT #axiom #equivalence- Axiomatizing Operational Equivalence in the Presence of Side Effects (IAM, CLT), pp. 284–293.
RTA-1989-KaplanC- Abstract Rewriting with Concrete Operations (SK, CC), pp. 178–186.
DAC-1988-ChaoG #fault #modelling- Micro-operation Perturbations in Chip Level Fault Modeling (CHC, FGG), pp. 579–582.
PODS-1988-HuangL #multi #set- Stable Set and Multiset Operations in Optimal Time and Space (BCH, MAL), pp. 288–293.
PODS-1988-ParedaensG #algebra #using- Possibilities and Limitations of Using Flat Operators in Nested Algebra Expressions (JP, DVG), pp. 29–38.
PLDI-1988-Reppy- Synchronous Operations as First-Class Values (JHR), pp. 250–259.
ICALP-1988-KirchnerKM #semantics- Operational Semantics of OBJ-3 (Extended Abstract) (CK, HK, JM), pp. 287–301.
VDME-1988-Goldsack #kernel #operating system #specification- Specification of an Operating System Kernel FOREST and VDM compared (SJG), pp. 88–100.
ML-1988-BravermanR #bound- Boundaries of Operationality (MSB, SJR), pp. 221–234.
ML-1988-Hirsh #learning #reasoning- Reasoning about Operationality for Explanation-Based Learning (HH), pp. 214–220.
ML-1988-Kadie #learning #named- Diffy-S: Learning Robot Operator Schemata from Examples (CMK), pp. 430–436.
ML-1988-Mooney #order- Generalizing the Order of Operators in Macro-Operators (RJM), pp. 270–283.
ECOOP-1988-DoiKH #concurrent #implementation #kernel #object-oriented #operating system #using- An Implementation of an Operating System Kernel Using Concurrent Object-Oriented Language ABCL/c+ (ND, YK, KH), pp. 250–266.
OOPSLA-1988-RubinJMG #implementation #smalltalk- A Smalltalk Implementation of an Intelligent Operator’s Associate (KSR, PMJ, CMM, TCG), pp. 234–247.
OOPSLA-1988-Rumbaugh #using- Controlling Propagation of Operations Using Attributes on Relations (JER), pp. 285–296.
OOPSLA-1988-RussoJC #exception #multi #operating system #process- Process Management and Exception Handling in Multiprocessor Operating Systems (VFR, GJ, RHC), pp. 248–258.
ICSE-1988-Hallman- An Operational Requirement Description Model for Open Systems (MH), pp. 286–295.
CSL-1988-Schatz- Delete Operations and Horn Formulas (RS), pp. 329–343.
LICS-1988-DeganoNM #concurrent #consistency #on the #semantics- On the Consistency of “Truly Concurrent” Operational and Denotational Semantics (Extended Abstract) (PD, RDN, UM), pp. 133–141.
PODS-1987-Biliris- Operation Specific Locking in B-Trees (AB), pp. 159–169.
SIGMOD-1987-Gray #data transformation #operating system- Operating System Support for Data Management Systems (JG), p. 4.
SIGMOD-1987-RubensteinKC #benchmark #database #metric- Benchmarking Simple Database Operations (WBR, MSK, RGGC), pp. 387–394.
VLDB-1987-KumarS #evaluation #operating system #performance #transaction- Performance Evaluation of an Operating System Transaction Manager (AK, MS), pp. 473–481.
STOC-1987-Vaidya #algorithm #linear #programming- An Algorithm for Linear Programming which Requires O(((m+n)n^2 + (m+n)^1.5 n)L) Arithmetic Operations (PMV), pp. 29–38.
HCI-CE-1987-Bergmano #design #user interface- Design for the Future: A User Interface for Telecommunications Operator Services (HB, KO), pp. 383–390.
HCI-CE-1987-SewellGR #evaluation #interface- Initial Evaluation of an Intelligent Interface for Operators (DRS, NDG, WBR), pp. 551–558.
HCI-CE-1987-Swain #automation #dependence #problem- Four Human Factors Problems for System Operators as Dependence on Automation Increases (ADS), pp. 105–112.
HCI-SES-1987-MarekN #cumulative- Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms of Dialogue and Data Entry VDU Operators (TM, CN), pp. 255–262.
HCI-SES-1987-Saito #analysis #evaluation #eye tracking- Quantitative Evaluation of VDT Operations Through the Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Eye Movement (SS), pp. 197–202.
POPL-1987-BernsteinJR #parallel #scheduling- Scheduling Arithmetic and Load Operations in Parallel with No Spilling (DB, JMJ, MR), pp. 263–273.
POPL-1987-Saraswat #concurrent #logic programming #programming language #semantics- The Concurrent Logic Programming Language CP: Definition and Operational Semantics (VAS), pp. 49–62.
ESEC-1987-DuboisLS #formal method #process #specification- Formalising Reconstructuring Operators in a Specification Process (ED, NL, JS), pp. 161–171.
ESEC-1987-Szwillus #data flow #editing #interactive #operating system #specification #user interface #using- Using Data Flow Specifications and Interactive Editing in the Operating System User Interface (GS), pp. 149–157.
SOSP-1987-JeffersonBWBLHLSTWWYB #distributed #operating system #simulation- Distributed Simulation and the Time Wrap Operating System (DRJ, BB, FW, LB, MDL, PH, PL, KS, JT, LVW, JJW, HY, SB), pp. 77–93.
SOSP-1987-YoungTRGECBBB #communication #implementation #memory management #multi #operating system- The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System (MY, AT, RFR, DBG, JLE, JC, WJB, DLB, RVB), pp. 63–76.
CSL-1987-GurevichM #algebra #semantics- Algebraic Operational Semantics and Modula-2 (YG, JMM), pp. 81–101.
ICLP-1987-Foster87 #design #logic #operating system- Logic Operating System: Design Issues (ITF), pp. 910–926.
LICS-1987-SistlaZ #logic #on the- On the Eventuality Operator in Temporal Logic (APS, LDZ), pp. 153–166.
SLP-1987-DeransartF87 #prolog- An Operational Formal Definition of PROLOG (PD, GF), pp. 162–172.
SLP-1987-Saraswat87 #haskell #named #problem #semantics- GHC: Operational Semantics, Problems, and Relationships with CP(|, |) (VAS), pp. 347–358.
VLDB-1986-CheineyFMT #clustering #multi #reliability #using- A Reliable Backend Using Multiattribute Clustering and Select-Join Operator (JPC, PF, RM, JMT), pp. 220–227.
VLDB-1986-HsuY #concurrent- Concurrent Operations in Extendible Hashing (MH, WPY), pp. 241–247.
VLDB-1986-Ioannidis #on the #relational #transitive- On the Computation of the Transitive Closure of Relational Operators (YEI), pp. 403–411.
VLDB-1986-MoritaYNI #knowledge base #relational- Retrieval-By-Unification Operation on a Relational Knowledge Base (YM, HY, KN, HI), pp. 52–59.
ESOP-1986-Kaplan #algebra #nondeterminism #proving- Rewriting with a Nondeterministic Choice Operator: From Algebra to Proofs (SK), pp. 351–374.
CSCW-1986-Neches #people #tool support- Tools help people co-operate only to the extent that they help them share goals and terminology (RN), pp. 192–201.
OOPSLA-1986-Dasgupta #distributed #monitoring #object-oriented #operating system- A Probe-Based Monitoring Scheme for an Object-Oriented Distributed Operating System (PD), pp. 57–66.
OOPSLA-1986-Ewing #interface #object-oriented #operating system- An Object-Oriented Operating System Interface (JJE), pp. 46–56.
POPL-1986-AmericaBKR #object-oriented #parallel #semantics- Operational Semantics of a Parallel Object-Oriented Language (PA, JdB, JNK, JJMMR), pp. 194–208.
PODS-1985-Sagiv #concurrent- Concurrent Operations on B-Trees with Overtaking (YS), pp. 28–37.
SIGMOD-1985-PageWP #database #distributed #named #operating system- Genesis: A Distributed Database Operating System (TWPJ, MJW, GJP), pp. 374–387.
VLDB-1985-MondR #concurrent #database #using- Concurrency Control in B+-Trees Databases Using Preparatory Operations (YM, YR), pp. 331–334.
ICALP-1985-GoguenJM #algebra #order #semantics- Operational Semantics for Order-Sorted Algebra (JAG, JPJ, JM), pp. 221–231.
SIGIR-1985-SaltonV #automation- Automatic Assignment of Soft Boolean Operators (GS, EMV), pp. 54–69.
POPL-1985-BernsteinPR #memory management #parallel #scheduling- Optimal Scheduling of Arithmetic Operations in Parallel with Memory Accesses (DB, RYP, MR), pp. 325–333.
ICSE-1985-Madhavji #programming- Operations for Programming in the All (NHM), pp. 15–25.
SOSP-1985-WeinsteinPLP #distributed #operating system #transaction- Transactions and Synchronization in a Distributed Operating System (MJW, TWPJ, BL, GJP), pp. 115–126.
SLP-1985-Reddy85 #functional #semantics- Narrowing as the Operational Semantics of Functional Languages (USR), pp. 138–151.
DAC-1984-HollaarNCL #database #design #relational- The structure and operation of a relational database system in a cell-oriented integrated circuit design system (LAH, BEN, TMC, RAL), pp. 117–125.
SIGMOD-1984-DielKLSS #data transformation #kernel #operating system- Data Management Facilities of an Operating System Kernel (HD, GK, NGL, MS, BS), pp. 58–69.
VLDB-1984-Bratbergsengen #algebra #relational- Hashing Methods and Relational Algebra Operations (KB), pp. 323–333.
VLDB-1984-HarderP #multi #operating system- Evaluating Multiple Server DBMS in General Purpors Operating System Environments (TH, PP), pp. 129–140.
ICALP-1984-GardyP #algebra #relational- Relational Algebra Operations and Sizes of Relations (DG, CP), pp. 174–186.
SLP-1984-JonesM84 #development #prolog #semantics- Stepwise Development of Operational and Denotational Semantics for Prolog (NDJ, AM), pp. 281–288.
SLP-1984-ShapiroM84 #concurrent #implementation #prolog #self #specification- Fair, Biased, and Self-Balancing Merge Operators: Their Specification and Implementation in Concurrent Prolog (EYS, CM), pp. 83–90.
SLP-1984-TaylorLMS84 #logic programming #parallel #using- Logic Programming Using Parallel Associative Operations (ST, AL, GQMJ, SJS), pp. 58–68.
PODS-1983-Ellis #concurrent #distributed- Extendible Hashing for Concurrent Operations and Distributed Data (CSE), pp. 106–116.
PODS-1983-Hadzilacos #database #reliability- An Operational Model for Database System Reliability (VH), pp. 244–257.
VLDB-1983-ArisawaMM #database #relational- Operations and the Properties on Non-First-Normal-Form Relational Databases (HA, KM, TM), pp. 197–204.
VLDB-1983-KrishnamurthyMZ #named- Query-By-Example: Operations on Piecewise Continuous Data (Extended Abstract) (RK, SPM, MMZ), pp. 305–308.
POPL-1983-Lamport #reasoning- Reasoning About Nonatomic Operations (LL), pp. 28–37.
SOSP-1983-Silverman #kernel #operating system #security #verification- Reflections on the Verification of the Security of an Operating System Kernel (JMS), pp. 143–154.
SOSP-1983-WalkerPEKT #distributed #operating system- The LOCUS Distributed Operating System (BJW, GJP, RE, CSK, GT), pp. 49–70.
DAC-1982-Woodward #aspect-oriented #automation #design- Operational aspects of design automation for the IBM 3081 (RFW), pp. 91–95.
PODS-1982-Spyratos #approach #database- An Operational Approach to Data Bases (NS), pp. 212–220.
ICALP-1982-Faustini #data flow #semantics- An Operational Semantics for Pure Dataflow (AAF), pp. 212–224.
SIGIR-1982-Morrissey #feedback #implementation #retrieval #scalability- An Intelligent Terminal for Implementing Relevance Feedback on Large Operational Retrieval Systems (JMM), pp. 38–50.
POPL-1982-Voda #named #operating system #programming language- Maple: a Programming Language, Operating System (PJV), pp. 157–168.
ICSE-1982-SakabeIH #data type #specification- Specification of Abstract Data Types with Partially Defined Operations (TS, YI, NH), pp. 218–224.
ASPLOS-1982-BerenbaumCL #operating system- The Operating System and Language Support Features of the BELLMAC-32 Microprocessor (ADB, MWC, PML), pp. 30–38.
ASPLOS-1982-KamibayashiONA #named #operating system- Heart: An Operating System Nucleus Machine Implemented by Firmware (NK, HO, KN, HA), pp. 195–204.
DAC-1981-KozawaTSMI #algorithm #concurrent- A concurrent pattern operation algorithm for VLSI mask data (TK, AT, JS, CM, TI), pp. 563–570.
DAC-1981-Lauther #algorithm- An O (N log N) algorithm for Boolean mask operations (UL), pp. 555–562.
DAC-1981-Wilmore #performance- Efficient Boolean operations on IC masks (JAW), pp. 571–579.
SIGMOD-1981-LuoY #information management- Form Operation By Example: A Language For Office Information Processing (DL, SBY), pp. 212–223.
VLDB-1981-MenonH #analysis #design #relational- Design and Analysis of a Relational Join Operation for VLSI (JM, DKH), pp. 44–55.
VLDB-1981-MerrettKY #scheduling- Scheduling of Page-Fetches in Join Operations (THM, YK, HY), pp. 488–498.
PS-1981-Klaeren #algebra #recursion- Recursive Definitions of Operations in Universal Algebras (HK), pp. 268–281.
ICSE-1981-SchwartzM #data type- The Finalization Operation for Abstract Types (RLS, PMMS), pp. 273–282.
SOSP-1981-KahnCDDHHMP #multi #named #operating system- iMAX: A Multiprocessor Operating System for an Object-Based Computer (KCK, WMC, TDD, HD, DEH, LAH, JTM, FJP), pp. 127–136.
SOSP-1981-Lauer #development #operating system- Observations on the Development of an Operating System (HCL), pp. 30–36.
SOSP-1981-RashidR #communication #kernel #named #network #operating system- Accent: A Communication Oriented Network Operating System Kernel (RFR, GGR), pp. 64–75.
SOSP-1981-Spector #network #summary- Performing Remore Operations Efficiently on a Local Computer Network (Summary) (AZS), pp. 76–77.
SIGMOD-1980-KungL #array #database #relational- Systolic (VLSI) Arrays for Relational Database Operations (HTK, PLL), pp. 105–116.
POPL-1980-KapurM #abstraction #set- Expressiveness of the Operation Set of a Data Abstraction (DK, MKS), pp. 139–153.
SOSP-J-1979-OusterhoutSS80 #distributed #empirical #named #operating system- Medusa: An Experiment in Distributed Operating System Structure (JKO, DAS, PSS), pp. 92–105.
SOSP-J-1979-RedellDHLLMMP80 #named #operating system- Pilot: An Operating System for a Personal Computer (DDR, YKD, TRH, HCL, WCL, PRM, HGM, SCP), pp. 81–92.
SDCG-1980-Reynolds #category theory #design #using- Using category theory to design implicit conversions and generic operators (JCR), pp. 211–258.
SIGMOD-1979-Fagin #database #normalisation #relational- Normal Forms and Relational Database Operators (RF), pp. 153–160.
VLDB-1979-Reuter #database- Minimizing the I/O-Operations for Undo-Logging in Database Systems (AR0), pp. 164–172.
STOC-1979-FlajoletFV #sequence- Computing Integrated Costs of Sequences of Operations with Application to Dictionaries (PF, JF, JV), pp. 49–61.
SOSP-1979-Cook #operating system- In Support of Domain Structure for Operating Systems (DC), pp. 128–130.
SOSP-1979-JonesCDSV #multi #operating system- StarOS, a Multiprocessor Operating System for the Support of Task Forces (AKJ, RJCJ, ID, KS, SRV), pp. 117–127.
SOSP-1979-LampsonS #operating system- An Open Operating System for a Single-User Machine (BWL, RFS), pp. 98–105.
SOSP-1979-OusterhoutSS #distributed #empirical #named #operating system #summary- Medusa: An Experiment in Distributed Operating System Structure (Summary) (JKO, DAS, PSS), pp. 115–116.
SOSP-1979-RedellDHLLMMP #named #operating system #summary- Pilot: An Operating System for a Personal Computer (Summary) (DDR, YKD, TRH, HCL, WCL, PRM, HGM, SCP), pp. 106–107.
SOSP-1979-SolomonF #distributed #operating system- The ROSCOE Distributed Operating System (MHS, RAF), pp. 108–114.
VLDB-1978-Bardley #database- Operations Data Bases (JB), pp. 164–176.
VLDB-1978-SagivY #difference #equivalence #relational- Equivalence among Relational Expressions with the Union and Difference Operation (YS, MY), pp. 535–548.
STOC-1978-RaoultV #equivalence #recursion #semantics #source code- Operational and Semantic Equivalence between Recursive Programs (JCR, JV), pp. 75–85.
VDM-1978-Bjorner78a #abstraction #operating system #pl-i #specification #tutorial- Software Abstraction Principles: Tutorial Examples of: An Operating System Command Language Specification, and a PL/I-like On-Condition Language Definition (DB), pp. 337–374.
GG-1978-Padawitz #graph grammar #semantics- Graph Grammars and Operational Semantics (PP), pp. 350–366.
ICSE-1978-GoullonIL #operating system- Dynamic Restructuring in an Experimental Operating System (HG, RI, KPL), pp. 295–304.
DAC-1977-Harlow #design #interactive- The open shop interactive mask design operation at harris semiconductor (JEHI), pp. 331–335.
SIGMOD-1977-LohmanM #policy- Optimal Policy for Batch Operations: Backup, Checkpointing, Reorganization, and Updating (Abstract) (GML, JAM), p. 157.
POPL-1977-AhoJU #code generation #multi- Code Generation for Machines with Multiregister Operations (AVA, SCJ, JDU), pp. 21–28.
POPL-1977-PaigeS #reduction- Reduction in Strength of High Level Operations (RP, JTS), pp. 58–71.
SOSP-1977-CheritonMMS #operating system #realtime- Thoth, a Portable Real-Time Operating System (Extended Abstract) (DRC, MAM, LSM, GRS), p. 171.
DAC-1976-PattersonP #automation- A proven operational CAD system for P.W.B. design-based on a mini-computer and featuring fully automatic placement and routing (GLP, BHP), pp. 259–264.
ICSE-1976-ParnasHW #design #operating system #product line #set #specification #system family- Design and Specification of the Minimal Subset of an Operating System Family (Abstract) (DLP, GH, HW), p. 123.
SOSP-J-1975-HabermannFC76 #composition #operating system #product line- Modularization and Hierarchy in a Family of Operating Systems (ANH, LF, LWC), pp. 266–272.
SOSP-J-1975-LampsonS76 #design #operating system- Reflections on an Operating System Design (BWL, HES), pp. 251–265.
DAC-1975-KozakGC- Operational features of an MOS timing simulator (PK, HKG, BRC), pp. 95–101.
SIGMOD-1975-McGee #data type #network- File-Level Operations on Network Data Structures (WCM), pp. 32–47.
SOSP-1975-BayerL #multi #named #operating system #realtime- MERT — A Multi-Environment Real-Time Operating System (DLB, HL), pp. 33–42.
SOSP-1975-CohenJ #operating system- Protection in the HYDRA Operating System (ESC, DJ), pp. 141–160.
SOSP-1975-CosellJMSSTW #operating system #resource management- An Operating System for Computer Resource Sharing (BSC, PRJ, JHM, RES, JS, RHT, DCW), pp. 75–81.
SOSP-1975-HarrisonRU #on the #operating system- On Protection in Operating System (MAH, WLR, JDU), pp. 14–24.
SOSP-1975-PruittC #architecture #operating system #realtime- Architecture of a Real-Time Operating System (JLP, WWC), pp. 51–59.
SOSP-1975-WulfLP #bibliography #development #operating system- Overview of the HYDRA Operating System Development (WAW, RL, CP), pp. 122–131.
ICALP-1974-Novotny- Operators Reducing Generalized OL-Systems (MN), pp. 481–494.
DAC-1973-FinrowH #architecture #automation #design #development #towards- Towards a user based automated architectural design system: Theory, system operation and future development (JF, RH), pp. 97–108.
DAC-1973-Mitchell #standard- A standard test language — GOAL (Ground Operations Aerospace Language) (TRM), pp. 87–96.
SIGIR-1973-Mitchell #proximity- A Note About the Proximity Operators in Information Retieval (PCM), pp. 177–179.
SIGIR-1973-SuCL #data transformation #retrieval- Retrieval Operations and Data Representations in a Context-Addressed Disc System (SYWS, GPC, GJL), pp. 144–160.
POPL-1973-Pratt #precedence #top-down- Top Down Operator Precedence (VRP), pp. 41–51.
SOSP-1973-DayH #interactive #named #operating system- ARGOS: An Operating System for a Computer Utility Supporting Interactive Instrument Control (PD, JH), pp. 28–37.
SIGFIDET-1972-HawryszkiewyczD #approach #correctness #database #proving- An Approach to Proving the Correctness of Data Base Operations (IH, JBD), pp. 323–348.
STOC-1972-Horowitz #algorithm- Algorithms for Rational Function Arithmetic Operations (EH), pp. 108–118.
SOSP-J-1973-Gaines72 #concept #operating system- An Operating System Based on the Concept of a Supervisory Computer (RSG), pp. 150–156.
SOSP-J-1973-Liskov72 #design #operating system- The Design of the Venus Operating System (BL), pp. 144–149.
DAC-1971-BaraySC #design- The structure and operation of a design language compatible simulator (MB, SYHS, RLC), pp. 23–34.
DAC-1971-KrosnerS #design- Revisiting an operational graphic design system (SPK, WHS), pp. 109–117.
SIGFIDET-1971-Heath #database #relational- Unacceptable File Operations in a Relational Data Base (IJH), pp. 19–33.
STOC-1971-Chang #on the #parallel- On the Parallel Computation of Local Operations (SKC), pp. 101–115.
SOSP-1971-Alsberg #operating system- Extensible Data Features in the Operating System Language OSL/2 (PA), pp. 31–34.
SOSP-1971-Gaines #concept #operating system- An Operating System Based on the Concept of a Supervisory Computer (Abstract) (RSG), pp. 17–23.
SOSP-1971-Liskov #design #operating system- The Design of the Venus Operating System (BL), pp. 11–16.
SOSP-1971-Needham #fault #operating system- Handling Difficult Faults in Operating Systems (RMN), pp. 55–57.
SOSP-1971-Varney #operating system #process- Process Selection in an Hierarchical Operating System (RCV), pp. 106–108.
SOSP-1971-WinogradMH #memory management #operating system #simulation- Simulation Studies of a Virtual Memory, Time Shared, Demand Paging Operating System (JW, SJM, RH), pp. 149–155.
STOC-1970-Lewis70a #product line- Closure of Families of Languages under Substitution Operators (DJL), pp. 100–108.
DAC-1969-RieberBLM #named- POGO: Programmer-oriented graphics operation (JER, BWB, VRL, RLM), pp. 233–255.
SOSP-1969-AlsbergM #operating system- The structure of the ILLIAC IV operating system (PA, CRM), pp. 92–96.
SOSP-1969-NeedhamH #design #operating system #theory and practice- Theory and practice in operating system design (RMN, DFH), pp. 8–12.
SOSP-1967-OppenheimerW68 #operating system #resource management- Resource management for a medium scale time-sharing operating system (GO, NW), pp. 313–322.
DAC-1967-SpitalnyG #design #online- On-line operation of CADIC (Computer aided design of integrated circuits) (AS, MJG).
LISP-1963-McIntosh #lisp- The use of operator predicates in LISP (HVM), p. 9.