Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
G.Demartini B.Billerbeck C.S.Firan R.Krestel N.Craswell A.P.d.Vries J.Gaugaz P.Siehndel M.Georgescu N.Henze
Talks about:
entiti (3) rank (2) feedback (1) retriev (1) predict (1) exploit (1) search (1) impact (1) effect (1) relev (1)
Person: Tereza Iofciu
DBLP: Iofciu:Tereza
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ECIR-2012-GaugazSDIGH #impact analysis #predict
- Predicting the Future Impact of News Events (JG, PS, GD, TI, MG, NH), pp. 50–62.
- ECIR-2011-IofciuDCV #effectiveness #feedback #named #ranking
- ReFER: Effective Relevance Feedback for Entity Ranking (TI, GD, NC, APdV), pp. 264–276.
- ECDL-2010-BillerbeckDFIK #query #ranking #using #web
- Ranking Entities Using Web Search Query Logs (BB, GD, CSF, TI, RK), pp. 273–281.
- SIGIR-2010-BillerbeckDFIK #retrieval
- Exploiting click-through data for entity retrieval (BB, GD, CSF, TI, RK), pp. 803–804.