Travelled to:
1 × Chile
1 × Cyprus
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
R.Kawase E.Herder U.Gadiraju B.Fetahu S.Chelaru K.D.Naini B.P.Nunes W.Nejdl S.Barthel S.Tönnies B.Köhncke W.Balke J.Gaugaz G.Demartini T.Iofciu M.Georgescu N.Henze
Talks about:
connect (2) crowd (2) understand (1) microtask (1) heterogen (1) character (1) influenc (1) communic (1) behavior (1) twitter (1)
Person: Patrick Siehndel
DBLP: Siehndel:Patrick
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- HT-2015-GadirajuSFK #behaviour #categorisation #comprehension
- Breaking Bad: Understanding Behavior of Crowd Workers in Categorization Microtasks (UG, PS, BF, RK), pp. 33–38.
- HT-2014-ChelaruHNS #communication #network
- Recognizing skill networks and their specific communication and connection practices (SC, EH, KDN, PS), pp. 13–23.
- HT-2014-KawaseSNHN
- Exploiting the wisdom of the crowds for characterizing and connecting heterogeneous resources (RK, PS, BPN, EH, WN), pp. 56–65.
- ECIR-2012-GaugazSDIGH #impact analysis #predict
- Predicting the Future Impact of News Events (JG, PS, GD, TI, MG, NH), pp. 50–62.
- JCDL-2015-BarthelTKSB #twitter #what
- What does Twitter Measure?: Influence of Diverse User Groups in Altmetrics (SB, ST, BK, PS, WTB), pp. 119–128.