Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Löchner C.Weidenbach D.Topic H.Ganzinger U.Waldmann A.Jaeger A.Buch R.Fettig J.Gaillourdet H.Spies R.Nieuwenhuis A.Riazanov A.Voronkov R.A.Schmidt R.Rusev U.Brahm E.Keen C.Theobalt
Talks about:
waldmeist (2) descript (2) version (2) theorem (2) system (2) prove (2) loop (2) superposit (1) techniqu (1) aldmeist (1)
Person: Thomas Hillenbrand
DBLP: Hillenbrand:Thomas
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- CADE-2007-WeidenbachSHRT
- System Description: SpassVersion 3.0 (CW, RAS, TH, RR, DT), pp. 514–520.
- CADE-2003-GaillourdetHLS
- The New WALDMEISTER Loop at Work (JMG, TH, BL, HS), pp. 317–321.
- CADE-2003-GanzingerHW
- Superposition Modulo a Shostak Theory (HG, TH, UW), pp. 182–196.
- CADE-2002-HillenbrandL
- The Next W ALDMEISTER Loop (TH, BL), pp. 486–500.
- CADE-2002-WeidenbachBHKTT
- S PASS Version 2.0 (CW, UB, TH, EK, CT, DT), pp. 275–279.
- IJCAR-2001-NieuwenhuisHRV #evaluation #on the #proving #theorem proving
- On the Evaluation of Indexing Techniques for Theorem Proving (RN, TH, AR, AV), pp. 257–271.
- CADE-1999-HillenbrandJL #performance
- System Description: Waldmeister — Improvements in Performance and Ease of Use (TH, AJ, BL), pp. 232–236.
- RTA-1996-HillenbrandBF #on the #performance #proving #theorem proving
- On Gaining Efficiency in Completion-Based Theorem Proving (TH, AB, RF), pp. 432–435.