Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Germany
1 × Japan
11 × USA
3 × France
3 × United Kingdom
4 × Italy
Collaborated with:
A.Oliveras A.Rubio ∅ E.Rodríguez-Carbonell G.Godoy P.Nivela J.M.Rivero H.Comon H.Ganzinger I.Abío M.Bofill S.K.Lahiri M.Á.Vallejo F.Orejas M.Deters P.J.Stuckey R.Asín J.Larrosa G.Faure T.Hillenbrand A.Riazanov A.Voronkov P.Narendran M.Rusinowitch G.Hagen C.Tinelli
Talks about:
order (8) constraint (7) theori (7) sat (6) modulo (4) paramodul (3) rewrit (3) deduct (3) optim (3) claus (3)
Person: Robert Nieuwenhuis
DBLP: Nieuwenhuis:Robert
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 32 papers:
- IJCAR-2012-Nieuwenhuis #challenge #satisfiability #smt
- SAT and SMT Are Still Resolution: Questions and Challenges (RN), pp. 10–13.
- SAT-2011-AbioDNS
- Reducing Chaos in SAT-Like Search: Finding Solutions Close to a Given One (IA, MD, RN, PJS), pp. 273–286.
- SAT-2011-AbioNOR #constraints #pseudo #revisited
- BDDs for Pseudo-Boolean Constraints — Revisited (IA, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 61–75.
- SAT-2009-AsinNOR #network
- Cardinality Networks and Their Applications (RA, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 167–180.
- SAT-2009-LarrosaNOR #bound #branch #generative #optimisation
- Branch and Bound for Boolean Optimization and the Generation of Optimality Certificates (JL, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 453–466.
- SAT-2009-Nieuwenhuis #algorithm #modulo theories #satisfiability
- SAT Modulo Theories: Enhancing SAT with Special-Purpose Algorithms (RN), p. 1.
- CAV-2008-BofillNORR #smt
- The Barcelogic SMT Solver (MB, RN, AO, ERC, AR), pp. 294–298.
- SAT-2008-FaureNOR #formal method #linear #satisfiability
- SAT Modulo the Theory of Linear Arithmetic: Exact, Inexact and Commercial Solvers (GF, RN, AO, ERC), pp. 77–90.
- RTA-2007-NieuwenhuisORR #challenge #modulo theories #satisfiability
- Challenges in Satisfiability Modulo Theories (RN, AO, ERC, AR), pp. 2–18.
- CAV-2006-LahiriNO #abstraction #performance #smt
- SMT Techniques for Fast Predicate Abstraction (SKL, RN, AO), pp. 424–437.
- SAT-2006-NieuwenhuisO #modulo theories #on the #optimisation #problem #satisfiability
- On SAT Modulo Theories and Optimization Problems (RN, AO), pp. 156–169.
- CAV-2005-NieuwenhuisO #difference #logic
- DPLL(T) with Exhaustive Theory Propagation and Its Application to Difference Logic (RN, AO), pp. 321–334.
- RTA-2005-NieuwenhuisO #congruence
- Proof-Producing Congruence Closure (RN, AO), pp. 453–468.
- CAV-2004-GanzingerHNOT #performance
- DPLL( T): Fast Decision Procedures (HG, GH, RN, AO, CT), pp. 175–188.
- IJCAR-2001-GanzingerNN
- Context Trees (HG, RN, PN), pp. 242–256.
- IJCAR-2001-NieuwenhuisHRV #evaluation #on the #proving #theorem proving
- On the Evaluation of Indexing Techniques for Theorem Proving (RN, TH, AR, AV), pp. 257–271.
- LICS-2001-GodoyN #constraints #deduction #monad #on the
- On Ordering Constraints for Deduction with Built-In Abelian Semigroups, Monoids and Groups (GG, RN), pp. 38–47.
- LICS-2000-GodoyN
- Paramodulation with Built-in Abelian Groups (GG, RN), pp. 413–424.
- CADE-1999-Nieuwenhuis #constraints #deduction
- Invited Talk: Rewrite-based Deduction and Symbolic Constraints (RN), pp. 302–313.
- LICS-1999-BofillGNR #order
- Paramodulation with Non-Monotonic Orderings (MB, GG, RN, AR), pp. 225–233.
- RTA-1999-NieuwenhuisR #constraints #order
- Solved Forms for Path Ordering Constraints (RN, JMR), pp. 1–15.
- LICS-1998-ComonNNR #order #problem
- Decision Problems in Ordered Rewriting (HC, PN, RN, MR), pp. 276–286.
- CADE-1997-NieuwenhuisRV #algorithm #automation #data type #deduction #kernel #named #similarity
- Dedan: A Kernel of Data Structures and Algorithms for Automated Deduction with Equality Clauses (RN, JMR, MÁV), pp. 49–52.
- LICS-1996-Nieuwenhuis #decidability
- Basic Paramodulation and Decidable Theories (RN), pp. 473–482.
- LICS-1995-ComonNR #constraints #order #theorem proving
- Orderings, AC-Theories and Symbolic Constraint Solving (HC, RN, AR), pp. 375–385.
- RTA-1995-Nieuwenhuis #constraints #on the #proving
- On Narrowing, Refutation Proofs and Constraints (RN), pp. 56–70.
- CADE-1994-NieuwenhuisR #constraints
- AC-Superposition with Constraints: No AC-Unifiers Needed (RN, AR), pp. 545–559.
- RTA-1993-NivelaN #first-order
- Saturation of First-Order (Constrained) Clauses with the Saturate System (PN, RN), pp. 436–440.
- RTA-1993-RubioN #order
- A Precedence-Based Total AC-Compatible Ordering (AR, RN), pp. 374–388.
- CADE-1992-NieuwenhuisR #proving #theorem proving
- Theorem Proving with Ordering Constrained Clauses (RN, AR), pp. 477–491.
- ESOP-1992-NieuwenhuisR
- Basic Superposition is Complete (RN, AR), pp. 371–389.
- CADE-1990-NieuwenhuisOR #implementation #named
- TRIP: An Implementation of Clausal Rewriting (RN, FO, AR), pp. 667–668.