Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Ireland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Dhungana P.Grünbacher R.Rabiser
Talks about:
support (3) product (3) line (3) evolut (2) model (2) engin (2) architectur (1) fragment (1) variabl (1) softwar (1)
Person: Thomas Neumayer
DBLP: Neumayer:Thomas
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SPLC-2008-DhunganaNGR #evolution #modelling #product line
- Supporting Evolution in Model-Based Product Line Engineering (DD, TN, PG, RR), pp. 319–328.
- WICSA-2008-DhunganaNGR #architecture #evolution #product line #variability
- Supporting the Evolution of Product Line Architectures with Variability Model Fragments (DD, TN, PG, RR), pp. 327–330.
- ASE-2007-DhunganaRGN #product line #tool support
- Integrated tool support for software product line engineering (DD, RR, PG, TN), pp. 533–534.