Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Japan
3 × Spain
Collaborated with:
J.M.Sánchez J.Vitrià L.Ferraz X.Orriols J.R.Kender R.Toledo P.Radeva J.J.Villanueva O.Martinez P.Cirujeda J.Garcia C.C.Morales
Talks about:
deform (2) video (2) base (2) probabilist (1) angiographi (1) monocular (1) eigensnak (1) criterium (1) character (1) structur (1)
Person: Xavier Binefa
DBLP: Binefa:Xavier
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICPR-2012-FerrazB #3d #estimation #performance #robust
- Fast and robust monocular 3D deformable shape estimation for inextensible and smooth surfaces (LF, XB), pp. 2104–2107.
- ICPR-2012-MartinezCFB
- Dissociating rigid and articulated motion for hand tracking (OM, PC, LF, XB), pp. 2614–2617.
- ICPR-v2-2002-SanchezBK #markov #video
- Coupled Markov Chains for Video Contents Characterization (JMS, XB, JRK), pp. 461–464.
- ICPR-v1-2000-GarciaSOB
- Chromatic Aberration and Depth Extraction (JG, JMS, XO, XB), pp. 1762–1765.
- ICPR-v1-2000-SanchezB #normalisation #recognition #video
- Color Normalization for Appearance Based Recognition of Video Key-Frames (JMS, XB), pp. 1815–1818.
- ICPR-v3-2000-OrriolsTBRVV #approach #detection #modelling #probability #using
- Probabilistic Saliency Approach for Elongated Structure Detection Using Deformable Models (XO, RT, XB, PR, JV, JJV), pp. 7018–7021.
- ICPR-v4-2000-ToledoORBVMV #segmentation
- Eigensnakes for Vessel Segmentation in Angiography (RT, XO, PR, XB, JV, CCM, JJV), pp. 4340–4343.
- ICPR-1996-BinefaV
- A contrast-based focusing criterium (XB, JV), pp. 805–809.