Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Korea
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
B.Moghaddam M.Huang Z.Peng X.P.0001 T.Xie J.S.0001 C.Ji D.P.Lopresti X.Huang G.Tan W.Li D.Ding D.Liu Q.Xiang C.He
Talks about:
microservic (2) system (2) local (2) watermark (1) copyright (1) document (1) support (1) protect (1) predict (1) databas (1)
Person: Xiang Zhou
DBLP: Zhou:Xiang
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICDAR-2009-LoprestiZHT #analysis #documentation
- Document Analysis Support for the Manual Auditing of Elections (DPL, XZ, XH, GT), pp. 733–737.
- SAC-2007-ZhouHP #database #image #using
- An additive-attack-proof watermarking mechanism for databases’ copyrights protection using image (XZ, MH, ZP), pp. 254–258.
- ICPR-v3-2002-MoghaddamZ02a #modelling
- Factorized Local Appearance Models (BM, XZ), pp. 553–556.
- ASE-2018-ZhouPX0LJD #debugging
- Delta debugging microservice systems (XZ, XP0, TX, JS0, WL, CJ, DD), pp. 802–807.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-Zhou0X0JLXH #fault #learning #locality #predict
- Latent error prediction and fault localization for microservice applications by learning from system trace logs (XZ, XP0, TX, JS0, CJ, DL, QX, CH), pp. 683–694.