Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × Ireland
Collaborated with:
M.Morita T.Katayama M.Hori K.Ochimizu H.Yamana K.Tamura H.Kawano S.Kamei M.Harada H.Nishimura I.Asai H.Kusumoto Y.Muraoka
Talks about:
distribut (3) attribut (2) orient (2) object (2) inform (2) base (2) www (2) use (2) implement (1) behaviour (1)
Person: Yoichi Shinoda
DBLP: Shinoda:Yoichi
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SIGIR-1998-YamanaTKKHNAKSM #distributed #using
- Experiments of Collecting WWW Information Using Distributed WWW Robots (HY, KT, HK, SK, MH, HN, IA, HK, YS, YM), pp. 379–380.
- CAiSE-1996-HoriSO #data transformation #development #distributed #object-oriented
- Shared Data Management Mechanism for Distributed Software Development Based on a Reflective Object-Oriented Model (MH, YS, KO), pp. 362–382.
- SIGIR-1994-MoritaS #analysis #behaviour #information management #retrieval
- Information Filtering Based on User Behaviour Analysis and Best Match Text Retrieval (MM, YS), pp. 272–281.
- WAGA-1990-ShinodaK #algorithm #attribute grammar #distributed #implementation #object-oriented #using
- Object-Oriented Extension of Attribute Grammars and its Implementation Using Distributed Attribute Evaluation Algorithm (YS, TK), pp. 177–191.