69 papers:
ICEIS-DISI-2008-PennesiHRWS #what #why- WWW++ — Adding Why to What, When and Where (PP, MH, CR, CYW, SS), pp. 304–309.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-AngioniDDT #3d #navigation #semantics #user interface- A 3D User Interface for the Semantic Navigation of WWW Information (MA, RD, MD, FT), pp. 256–261.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-Uchyigit08a #recommendation- A Software Agent for Content Based Recommendations for the WWW (GU), pp. 178–183.
DocEng-2007-NollM #case study #comparative #documentation #metadata- Authors vs. readers: a comparative study of document metadata and content in the www (MGN, CM), pp. 177–186.
HCI-MIE-2007-HanCW #modelling- History Based User Interest Modeling in WWW Access (SH, WC, HW), pp. 308–312.
HT-2005-BlusteinAI #evaluation- An evaluation of look-ahead breadcrumbs for the WWW (JB, IA, KI), pp. 202–204.
HT-2005-SalampasisKM #people #semantics- Semantically enhanced browsing for blind people in the WWW (MS, CK, AM), pp. 32–34.
SIGIR-2005-ArtilesGV #people- A testbed for people searching strategies in the WWW (JA, JG, FV), pp. 569–570.
SAC-2005-YoonYMWD #3d #interactive #network #visualisation- Interactive 3D visualization of highly connected ecological networks on the WWW (IY, SY, NDM, RJW, JAD), pp. 1207–1212.
DocEng-2004-BlusteinN #case study- Personal glossaries on the WWW: an exploratory study (JB, MN), pp. 54–56.
ICEIS-v5-2004-SooC #3d #assembly #case study #interactive- Interactive 3D Product Assembler for the WWW — A Case Study of a 3D Furniture Store (SMKS, SCfC), pp. 126–133.
SIGIR-2004-GrankaJG #analysis #behaviour- Eye-tracking analysis of user behavior in WWW search (LAG, TJ, GG), pp. 478–479.
DocEng-2003-SunWYNKN #effectiveness #image #recognition- Effective text extraction and recognition for WWW images (JS, ZW, HY, FN, YK, SN), pp. 115–117.
ITiCSE-2003-CrescenziI #usability- A tool to develop electronic course books based on WWW technologies, resources and usability criteria (PC, GI), pp. 163–167.
ICEIS-v3-2003-HirabayashiOKMK #social- Scoring WWW Pages with Social Credibility in a Hyperlink Environment (MH, KO, HK, JyM, SK), pp. 326–333.
ITiCSE-2002-Ibbett #architecture #simulation #visualisation- WWW visualisation of computer architecture simulations (RNI), p. 247.
SAC-2002-FujimotoNHN #latency #order- Response order rearrangement on a caching proxy for reducing WWW latency (HF, TN, KH, SN), pp. 845–851.
WCRE-2001-BoldyreffK #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering to Achieve Maintainable WWW Sites (CB, RK), p. 249–?.
KDD-2001-YangZL #mining #modelling #predict #web- Mining web logs for prediction models in WWW caching and prefetching (QY, HHZ, ITYL), pp. 473–478.
ITiCSE-2000-Normark #tool support- A suite of WWW-based tools for advanced course management (KN), pp. 65–68.
ITiCSE-2000-RosslingF #testing- TOPKAPI (poster session): a tool for performing knowledge tests over the WWW (GR, BF), p. 191.
ICEIS-2000-CharltonLNW #development #maintenance- Supporting SMEs in the World of ECommerce: WWW Site Maintenance and Development (CCC, JL, IN, PW), pp. 407–413.
ICEIS-2000-PazdzioraB #information management- University Information System Fully Based on WWW (JP, MB), pp. 467–471.
ICPR-v4-2000-MendezMOH #execution #simulation- Remote Robot Execution through WWW Simulation (STPM, FTM, FO, FACH), pp. 4503–4506.
SAC-2000-BonfigliCG- Nu.M.E.: a WWW Virtual Historic Museum of the City of Bologna (MEB, LC, AG), pp. 956–961.
SAC-2000-RoselliCLPS #learning- WWW-Based Cooperative Learning (TR, CC, SL, MVP, GS), pp. 1014–1020.
SAC-2000-SchimkatMK #lightweight #message passing- A Lightweight, Message-Oriented Application Server for the WWW (RDS, SM, WK), pp. 934–941.
CL-2000-OliboniT #query #recursion #xml- Querying XML Specified WWW Sites: Links and Recursion in XML-GL (BO, LT), pp. 1167–1181.
HT-1999-KreutzES- No Longer Lost in WWW-Based Hyperspaces (RK, BE, KS), pp. 133–134.
CHI-1999-ByrneJWC #web- The Tangled Web we Wove: A Taskonomy of WWW Use (MDB, BEJ, NSW, DCC), pp. 544–551.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KarshmerPG #interface- Software technology and computer interfaces for the disabled: non-visual WWW browsing (AIK, EP, GG), pp. 792–796.
HCI-CCAD-1999-WeberLZ #using- Symbolic tele-communication using the WWW (HW, FL, KJZ), pp. 802–806.
HCI-EI-1999-LiuHW #design #interface- WWW Interface Design for Computerized Service Supporting System (THL, SLH, JCW), pp. 735–739.
ICEIS-1999-ShinKHJKP #network- Client Cache-Index Forwarding for Reducing Network Traffic over Wireless Network for the WWW (HSS, GHK, SJH, ARJ, GHK, MSP), pp. 717–724.
ACIR-1999-DoanB #concept #documentation- Virtual WWW Documents: a Concept to Explicit the Structure of WWW Sites (BLD, MB).
SIGIR-1999-HoenkampSS #category theory #retrieval- Supporting Content Retrieval from WWW via “Basic Level Categories” (poster abstract) (EH, OS, LS), pp. 311–312.
SAC-1999-ChanWN #collaboration #modelling- Collaborative Solid Modeling on the WWW (SCfC, MW, VTYN), pp. 598–602.
HT-1998-TajimaMKT #email #query- Cut as a Querying Unit for WWW, Netnews, e-mail (KT, YM, MK, KT), pp. 235–244.
HT-1998-TakanoW- Dynamic Bookmarks for the WWW (HT, TW), pp. 297–298.
ITiCSE-1998-Makkonen- WWW-based presentations as a complementary part of conventional lectures in the basic of informatics (PM), pp. 162–165.
ITiCSE-1998-WadeP #design #education- Evaluating the design and delivery of WWW based educational environments and courseware (VPW, CP), pp. 243–248.
TAGT-1998-Faulstich #graph transformation #using- Using Graph Transformation Techniques for Integrating Information from the WWW (LF), pp. 426–441.
KDD-1998-WuthrichPLCZL #predict- Daily Prediction of Major Stock Indices from Textual WWW Data (BW, DP, SL, VC, JZ, WL), pp. 364–368.
SIGIR-1998-Montebello #information retrieval #optimisation #precise- Optimizing Recall/Precision Scores in IR over the WWW (MM), pp. 361–362.
SIGIR-1998-YamanaTKKHNAKSM #distributed #using- Experiments of Collecting WWW Information Using Distributed WWW Robots (HY, KT, HK, SK, MH, HN, IA, HK, YS, YM), pp. 379–380.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-MahajanC #corba #framework- CORBA on WWW: Evaluative Framework for Interoperability Issues (SM, JC), p. 351–?.
SAC-1998-KimYL #analysis #policy- Analysis of buffer replacement policies for WWW proxy (IK, HYY, JL), pp. 98–103.
SAC-1998-ZollerS #automation #database #named #taxonomy #tool support- WEBCON: a toolkit for an automatic, data dictionary based connection of databases to the WWW (PZ, US), pp. 706–711.
HPDC-1998-AndresenM #clustering #distributed #scheduling #towards- Towards a Hierarchical Scheduling System for Distributed WWW Server Clusters (DA, TM), pp. 301–308.
IWTCS-1998-OgishiIKS #exception #protocol- Intelligent Protocol Analyzer for WWW Server Accesses with Exception Handling Function (TO, AI, TK, KS), pp. 49–64.
HT-1997-Chen #analysis #similarity #visualisation- Structuring and Visualising the WWW by Generalised Similarity Analysis (CC), pp. 177–186.
HT-1997-Neves- The Aleph: A Tool to Spatially Represent User Knowledge About the WWW Docuverse (FDN), pp. 197–207.
ICDAR-1997-BuddrusB #documentation #maintenance- Surfing an ODBMS (Maintaining WWW Documents with O2) (FB, MB), pp. 827–830.
ICDAR-1997-ZhouL #image- Extracting Text from WWW Images (JZ, DPL), pp. 248–252.
ITiCSE-1997-DankelH #distance #learning- The use of the WWW to support distance learning through NTU (DDDI, JH), pp. 8–10.
ITiCSE-1997-HitzK #c++ #education- Teaching C++ on the WWW (MH, SK), pp. 11–13.
ITiCSE-1997-Naps97a #interactive #using #visualisation- Using the WWW as the delivery mechanism for interactive, visualization-based instructional modules (panel) (TLN), p. 143.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-NapsBJMPPT #interactive #using #visualisation- Using the WWW as the delivery mechanism for interactive, visualization-based instructional modules (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on visualization) (TLN, JB, RJP, MFM, MPM, VKP, JT), pp. 13–26.
HCI-CC-1997-GrinchenkoSLM #integration- Integration of Ukraine into Informational World Space: WWW Presentation Systems (TG, AAS, AL, VM), pp. 109–112.
HCI-SEC-1997-FavelaC #navigation- Estimating User Interests from their Navigation Patterns in the WWW (JF, AC), pp. 831–834.
HCI-SEC-1997-Ishihara #interactive #social #web- Web Mediator: Providing Social Interaction on the WWW (AI), pp. 775–778.
HCI-SEC-1997-ShibuyaKT #education #using- Teaching Information Literacy in Technical Courses Using WWW (YS, GK, HT), pp. 723–726.
HCI-SEC-1997-ShiozawaM #interactive #visualisation- WWW Visualization Giving Meanings to Interactive Manipulations (HS, YM), pp. 791–794.
HCI-SEC-1997-StelovskyC #interactive #java #visualisation- A WWW Environment for Visualizing User Interactions with Java Applets (JS, MEC), pp. 755–758.
CIKM-1997-ZarkeshASSS #analysis #design- Analysis and Design of Server Informative WWW-Sites (AMZ, JA, CS, RS, VS), pp. 254–261.
ICSE-1997-KaiserDJY #architecture- An Architecture for WWW-based Hypercode Environments (GEK, SED, WJ, JJY), pp. 3–13.
HT-1996-Dieberger #framework- Browsing the WWW by Interacting with a Textual Virtual Environment — A Framework for Experimenting with Navigational Metaphors (AD), pp. 170–179.
ITiCSE-1996-Schill #internet- Interdisciplinary teleteaching based on WWW and Internet (AS), p. 230.
CIKM-1995-Bestavros #using- Using Speculation to Reduce Server Load and Service Time on the WWW (AB), pp. 403–410.