Tag #data transformation
265 papers:
ASPLOS-2020-ZarandiGKSTDFK - Optimus Prime: Accelerating Data Transformation in Servers (APZ, SG, HK, MS, ZT, MPD, BF, CK0), pp. 1203–1216.
ECSA-2019-NtentosZPSLM #architecture- Supporting Architectural Decision Making on Data Management in Microservice Architectures (EN, UZ, KP, DS0, FL0, SM), pp. 20–36.
CC-2018-MadsenZL #functional #java #representation #virtual machine- Tail call elimination and data representation for functional languages on the Java virtual machine (MM, RZ, OL), pp. 139–150.
ICSME-2017-GoonetillekeMB #dependence #evolution #graph #multi- Graph Data Management of Evolving Dependency Graphs for Multi-versioned Codebases (OG, DM, BB), pp. 574–583.
SANER-2017-OvereemSJ - The dark side of event sourcing: Managing data conversion (MO, MS, SJ), pp. 193–204.
CIKM-2017-GuZZ #clustering #distance #self- An Euclidean Distance based on the Weighted Self-information Related Data Transformation for Nominal Data Clustering (LG, LZ, YZ), pp. 2083–2086.
CIKM-2017-VoMMA - Blockchain-based Data Management and Analytics for Micro-insurance Applications (HTV, LM, MKM, EA), pp. 2539–2542.
PEPM-2017-NarasimhanRL #dependence #interactive #migration #program transformation #representation- Interactive data representation migration: exploiting program dependence to aid program transformation (KN, CR, JL), pp. 47–58.
PPDP-2017-Abiteboul - Issues in ethical data management (SA), p. 1.
CASE-2017-SuryajayaCHLLL #industrial #performance- A fast large-size production data transformation scheme for supporting smart manufacturing in semiconductor industry (BS, CCC, MHH, YYL, JXL, YCL), pp. 275–281.
CGO-2017-QasemAR #architecture #memory management- Characterizing data organization effects on heterogeneous memory architectures (AQ, AMA, GR), pp. 160–170.
EDM-2016-PaassenJH #execution #programming #representation- Execution Traces as a Powerful Data Representation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Programming (BP, JJ, BH), pp. 183–190.
CIKM-2016-HuangSLMH #graph #named- TGraph: A Temporal Graph Data Management System (HH, JS, XL, SM0, JH), pp. 2469–2472.
CIKM-2016-TianPT #metadata #named- ConHub: A Metadata Management System for Docker Containers (CXT, AP, YCT), pp. 2453–2455.
ICPR-2016-NieZJ #network #representation- Latent regression Bayesian network for data representation (SN, YZ, QJ), pp. 3494–3499.
JCDL-2015-XieCSWTK #big data #reuse #towards- Towards Use And Reuse Driven Big Data Management (ZX, YC, JS, TW, PAT, MK), pp. 65–74.
SIGMOD-2015-MorcosAIOPS #interactive #named- DataXFormer: An Interactive Data Transformation Tool (JM, ZA, IFI, MO, PP, MS), pp. 883–888.
SIGMOD-2015-Viglas #memory management- Data Management in Non-Volatile Memory (SDV), pp. 1707–1711.
CIG-2015-XieDKC #predict #representation- Predicting player disengagement and first purchase with event-frequency based data representation (HX, SD, DK, PIC), pp. 230–237.
CHI-2015-ChettyKSBFE #internet #named- uCap: An Internet Data Management Tool For The Home (MC, HK, SS, SB, NF, WKE), pp. 3093–3102.
DUXU-UI-2015-KaltenthalerLKM #integration #user interface #visual notation- Synchronized Data Management and Its Integration into a Graphical User Interface for Archaeological Related Disciplines (DK, JYL, PK, CHvdM, HO), pp. 317–329.
DUXU-UI-2015-Search #interactive #multi #representation- Interactive Multisensory Data Representation (PS), pp. 363–373.
CAiSE-2015-FukusumiMK #approach #crowdsourcing #game studies- Game Aspect: An Approach to Separation of Concerns in Crowdsourced Data Management (SF, AM, HK), pp. 3–19.
CAiSE-2015-KhouriSB #approach #lifecycle #traceability- Managing Data Warehouse Traceability: A Life-Cycle Driven Approach (SK, KS, LB), pp. 199–213.
ICEIS-v3-2015-Piedrabuena0R - Enforcing Data Protection Regulations within e-Government Master Data Management Systems (FP, LG, RR), pp. 316–321.
KDD-2015-Awadallah #future of- Hadoop’s Impact on the Future of Data Management (AA), p. 1623.
OOPSLA-2015-UrecheBSO #ad hoc #automation #representation- Automating ad hoc data representation transformations (VU, AB, YS, MO), pp. 801–820.
PLDI-2015-VenkatHS #matrix- Loop and data transformations for sparse matrix code (AV, MWH, MS), pp. 521–532.
ICSE-v2-2015-YusufTSAMDORBS #framework #in the cloud #named #platform #reliability- Chiminey: Reliable Computing and Data Management Platform in the Cloud (IIY, IET, MS, SGA, GRM, DWD, GO, SPR, AMB, HWS), pp. 677–680.
ICST-2015-Salloum #development #information management #integration #process- Seamless Integration of Test Information Management and Calibration Data Management in the Overall Automotive Development Process (CES), pp. 1–3.
JCDL-2014-BorgmanDSWT - The ups and downs of knowledge infrastructures in science: Implications for data management (CLB, PTD, AES, JCW, ST), pp. 257–266.
JCDL-2014-CastroSR #dataset #lightweight #ontology #research #workflow- Creating lightweight ontologies for dataset description practical applications in a cross-domain research data management workflow (JAC, JRdS, CR), pp. 313–316.
JCDL-2014-Dallmeier-TiessenLHRKN #analysis #comparative #workflow- A comparative analysis of disciplinary data management workflows (SDT, AL, PH, LR, RK, EN), pp. 281–284.
JCDL-2014-FerreiraVB #risk management- The value of risk management for data management in science and engineering (FF, RV, JLB), pp. 439–440.
SIGMOD-2014-HalperinACCKMORWWXBHS #big data- Demonstration of the Myria big data management service (DH, VTdA, LLC, SC, PK, DM, JO, VR, JW, AW, SX, MB, BH, DS), pp. 881–884.
SIGMOD-2014-KaoudiM #rdf- Cloud-based RDF data management (ZK, IM), pp. 725–729.
SIGMOD-2014-LiuHM #development- JSON data management: supporting schema-less development in RDBMS (ZHL, BCH, DM), pp. 1247–1258.
SIGMOD-2014-PapailiouTKKK #graph #performance #rdf- H2RDF+: an efficient data management system for big RDF graphs (NP, DT, IK, PK, NK), pp. 909–912.
VLDB-2014-He #approximate #challenge #hardware- When Data Management Systems Meet Approximate Hardware: Challenges and Opportunities (BH), pp. 877–880.
VLDB-2014-ZhangTCO #analysis #in memory #performance- Efficient In-memory Data Management: An Analysis (HZ, BMT, GC, BCO), pp. 833–836.
CHI-2014-ChiltonKACLWDMZ #collaboration #named- Frenzy: collaborative data organization for creating conference sessions (LBC, JK, PA, FC, JAL, DSW, SPD, RCM, HZ), pp. 1255–1264.
ICEIS-v3-2014-BoissierKWP #enterprise- An Integrated Data Management for Enterprise Systems (MB, JK, JW, HP), pp. 410–418.
ICPR-2014-TaoIWS #approximate #rank #representation- Ensemble Manifold Structured Low Rank Approximation for Data Representation (LT, HHSI, YW, XS), pp. 744–749.
SEKE-2014-NetoASFM #architecture #behaviour #framework #modelling #named #using- CoMoVi: a Framework for Data Transformation in Credit Behavioral Scoring Applications Using Model Driven Architecture (RFON, PJLA, ACS, DRdCF, GRM), pp. 286–291.
OOPSLA-2014-UrecheBO #layout #representation- Late data layout: unifying data representation transformations (VU, EB, MO), pp. 397–416.
DATE-2014-AksanliR - Providing regulation services and managing data center peak power budgets (BA, TR), pp. 1–4.
HPCA-2014-HuangHFS #concurrent #detection #metadata #runtime- Low-overhead and high coverage run-time race detection through selective meta-data management (RCH, EH, AF, GES), pp. 96–107.
OSDI-2014-SpahnBLBGK #abstraction #fine-grained #named #operating system- Pebbles: Fine-Grained Data Management Abstractions for Modern Operating Systems (RS, JB, ML, SB, RG, GEK), pp. 113–129.
PDP-2014-GrunzkeHSKGHHKPHMJ #big data #case study #metadata- Device-Driven Metadata Management Solutions for Scientific Big Data Use Cases (RG, JH, JS, NK, SG, MH, VH, SK, JP, MH, RMP, RJ), pp. 317–321.
SIGMOD-2013-BailisVFHS #consistency #metric- PBS at work: advancing data management with consistency metrics (PB, SV, MJF, JMH, IS), pp. 1113–1116.
SIGMOD-2013-HullSV #overview #perspective #process #tutorial- Data management perspectives on business process management: tutorial overview (RH, JS, RV), pp. 943–948.
SIGMOD-2013-StougiannisPTHA #data-driven- Data-driven neuroscience: enabling breakthroughs via innovative data management (AS, MP, FT, TH, AA), pp. 953–956.
SIGMOD-2013-Yaron #database #enterprise- Managing database technology at enterprise scale (PY), pp. 919–920.
TPDL-2013-MakrisSKAC #metadata- Metadata Management and Interoperability Support for Natural History Museums (KM, GS, VK, PA, SC), pp. 120–131.
VLDB-2013-ElmeleegyL0WWKDC #framework #overview #platform- Overview of Turn Data Management Platform for Digital Advertising (HE, YL, YQ, PW, MW, SK, AD, SC), pp. 1138–1149.
VLDB-2013-MokbelS #network #perspective #social- Mobility and Social Networking: A Data Management Perspective (MFM, MS), pp. 1196–1197.
HCI-AMTE-2013-BorsciMB #assessment- A Grounded Procedure for Managing Data and Sample Size of a Home Medical Device Assessment (SB, JLM, JB), pp. 166–175.
HCI-AS-2013-KosnikH #design #framework #health #interface #monitoring- Design and Interface Considerations for Web-Enabled Data Management in Civil Infrastructure Health Monitoring (DEK, LJH), pp. 107–116.
ICEIS-v1-2013-RodriguesAGSCS #case study #data flow #semistructured data- Integrated Data Management — A Case Study in Heterogeneous Data Sources in Brazilian Government (SAR, MA, AFG, RTdS, MC, JMdS), pp. 316–321.
SAC-2013-AnielloQB - Input data organization for batch processing in time window based computations (LA, LQ, RB), pp. 363–370.
ASPLOS-2013-GoiriKLNB #energy- Parasol and GreenSwitch: managing datacenters powered by renewable energy (IG, WAK, KL, TDN, RB), pp. 51–64.
DAC-2013-LuBS #multi #named #stack- SSDM: smart stack data management for software managed multicores (SMMs) (JL, KB, AS), p. 8.
DATE-2013-BaiS #architecture #automation #manycore #memory management #performance- Automatic and efficient heap data management for limited local memory multicore architectures (KB, AS), pp. 593–598.
PODS-2012-Chaudhuri #big data #research #what- What next?: a half-dozen data management research goals for big data and the cloud (SC), pp. 1–4.
SIGMOD-2012-HarthHS #database #linked data #open data- Database techniques for linked data management (AH, KH, RS), pp. 597–600.
SIGMOD-2012-Vahdat #network- Symbiosis in scale out networking and data management (AV), pp. 579–580.
VLDB-2012-AlsubaieeAABBBCGHKLOPVW #analysis #big data #named #open source- ASTERIX: An Open Source System for “Big Data” Management and Analysis (SA, YA, HA, AB, VRB, YB, MJC, RG, ZH, YSK, CL, NO, PP, RV, JW), pp. 1898–1901.
VLDB-2012-Jensen #web- Data Management on the Spatial Web (CSJ), p. 1696.
VLDB-2012-LuoLMCZ #hybrid #named- hStorage-DB: Heterogeneity-aware Data Management to Exploit the Full Capability of Hybrid Storage Systems (TL, RL, MPM, FC, XZ), pp. 1076–1087.
VLDB-2012-MurthyDDHMPRS #semistructured data- Exploiting Evidence from Unstructured Data to Enhance Master Data Management (KM, PMD, AD, RH, MKM, DP, JR, SS), pp. 1862–1873.
CAiSE-2012-LyIMR #mining #process #semantics- Data Transformation and Semantic Log Purging for Process Mining (LTL, CI, JM, SRM), pp. 238–253.
CIKM-2012-HerschelE #comprehension #debugging- The nautilus analyzer: understanding and debugging data transformations (MH, HE), pp. 2731–2733.
CIKM-2012-MeccaPRS #question #what- What is the IQ of your data transformation system? (GM, PP, SR, DS), pp. 872–881.
SIGIR-2012-HuggettR #online- Integrative online research-data management (MH, ER), p. 1007.
PLDI-2012-HawkinsAFRS #concurrent #representation #synthesis- Concurrent data representation synthesis (PH, AA, KF, MCR, MS), pp. 417–428.
SAC-2012-GranitzerHJK #comparison #crowdsourcing #metadata- A comparison of metadata extraction techniques for crowdsourced bibliographic metadata management (MG, MH, KJ, RK), pp. 962–964.
CASE-2012-SchmidtH #automation #fault- Managing data for a zero defect production — the contribution of manufacturing automation to a corporate strategy (GS, TH), pp. 70–73.
HPDC-2012-TianKYAWPGW #performance- A system-aware optimized data organization for efficient scientific analytics (YT, SK, WY, HA, BW, NP, RWG, MW), pp. 125–126.
ICDAR-2011-HedjamC #documentation #image #multi #novel #representation- Novel Data Representation for Text Extraction from Multispectral Historical Document Images (RH, MC), pp. 172–176.
PODS-2011-AbiteboulBGA #rule-based #web- A rule-based language for web data management (SA, MB, AG, ÉA), pp. 293–304.
SIGMOD-2011-BunemanCLM #collaboration #named #wiki- DBWiki: a structured wiki for curated data and collaborative data management (PB, JC, SL, HM), pp. 1335–1338.
SIGMOD-2011-CafarellaH #web- Web data management (MJC, AYH), pp. 1199–1200.
SIGMOD-2011-HayLMPT #network #privacy- Privacy-aware data management in information networks (MH, KL, GM, JP, ET), pp. 1201–1204.
SIGMOD-2011-KoltsidasV #memory management- Data management over flash memory (IK, SV), pp. 1209–1212.
VLDB-2011-BohmLF - Resiliency-Aware Data Management (MB, WL, CF), pp. 1462–1465.
VLDB-2011-BonnetBKV #co-evolution #design- System Co-Design and Data Management for Flash Devices (PB, LB, IK, SV), pp. 1504–1505.
VLDB-2011-Cudre-MaurouxE #graph- Graph Data Management Systems for New Application Domains (PCM, SE), pp. 1510–1511.
VLDB-2011-DoanFKK #crowdsourcing #perspective #platform- Crowdsourcing Applications and Platforms: A Data Management Perspective (AD, MJF, DK, TK), pp. 1508–1509.
VLDB-2011-MeliouGS - Reverse Data Management (AM, WG, DS), pp. 1490–1493.
VLDB-2011-ParikhC #challenge #health- Data Management for Meeting Global Health Challenges (TSP, KC), p. 1514.
CHI-2011-KandelPHH #interactive #named #specification #visual notation- Wrangler: interactive visual specification of data transformation scripts (SK, AP, JMH, JH), pp. 3363–3372.
DHM-2011-KeyvaniJELO - Schema for Motion Capture Data Management (AK, HJ, ME, DL, RÖ), pp. 99–108.
ICEIS-v4-2011-DavisC11a #logic #metadata #modelling- Variant Logic Meta-data Management for Model Driven Applications — Allows Unlimited End User Configuration and Customisation of All Meta-data EIS Application Features (JD, EC), pp. 395–400.
CIKM-2011-HungBS - Spreadsheet-based complex data transformation (VH, BB, RSP), pp. 1749–1754.
CIKM-2011-Lenzerini #ontology- Ontology-based data management (ML), pp. 5–6.
KEOD-2011-SeinturierMB #knowledge-based #multimodal #query #representation- Knowledge-based Multimodal Data Representation and Querying (JS, EM, EB), pp. 152–158.
PLDI-2011-HawkinsAFRS #representation #synthesis- Data representation synthesis (PH, AA, KF, MCR, MS), pp. 38–49.
ECDL-2010-DonnellyJP #maintenance #online- DMP Online: A Demonstration of the Digital Curation Centre’s Web-Based Tool for Creating, Maintaining and Exporting Data Management Plans (MD, SJ, JWPF), pp. 530–533.
SIGMOD-2010-GonzalezHJLMSSG #collaboration- Google fusion tables: web-centered data management and collaboration (HG, AYH, CSJ, AL, JM, RS, WS, JGK), pp. 1061–1066.
SIGMOD-2010-SrivastavaV - Information theory for data management (DS, SV), pp. 1255–1256.
VLDB-2010-Muthukrishnan #internet #mining- Data Management and Mining in Internet Ad Systems (SM), pp. 1655–1656.
CAiSE-2010-GrossniklausLSN #adaptation #metamodelling- Dynamic Metamodel Extension Modules to Support Adaptive Data Management (MG, SL, AdS, MCN), pp. 363–377.
EDOC-2010-KrugerGZP #enterprise- Enterprise Application-Specific Data Management (JK, MG, AZ, HP), pp. 131–140.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-LinS #constraints #dependence #process- Managing Data Dependency Constraints through Business Processes (JYCL, SWS), pp. 52–59.
CIKM-2010-NambiarGGM - Massive structured data management solution (UN, RG, HG, MKM), pp. 1905–1908.
ICPR-2010-Chicheva #2d #algorithm #parallel #representation- Parallel Algorithm of Two-Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform Based on Special Data Representation (MAC), pp. 2326–2328.
ICPR-2010-ZhangXW #detection- Data Transformation of the Histogram Feature in Object Detection (RZ, BX, CW), pp. 2893–2896.
SAC-2010-OttoR #overview- Organizing master data management: findings from an expert survey (BO, AR), pp. 106–110.
HPDC-2010-XuF #file system #framework #named- GatorShare: a file system framework for high-throughput data management (JX, RJOF), pp. 776–786.
PDP-2010-LeoAGZ #analysis #clustering #throughput #using- Using Virtual Clusters to Decouple Computation and Data Management in High Throughput Analysis Applications (SL, PA, MG, GZ), pp. 411–415.
PPoPP-2010-JangMSDK #architecture #parallel #thread- Data transformations enabling loop vectorization on multithreaded data parallel architectures (BJ, PM, DS, RD, DRK), pp. 353–354.
VLDB-2009-SrivastavaV - Information Theory For Data Management (DS, SV), pp. 1662–1663.
VLDB-2009-WangSCMKZPY #named #semantics #using #web- SMDM: Enhancing Enterprise-Wide Master Data Management Using Semantic Web Technologies (XW, XS, FC, LM, NK, KZ, YP, YY), pp. 1594–1597.
SIGITE-2009-PayneZJS #mobile- A location-aware mobile system for on-site mapping and geographic data management (LDP, DTZ, JMJ, JMS), pp. 166–172.
ICSM-2009-JiaSYL #difference #predict #question #set- Data transformation and attribute subset selection: Do they help make differences in software failure prediction? (HJ, FS, YY, QL), pp. 519–522.
KMIS-2009-FalcaoNC #agile #education #optimisation #process- Application of Lean Six Sigma Methodology to Optimization Processes of Data Management in an Educational Context (SF, FN, AC), pp. 309–312.
PPDP-2009-Tarau #declarative #embedded #model transformation #transformation language- An embedded declarative data transformation language (PT), pp. 171–182.
PDP-2009-GoiriJG #performance- Efficient Data Management Support for Virtualized Service Providers (IG, FJ, JG), pp. 409–413.
SIGMOD-2008-LupuOT - Paths to stardom: calibrating the potential of a peer-based data management system (ML, BCO, YCT), pp. 265–278.
SIGMOD-2008-MaWLCPY #effectiveness #performance #semantics #web- Effective and efficient semantic web data management over DB2 (LM, CW, JL, FC, YP, YY), pp. 1183–1194.
VLDB-2008-BalazinskaRS #aspect-oriented #probability- Systems aspects of probabilistic data management (MB, CR, DS), pp. 1520–1521.
VLDB-2008-DeWittPRNRSK #clustering #named- Clustera: an integrated computation and data management system (DJD, EP, ER, JFN, JR, SS, AK), pp. 28–41.
VLDB-2008-LupuT #named #profiling- P3N: profiling the potential of a peer-based data management system (ML, YCT), pp. 1416–1419.
VLDB-2008-SidirourgosGKNM #rdf- Column-store support for RDF data management: not all swans are white (LS, RG, MLK, NN, SM), pp. 1553–1563.
VLDB-2008-WeissKB #named #semantics #web- Hexastore: sextuple indexing for semantic web data management (CW, PK, AB), pp. 1008–1019.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-AsselK #collaboration #integration- Data Management and Integration within Collaborative Working Environments (MA, AK), pp. 258–263.
SEKE-2008-MeedeniyaP #case study #comparative #documentation #representation- A Comparative Study on Data Representation to Categorize Text Documents (DAM, ASP), pp. 371–374.
SEKE-2008-WuC #analysis- A Wed-based data Management and Analysis System for CO2 Capture (YW, CWC), pp. 857–860.
SAC-2008-CuttL #quality- Managing data quality in a terabyte-scale sensor archive (BC, RL), pp. 982–986.
HPDC-2008-DoraimaniI #lessons learnt- File grouping for scientific data management: lessons from experimenting with real traces (SD, AI), pp. 153–164.
ECDL-2007-BarrettBEFMMZ #modelling #scalability- A Scalable Data Management Tool to Support Epidemiological Modeling of Large Urban Regions (CLB, KRB, SE, EAF, YM, MVM, XZ), pp. 546–548.
ICDAR-2007-BelaidRF #analysis #documentation #image #representation #xml- XML Data Representation in Document Image Analysis (AB, YR, IF), pp. 78–82.
PODS-2007-GiacomoLLR #integration #on the- On reconciling data exchange, data integration, and peer data management (GDG, DL, ML, RR), pp. 133–142.
SIGMOD-2007-WenM #framework #named #web- Webstudio: building infrastructure for web data management (JRW, WYM), pp. 875–876.
VLDB-2007-AbadiMMH #clustering #scalability #semantics #using #web- Scalable Semantic Web Data Management Using Vertical Partitioning (DJA, AM, SM, KJH), pp. 411–422.
VLDB-2007-Brodie - Computer Science 2.0: A New World of Data Management (MLB), p. 1161.
VLDB-2007-Cudre-MaurouxABHA #self- Self-Organizing Schema Mappings in the GridVine Peer Data Management System (PCM, SA, AB, PH, KA), pp. 1334–1337.
VLDB-2007-SchollBGKWRK #in memory #memory management #named- HiSbase: Histogram-based P2P Main Memory Data Management (TS, BB, BG, RK, DW, AR, AK), pp. 1394–1397.
VLDB-2007-SionW - Regulatory-Compliant Data Management (RS, MW), pp. 1433–1434.
SIGITE-2007-KaneS #distributed #performance- Integrating bioinformatics, distributed data management, and distributed computing for applied training in high performance computing (MDK, JAS), pp. 33–36.
SFM-2007-Ciardo #approach #diagrams #performance #representation- Data Representation and Efficient Solution: A Decision Diagram Approach (GC), pp. 371–394.
OCSC-2007-ZhengSR #authoring #collaboration #named- WikiTable: A New Tool for Collaborative Authoring and Data Management (XSZ, IS, RR), pp. 501–508.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-CarreiraGPW #execution #optimisation- One-to-many data transformation operations — optimization and execution on an RDBMS (PJFC, HG, JLMP, AW), pp. 21–27.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-MangisengiPADR #monitoring #process- Activity warehouse: Data management for business activity monitoring (OM, MP, DA, DD, HR), pp. 137–144.
ESEC-FSE-2007-EstublierV #configuration management- Reconciling software configuration management and product data management (JE, GV), pp. 265–274.
SAC-2007-Masciari #effectiveness- RFID data management for effective objects tracking (EM), pp. 457–461.
SIGMOD-2006-BychkovskyCGHHMSZBM #mobile- Data management in the CarTel mobile sensor computing system (VB, KC, MG, HH, BH, AM, ES, YZ, HB, SM), pp. 730–732.
SIGMOD-2006-CallahanFSSSV #named #visualisation- VisTrails: visualization meets data management (SPC, JF, ES, CES, CTS, HTV), pp. 745–747.
SIGMOD-2006-HsiehMP - Data management projects at Google (WCH, JM, RP), pp. 725–726.
VLDB-2006-Sikka #enterprise #generative #platform- Next Generation Data Management in Enterprise Application Platforms (VS), p. 5.
VLDB-2006-ZhengFCGKD #algorithm #named #re-engineering- Crimson: A Data Management System to Support Evaluating Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction Algorithms (YZ, SF, SC, SG, JK, SBD), pp. 1231–1234.
SCAM-2006-FaganHU #modelling #representation #semantics- Data Representation Alternatives in Semantically Augmented Numerical Models (MWF, LH, JU), pp. 85–94.
FM-2006-CunhaOV #type safety- Type-Safe Two-Level Data Transformation (AC, JNO, JV), pp. 284–299.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-OngSKO #evaluation #mobile- Data Management System Evaluation for Mobile Messaging Services (DCCO, RS, SK, RO), pp. 226–231.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-Sellis #challenge #research- Data Management in P2P Systems: Challenges and Research Issues (TKS), pp. 21–22.
ICEIS-J-2006-Leukel06a #approach #classification- Controlling Property Growth in Product Classification Schemes: A Data Management Approach (JL), pp. 363–374.
KDD-2006-MessaoudBR #analysis #multi #performance- Efficient multidimensional data representations based on multiple correspondence analysis (RBM, OB, SLR), pp. 662–667.
RE-2006-JiangTBM #analysis #biology #case study #database #design- Incorporating Goal Analysis in Database Design: A Case Study from Biological Data Management (LJ, TT, AB, JM), pp. 196–204.
ASE-2006-Nguyen #configuration management- A Unified Model for Product Data Management and Software Configuration Management (TNN), pp. 269–272.
HPDC-2006-OrtizJM #towards- Toward a New Direction on Data Management in Grids (AO, JJ, AM), pp. 377–378.
PODS-2005-Kolaitis #metadata- Schema mappings, data exchange, and metadata management (PGK), pp. 61–75.
SIGMOD-2005-Sikka #architecture #challenge #metadata- Data and metadata management in service-oriented architectures: some open challenges (VS), pp. 849–850.
VLDB-2005-MarkowitzKPSIK #biology #case study- The Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) System: A Case Study in Biological Data Management (VMM, FK, KP, ES, NI, NK), pp. 1067–1078.
CIKM-2005-Ioannidis - Emerging data management systems: close-up and personal (YEI), p. 2.
SAC-2005-HastingsLOKPCJS #distributed #using #xml- Grid-based management of biomedical data using an XML-based distributed data management system (SH, SL, SO, TMK, TP, ÜVÇ, DJ, JHS), pp. 105–109.
CBSE-2004-TivoliIPFS #assembly #component- Correct Components Assembly for a Product Data Management Cooperative System (MT, PI, VP, AF, MS), pp. 84–99.
SIGMOD-2004-TatarinovH #performance #query- Efficient Query Reformulation in Peer-Data Management Systems (IT, AYH), pp. 539–550.
VLDB-2004-ArasuCGMMRST #benchmark #linear #metric- Linear Road: A Stream Data Management Benchmark (AA, MC, EFG, DM, AM, ER, MS, RT), pp. 480–491.
VLDB-2004-BloomS #case study- Managing Data from High-Throughput Genomic Processing: A Case Study (TB, TS), pp. 1198–1201.
VLDB-2004-Hellerstein #algorithm #architecture- Architectures and Algorithms for Internet-Scale (P2P) Data Management (JMH), p. 1244.
VLDB-2004-TopaloglouDJMST #biology #research- Biological Data Management: Research, Practice and Opportunities (TT, SBD, HVJ, VMM, EWS, MT), pp. 1233–1236.
ICPR-v2-2004-Frigui #named- MembershipMap: Data Transformation Based on Membership Aggregation (HF), pp. 463–466.
DATE-v1-2004-Kandemir #locality #memory management- Impact of Data Transformations on Memory Bank Locality (MTK), pp. 506–511.
SIGMOD-2003-Colliat #challenge- Data Management Challenges in CRM (GC), p. 636.
VLDB-2003-CliftonFHKLS #e-commerce #privacy- Privacy-Enhanced Data Management for Next-Generation e-Commerce (CC, IF, RH, BK, DFL, AS), p. 1147.
VLDB-2003-HageJPST #mobile- Integrated Data Management for Mobile Services in the Real World (CH, CSJ, TBP, LS, IT), pp. 1019–1030.
VLDB-2003-JagatheesanMPW #grid- Grid Data Management Systems & Services (AJ, RM, NWP, PW), p. 1150.
ICEIS-v1-2003-Hodgett #challenge- Data Management: The Challenge of the Future (RAH), pp. 478–482.
DATE-2003-BeeckGBMCD #implementation #power management #realtime- Background Data Organisation for the Low-Power Implementation in Real-Time of a Digital Audio Broadcast Receiver on a SIMD Processor (POdB, CG, EB, MM, FC, GD), pp. 11144–11145.
DATE-2003-LuzKKS #behaviour- Generalized Data Transformations for Enhancing Cache Behavior (VDLL, MTK, IK, US), pp. 10906–10911.
DATE-2003-Sanchez-ElezFADBH #architecture #configuration management #energy #memory management #multi- Low Energy Data Management for Different On-Chip Memory Levels in Multi-Context Reconfigurable Architectures (MSE, MF, MLA, HD, NB, RH), pp. 10036–10043.
ESOP-2003-ReddyY #correctness #data type- Correctness of Data Representations Involving Heap Data Structures (USR, HY), pp. 223–237.
ECDL-2002-Kiemle #library #middleware- From Digital Archive to Digital Library — A Middleware for Earth-Observation Data Management (SK), pp. 230–237.
VLDB-2002-Bosworth #database #web- Data Routing Rather than Databases: The Meaning of the Next Wave of the Web Revolution to Data Management (AB).
VLDB-2002-CarneyCCCLSSTZ #monitoring- Monitoring Streams — A New Class of Data Management Applications (DC, UÇ, MC, CC, SL, GS, MS, NT, SBZ), pp. 215–226.
VLDB-2002-SchmidtWKCMB #benchmark #metric #named #xml- XMark: A Benchmark for XML Data Management (AS, FW, MLK, MJC, IM, RB), pp. 974–985.
ICEIS-2002-RaibuletD #industrial #representation- Data Representation in Industrial Systems (CR, CD), pp. 163–178.
CIKM-2002-AmiriPT #self #web- A self-managing data cache for edge-of-network web applications (KA, SP, RT), pp. 177–185.
CIKM-2002-Blake #concept #distributed #using- Using specification-driven concepts for distributed data management and dissemination (MBB), pp. 629–631.
VLDB-2001-CherniackFZ #pervasive- Data Management for Pervasive Computing (MC, MJF, SBZ).
DATE-2001-StaaBHPMKH #design- Data management: limiter or accelerator for electronic design creativity (PvS, RB, HH, BP, JM, WK, WH), pp. 162–163.
HPDC-2001-SchuchardtMS #authoring #distributed #open data #problem #version control- Open Data Management Solutions for Problem Solving Environments: Application of Distributed Authoring and Versioning to the Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment (KS, JDM, EGS), p. 228–?.
SIGMOD-2000-Gal - Data Management in eCommerce: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (AG), p. 578.
VLDB-2000-Deshpande #challenge #delivery- Linking Business to Deliver Value: A Data Management Challenge (AD), pp. 682–683.
VLDB-2000-PardonA #internet #lightweight #named #transaction- CheeTah: a Lightweight Transaction Server for Plug-and-Play Internet Data Management (GP, GA), pp. 210–219.
VLDB-2000-Team #in memory #scalability- High-Performance and Scalability through Application Tier,In-Memory Data Management, pp. 677–680.
CSCW-2000-PreguicaMDD - Data management support for asynchronous groupware (NMP, JLM, HJLD, SD), pp. 69–78.
SIGMOD-1999-Team #approach #in memory #transaction- In-Memory Data Management for Consumer Transactions The Times-Ten Approach (TTT), pp. 528–529.
VLDB-1999-Hamilton #design- Networked Data Management Design Points (JRH), pp. 202–206.
HCI-EI-1999-ChenH #case study #user interface- An Experimental Study of User Interface in a Data Management System (JC, SLH), pp. 646–650.
CIKM-1999-SmithL #adaptation #framework #multi- An Adaptive View Element Framework for Multi-Dimensional Data Management (JRS, CSL), pp. 308–315.
KDD-1999-Chatziantoniou #emf #sql- The PanQ Tool and EMF SQL for Complex Data Management (DC), pp. 420–424.
HPDC-1999-ChoudharyKNNSTMT #distributed #performance #scalability- Data Management for Large-Scale Scientific Computations in High Performance Distributed Systems (ANC, MTK, HSN, JN, XS, VET, SM, RT), pp. 263–272.
SIGMOD-1998-Kennamer #transaction- Microsoft.com: A High-Scale Data Management and Transaction Processing Solution (SK), pp. 539–540.
PLDI-1998-RiveraT - Data Transformations for Eliminating Conflict Misses (GR, CWT), pp. 38–49.
ESOP-1998-Scherlis #case study #representation- Systematic Change of Data Representation: Program Manipulations and a Case Study (WLS), pp. 252–266.
VLDB-1997-BaumannFRW - Geo/Environmental and Medical Data Management in the RasDaMan System (PB, PF, RR, NW), pp. 548–552.
ITiCSE-1996-Hainline #education #named #representation- DATATUTOR: a package for teaching data representation (DH), p. 234.
ICFP-1996-ChuangH #approach #automation #probability #problem- A Probabilistic Approach to the Problem of Automatic Selection of Data Representations (TRC, WLH), pp. 190–200.
CAiSE-1996-HoriSO #development #distributed #object-oriented- Shared Data Management Mechanism for Distributed Software Development Based on a Reflective Object-Oriented Model (MH, YS, KO), pp. 362–382.
SAC-1996-Lenz #adaptation #consistency #distributed- Adaptive distributed data management with weak consistent replicated data (RL), pp. 178–185.
SIGMOD-1995-AcharyaAFZ #symmetry- Broadcast Disks: Data Management for Asymmetric Communications Environments (SA, RA, MJF, SBZ), pp. 199–210.
VLDB-1995-BunemanDHOW #biology #data flow- A Data Transformation System for Biological Data Sources (PB, SBD, KH, GCO, LW), pp. 158–169.
PPoPP-1995-JeremiassenE #memory management #multi- Reducing False Sharing on Shared Memory Multiprocessors through Compile Time Data Transformations (TEJ, SJE), pp. 179–188.
SIGMOD-1994-BryanMCLG #database #parallel- The MEDUSA Project: Autonomous Data Management in a Shared-Nothing Parallel Database Machine (GMB, WEM, BJC, KWL, JG), p. 507.
PLILP-1994-TarauN #novel #representation- A Novel Term Compression Scheme and Data Representation in the BinWAM (PT, UN), pp. 73–87.
VLDB-1993-StonebrakerCNPW #named #visualisation- Tioga: Providing Data Management Support for Scientific Visualization Applications (MS, JC, NN, CP, JW), pp. 25–38.
SIGMOD-1992-Cowley #requirements- Scientific Data Management: Real-World Issues and Requirements (PJC), p. 318.
SIGMOD-1992-Orenstein #architecture- Architectures for Object Data Management (JAO), p. 8.
VLDB-1992-Buchmann #realtime- Data Management for Real-Time Systems (APB), p. 625.
HPDC-1992-BerraCGL #distributed #multi #network- Issues in Networking and Data Management of Distributed Multimedia Systems (PBB, CYRC, AG, TDCL), pp. 4–15.
STOC-1992-BartalFR #algorithm #distributed- Competitive Algorithms for Distributed Data Management (YB, AF, YR), pp. 39–50.
VLDB-1991-SegevZ #scalability- Data Management for Large Rule Systems (AS, JLZ), pp. 297–307.
DAC-1991-BanksBEFH #configuration management #framework- A Configuration Management System in a Data Management Framework (SB, CB, RE, LF, PH), pp. 699–703.
VLDB-1990-PucheralTV #in memory #memory management #performance #using- Efficient Main Memory Data Management Using the DBGraph Storage Model (PP, JMT, PV), pp. 683–695.
PLILP-1990-Leroy #performance #polymorphism #representation- Efficient Data Representation in Polymorphic Languages (XL), pp. 255–276.
DAC-1990-Liu #design #framework- Design Data Management in a CAD Framework Environment (LCL), pp. 156–161.
DAC-1990-WolfSBD #framework- Meta Data Management in the NELSIS CAD Framework (PvdW, GWS, PB, PD), pp. 142–149.
SIGMOD-1988-Bell #execution #parallel #physics- A Specialized Data Management System For Parallel Execution of Particle Physics Codes (JLB), pp. 277–285.
LFP-1988-QueinnecC #lisp #representation- An Open-Ended Data Representation Model for EU_LISP (CQ, PC), pp. 298–308.
DAC-1988-WolfL #modelling- Object Type Oriented Data Modeling for VLSI Data Management (PvdW, TGRvL), pp. 351–356.
SIGMOD-1987-Gray #operating system- Operating System Support for Data Management Systems (JG), p. 4.
SIGMOD-1987-Halasz #design #re-engineering- The Impact of Software Engineering Environments on the Design of Data Management Systems (FGH), p. 3.
SIGMOD-1987-LindsayMP #architecture- A Data Management Extension Architecture (BGL, JM, HP), pp. 220–226.
ESEC-1987-Allen #approach #distributed #named #re-engineering #realtime- SOFTBUS — An Approach to Software Engineering for Distributed Real-Time Long-Lifetime Spacecraft Data Management Systems (RCA), pp. 202–211.
DAC-1987-HeilerDAOR #approach #database #design #object-oriented #why- An Object-Oriented Approach to Data Management: Why Design Databases Need It (SH, UD, JAO, SRS), pp. 335–340.
VLDB-1986-ShoshaniK - Temporal Data Management (AS, KK), pp. 79–88.
PODS-1985-AbbadiSC #fault tolerance #performance #protocol- An Efficient, Fault-Tolerant Protocol for Replicated Data Management (AEA, DS, FC), pp. 215–229.
VLDB-1985-BrovermanC #approach #knowledge-based #user interface- A Knowledge-Based Approach to Data Management for Intelligent User Interfaces (CAB, WBC), pp. 96–104.
DAC-1985-McLellan #design #effectiveness- Effective data management for VLSI design (PM), pp. 652–657.
SIGMOD-1984-DielKLSS #kernel #operating system- Data Management Facilities of an Operating System Kernel (HD, GK, NGL, MS, BS), pp. 58–69.
VLDB-1984-AdibaN #information management- Information Processing for CAD/VLSI on a Generalized Data Management System (MEA, GTN), pp. 371–374.
SIGMOD-1983-Gray #problem- Practical Problems in Data Management — A Position Paper (JG), p. 3.
SIGMOD-1983-Neuhold - Views on Data Management (EJN), pp. 4–5.
VLDB-1982-McCarthy #database #metadata #scalability #statistics- Metadata Management for Large Statistical Databases (JLM), pp. 234–243.
SIGIR-1982-BartschiF #adaptation- Adapting a Data Organization to the Structure of Stored Information (MB, HPF), pp. 62–79.
DAC-1982-SmithW #design #low cost- A low cost, transportable, data management system for LSI/VLSI design (DCS, BSW), pp. 283–290.
SIGMOD-1979-Wasserman - The Data Management Facilities of PLAIN (AIW), pp. 60–70.
DAC-1979-CarlsonPC #3d #design #using- The use of color and 3-D temporal and spatial data management techniques in computer-aided design (WEC, REP, CC), pp. 32–38.
VLDB-1978-KamenyWCBGB #interface #named- EUFID: The End User Friendly Interface to Data Management Systems (IK, JW, MC, JB, RG, DB), pp. 380–391.
SIGMOD-1976-Macri #concurrent #detection- Deadlock Detection and Resolution in a CODASYL Based Data Management System (PPM), pp. 45–49.
VLDB-1976-KelloggKT #deduction- A Deductive Capability for Data Management (CK, PK, LT), pp. 181–196.
ICSE-1976-IrvineB #automation #re-engineering- Automated Software Engineering Through Structured Data Management (CAI, JWB), p. 3.
VLDB-1975-FernandezSL #evaluation- Definition and Evaluation of Access Rules in Data Management Systems (EBF, RCS, TL), pp. 268–285.
VLDB-1975-HeacoxCC #empirical- An Experiment in Dedicated Data Management (HCH, ESC, JBC), pp. 511–513.
SIGFIDET-1974-Rothnie #approach #implementation #relational- An Approach to Implementing a Relational Data Management System (JBRJ), pp. 277–294.
SIGFIDET-1974-SteuertG #perspective #relational- The Relational Data Management System: A Perspective (JS, JG), pp. 295–320.
SIGFIDET-1974-Whitney #implementation #relational- Relational Data Management Implementation Techniques (VKMW), pp. 321–350.
DAC-1974-SogaTTSKT #design- Engineering Data Management System (EDMS) for computer aided design of digital computers (MS, CT, KT, KS, MK, HT), pp. 372–379.
SIGIR-1973-SuCL #retrieval- Retrieval Operations and Data Representations in a Context-Addressed Disc System (SYWS, GPC, GJL), pp. 144–160.
SIGFIDET-1971-Dean #online #privacy #requirements- Data Privacy and Integrity Requirements for Online Data Management Systems (ALDJ), pp. 279–298.
SIGIR-1971-HuntK #source code- A Heathkit Method for Building Data Management Programs (EH, GAK), pp. 117–131.
SIGIR-1971-KelloggBDF #natural language- The Converse Natural Language Data Management System: Current Status and Plans (CK, JDB, TD, KF), pp. 33–46.
DAC-1971-Beretvas #multi- Multiply indexed data management (TB), pp. 358–366.
SIGFIDET-1970-GoldsteinS - The MacAIMS Data Management System (RCG, AS), pp. 201–229.