Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Kim M.Kim Y.J.Kim Y.Kim T.Kim G.Lee
Talks about:
test (4) industri (3) concol (3) softwar (2) applic (2) studi (2) embed (2) case (2) use (2) approach (1)
Person: Yoonkyu Jang
DBLP: Jang:Yoonkyu
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ASE-2013-KimKKLJK #automation #embedded #industrial #scalability #testing #using
- Automated unit testing of large industrial embedded software using concolic testing (YK, YK, TK, GL, YJ, MK), pp. 519–528.
- ICSE-2012-KimKKJ #approach #case study #industrial #testing #using
- Industrial application of concolic testing approach: A case study on libexif by using CREST-BV and KLEE (YK, MK, YJK, YJ), pp. 1143–1152.
- ICST-2012-KimKJ #case study #embedded #industrial #testing
- Industrial Application of Concolic Testing on Embedded Software: Case Studies (MK, YK, YJ), pp. 390–399.