Travelled to:
2 × Canada
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.He S.Han J.Jiang C.Ni A.Harpale Y.Yang S.Gopal C.Trattner Y.Lin D.Parra W.Real P.Brusilovsky E.Litt C.J.Cai J.Stern K.Baxter Z.Guan N.Sharma G.(.Zhang
Talks about:
search (6) queri (3) evalu (3) exploratori (2) reformul (2) collabor (2) inform (2) user (2) web (2) photograph (1)
Person: Zhen Yue
DBLP: Yue:Zhen
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- CHI-2014-YueLCSBGSZ #experience #research
- Photographing information needs: the role of photos in experience sampling method-style research (ZY, EL, CJC, JS, KB, ZG, NS, G(Z), pp. 1545–1554.
- CSCW-2014-YueHH #collaboration #modelling #process #using #web
- Modeling search processes using hidden states in collaborative exploratory web search (ZY, SH, DH), pp. 820–830.
- CIKM-2013-HanHJY #case study #people
- Supporting exploratory people search: a study of factor transparency and user control (SH, DH, JJ, ZY), pp. 449–458.
- CIKM-2012-JiangHHYN #evaluation #query #simulation
- Contextual evaluation of query reformulations in a search session by user simulation (JJ, DH, SH, ZY, CN), pp. 2635–2638.
- CIKM-2012-YueJHH #analysis #collaboration #query #web
- Where do the query terms come from?: an analysis of query reformulation in collaborative web search (ZY, JJ, SH, DH), pp. 2595–2598.
- HT-2012-TrattnerLPYRB #image #information management
- Evaluating tag-based information access in image collections (CT, YLL, DP, ZY, WR, PB), pp. 113–122.
- SIGIR-2012-JiangYHH #social
- Finding readings for scientists from social websites (JJ, ZY, SH, DH), pp. 1075–1076.
- CIKM-2010-HarpaleYGHY #dataset #multi #named #performance #personalisation
- CiteData: a new multi-faceted dataset for evaluating personalized search performance (AH, YY, SG, DH, ZY), pp. 549–558.