Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Chile
1 × Cyprus
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Parra D.Kowald E.Lacic L.B.Marinho X.Wen Y.Lin S.Larrain E.Graells-Garrido K.Nørvåg D.Helic C.Körner M.Granitzer M.Strohmaier R.O.G.Gavilanes D.Gómez D.Parra-Santander A.Kaltenbrunner E.Graells Y.Lin Z.Yue W.Real P.Brusilovsky
Talks about:
tag (4) recommend (3) time (3) twitter (2) social (2) confer (2) academ (2) world (2) rec (2) marketplac (1)
Person: Christoph Trattner
DBLP: Trattner:Christoph
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- HT-2015-GavilanesGPTKG #twitter
- Language, Twitter and Academic Conferences (ROGG, DG, DPS, CT, AK, EG), pp. 159–163.
- RecSys-2015-LarrainTPGN #case study #collaboration #social
- Good Times Bad Times: A Study on Recency Effects in Collaborative Filtering for Social Tagging (SL, CT, DP, EGG, KN), pp. 269–272.
- RecSys-2015-MarinhoTP #algorithm #question #recommendation
- Are Real-World Place Recommender Algorithms Useful in Virtual World Environments? (LBM, CT, DP), pp. 245–248.
- HT-2014-KowaldLT #benchmark #framework #metric #named #recommendation #standard #towards
- TagRec: towards a standardized tag recommender benchmarking framework (DK, EL, CT), pp. 305–307.
- HT-2014-LacicKT #named #online #recommendation #scalability #social
- SocRecM: a scalable social recommender engine for online marketplaces (EL, DK, CT), pp. 308–310.
- HT-2014-WenLTP #network #twitter
- Twitter in academic conferences: usage, networking and participation over time (XW, YRL, CT, DP), pp. 285–290.
- HT-2012-HelicKGST #folksonomy #performance
- Navigational efficiency of broad vs. narrow folksonomies (DH, CK, MG, MS, CT), pp. 63–72.
- HT-2012-TrattnerLPYRB #image #information management
- Evaluating tag-based information access in image collections (CT, YLL, DP, ZY, WR, PB), pp. 113–122.