Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
Collaborated with:
A.Tombros M.Lalmas
Talks about:
xml (3) retriev (2) use (2) summaris (1) investig (1) interact (1) document (1) summari (1) generat (1) content (1)
Person: Zoltán Szlávik
DBLP: Szl=aacute=vik:Zolt=aacute=n
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ECIR-2007-SzlavikTL #documentation #generative #xml
- Feature- and Query-Based Table of Contents Generation for XML Documents (ZS, AT, ML), pp. 456–467.
- ECDL-2006-SzlavikTL #retrieval #summary #using #xml
- The Use of Summaries in XML Retrieval (ZS, AT, ML), pp. 75–86.
- SAC-2006-SzlavikTL #interactive #retrieval #summary #using #xml
- Investigating the use of summarisation for interactive XML retrieval (ZS, AT, ML), pp. 1068–1072.