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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
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14 × USA
2 × Ireland
2 × Italy
5 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
T.Tsikrika R.Cummins A.Tombros G.Kazai K.Zhou J.M.Jose J.Kamps A.Trotman B.Piwowarski R.A.Baeza-Yates Z.Kong Z.Szlávik I.Frommholz K.v.Rijsbergen E.Graells-Garrido J.Reid C.O'Riordan M.Koolen J.Lehmann I.Arapakis I.Bordino Y.Mejova I.Ruthven S.Whiting M.P.Consens E.Ashoori P.Ogilvie T.Blanke A.Graves M.Theophylactou M.Jones F.Menczer G.Valkanas L.McCay-Peet V.Navalpakkam F.Díaz M.Shokouhi B.Larsen M.d.R.G.Crisostomo J.Pehcevski S.Masood A.P.d.Vries C.J.v.Rijsbergen N.Gövert N.Fuhr O.V.Laere G.Dupret H.Ceylan P.Donmez S.Sushmita H.Joho R.Villa M.S.Ali S.Amer-Yahia S.M.Rüger A.Yavlinsky S.Betsi W.Harwood G.Buchanan G.Shaked F.Silvestri G.Tolomei C.Müller-Birn D.Laniado A.Kaltenbrunner T.Sakai M.Halvey D.Zellhöfer I.Schmitt Y.Moshfeghi R.Bhat M.Frank D.M.Frohlich M.Amini N.Usunier P.Gallinari T.Rölleke S.Quicker
Talks about:
retriev (23) xml (17) document (15) structur (9) evalu (9) use (9) content (7) search (6) relev (6) queri (6)

Person: Mounia Lalmas

DBLP DBLP: Lalmas:Mounia

Facilitated 3 volumes:

SIGIR 2015Ed
ECDL 2010Ed
ECIR 2006Ed

Contributed to:

HT 20152015
KDD 20152015
CIKM 20142014
HT 20142014
CIKM 20132013
ECIR 20132013
SIGIR 20132013
CHI 20122012
CIKM 20122012
ECIR 20122012
SIGIR 20122012
ECIR 20112011
CIKM 20102010
ECIR 20102010
SIGIR 20102010
ECDL 20092009
SIGIR 20092009
CIKM 20082008
SIGIR 20082008
ECDL 20072007
ECIR 20072007
SIGIR 20072007
VLDB 20072007
CIKM 20062006
ECDL 20062006
ECIR 20062006
SAC 20062006
SIGIR 20062006
CIKM 20052005
CIKM 20042004
ECIR 20042004
SIGIR 20042004
CIKM 20032003
ECIR 20032003
ECIR 20022002
SIGIR 20022002
CIKM 20012001
SIGIR 20012001
CIKM 19991999
ACIR 19981998
SIGIR 19971997
JCDL 20072007

Wrote 61 papers:

HT-2015-Graells-Garrido #bias #gender #wiki #women
First Women, Second Sex: Gender Bias in Wikipedia (EGG, ML, FM), pp. 165–174.
KDD-2015-LalmasLSST #experience
Promoting Positive Post-Click Experience for In-Stream Yahoo Gemini Users (ML, JL, GS, FS, GT), pp. 1929–1938.
CIKM-2014-ArapakisLV #analysis #comprehension #gesture
Understanding Within-Content Engagement through Pattern Analysis of Mouse Gestures (IA, ML, GV), pp. 1439–1448.
CIKM-2014-LaereBML #named
DEESSE: entity-Driven Exploratory and sErendipitous Search SystEm (OVL, IB, YM, ML), pp. 2072–2074.
HT-2014-Graells-GarridoL #microblog #platform
Balancing diversity to counter-measure geographical centralization in microblogging platforms (EGG, ML), pp. 231–236.
HT-2014-LehmannMLLK #behaviour #wiki
Reader preferences and behavior on Wikipedia (JL, CMB, DL, ML, AK), pp. 88–97.
Penguins in sweaters, or serendipitous entity search on user-generated content (IB, YM, ML), pp. 109–118.
CIKM-2013-LehmannLDB #multi #online
Online multitasking and user engagement (JL, ML, GD, RABY), pp. 519–528.
CIKM-2013-ZhouLSCJ #metric #on the #reliability
On the reliability and intuitiveness of aggregated search metrics (KZ, ML, TS, RC, JMJ), pp. 689–698.
ECIR-2013-ZhouWJL #evaluation #variability
The Impact of Temporal Intent Variability on Diversity Evaluation (KZ, SW, JMJ, ML), pp. 820–823.
SIGIR-2013-WhitingZJL #multi
Temporal variance of intents in multi-faceted event-driven information needs (SW, KZ, JMJ, ML), pp. 989–992.
CHI-2012-McCay-PeetLN #on the
On saliency, affect and focused attention (LMP, ML, VN), pp. 541–550.
CIKM-2012-Baeza-YatesL #exclamation #matter #network
User engagement: the network effect matters! (RABY, ML), pp. 1–2.
CIKM-2012-CeylanADL #automation
Automatically embedding newsworthy links to articles (HC, IA, PD, ML), pp. 1502–1506.
Evaluating reward and risk for vertical selection (KZ, RC, ML, JMJ), pp. 2631–2634.
ECIR-2012-ZhouCHLJ #predict #query #web
Assessing and Predicting Vertical Intent for Web Queries (KZ, RC, MH, ML, JMJ), pp. 499–502.
Evaluating aggregated search pages (KZ, RC, ML, JMJ), pp. 115–124.
ECIR-2011-CumminsLO #effectiveness #retrieval
The Limits of Retrieval Effectiveness (RC, ML, CO), pp. 277–282.
ECIR-2011-FrommholzPLR #framework #information retrieval #query
Processing Queries in Session in a Quantum-Inspired IR Framework (IF, BP, ML, KvR), pp. 751–754.
ECIR-2011-ZellhoferFSLR #information retrieval #principle #towards
Towards Quantum-Based DB+IR Processing Based on the Principle of Polyrepresentation (DZ, IF, IS, ML, KvR), pp. 729–732.
CIKM-2010-CumminsLO #induction #information retrieval #perspective #process
Examining the information retrieval process from an inductive perspective (RC, ML, CO), pp. 89–98.
CIKM-2010-PiwowarskiFLR #information retrieval #quantum #what
What can quantum theory bring to information retrieval (BP, IF, ML, KvR), pp. 59–68.
CIKM-2010-SushmitaJLV #behaviour #interface
Factors affecting click-through behavior in aggregated search interfaces (SS, HJ, ML, RV), pp. 519–528.
ECIR-2010-PiwowarskiFMLR #documentation
Filtering Documents with Subspaces (BP, IF, YM, ML, KvR), pp. 615–618.
From federated to aggregated search (FD, ML, MS), p. 910.
ECDL-2009-KampsLL #evaluation
Evaluation in Context (JK, ML, BL), pp. 339–351.
SIGIR-2009-TrotmanCL #problem #topic #visualisation
Visualizing the problems with the INEX topics (AT, MdRGC, ML), p. 826.
CIKM-2008-AliCKL #documentation #evaluation #retrieval
Structural relevance: a common basis for the evaluation of structured document retrieval (MSA, MPC, GK, ML), pp. 1153–1162.
SIGIR-2008-KampsKL #documentation #xml
Locating relevant text within XML documents (JK, MK, ML), pp. 847–848.
ECDL-2007-KongL #logic #multi #using #xml
Using XML Logical Structure to Retrieve (Multimedia) Objects (ZK, ML), pp. 100–111.
ECIR-2007-AshooriL #repository #topic #using #xml
Using Topic Shifts for Focussed Access to XML Repositories (EA, ML), pp. 444–455.
ECIR-2007-KongL #documentation #modelling #multi #network #xml
Combining Multiple Sources of Evidence in XML Multimedia Documents: An Inference Network Incorporating Element Language Models (ZK, ML), pp. 716–719.
ECIR-2007-SzlavikTL #documentation #generative #xml
Feature- and Query-Based Table of Contents Generation for XML Documents (ZS, AT, ML), pp. 456–467.
ECIR-2007-TsikrikaL #framework #retrieval #web
Combining Evidence for Relevance Criteria: A Framework and Experiments in Web Retrieval (TT, ML), pp. 481–493.
SIGIR-2007-KampsKL #documentation #question #xml
Where to start reading a textual XML document? (JK, MK, ML), pp. 723–724.
SIGIR-2007-KampsLP #documentation #retrieval
Evaluating relevant in context: document retrieval with a twist (JK, ML, JP), pp. 749–750.
SIGIR-2007-LalmasBFFJ #community #comprehension #information management
Bridging the digital divide: understanding information access practices in an indian village community (ML, RB, MF, DMF, MJ), pp. 741–742.
VLDB-2007-ConsensBLA #information retrieval #web #xml
XML retrieval: db/ir in theory, web in practice (MPC, RABY, ML, SAY), pp. 1437–1438.
CIKM-2006-OgilvieL #evaluation #retrieval #xml
Investigating the exhaustivity dimension in content-oriented XML element retrieval evaluation (PO, ML), pp. 84–93.
ECDL-2006-SzlavikTL #retrieval #summary #using #xml
The Use of Summaries in XML Retrieval (ZS, AT, ML), pp. 75–86.
ECIR-2006-LalmasRTY #information retrieval
Progress in Information Retrieval (ML, SMR, TT, AY), pp. 1–11.
SAC-2006-SzlavikTL #interactive #retrieval #summary #using #xml
Investigating the use of summarisation for interactive XML retrieval (ZS, AT, ML), pp. 1068–1072.
SIGIR-2006-BetsiLTT #retrieval #xml
User expectations from XML element retrieval (SB, ML, AT, TT), pp. 611–612.
SIGIR-2006-BlankeL #benchmark #metric #retrieval #xml
Theoretical benchmarks of XML retrieval (TB, ML), pp. 613–614.
SIGIR-2006-TrotmanL #query #strict
Strict and vague interpretation of XML-retrieval queries (AT, ML), pp. 709–710.
SIGIR-2006-TrotmanL06a #query #why
Why structural hints in queries do not help XML-retrieval (AT, ML), pp. 711–712.
CIKM-2005-AminiTULG #documentation #learning #using #xml
Learning to summarise XML documents using content and structure (MRA, AT, NU, ML, PG), pp. 297–298.
CIKM-2004-PiwowarskiL #consistency #evaluation #retrieval #xml
Providing consistent and exhaustive relevance assessments for XML retrieval evaluation (BP, ML), pp. 361–370.
ECIR-2004-KazaiML #assessment #case study
A Study of the Assessment of Relevance for the INEX’02 Test Collection (GK, SM, ML), pp. 296–310.
SIGIR-2004-KazaiLV #evaluation #problem #retrieval #xml
The overlap problem in content-oriented XML retrieval evaluation (GK, ML, APdV), pp. 72–79.
CIKM-2003-LalmasR #automation #documentation #identification #retrieval
Automatic identification of best entry points for focused structured document retrieval (ML, JR), pp. 540–543.
ECIR-2003-KazaiLR #documentation #retrieval
Construction of a Test Collection for the Focussed Retrieval of Structured Documents (GK, ML, JR), pp. 88–103.
ECIR-2002-RollekeLKRQ #documentation #retrieval
The Accessibility Dimension for Structured Document Retrieval (TR, ML, GK, IR, SQ), pp. 284–302.
ECIR-2002-TsikrikaL #documentation #network #using #web
Combining Web Document Representations in a Bayesian Inference Network Model Using Link and Content-Based Evidence (TT, ML), pp. 53–72.
SIGIR-2002-GravesL #network #retrieval #using #video
Video retrieval using an MPEG-7 based inference network (AG, ML), pp. 339–346.
CIKM-2001-TsikrikaL #data fusion #web
Merging Techniques for Performing Data Fusion on the Web (TT, ML), pp. 127–134.
SIGIR-2001-RuthvenRL #abduction #empirical #query #using
Empirical Investigations on Query Modification Using Abductive Explanations (IR, CJvR, ML), pp. 181–189.
CIKM-1999-GovertLF #approach #categorisation #documentation #probability #web
A Probabilistic Description-Oriented Approach for Categorizing Web Documents (NG, ML, NF), pp. 475–482.
ACIR-1998-TheophylactouL #documentation #retrieval #using
A Dempster-Shafer Model for Document Retrieval using Noun Phrases (MT, ML).
SIGIR-1997-Lalmas #documentation #modelling #nondeterminism
Dempster-Shafer’s Theory of Evidence Applied to Structured Documents: Modelling Uncertainty (ML), pp. 110–118.
JCDL-2007-JonesHBL #community #library #named
StoryBank: an indian village community digital library (MJ, WH, GB, ML), pp. 257–258.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.