Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Chile
1 × China
1 × Cyprus
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Russia
1 × Singapore
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
14 × USA
2 × Ireland
2 × Italy
5 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
T.Tsikrika R.Cummins A.Tombros G.Kazai K.Zhou J.M.Jose J.Kamps A.Trotman B.Piwowarski R.A.Baeza-Yates Z.Kong Z.Szlávik I.Frommholz K.v.Rijsbergen E.Graells-Garrido J.Reid C.O'Riordan M.Koolen J.Lehmann I.Arapakis I.Bordino Y.Mejova I.Ruthven S.Whiting M.P.Consens E.Ashoori P.Ogilvie T.Blanke A.Graves M.Theophylactou ∅ M.Jones F.Menczer G.Valkanas L.McCay-Peet V.Navalpakkam F.Díaz M.Shokouhi B.Larsen M.d.R.G.Crisostomo J.Pehcevski S.Masood A.P.d.Vries C.J.v.Rijsbergen N.Gövert N.Fuhr O.V.Laere G.Dupret H.Ceylan P.Donmez S.Sushmita H.Joho R.Villa M.S.Ali S.Amer-Yahia S.M.Rüger A.Yavlinsky S.Betsi W.Harwood G.Buchanan G.Shaked F.Silvestri G.Tolomei C.Müller-Birn D.Laniado A.Kaltenbrunner T.Sakai M.Halvey D.Zellhöfer I.Schmitt Y.Moshfeghi R.Bhat M.Frank D.M.Frohlich M.Amini N.Usunier P.Gallinari T.Rölleke S.Quicker
Talks about:
retriev (23) xml (17) document (15) structur (9) evalu (9) use (9) content (7) search (6) relev (6) queri (6)
Person: Mounia Lalmas
DBLP: Lalmas:Mounia
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 61 papers:
- HT-2015-Graells-Garrido #bias #gender #wiki #women
- First Women, Second Sex: Gender Bias in Wikipedia (EGG, ML, FM), pp. 165–174.
- KDD-2015-LalmasLSST #experience
- Promoting Positive Post-Click Experience for In-Stream Yahoo Gemini Users (ML, JL, GS, FS, GT), pp. 1929–1938.
- CIKM-2014-ArapakisLV #analysis #comprehension #gesture
- Understanding Within-Content Engagement through Pattern Analysis of Mouse Gestures (IA, ML, GV), pp. 1439–1448.
- CIKM-2014-LaereBML #named
- DEESSE: entity-Driven Exploratory and sErendipitous Search SystEm (OVL, IB, YM, ML), pp. 2072–2074.
- HT-2014-Graells-GarridoL #microblog #platform
- Balancing diversity to counter-measure geographical centralization in microblogging platforms (EGG, ML), pp. 231–236.
- HT-2014-LehmannMLLK #behaviour #wiki
- Reader preferences and behavior on Wikipedia (JL, CMB, DL, ML, AK), pp. 88–97.
- CIKM-2013-BordinoML
- Penguins in sweaters, or serendipitous entity search on user-generated content (IB, YM, ML), pp. 109–118.
- CIKM-2013-LehmannLDB #multi #online
- Online multitasking and user engagement (JL, ML, GD, RABY), pp. 519–528.
- CIKM-2013-ZhouLSCJ #metric #on the #reliability
- On the reliability and intuitiveness of aggregated search metrics (KZ, ML, TS, RC, JMJ), pp. 689–698.
- ECIR-2013-ZhouWJL #evaluation #variability
- The Impact of Temporal Intent Variability on Diversity Evaluation (KZ, SW, JMJ, ML), pp. 820–823.
- SIGIR-2013-WhitingZJL #multi
- Temporal variance of intents in multi-faceted event-driven information needs (SW, KZ, JMJ, ML), pp. 989–992.
- CHI-2012-McCay-PeetLN #on the
- On saliency, affect and focused attention (LMP, ML, VN), pp. 541–550.
- CIKM-2012-Baeza-YatesL #exclamation #matter #network
- User engagement: the network effect matters! (RABY, ML), pp. 1–2.
- CIKM-2012-CeylanADL #automation
- Automatically embedding newsworthy links to articles (HC, IA, PD, ML), pp. 1502–1506.
- CIKM-2012-ZhouCLJ
- Evaluating reward and risk for vertical selection (KZ, RC, ML, JMJ), pp. 2631–2634.
- ECIR-2012-ZhouCHLJ #predict #query #web
- Assessing and Predicting Vertical Intent for Web Queries (KZ, RC, MH, ML, JMJ), pp. 499–502.
- SIGIR-2012-ZhouCLJ
- Evaluating aggregated search pages (KZ, RC, ML, JMJ), pp. 115–124.
- ECIR-2011-CumminsLO #effectiveness #retrieval
- The Limits of Retrieval Effectiveness (RC, ML, CO), pp. 277–282.
- ECIR-2011-FrommholzPLR #framework #information retrieval #query
- Processing Queries in Session in a Quantum-Inspired IR Framework (IF, BP, ML, KvR), pp. 751–754.
- ECIR-2011-ZellhoferFSLR #information retrieval #principle #towards
- Towards Quantum-Based DB+IR Processing Based on the Principle of Polyrepresentation (DZ, IF, IS, ML, KvR), pp. 729–732.
- CIKM-2010-CumminsLO #induction #information retrieval #perspective #process
- Examining the information retrieval process from an inductive perspective (RC, ML, CO), pp. 89–98.
- CIKM-2010-PiwowarskiFLR #information retrieval #quantum #what
- What can quantum theory bring to information retrieval (BP, IF, ML, KvR), pp. 59–68.
- CIKM-2010-SushmitaJLV #behaviour #interface
- Factors affecting click-through behavior in aggregated search interfaces (SS, HJ, ML, RV), pp. 519–528.
- ECIR-2010-PiwowarskiFMLR #documentation
- Filtering Documents with Subspaces (BP, IF, YM, ML, KvR), pp. 615–618.
- SIGIR-2010-DiazLS
- From federated to aggregated search (FD, ML, MS), p. 910.
- ECDL-2009-KampsLL #evaluation
- Evaluation in Context (JK, ML, BL), pp. 339–351.
- SIGIR-2009-TrotmanCL #problem #topic #visualisation
- Visualizing the problems with the INEX topics (AT, MdRGC, ML), p. 826.
- CIKM-2008-AliCKL #documentation #evaluation #retrieval
- Structural relevance: a common basis for the evaluation of structured document retrieval (MSA, MPC, GK, ML), pp. 1153–1162.
- SIGIR-2008-KampsKL #documentation #xml
- Locating relevant text within XML documents (JK, MK, ML), pp. 847–848.
- ECDL-2007-KongL #logic #multi #using #xml
- Using XML Logical Structure to Retrieve (Multimedia) Objects (ZK, ML), pp. 100–111.
- ECIR-2007-AshooriL #repository #topic #using #xml
- Using Topic Shifts for Focussed Access to XML Repositories (EA, ML), pp. 444–455.
- ECIR-2007-KongL #documentation #modelling #multi #network #xml
- Combining Multiple Sources of Evidence in XML Multimedia Documents: An Inference Network Incorporating Element Language Models (ZK, ML), pp. 716–719.
- ECIR-2007-SzlavikTL #documentation #generative #xml
- Feature- and Query-Based Table of Contents Generation for XML Documents (ZS, AT, ML), pp. 456–467.
- ECIR-2007-TsikrikaL #framework #retrieval #web
- Combining Evidence for Relevance Criteria: A Framework and Experiments in Web Retrieval (TT, ML), pp. 481–493.
- SIGIR-2007-KampsKL #documentation #question #xml
- Where to start reading a textual XML document? (JK, MK, ML), pp. 723–724.
- SIGIR-2007-KampsLP #documentation #retrieval
- Evaluating relevant in context: document retrieval with a twist (JK, ML, JP), pp. 749–750.
- SIGIR-2007-LalmasBFFJ #community #comprehension #information management
- Bridging the digital divide: understanding information access practices in an indian village community (ML, RB, MF, DMF, MJ), pp. 741–742.
- VLDB-2007-ConsensBLA #information retrieval #web #xml
- XML retrieval: db/ir in theory, web in practice (MPC, RABY, ML, SAY), pp. 1437–1438.
- CIKM-2006-OgilvieL #evaluation #retrieval #xml
- Investigating the exhaustivity dimension in content-oriented XML element retrieval evaluation (PO, ML), pp. 84–93.
- ECDL-2006-SzlavikTL #retrieval #summary #using #xml
- The Use of Summaries in XML Retrieval (ZS, AT, ML), pp. 75–86.
- ECIR-2006-LalmasRTY #information retrieval
- Progress in Information Retrieval (ML, SMR, TT, AY), pp. 1–11.
- SAC-2006-SzlavikTL #interactive #retrieval #summary #using #xml
- Investigating the use of summarisation for interactive XML retrieval (ZS, AT, ML), pp. 1068–1072.
- SIGIR-2006-BetsiLTT #retrieval #xml
- User expectations from XML element retrieval (SB, ML, AT, TT), pp. 611–612.
- SIGIR-2006-BlankeL #benchmark #metric #retrieval #xml
- Theoretical benchmarks of XML retrieval (TB, ML), pp. 613–614.
- SIGIR-2006-TrotmanL #query #strict
- Strict and vague interpretation of XML-retrieval queries (AT, ML), pp. 709–710.
- SIGIR-2006-TrotmanL06a #query #why
- Why structural hints in queries do not help XML-retrieval (AT, ML), pp. 711–712.
- CIKM-2005-AminiTULG #documentation #learning #using #xml
- Learning to summarise XML documents using content and structure (MRA, AT, NU, ML, PG), pp. 297–298.
- CIKM-2004-PiwowarskiL #consistency #evaluation #retrieval #xml
- Providing consistent and exhaustive relevance assessments for XML retrieval evaluation (BP, ML), pp. 361–370.
- ECIR-2004-KazaiML #assessment #case study
- A Study of the Assessment of Relevance for the INEX’02 Test Collection (GK, SM, ML), pp. 296–310.
- SIGIR-2004-KazaiLV #evaluation #problem #retrieval #xml
- The overlap problem in content-oriented XML retrieval evaluation (GK, ML, APdV), pp. 72–79.
- CIKM-2003-LalmasR #automation #documentation #identification #retrieval
- Automatic identification of best entry points for focused structured document retrieval (ML, JR), pp. 540–543.
- ECIR-2003-KazaiLR #documentation #retrieval
- Construction of a Test Collection for the Focussed Retrieval of Structured Documents (GK, ML, JR), pp. 88–103.
- ECIR-2002-RollekeLKRQ #documentation #retrieval
- The Accessibility Dimension for Structured Document Retrieval (TR, ML, GK, IR, SQ), pp. 284–302.
- ECIR-2002-TsikrikaL #documentation #network #using #web
- Combining Web Document Representations in a Bayesian Inference Network Model Using Link and Content-Based Evidence (TT, ML), pp. 53–72.
- SIGIR-2002-GravesL #network #retrieval #using #video
- Video retrieval using an MPEG-7 based inference network (AG, ML), pp. 339–346.
- CIKM-2001-TsikrikaL #data fusion #web
- Merging Techniques for Performing Data Fusion on the Web (TT, ML), pp. 127–134.
- SIGIR-2001-RuthvenRL #abduction #empirical #query #using
- Empirical Investigations on Query Modification Using Abductive Explanations (IR, CJvR, ML), pp. 181–189.
- CIKM-1999-GovertLF #approach #categorisation #documentation #probability #web
- A Probabilistic Description-Oriented Approach for Categorizing Web Documents (NG, ML, NF), pp. 475–482.
- ACIR-1998-TheophylactouL #documentation #retrieval #using
- A Dempster-Shafer Model for Document Retrieval using Noun Phrases (MT, ML).
- SIGIR-1997-Lalmas #documentation #modelling #nondeterminism
- Dempster-Shafer’s Theory of Evidence Applied to Structured Documents: Modelling Uncertainty (ML), pp. 110–118.
- JCDL-2007-JonesHBL #community #library #named
- StoryBank: an indian village community digital library (MJ, WH, GB, ML), pp. 257–258.