Tag #rust
9 papers:
POPL-2020-JungDKD #alias- Stacked borrows: an aliasing model for Rust (RJ0, HHD, JK, DD), p. 32.
OOPSLA-2019-Astrauskas0PS #composition #specification #verification- Leveraging rust types for modular specification and verification (VA, PM0, FP, AJS), p. 30.
DiGRA-2018-Caetano #gender- Avatars, Gender and Sexuality for Brazilian Players on Rust (MC).
PLATEAU-2018-ZengC #identification #online- Identifying Barriers to Adoption for Rust through Online Discourse (AZ, WC), p. 6.
POPL-2018-0002JKD #named #programming language- RustBelt: securing the foundations of the rust programming language (RJ0, JHJ, RK, DD), p. 34.
POPL-2017-Turon #named- Rust: from POPL to practice (keynote) (AT), p. 2.
ASE-2015-DeweyRH #fuzzing #using- Fuzzing the Rust Typechecker Using CLP (T) (KD, JR, BH), pp. 482–493.
ASE-2015-TomanPT #bound #named #verification- Crust: A Bounded Verifier for Rust (N) (JT, SP, ET), pp. 75–80.
HILT-2014-MatsakisK - The rust language (NDM, FSKI), pp. 103–104.