Tag #alias
106 papers:
POPL-2020-JungDKD #rust- Stacked borrows: an aliasing model for Rust (RJ0, HHD, JK, DD), p. 32.
- IFM-2019-Benoit0 #embedded #performance #programming
- Uniqueness Types for Efficient and Verifiable Aliasing-Free Embedded Systems Programming (TB, BJ0), pp. 46–64.
PLDI-2019-EberhardtSRV #api #learning #specification- Unsupervised learning of API aliasing specifications (JE, SS, VR, MTV), pp. 745–759.
ASE-2019-MuGCCGXMS #analysis #execution #named #performance- RENN: Efficient Reverse Execution with Neural-Network-Assisted Alias Analysis (DM, WG, AC, YC, JG, XX, BM, CS), pp. 924–935.
ASE-2019-VeduradaN #analysis- Batch Alias Analysis (JV, VKN), pp. 936–948.
POPL-2018-ChatterjeeCP #analysis #data flow #reachability- Optimal Dyck reachability for data-dependence and alias analysis (KC, BC, AP), p. 30.
SLE-2018-RacordonB #type system- A practical type system for safe aliasing (DR, DB), pp. 133–146.
CC-2018-KastrinisBFPS #analysis #data type #performance- An efficient data structure for must-alias analysis (GK, GB, KF, NPK, YS), pp. 48–58.
OOPSLA-2017-SpathAB #analysis #data flow #named #performance #precise- IDEal: efficient and precise alias-aware dataflow analysis (JS, KA0, EB), p. 27.
VMCAI-2017-CuoqRC #detection #strict- Detecting Strict Aliasing Violations in the Wild (PC, LR, AC), pp. 14–33.
ICEIS-v2-2015-Martin-Fernandez #encryption #performance #using- Efficient Management of Revoked Pseudonyms in VANETs using ID-Based Cryptography (FMF, PCG, CCG), pp. 701–708.
ICML-2015-WeissN #learning- Learning Parametric-Output HMMs with Two Aliased States (RW, BN), pp. 635–644.
OOPSLA-2015-BrandauerCW #fine-grained- Disjointness domains for fine-grained aliasing (SB, DC, TW), pp. 898–916.
LCTES-2015-GhoshPR #performance- Enabling Efficient Alias Speculation (SG, YP, AR), p. 10.
ICPR-2014-LinnerS #anti #distance #graph #implementation- A Graph-Based Implementation of the Anti-aliased Euclidean Distance Transform (EL, RS), pp. 1025–1030.
OOPSLA-2014-ZhangXZYS #analysis #c #performance- Efficient subcubic alias analysis for C (QZ, XX, CZ, HY, ZS), pp. 829–845.
PLDI-2013-GordonEG #refinement- Rely-guarantee references for refinement types over aliased mutable data (CSG, MDE, DG), pp. 73–84.
PLDI-2013-ZhangLYS #algorithm #analysis #performance- Fast algorithms for Dyck-CFL-reachability with applications to alias analysis (QZ, MRL, HY, ZS), pp. 435–446.
ESEC-FSE-2013-WuHTY #analysis #detection #effectiveness #fault- Effective dynamic detection of alias analysis errors (JW, GH, YT, JY), pp. 279–289.
ICSE-2013-PotaninDN #cost analysis- Are your incoming aliases really necessary? counting the cost of object ownership (AP, MD, JN), pp. 742–751.
ASPLOS-2013-AhnDT #named #using- DeAliaser: alias speculation using atomic region support (WA, YD, JT), pp. 167–180.
SCAM-2012-GauthierM #php- Alias-Aware Propagation of Simple Pattern-Based Properties in PHP Applications (FG, EM), pp. 44–53.
SIGIR-2012-JiangWLAW #approach #detection #learning #similarity #string #towards- Towards alias detection without string similarity: an active learning based approach (LJ, JW, PL, NA, MW), pp. 1155–1156.
ECOOP-2012-Wrigstad - Structured Aliasing (TW), p. 232.
ICDAR-2011-GleichmanOGMBP #detection #image #segmentation- Detection and Segmentation of Antialiased Text in Screen Images (SG, BO, AG, MM, EB, EP), pp. 424–428.
SCAM-2011-PavluSK #analysis #comparison #graph #precise #set- Computation of Alias Sets from Shape Graphs for Comparison of Shape Analysis Precision (VP, MS, AK), pp. 25–34.
CC-2011-NaeemL #analysis #performance #set #summary #using- Faster Alias Set Analysis Using Summaries (NAN, OL), pp. 82–103.
ISSTA-2011-YanXR #analysis #java- Demand-driven context-sensitive alias analysis for Java (DY, G(X, AR), pp. 155–165.
FM-2009-SeidlVV #analysis #linear #polynomial- A Smooth Combination of Linear and Herbrand Equalities for Polynomial Time Must-Alias Analysis (HS, VV, VV), pp. 644–659.
ECOOP-2009-XuRS #analysis #points-to #scalability #using- Scaling CFL-Reachability-Based Points-To Analysis Using Context-Sensitive Must-Not-Alias Analysis (G(X, AR, MS), pp. 98–122.
SAC-2009-NeubauerE #evaluation- An evaluation of technologies for the pseudonymization of medical data (TN, AE), pp. 857–858.
ISMM-2009-NaeemL #analysis #performance #set #using- Efficient alias set analysis using SSA form (NAN, OL), pp. 79–88.
PLDI-2008-Kahlon #analysis #named #pointer #scalability- Bootstrapping: a technique for scalable flow and context-sensitive pointer alias analysis (VK), pp. 249–259.
POPL-2008-ZhengR #analysis #c- Demand-driven alias analysis for C (XZ, RR), pp. 197–208.
PASTE-2007-QianXM #analysis #data flow #dependence- Interstatement must aliases for data dependence analysis of heap locations (JQ, BX, HM), pp. 17–24.
ICALP-2007-LeePP #source code- Aliased Register Allocation for Straight-Line Programs Is NP-Complete (JKL, JP, FMQP), pp. 680–691.
OOPSLA-2007-BierhoffA #composition #type system- Modular typestate checking of aliased objects (KB, JA), pp. 301–320.
OOPSLA-2007-MaF #encapsulation #java- Inferring aliasing and encapsulation properties for java (KKM, JSF), pp. 423–440.
POPL-2007-NaikA #concurrent #detection- Conditional must not aliasing for static race detection (MN, AA), pp. 327–338.
PLDI-2006-DhurjatiKA #analysis #named- SAFECode: enforcing alias analysis for weakly typed languages (DD, SK, VSA), pp. 144–157.
FSE-2006-HackettA #how #question- How is aliasing used in systems software? (BH, AA), pp. 69–80.
FASE-2006-RamanathanJG #memory management- Trace-Based Memory Aliasing Across Program Versions (MKR, SJ, AG), pp. 381–395.
ISSTA-2006-FinkYDRG #effectiveness #type system #verification- Effective typestate verification in the presence of aliasing (SJF, EY, ND, GR, EG), pp. 133–144.
ICFP-2005-BergerHY #analysis #higher-order #imperative #logic- A logical analysis of aliasing in imperative higher-order functions (MB, KH, NY), pp. 280–293.
ICSE-2005-ChinKQPN #policy #safety #verification- Verifying safety policies with size properties and alias controls (WNC, SCK, SQ, CP, HHN), pp. 186–195.
SAC-2005-KinatederTR #communication #peer-to-peer- Strong pseudonymous communication for peer-to-peer reputation systems (MK, RT, KR), pp. 1570–1576.
ECOOP-2004-AldrichC #policy- Ownership Domains: Separating Aliasing Policy from Mechanism (JA, CC), pp. 1–25.
PLDI-2004-WhaleyL #analysis #diagrams #pointer #using- Cloning-based context-sensitive pointer alias analysis using binary decision diagrams (JW, MSL), pp. 131–144.
SAS-2004-BozgaIL #logic #on the- On Logics of Aliasing (MB, RI, YL), pp. 344–360.
SAC-PL-J-2004-Jorgensen #component #independence #integration #multi- Integration of Independently Developed Components through Aliased Multi-Object Type Widening (BNJ), pp. 55–76.
CC-2004-ChowdhuryDCBM #analysis #optimisation- The Limits of Alias Analysis for Scalar Optimizations (RAC, PD, BC, JHB, KSM), pp. 24–38.
PEPM-2003-BozgaIL #logic #semantics- Storeless semantics and alias logic (MB, RI, YL), pp. 55–65.
PLDI-2003-AikenFKT - Checking and inferring local non-aliasing (AA, JSF, JK, TT), pp. 129–140.
VLDB-2002-SarawagiBKM #interactive #learning #named- ALIAS: An Active Learning led Interactive Deduplication System (SS, AB, AK, CM), pp. 1103–1106.
OOPSLA-2002-AldrichKC #comprehension- Alias annotations for program understanding (JA, VK, CC), pp. 311–330.
ASIA-PEPM-2002-Heintze #analysis #c- Aliasing analysis for a million lines of C (NH), pp. 47–49.
LOPSTR-2002-AmatoS #framework #towards- A General Framework for Variable Aliasing: Towards Optimal Operators for Sharing Properties (GA, FS), pp. 52–70.
SAS-2002-Venet #analysis #array #data type #recursion- Nonuniform Alias Analysis of Recursive Data Structures and Arrays (AV), pp. 36–51.
SVIS-2001-Noble #abstraction #encapsulation #visualisation- Visualising Objects: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Aliasing, and Ownership (JN), pp. 58–72.
AdaEurope-2001-GellerichP #ada- Parameter-Induced Aliasing in Ada (WG, EP), pp. 88–99.
PLDI-2001-HeintzeT01a #analysis #c #using- Ultra-fast Aliasing Analysis using CLA: A Million Lines of C Code in a Second (NH, OT), pp. 254–263.
CC-2001-MartenaP #analysis #model checking- Alias Analysis by Means of a Model Checker (VM, PSP), pp. 3–19.
PPDP-2000-CalcagnoIO #analysis #hoare #logic #pointer #semantics- Semantic analysis of pointer aliasing, allocation and disposal in Hoare logic351292 (CC, SSI, PWO), pp. 190–201.
HPCA-2000-PatilE #branch #predict- Combining Static and Dynamic Branch Prediction to Reduce Destructive Aliasing (HP, JSE), pp. 251–262.
ESOP-2000-SmithWM - Alias Types (FS, DW, JGM), pp. 366–381.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-NobleCP - Object Ownership for Dynamic Alias Protection (JN, DGC, JP), pp. 176–187.
AdaEurope-1999-BliebergerBS #ada #evaluation #interprocedural #source code #symbolic computation- Interprocedural Symbolic Evaluation of Ada Programs with Aliases (JB, BB, BS), pp. 136–145.
ICSE-1999-YurRL #analysis #incremental #pointer- An Incremental Flow- and Context-Sensitive Pointer Aliasing Analysis (JSY, BGR, WL), pp. 442–451.
PASTE-1998-ZhangRL #analysis #pointer- Experiments with Combined Analysis for Pointer Aliasing (SZ, BGR, WL), pp. 11–18.
ECOOP-1998-NobleVP #flexibility- Flexible Alias Protection (JN, JV, JP), pp. 158–185.
OOPSLA-1998-ClarkePN #flexibility- Ownership Types for Flexible Alias Protection (DGC, JP, JN), pp. 48–64.
PLDI-1998-DiwanMM #analysis #type system- Type-Based Alias Analysis (AD, KSM, JEBM), pp. 106–117.
POPL-1998-DebrayMW #analysis #execution- Alias Analysis of Executable Code (SKD, RM, MW), pp. 12–24.
POPL-1998-JagannathanTWW #analysis #higher-order- Single and Loving It: Must-Alias Analysis for Higher-Order Languages (SJ, PT, SW, AKW), pp. 329–341.
SAS-1998-HindP #analysis #pointer- Assessing the Effects of Flow-Sensitivity on Pointer Alias Analyses (MH, AP), pp. 57–81.
SAS-1998-Volpe #first-order #logic programming #source code- A First-Order Language for Expressing Aliasing and Type Properties of Logic Programs (PV), pp. 184–199.
ESOP-1998-RossS #dependence #pointer- Building a Bridge between Pointer Aliases and Program Dependences (JLR, SS), pp. 221–235.
AdaEurope-1997-GellerichP #problem- : Parameter-Induced Aliasing and Related Problems can be Avoided (WG, EP), pp. 161–172.
TAPSOFT-1997-MuthD #analysis #complexity #on the #pointer- On the Complexity of Function Pointer May-Alias Analysis (RM, SKD), pp. 381–392.
ECOOP-1996-Minsky #pointer #towards- Towards Alias-Free Pointers (NHM), pp. 189–209.
SAS-1996-Venet #analysis #source code- Abstract Cofibered Domains: Application to the Alias Analysis of Untyped Programs (AV), pp. 366–382.
FSE-1996-ZhangRL #analysis #composition #pointer #towards- Program Decomposition for Pointer Aliasing: A Step Toward Practical Analyses (SZ, BGR, WL), pp. 81–92.
CC-1996-ChowCLLS #effectiveness #memory management #representation- Effective Representation of Aliases and Indirect Memory Operations in SSA Form (FCC, SC, SML, RL, MS), pp. 253–267.
ISSTA-1996-HarroldR #reuse- Separate Computation of Alias Information for Reuse (MJH, GR), pp. 107–120.
CHI-1995-NicholsR #automation #generative #motivation- A Theoretically Motivated Tool for Automatically Generating Command Aliases (SN, FER), pp. 393–400.
PLDI-1995-Ruf #analysis- Context-Insensitive Alias Analysis Reconsidered (ER), pp. 13–22.
POPL-1995-AltucherL #analysis- An Extended Form of Must Alias Analysis for Dynamic Allocation (RA, WL), pp. 74–84.
ALP-1994-Marchiori94a #logic programming #source code- A Logic for Variable Aliasing in Logic Programs (EM), pp. 287–304.
PLDI-1994-Deutsch #analysis #interprocedural #pointer- Interprocedural May-Alias Analysis for Pointers: Beyond k-limiting (AD), pp. 230–241.
PLDI-1993-CytronG #performance- Efficient Accomodation of May-Alias Information in SSA Form (RC, RG), pp. 36–45.
PLDI-1993-LandiRZ #analysis #interprocedural #pointer- Interprocedural Side Effect Analysis With Pointer Aliasing (WL, BGR, SZ), pp. 56–67.
POPL-1993-ChoiBC #interprocedural #performance #pointer- Efficient Flow-Sensitive Interprocedural Computation of Pointer-Induced Aliases and Side Effects (JDC, MGB, PRC), pp. 232–245.
PLDI-1992-LandiR #algorithm #approximate #interprocedural #pointer- A Safe Approximate Algorithm for Interprocedural Pointer Aliasing (WL, BGR), pp. 235–248.
Best-of-PLDI-1992-LandiR92a #algorithm #approximate #interprocedural #pointer- A safe approximate algorithm for interprocedural pointer aliasing (with retrospective) (WL, BGR), pp. 473–489.
OOPSLA-1991-Hogg #named #object-oriented- Islands: Aliasing Protection in Object-Oriented Languages (JH), pp. 271–285.
POPL-1991-LandiR #classification #pointer #problem- Pointer-Induced Aliasing: A Problem Classification (WL, BGR), pp. 93–103.
ICLP-1991-CodishDY #algorithm #analysis #safety #unification- Derivation and Safety of an Abstract Unification Algorithm for Groundness and Aliasing Analysis (MC, DD, EY), pp. 79–93.
PLILP-1990-Bourdoncle #abstract interpretation #interprocedural- Interprocedural Abstract Interpretation of Block Structured Languages with Nested Procedures, Aliasing and Recursivity (FB), pp. 307–323.
POPL-1990-Deutsch #functional #higher-order #on the #specification- On Determining Lifetime and Aliasing of Dynamically Allocated Data in Higher-Order Functional Specifications (AD), pp. 157–168.
POPL-1989-CooperK #analysis #interprocedural #performance- Fast Interprocedural Alias Analysis (KDC, KK), pp. 49–59.
NACLP-1989-JacobsL #approximate #logic programming #performance #source code- Accurate and Efficient Approximation of Variable Aliasing in Logic Programs (DJ, AL), pp. 154–165.
POPL-1987-NeirynckPD #set- Computation of Aliases and Support Sets (AN, PP, AJD), pp. 274–283.
POPL-1986-Coutant #analysis- Retargetable High-Level Alias Analysis (DSC), pp. 110–118.
POPL-1985-Cooper #parametricity- Analyzing Aliases of Reference Formal Parameters (KDC), pp. 281–290.
POPL-1985-LamportS #approach #constraints #named #type system- Constraints: A Uniform Approach to Aliasing and Typing (LL, FBS), pp. 205–216.
POPL-1979-Banning #performance- An Efficient Way to Find Side Effects of Procedure Calls and Aliases of Variables (JB), pp. 29–41.