4 papers:
CHI-2015-HuangSHH #analysis #how- How Activists Are Both Born and Made: An Analysis of Users on Change.org (SWH, M(S, BMH, GH), pp. 211–220.
CSCW-2015-AsadD #community- Illegitimate Civic Participation: Supporting Community Activists on the Ground (MA, CALD), pp. 1694–1703.
CHI-2013-WulfAKASRYR #social #social media- Fighting against the wall: social media use by political activists in a Palestinian village (VW, KA, IAK, MA, KS, MR, GPY, DR), pp. 1979–1988.
CHI-2007-FlanaganN #design #game studies #social- A game design methodology to incorporate social activist themes (MF, HN), pp. 181–190.