18 papers:
ICSE-v2-2015-GomezMMR #debugging- When App Stores Listen to the Crowd to Fight Bugs in the Wild (MG, MM, MM, RR), pp. 567–570.
DAC-2014-SullivanBZZJ #functional #hardware #identification #named- FIGHT-Metric: Functional Identification of Gate-Level Hardware Trustworthiness (DS, JB, GZ, SZ, YJ), p. 4.
CHI-2014-AhmedJAFRRAM #framework #named- Protibadi: a platform for fighting sexual harassment in urban bangladesh (SIA, SJJ, NA, HSF, MRR, ASMR, SA, RSM), pp. 2695–2704.
HCI-AS-2014-WenDHDB #capacity #navigation #tool support- Fighting Technology Dumb Down: Our Cognitive Capacity for Effortful AR Navigation Tools (JW, AD, WSH, AD, MB), pp. 525–536.
CHI-2013-WulfAKASRYR #social #social media- Fighting against the wall: social media use by political activists in a Palestinian village (VW, KA, IAK, MA, KS, MR, GPY, DR), pp. 1979–1988.
KDD-2013-Gesher #adaptation- Adaptive adversaries: building systems to fight fraud and cyber intruders (AG), p. 1136.
SIGIR-2013-ShokouhiWBR #ranking- Fighting search engine amnesia: reranking repeated results (MS, RWW, PNB, FR), pp. 273–282.
CHI-2012-WisniewskiLW #bound- Fighting for my space: coping mechanisms for sns boundary regulation (PJW, HRL, DW), pp. 609–618.
SIGIR-2012-WeiLZMRZ #novel #web- Fighting against web spam: a novel propagation method based on click-through data (CW, YL, MZ, SM, LR, KZ), pp. 395–404.
SAC-2010-DewaldHF #javascript #named- ADSandbox: sandboxing JavaScript to fight malicious websites (AD, TH, FCF), pp. 1859–1864.
CHI-2009-MarshallFHRHRYD #interactive #physics #using- Fighting for control: children’s embodied interactions when using physical and digital representations (PM, RF, AH, JR, EH, YR, NY, NSD), pp. 2149–2152.
DHM-2009-BoschHHD- Intelligent Agents for Training On-Board Fire Fighting (KvdB, MH, AH, WAvD), pp. 463–472.
CAV-2009-Benini #manycore #performance #predict #question- Predictability vs. Efficiency in the Multicore Era: Fight of Titans or Happy Ever after? (LB), p. 50.
CHI-2008-SankarpandianLE #named #using- Talc: using desktop graffiti to fight software vulnerability (KS, TL, WKE), pp. 1055–1064.
ECIR-2007-GengWLZ #ranking- Fighting Link Spam with a Two-Stage Ranking Strategy (GG, CW, QL, YZ), pp. 699–702.
SAC-2007-CostaSAA #network #peer-to-peer- Fighting pollution dissemination in peer-to-peer networks (CPC, VS, JMA, VA), pp. 1586–1590.
ITiCSE-2005-Pohlhaus- Ethical engagement with data collection efforts related to fighting terrorists and terrorism in the context of recent events (WP), p. 401.
TACAS-1999-DongDRRRSSSW #case study #comparative #concurrent #tool support #verification- Fighting Livelock in the i-Protocol: A Comparative Study of Verification Tools (YD, XD, YSR, CRR, IVR, SAS, OS, EWS, DSW), pp. 74–88.