6 papers:
CHI-2014-NicolauMGGH #multi- B#: chord-based correction for multitouch braille input (HN, KM, TJG, JG, VLH), pp. 1705–1708.
HCD-2011-FukudaKSM #case study- A Study on the Visibility of the Light Emitting Braille Block (HF, NK, TS, KM), pp. 295–303.
ITiCSE-2007-Dickinson #student- “But I Don’t Read Text Printed in Braille Font”…: parables from a business and information technology student (AD), p. 336.
ICPR-v2-2004-WongAH #algorithm #prototype #recognition- A Software Algorithm Prototype for Optical Recognition of Embossed Braille (LW, WHA, SH), pp. 586–589.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HoshinoOY #research- Research on a finger braille communicator (TH, TO, YY), pp. 1004–1008.
ICDAR-1993-MennensTFE #recognition- Optical recognition of Braille writing (JM, LVT, GF, JJE), pp. 428–431.