6 papers:
CAV-2015-BozzanoCPJKPRT #analysis #design #safety- Formal Design and Safety Analysis of AIR6110 Wheel Brake System (MB, AC, AFP, DJ, GK, TP, RR, ST), pp. 518–535.
CASE-2014-HanLH #development- Development of Autonomous Emergency Braking control system based on road friction (ICH, BCL, FCH), pp. 933–937.
DAC-2014-XiaCK #algorithm #automation #detection #development- An Automobile Detection Algorithm Development for Automated Emergency Braking System (LX, TDC, KAAK), p. 6.
DATE-2012-LevequePLACSMC #embedded #feedback #modelling #multi- Holistic modeling of embedded systems with multi-discipline feedback: Application to a Precollision Mitigation Braking System (AL, FP, MML, HA, FC, SS, AM, LC), pp. 739–744.
CASE-2011-SaddemTT #embedded- Diagnosis of critical embedded systems: application to the control card of a railway vehicle braking systems (RS, AT, MT), pp. 163–168.
VLDB-1998-CareyK #distance #query #sql- Reducing the Braking Distance of an SQL Query Engine (MJC, DK), pp. 158–169.