4 papers:
CBSE-2013-VanwormhoudtF #adaptation #component #framework #named- CIAO: a component model and its OSGi framework for dynamically adaptable telephony applications (GV, AF), pp. 23–32.
SAS-2003-HermenegildoPBL #abstract interpretation #development #preprocessor #using- Program Development Using Abstract Interpretation (And The Ciao System Preprocessor) (MVH, GP, FB, PLG), pp. 127–152.
ICLP-1999-HermenegildoBPL #debugging #optimisation #preprocessor #program analysis #using- Program Analysis, Debugging, and Optimization Using the Ciao System Preprocessor (MVH, FB, GP, PLG), pp. 52–66.
ICSM-1995-ChenFKW #documentation #named #repository #visual notation- Ciao: a graphical navigator for software and document repositories (YFC, GSF, EK, RSW), pp. 66–75.