Stem preprocessor$ (all stems)
32 papers:
SCAM-2015-LudemannK #control flow #graph- From preprocessor-constrained parse graphs to preprocessor-constrained control flow (DL, RK), pp. 211–220.
ECOOP-2015-MedeirosKRNG #c #preprocessor- The Love/Hate Relationship with the C Preprocessor: An Interview Study (FM, CK, MR, SN, RG), pp. 495–518.
ICSME-2014-KanningS #preprocessor #slicing #variability- Program Slicing in the Presence of Preprocessor Variability (FK, SS), pp. 501–505.
GPCE-2013-MedeirosRG #fault #syntax- Investigating preprocessor-based syntax errors (FM, MR, RG), pp. 75–84.
GPCE-2013-SchulzeLSA #empirical #matter #preprocessor- Does the discipline of preprocessor annotations matter?: a controlled experiment (SS, JL, JS, SA), pp. 65–74.
PLDI-2012-GazzilloG #c #named #parsing #preprocessor- SuperC: parsing all of C by taming the preprocessor (PG, RG), pp. 323–334.
SCAM-2011-SchulzeJF #preprocessor- Analyzing the Effect of Preprocessor Annotations on Code Clones (SS, EJ, JF), pp. 115–124.
GPCE-2011-RibeiroQBTBS #dependence #maintenance #on the #product line- On the impact of feature dependencies when maintaining preprocessor-based software product lines (MR, FQ, PB, TT, CB, SS), pp. 23–32.
GPCE-2010-SinceroTLS #analysis #performance #variability- Efficient extraction and analysis of preprocessor-based variability (JS, RT, DL, WSP), pp. 33–42.
ICSE-2010-LiebigALKS #analysis #product line #variability- An analysis of the variability in forty preprocessor-based software product lines (JL, SA, CL, CK, MS), pp. 105–114.
SAT-2010-GiunchigliaMN #effectiveness #equivalence #named #preprocessor #reasoning- sQueezeBF: An Effective Preprocessor for QBFs Based on Equivalence Reasoning (EG, PM, MN), pp. 85–98.
ASE-2009-SaebjoernsenJQS #c #metaprogramming #preprocessor #validation- Static Validation of C Preprocessor Macros (AS, LJ, DJQ, ZS), pp. 149–160.
ICPC-J-2008-VidacsBG09 #c #c++ #preprocessor #slicing- Combining preprocessor slicing with C/C++ language slicing (LV, ÁB, TG), pp. 399–413.
ICPC-2008-VidacsJBG #c #c++ #preprocessor #slicing- Combining Preprocessor Slicing with C/C++ Language Slicing (LV, JJ, ÁB, TG), pp. 163–171.
SCAM-2008-GondowKI #analysis #approach #automation #behaviour #c #named #preprocessor- TBCppA: A Tracer Approach for Automatic Accurate Analysis of C Preprocessor’s Behaviors (KG, HK, TI), pp. 35–44.
SAT-2008-ArgelichLM #preprocessor #satisfiability- A Preprocessor for Max-SAT Solvers (JA, CML, FM), pp. 15–20.
ICSM-2007-SuttonM #c #how #preprocessor- How We Manage Portability and Configuration with the C Preprocessor (AS, JIM), pp. 275–284.
SAC-2005-DAgostiniF #aspect-oriented #metalanguage #preprocessor- Bridging AOP to SMP: turning GCC into a metalanguage preprocessor (TSD, AAF), pp. 1563–1564.
CSMR-2003-Vittek #preprocessor #refactoring- Refactoring Browser with Preprocessor (MV), pp. 101–110.
SAS-2003-HermenegildoPBL #abstract interpretation #development #preprocessor #using- Program Development Using Abstract Interpretation (And The Ciao System Preprocessor) (MVH, GP, FB, PLG), pp. 127–152.
SCAM-2002-AversanoPB- Handling Preprocessor-Conditioned Declarations (LA, MDP, IDB), pp. 83–92.
WCRE-2001-BaxterM #partial evaluation #preprocessor- Preprocessor Conditional Removal by Simple Partial Evaluation (IDB, MM), pp. 281–290.
ICLP-1999-HermenegildoBPL #debugging #optimisation #preprocessor #program analysis #using- Program Analysis, Debugging, and Optimization Using the Ciao System Preprocessor (MVH, FB, GP, PLG), pp. 52–66.
ICSM-1996-Favre #perspective #preprocessor- Preprocessors from an Abstract Point of View (JMF), p. 329–?.
WCRE-1996-Favre #perspective #preprocessor- Preprocessors from an Abstract Point of View (JMF), pp. 287–296.
KDD-1994-AnandBH #architecture #database #mining #optimisation #preprocessor #query #semantics- Database Mining in the Architecture of a Semantic Preprocessor for State Aware Query Optimization (SSA, DAB, JGH), pp. 287–298.
CADE-1994-Schumann #bottom-up #named #preprocessor #proving #theorem proving #top-down- DELTA — A Bottom-up Preprocessor for Top-Down Theorem Provers — System Abstract (JS), pp. 774–777.
ICLP-1991-CostaWY #preprocessor #prolog- The Andorra-I Preprocessor: Supporting Full Prolog on the Basic Andorra Model (VSC, DHDW, RY), pp. 443–456.
DAC-1986-ChangD #preprocessor #problem- A preprocessor for the via minimization problem (KCC, DHCD), pp. 702–707.
DAC-1981-YoungC #preprocessor- A preprocessor for channel routing (MHY, LC), pp. 756–761.
DAC-1976-Ho #analysis #preprocessor #source code- A preprocessor for structural analysis programs (PKH), pp. 17–24.
SIGIR-1971-LovemanMT #named #preprocessor #strict- CUE: A Preprocessor for Restricted, Natural English (DBL, JAM, RGT), pp. 47–59.