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Tag #abstract interpretation

284 papers:

POPLPOPL-2020-BeckettGMW #distributed #network
Abstract interpretation of distributed network control planes (RB, AG, RM, DW), p. 27.
Abstract extensionality: on the properties of incomplete abstract interpretations (RB, RG, RG, IGC, DP), p. 28.
Garbage-Free Abstract Interpretation Through Abstract Reference Counting (NVE, QS, CDR), p. 33.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2019-KeidelE #component #reuse
Sound and reusable components for abstract interpretation (SK, SE), p. 28.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2019-ZhangYTWK0 #analysis #bytecode #dependence #named
BDA: practical dependence analysis for binary executables by unbiased whole-program path sampling and per-path abstract interpretation (ZZ0, WY, GT, GW, YK, XZ0), p. 31.
PLDIPLDI-2019-Wu0 #execution
Abstract interpretation under speculative execution (MW, CW0), pp. 802–815.
POPLPOPL-2019-TomanG #framework #named
Concerto: a framework for combined concrete and abstract interpretation (JT, DG), p. 29.
Abstract Interpretation of Indexed Grammars (MC, MDP, RG), pp. 121–139.
SASSAS-2019-DelmasM #analysis #using
Analysis of Software Patches Using Numerical Abstract Interpretation (DD, AM), pp. 225–246.
SASSAS-2019-DengC #analysis
Responsibility Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (CD, PC), pp. 368–388.
SASSAS-2019-FijalkowLOOP0 #on the #problem
On the Monniaux Problem in Abstract Interpretation (NF, EL, PO, JO, AP, JW0), pp. 162–180.
SASSAS-2019-GantyR0 #algorithm
Language Inclusion Algorithms as Complete Abstract Interpretations (PG, FR, PV0), pp. 140–161.
VMCAIVMCAI-2019-BoutonnetH #interprocedural #program analysis #relational
Disjunctive Relational Abstract Interpretation for Interprocedural Program Analysis (RB, NH), pp. 136–159.
Application of Abstract Interpretation to the Automotive Electronic Control System (TY, MB, CR, YI, YK), pp. 425–445.
FMFM-2018-KastnerMF #on the #safety #security
On Software Safety, Security, and Abstract Interpretation (DK, LM, CF), pp. 662–665.
ICMLICML-2018-MirmanGV #network #robust
Differentiable Abstract Interpretation for Provably Robust Neural Networks (MM, TG, MTV), pp. 3575–3583.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2018-Garcia-Contreras #multi
Multivariant Assertion-Based Guidance in Abstract Interpretation (IGC, JFM, MVH), pp. 184–201.
SASSAS-2018-AlpernasMPSSSV #network
Abstract Interpretation of Stateful Networks (KA, RM, AP, MS, SS, SS, YV), pp. 86–106.
SASSAS-2018-BessonJL #composition #fault
Modular Software Fault Isolation as Abstract Interpretation (FB, TPJ, JL), pp. 166–186.
Abstract Interpretation of CTL Properties (CU, SU, PM0), pp. 402–422.
ESOPESOP-2018-UrbanM #framework
An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Input Data Usage (CU, PM0), pp. 683–710.
IJCARIJCAR-2018-PayetS #array #bound
Checking Array Bounds by Abstract Interpretation and Symbolic Expressions (ÉP, FS), pp. 706–722.
VMCAIVMCAI-2018-TitoloFMM #analysis #fault #float #framework #source code
An Abstract Interpretation Framework for the Round-Off Error Analysis of Floating-Point Programs (LT, MAF, MMM, CAM), pp. 516–537.
SASSAS-2017-BakhirkinM #horn clause
Combining Forward and Backward Abstract Interpretation of Horn Clauses (AB, DM), pp. 23–45.
ASEASE-2017-AlatawiSM #execution #performance #symbolic computation
Leveraging abstract interpretation for efficient dynamic symbolic execution (EA, HS, TM0), pp. 619–624.
Abstract Interpretation with Unfoldings (MS, CR, VD, DK), pp. 197–216.
VMCAIVMCAI-2017-FerraraT0K #fault #using
Using Abstract Interpretation to Correct Synchronization Faults (PF, OT, PL0, EK), pp. 187–208.
VMCAIVMCAI-2017-JiangCWW #abstract domain #smt
Block-Wise Abstract Interpretation by Combining Abstract Domains with SMT (JJ, LC, XW, JW0), pp. 310–329.
VMCAIVMCAI-2017-MonatM #abstraction #concurrent #precise #relational #source code #thread #using
Precise Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation of Concurrent Programs Using Relational Interference Abstractions (RM, AM), pp. 386–404.
VMCAIVMCAI-2017-OzeriPRS #using
Conjunctive Abstract Interpretation Using Paramodulation (OO, OP, NR, MS), pp. 442–461.
SEFMSEFM-2016-DernehlHK #analysis #diagrams #execution #symbolic computation
Combining Abstract Interpretation with Symbolic Execution for a Static Value Range Analysis of Block Diagrams (CD, NH, SK), pp. 137–152.
SASSAS-2016-ChristakisW #bound
Bounded Abstract Interpretation (MC, VW), pp. 105–125.
SASSAS-2016-JournaultM #correctness #functional #matrix #source code #static analysis
Static Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of the Functional Correctness of Matrix Manipulating Programs (MJ, AM), pp. 257–277.
SASSAS-2016-Ranzato #game studies
Abstract Interpretation of Supermodular Games (FR), pp. 403–423.
SASSAS-2016-SuzanneM #array #memory management #modelling
From Array Domains to Abstract Interpretation Under Store-Buffer-Based Memory Models (TS, AM), pp. 469–488.
FSEFSE-2016-Kusano0 #composition #thread
Flow-sensitive composition of thread-modular abstract interpretation (MK, CW0), pp. 799–809.
CAVCAV-2016-KafleGM #automaton #finite #horn clause #named #using #verification
Rahft: A Tool for Verifying Horn Clauses Using Abstract Interpretation and Finite Tree Automata (BK, JPG, JFM), pp. 261–268.
VMCAIVMCAI-2016-KidoCH #scalability #standard #static analysis #towards
Abstract Interpretation with Infinitesimals - Towards Scalability in Nonstandard Static Analysis (KK, SC, IH), pp. 229–249.
VMCAIVMCAI-2016-RepsT #automation
Automating Abstract Interpretation (TWR, AVT), pp. 3–40.
Property Directed Abstract Interpretation (NR, SS), pp. 104–123.
VLDBVLDB-2015-MullerG #sql
Provenance for SQL through Abstract Interpretation: Value-less, but Worthwhile (TM, TG), pp. 1872–1883.
PEPMPEPM-2015-PoulsenMT #imperative #morphism #polymorphism
Imperative Polymorphism by Store-Based Types as Abstract Interpretations (CBP, PDM, PT), pp. 3–8.
PPDPPPDP-2015-Cousot #induction #verification
Verification by abstract interpretation, soundness and abstract induction (PC), pp. 1–4.
PPDPPPDP-2015-StievenartNMR #concurrent #debugging #detection #higher-order #source code
Detecting concurrency bugs in higher-order programs through abstract interpretation (QS, JN, WDM, CDR), pp. 232–243.
LCTESLCTES-2015-ZhangK #analysis #persistent #precise
Improving the Precision of Abstract Interpretation Based Cache Persistence Analysis (ZZ, XDK), p. 10.
CADECADE-2015-DSilvaU #automation #deduction
Abstract Interpretation as Automated Deduction (VD, CU), pp. 450–464.
Abstract Interpretation with Higher-Dimensional Ellipsoids and Conic Extrapolation (MO, AJV), pp. 415–430.
VMCAIVMCAI-2015-UrbanM #proving
Proving Guarantee and Recurrence Temporal Properties by Abstract Interpretation (CU, AM), pp. 190–208.
SCAMSCAM-2014-Abi-AntounCVG #graph #question #using
Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? (MAA, SC, RV, AG), pp. 245–254.
SEFMSEFM-2014-BratNSV #framework #named #static analysis
IKOS: A Framework for Static Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (GB, JAN, NS, AV), pp. 271–277.
POPLPOPL-2014-CousotC #calculus
A galois connection calculus for abstract interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 3–4.
POPLPOPL-2014-DissegnaLR #compilation
Tracing compilation by abstract interpretation (SD, FL, FR), pp. 47–60.
ICLPICLP-J-2014-SerranoLH #analysis #logic programming #resource management #source code #using
Resource Usage Analysis of Logic Programs via Abstract Interpretation Using Sized Types (AS, PLG, MVH), pp. 739–754.
LICSLICS-CSL-2014-0001C #automaton
Abstract interpretation from Büchi automata (MH, WC), p. 10.
LICSLICS-CSL-2014-CousotC #past present future
Abstract interpretation: past, present and future (PC, RC), p. 10.
VMCAIVMCAI-2014-Ferrara #analysis
Generic Combination of Heap and Value Analyses in Abstract Interpretation (PF), pp. 302–321.
VMCAIVMCAI-2014-Mine #analysis #relational #thread
Relational Thread-Modular Static Value Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (AM), pp. 39–58.
SASSAS-2013-BlazyLMP #analysis #c #verification
Formal Verification of a C Value Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (SB, VL, AM, DP), pp. 324–344.
SASSAS-2013-GangeNSSS #abstract domain
Abstract Interpretation over Non-lattice Abstract Domains (GG, JAN, PS, HS, PJS), pp. 6–24.
SASSAS-2013-Goubault #source code #static analysis
Static Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of Numerical Programs and Systems, and FLUCTUAT (EG), pp. 1–3.
SASSAS-2013-Komondoor #imperative #precise #slicing #source code
Precise Slicing in Imperative Programs via Term-Rewriting and Abstract Interpretation (RK), pp. 259–282.
TACASTACAS-2013-AlbarghouthiGLCC #contest #named #verification
UFO: Verification with Interpolants and Abstract Interpretation — (Competition Contribution) (AA, AG, YL, SC, MC), pp. 637–640.
An Abstract Interpretation of DPLL(T) (MB, VD, LH, AG, DK), pp. 455–475.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2012-CousotCLB #contract #framework #refactoring
An abstract interpretation framework for refactoring with application to extract methods with contracts (PC, RC, FL, MB), pp. 213–232.
POPLPOPL-2012-CousotC #framework #termination
An abstract interpretation framework for termination (PC, RC), pp. 245–258.
SASSAS-2012-GiacobazziM #modelling #obfuscation
Making Abstract Interpretation Incomplete: Modeling the Potency of Obfuscation (RG, IM), pp. 129–145.
SASSAS-2012-HenryMM #algorithm #analysis #evaluation
Succinct Representations for Abstract Interpretation — Combined Analysis Algorithms and Experimental Evaluation (JH, DM, MM), pp. 283–299.
ESOPESOP-2012-CousotM #probability
Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation (PC, MM), pp. 169–193.
ICSTICST-2012-PonsiniMR #analysis #constraints #float #programming #source code
Combining Constraint Programming and Abstract Interpretation for Value Analysis of Floating-point Programs (OP, CM, MR), pp. 775–776.
VMCAIVMCAI-2012-GhorbalIBMG #performance
Donut Domains: Efficient Non-convex Domains for Abstract Interpretation (KG, FI, GB, NM, AG), pp. 235–250.
ICALPICALP-v2-2011-CrafaR #algorithm #bisimulation #probability #simulation
Probabilistic Bisimulation and Simulation Algorithms by Abstract Interpretation (SC, FR), pp. 295–306.
SASSAS-2011-MadhavanRV #analysis
Purity Analysis: An Abstract Interpretation Formulation (RM, GR, KV), pp. 7–24.
SASSAS-2011-McMillanZ #invariant
Invisible Invariants and Abstract Interpretation (KLM, LDZ), pp. 249–262.
SASSAS-2011-MightH #concurrent #higher-order #product line #source code #static analysis
A Family of Abstract Interpretations for Static Analysis of Concurrent Higher-Order Programs (MM, DVH), pp. 180–197.
VMCAIVMCAI-2011-KimC #analysis #string
String Analysis as an Abstract Interpretation (SWK, KMC), pp. 294–308.
VMCAIVMCAI-2011-Logozzo #verification
Practical Verification for the Working Programmer with CodeContracts and Abstract Interpretation — (FL), pp. 19–22.
QAPLQAPL-2010-CacheraJ #cost analysis #injection #linear #modelling
Injecting Abstract Interpretations into Linear Cost Models (DC, AJ), pp. 64–81.
SASSAS-2010-PredaGDCT #modelling #morphism
Modelling Metamorphism by Abstract Interpretation (MDP, RG, SKD, KC, GMT), pp. 218–235.
CCCC-2010-LogozzoV #agile #analysis #javascript #named #optimisation
RATA: Rapid Atomic Type Analysis by Abstract Interpretation — Application to JavaScript Optimization (FL, HV), pp. 66–83.
Propositional Interpolation and Abstract Interpretation (VD), pp. 185–204.
ICSTICST-2010-GrassoFFBB #modelling #testing
Model Based Testing and Abstract Interpretation in the Railway Signaling Context (DG, AF, AF, CB, SB), pp. 103–106.
Abstract Interpretation-Based Protection (RG), pp. 23–24.
ICFPICFP-2009-MidtgaardJ #analysis #control flow
Control-flow analysis of function calls and returns by abstract interpretation (JM, TPJ), pp. 287–298.
PPDPPPDP-2009-FalaschiOP #concurrent #constraints #framework #source code
A framework for abstract interpretation of timed concurrent constraint programs (MF, CO, CP), pp. 207–218.
Abstract Interpretation of FIFO Replacement (DG, JR), pp. 120–136.
SASSAS-2009-Schmidt #perspective
Abstract Interpretation from a Topological Perspective (DAS), pp. 293–308.
LDTALDTA-2008-FokkerS09 #attribute grammar #functional #source code #using
Abstract Interpretation of Functional Programs using an Attribute Grammar System (JF, SDS), pp. 117–133.
CGOCGO-2009-CordesFM #analysis #modelling #performance #precise #slicing
A Fast and Precise Static Loop Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation, Program Slicing and Polytope Models (PL, DC, HF, PM), pp. 136–146.
VMCAIVMCAI-2009-KinderZV #control flow #framework #re-engineering
An Abstract Interpretation-Based Framework for Control Flow Reconstruction from Binaries (JK, FZ, HV), pp. 214–228.
VMCAIVMCAI-2009-MightM #nondeterminism
A PosterioriSoundness for Non-deterministic Abstract Interpretations (MM, PM), pp. 260–274.
Widening Operators for Abstract Interpretation (AC), pp. 31–40.
SEFMSEFM-2008-Giacobazzi #security
Abstract Interpretation in Code Security (RG), p. 3.
QAPLQAPL-2008-PierroSW #analysis #precise #probability #relational
Relational Analysis and Precision via Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation (ADP, PS, HW), pp. 23–42.
QAPLQAPL-2008-Smith #imperative #probability #source code #using
Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation of Imperative Programs using Truncated Normal Distributions (MJAS), pp. 43–59.
SASSAS-2008-CominiDV #on the #polymorphism #recursion #type system
On Polymorphic Recursion, Type Systems, and Abstract Interpretation (MC, FD, SV), pp. 144–158.
Transforming Abstract Interpretations by Abstract Interpretation (RG, IM), pp. 1–17.
SASSAS-2008-MidtgaardJ #analysis #approach #control flow
A Calculational Approach to Control-Flow Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (JM, TPJ), pp. 347–362.
SASSAS-2008-Perdrix #analysis #quantum
Quantum Entanglement Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (SP), pp. 270–282.
ASEASE-2008-PostSKG #bound #model checking
Reducing False Positives by Combining Abstract Interpretation and Bounded Model Checking (HP, CS, AK, TG), pp. 188–197.
Certificate Translation in Abstract Interpretation (GB, CK), pp. 368–382.
TACASTACAS-2008-GulavaniCNR #automation
Automatically Refining Abstract Interpretations (BSG, SC, AVN, SKR), pp. 443–458.
CAVCAV-2008-WilhelmW #validation
Abstract Interpretation with Applications to Timing Validation (RW, BW), pp. 22–36.
TAPTAP-2008-Ferrara #memory management #static analysis
Static Analysis Via Abstract Interpretation of the Happens-Before Memory Model (PF), pp. 116–133.
VMCAIVMCAI-2008-BouissouM #embedded #physics #source code
Abstract Interpretation of the Physical Inputs of Embedded Programs (OB, MM), pp. 37–51.
VMCAIVMCAI-2008-Cousot #semantics
Abstract Interpretation of Non-monotone Bi-inductive Semantic Definitions (RC), pp. 1–3.
VMCAIVMCAI-2008-DanosFFK #network
Abstract Interpretation of Cellular Signalling Networks (VD, JF, WF, JK), pp. 83–97.
VMCAIVMCAI-2008-Schmidt #logic
Internal and External Logics of Abstract Interpretations (DAS), pp. 263–278.
SEFMSEFM-2007-Cousot #formal method
The Rôle of Abstract Interpretation in Formal Methods (PC), pp. 135–140.
LCTESLCTES-2007-Kastner #analysis #execution #worst-case
Safe worst-case execution time analysis by abstract interpretation of executable code (DK), p. 135.
ESOPESOP-2007-BessonJT #proving
Small Witnesses for Abstract Interpretation-Based Proofs (FB, TPJ, TT), pp. 268–283.
VMCAIVMCAI-2007-Logozzo #analysis #composition #java #named #verification
Cibai: An Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analyzer for Modular Analysis and Verification of Java Classes (FL), pp. 283–298.
SCAMSCAM-2006-HenriksenG #logic programming #source code
Abstract Interpretation of PIC Programs through Logic Programming (KSH, JPG), pp. 184–196.
Abstract Interpretation with Specialized Definitions (GP, EA, MVH), pp. 107–126.
TACASTACAS-2006-GulavaniR #refinement
Counterexample Driven Refinement for Abstract Interpretation (BSG, SKR), pp. 474–488.
VMCAIVMCAI-2006-GantyRB #framework
A Complete Abstract Interpretation Framework for Coverability Properties of WSTS (PG, JFR, LVB), pp. 49–64.
VMCAIVMCAI-2006-LogozzoC #refactoring #semantics
Semantic Hierarchy Refactoring by Abstract Interpretation (FL, AC), pp. 313–331.
Strong Preservation of Temporal Fixpoint-Based Operators by Abstract Interpretation (FR, FT), pp. 332–347.
SCAMSCAM-2005-HongLS #approach #model checking #slicing
Abstract Slicing: A New Approach to Program Slicing Based on Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking (HSH, IL, OS), pp. 25–34.
ICALPICALP-2005-PredaG #obfuscation #semantics
Semantic-Based Code Obfuscation by Abstract Interpretation (MDP, RG), pp. 1325–1336.
SEFMSEFM-2005-PredaG #obfuscation
Control Code Obfuscation by Abstract Interpretation (MDP, RG), pp. 301–310.
PPDPPPDP-2005-SchrijversSD #constraints
Abstract interpretation for constraint handling rules (TS, PJS, GJD), pp. 218–229.
DATEDATE-2005-HeckmannF #embedded #safety
erifying Safety-Critical Timing and Memory-Usage Properties of Embedded Software by Abstract Interpretation (RH, CF), pp. 618–619.
ESOPESOP-2005-GiacobazziM #classification #modelling
Adjoining Declassification and Attack Models by Abstract Interpretation (RG, IM), pp. 295–310.
ESOPESOP-2005-MauborgneR #clustering
Trace Partitioning in Abstract Interpretation Based Static Analyzers (LM, XR), pp. 5–20.
TACASTACAS-2005-RanzatoT #algorithm #refinement
An Abstract Interpretation-Based Refinement Algorithm for Strong Preservation (FR, FT), pp. 140–156.
VMCAIVMCAI-2005-Bertrane #composition #source code #static analysis
Static Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of the Quasi-synchronous Composition of Synchronous Programs (JB), pp. 97–112.
Abstract Interpretation with Alien Expressions and Heap Structures (BYEC, KRML), pp. 147–163.
VMCAIVMCAI-2005-Hymans #fault #verification
Verification of an Error Correcting Code by Abstract Interpretation (CH), pp. 330–345.
RTARTA-2004-Takai #term rewriting #using #verification
A Verification Technique Using Term Rewriting Systems and Abstract Interpretation (TT), pp. 119–133.
FLOPSFLOPS-2004-BuenoLH #analysis #multi #standard
Multivariant Non-failure Analysis via Standard Abstract Interpretation (FB, PLG, MVH), pp. 100–116.
POPLPOPL-2004-CousotC #framework
An abstract interpretation-based framework for software watermarking (PC, RC), pp. 173–185.
Abstract non-interference: parameterizing non-interference by abstract interpretation (RG, IM), pp. 186–197.
SASSAS-2004-Rodriguez-CarbonellK #approach #automation #generative #invariant #polynomial
An Abstract Interpretation Approach for Automatic Generation of Polynomial Invariants (ERC, DK), pp. 280–295.
Abstract Interpretation of Combinational Asynchronous Circuits (ST, AM), pp. 181–196.
Strong Preservation as Completeness in Abstract Interpretation (FR, FT), pp. 18–32.
CSLCSL-2004-Hyland #calculus #proving
Abstract Interpretation of Proofs: Classical Propositional Calculus (MH), pp. 6–21.
ICLPICLP-2004-AlbertPH #certification #mobile
Abstract Interpretation-Based Mobile Code Certification (EA, GP, MVH), pp. 446–447.
SASSAS-2003-HermenegildoPBL #development #preprocessor #using
Program Development Using Abstract Interpretation (And The Ciao System Preprocessor) (MVH, GP, FB, PLG), pp. 127–152.
SASSAS-2003-Monniaux #markov #process #source code
Abstract Interpretation of Programs as Markov Decision Processes (DM), pp. 237–254.
VMCAIVMCAI-2003-Cousot #automation #verification
Automatic Verification by Abstract Interpretation (PC), pp. 20–24.
VMCAIVMCAI-2003-Masse #static analysis
Property Checking Driven Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis (DM), pp. 56–69.
VMCAIVMCAI-2003-Rival #assembly #certification
Abstract Interpretation-Based Certification of Assembly Code (XR), pp. 41–55.
PADLPADL-2002-GallagherP #analysis #automaton #finite #logic programming #nondeterminism #source code
Abstract Interpretation over Non-deterministic Finite Tree Automata for Set-Based Analysis of Logic Programs (JPG, GP), pp. 243–261.
POPLPOPL-2002-CousotC #design #framework #program transformation
Systematic design of program transformation frameworks by abstract interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 178–190.
SASSAS-2002-GiacobazziR #model checking
States vs. Traces in Model Checking by Abstract Interpretation (RG, FR), pp. 461–476.
SASSAS-2002-Hymans #behaviour #safety
Checking Safety Properties of Behavioral VHDL Descriptions by Abstract Interpretation (CH), pp. 444–460.
SASSAS-2002-Jeannet #approximate #data type #representation
Representing and Approximating Transfer Functions in Abstract Interpretation of Hetereogeneous Datatypes (BJ), pp. 52–68.
SASSAS-2002-Masse #semantics
Semantics for Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analyzes of Temporal Properties (DM), pp. 428–443.
SASSAS-2002-Zanotti #security
Security Typings by Abstract Interpretation (MZ), pp. 360–375.
SACSAC-2002-BarbutiBF #bytecode #java #security
Checking security of Java bytecode by abstract interpretation (RB, CB, NDF), pp. 229–236.
VMCAIVMCAI-2002-BernardeschiF #bytecode #java #model checking #security
Combining Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking for Analysing Security Properties of Java Bytecode (CB, NDF), pp. 1–15.
VMCAIVMCAI-2002-GoriL #empirical #type inference #verification
An Experiment in Type Inference and Verification by Abstract Interpretation (RG, GL), pp. 225–239.
SASSAS-2001-Feret #mobile #static analysis
Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis of Mobile Ambients (JF), pp. 412–430.
SASSAS-2001-LeviM #framework #mobile
An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Analysing Mobile Ambients (FL, SM), pp. 395–411.
ESOPESOP-2001-Monniaux #probability #source code
Backwards Abstract Interpretation of Probabilistic Programs (DM), pp. 367–382.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2001-JensenS #analysis #object-oriented #source code
Class Analysis of Object-Oriented Programs through Abstract Interpretation (TPJ, FS), pp. 261–275.
ICLPICLP-2001-Cousot #design #program transformation #semantics
Design of Syntactic Program Transformations by Abstract Interpretation of Semantic Transformations (PC), pp. 4–5.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2000-PierroW #on the #precise
On the precision of abstract interpretations (ADP, HW).
LOPSTRLOPSTR-J-2000-PierroW #precise
Measuring the Precision of Abstract Interpretations (ADP, HW), pp. 147–164.
Temporal Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 12–25.
PPDPPPDP-2000-KollerM #component #morphism #performance #using
Efficient abstract interpretation using component-wise homomorphisms (JK, MM), pp. 226–234.
PPDPPPDP-2000-PierroW #concurrent #constraints #probability #programming #towards
Concurrent constraint programming: towards probabilistic abstract interpretation (ADP, HW), pp. 127–138.
SASSAS-2000-AmatoL #calculus #semantics
Abstract Interpretation Based Semantics of Sequent Calculi (GA, GL), pp. 38–57.
SASSAS-2000-HenzingerMMR #game studies
Abstract Interpretation of Game Properties (TAH, RM, FYCM, JFR), pp. 220–239.
SASSAS-2000-Monniaux #probability #semantics
Abstract Interpretation of Probabilistic Semantics (DM), pp. 322–339.
FLOPSFLOPS-1999-Ogawa #automation #verification
Automatic Verification Based on Abstract Interpretation (MO), pp. 131–146.
ICFPICFP-1999-Huch #erlang #source code #using #verification
Verification of Erlang Programs using Abstract Interpretation and Model Mhecking (FH), pp. 261–272.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1999-LeuschelM #infinity #model checking
Infinite State Model Checking by Abstract Interpretation and Program Specialisation (ML, TM), pp. 62–81.
PEPMPEPM-1999-PueblaHG #framework #integration #partial evaluation
An Integration of Partial Evaluation in a Generic Abstract Interpretation Framework (GP, MVH, JPG), pp. 75–84.
A Simple and General Method for Integrating Abstract Interpretation in SICStus (DB, NC, GF, FP), pp. 207–223.
SASSAS-1999-HansenJNN #mobile
Abstract Interpretation of Mobile Ambients (RRH, JGJ, FN, HRN), pp. 134–148.
A New Class of Functions for Abstract Interpretation (JK, MM), pp. 248–263.
LCTESLCTES-1999-SchneiderF #behaviour #pipes and filters #predict
Pipeline Behavior Prediction for Superscalar Processors by Abstract Interpretation (JS, CF), pp. 35–44.
PPDPALP-PLILP-1998-LeviV #proving
Derivation of Proof Methods by Abstract Interpretation (GL, PV), pp. 102–117.
POPLPOPL-1998-Schmidt #analysis #data flow #model checking
Data Flow Analysis is Model Checking of Abstract Interpretations (DAS), pp. 38–48.
SASSAS-1998-BodeiDP #concurrent #semantics
Constructing Specific SOS Semantics for Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, PD, CP), pp. 168–183.
SASSAS-1998-Giacobazzi #tutorial
A Tutorial on Domain Theory in Abstract Interpretation (RG), pp. 349–350.
SASSAS-1998-GiacobazziRS #linear
Building Complete Abstract Interpretations in a Linear Logic-based Setting (RG, FR, FS), pp. 215–229.
SASSAS-1998-SchmidtS #model checking #program analysis
Program Analysis as Model Checking of Abstract Interpretations (DAS, BS), pp. 351–380.
Program Specialisation and Abstract Interpretation Reconciled (ML), pp. 220–234.
Intuitionistic Implication in Abstract Interpretation (RG, FS), pp. 175–189.
Types as Abstract Interpretations (PC), pp. 316–331.
Abstract Interpretation from Improving WAM Code (DB, GF), p. 364.
SASSAS-1997-BodeiP #concurrent
True Concurrency via Abstract Interpretation (CB, CP), pp. 202–216.
SASSAS-1997-CharlierF #on the #theory and practice
On the Desirable Link Between Theory and Practice in Abstract Interpretation (BLC, PF), pp. 379–387.
SASSAS-1997-Cousot #semantics #static analysis
Abstract Interpretation Based Static Analysis Parameterized by Semantics (PC), pp. 388–394.
SASSAS-1997-Harrison #compilation #question
Can Abstract Interpretation Become a Mainstream Compiler Technology? (LH), p. 395.
SASSAS-1997-Jones #overview #partial evaluation
Combining Abstract Interpretation and Partial Evaluation (Brief Overview) (NDJ), pp. 396–405.
SASSAS-1997-Marriott #approximate #formal method
Abstract Interpretation: A Theory of Approximate Computation (KM), pp. 367–378.
SASSAS-1997-Tzolovski #data flow #dependence
Data Dependence as Abstract Interpretations (ST), p. 366.
SASSAS-1997-Zartmann #functional #logic programming #source code
Denotational Abstract Interpretation of Functional Logic Programs (FZ), pp. 141–159.
SASSAS-1996-AltFMW #behaviour #predict
Cache Behavior Prediction by Abstract Interpretation (MA, CF, FM, RW), pp. 52–66.
SASSAS-1996-Handjieva #named
STAN: A Static Analyzer for CLP(R) Based on Abstract Interpretation (MH), pp. 383–384.
ESOPESOP-1996-GiacobazziR #composition #optimisation
Compositional Optimization of Disjunctive Abstract Interpretations (RG, FR), pp. 141–155.
DLTDLT-1995-Dorr #bound
Computing an Upper Bound for SVS(gg) by Abstract Interpretation (HD), pp. 279–288.
FPCAFPCA-1995-CousotC #constraints #formal method #program analysis
Formal Language, Grammar and Set-Constraint-Based Program Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 170–181.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1995-GallardoT #cost analysis #framework #logic
Studying the Cost of Logic Languages in an Abstract Interpretation Framework for Granularity Analysis (MdMG, JMT), pp. 91–105.
PEPMPEPM-1995-Debray #low level #optimisation
Abstract Interpretation and Low-Level Code Optimization (SKD), pp. 111–121.
PEPMPEPM-1995-Deutsch #data type #induction #modelling #pointer #semantics
Semantic models and abstract interpretation techniques for inductive data structures and pointers (AD), pp. 226–229.
PEPMPEPM-1995-Monsuez #strict #type inference #using
Using Abstract Interpretation to Define a Strictness Type Inference System (BM), pp. 122–133.
Complementation in Abstract Interpretation (AC, GF, RG, CP, FR), pp. 100–117.
SASSAS-1995-Monsuez #system f
System F and Abstract Interpretation (BM), pp. 279–295.
SASSAS-1995-Schmidt #semantics
Natural-Semantics-Based Abstract Interpretation (DAS), pp. 1–18.
SASSAS-1995-Vedrine #analysis #strict
Binding-Time Analysis and Strictness Analysis by Abstract Interpretation (FV), pp. 400–417.
ICLPILPS-1995-GiacobazziR #dependence #functional #semantics
Functional Dependencies and Moore-Set Completions of Abstract Interpretations and Semantics (RG, FR), pp. 321–335.
ICLPILPS-1995-JanssensBD #automaton #constraints #logic programming #source code
A Blueprint for an Abstract Machine for Abstract Interpretation of (Constraint) Logic Programs (GJ, MB, VD), pp. 336–350.
SASSAS-1994-Getzinger #cost analysis #optimisation #prolog
The Costs and Benefits of Abstract Interpretation-driven Prolog Optimization (TWG), pp. 1–25.
SASSAS-1994-Halbwachs #programming
About Synchronous Programming and Abstract Interpretation (NH), pp. 179–192.
SASSAS-1994-Mauborgne #using
Abstract Interpretation Using TDGs (LM), pp. 363–379.
SACSAC-1994-ChangCG #bottom-up #execution #logic programming #source code
Abstract filters: improving bottom-up execution of logic programs by two-phase abstract interpretation (BMC, KMC, RG), pp. 388–393.
CCCC-1994-JanssensS #constraints #implementation #logic programming #on the #source code
On the Implementation of Abstract Interpretation Systems for (Constraint) Logic Programs (GJ, WS), pp. 172–187.
ESOPESOP-J-1992-HankinH94 #approximate #fixpoint
Approximate Fixed Points in Abstract Interpretation (CH, SH), pp. 283–306.
Reversing Abstract Interpretations (JH, JL), pp. 307–326.
ICLPICLP-1994-BoulangerS #approach #compilation
Compiling Control Revisited: A New Approach based upon Abstract Interpretation (DB, DDS), pp. 699–713.
ICLPILPS-1994-CharlierRH #framework #prolog
An Abstract Interpretation Framework which Accurately Handles Prolog Search-Rule and the Cut (BLC, SR, PVH), pp. 157–171.
ICLPILPS-1994-FileR #set
Improving Abstract Interpretations by Systematic Lifting to the Powerset (GF, FR), pp. 655–669.
ICLPILPS-1994-Jones #functional #logic programming #partial evaluation
Abstract Interpretation and Partial Evaluation in Functional and Logic Programming (NDJ), pp. 17–22.
VLDBVLDB-1993-AmatoGM #analysis #database #programming
Data Sharing Analysis for a Database Programming Lanaguage via Abstract Interpretation (GA, FG, GM), pp. 405–415.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1993-BoulangerB #using
Using Abstract Interpretation for Goal Replacement (DB, MB), pp. 210–228.
Improving Abstract Interpretations by Combining Domains (MC, AM, MB, MJGdlB, MVH), pp. 194–205.
Completeness and predicate-based abstract interpretation (AM), pp. 179–185.
PPDPPLILP-1993-CorsiniMRC #bottom-up #constraints #finite #performance #prolog #theorem proving
Efficient Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Prolog by Means of Constraint Solving over Symbolic Finite Domains (MMC, KM, AR, BLC), pp. 75–91.
SASWSA-1993-CharlierDMH #algorithm #fixpoint #optimisation #performance #prolog
Optimization Techniques for General Purpose Fixpoint Algorithms — Practical Efficiency for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (BLC, OD, LM, PVH), pp. 15–26.
SASWSA-1993-FergusonH #algorithm #performance #using
Fast Abstract Interpretation Using Sequential Algorithms (AF, JH), pp. 45–59.
SASWSA-1993-Fernandez #verification
Abstract Interpretation and Verification of Reactive Systems (JCF), pp. 60–71.
SASWSA-1993-HentenryckDCM #prolog
The Impact of Granularity in Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (PVH, OD, BLC, LM), pp. 1–14.
ESECESEC-1993-Bourdoncle #debugging #imperative #source code
Assertion-based Debugging of Imperative Programs by Abstract Interpretation (FB), pp. 501–516.
TAPSOFTTAPSOFT-1993-GiannottiL #specification #using
Gate Splitting in LOTOS Specifications Using Abstract Interpretation (FG, DL), pp. 437–452.
ICLPILPS-1993-AndreoliCP #linear #logic programming
Abstract Interpretation of Linear Logic Programming (JMA, TC, RP), pp. 295–314.
ICALPICALP-1992-CortesiFW #comparison
Comparison of Abstract Interpretations (AC, GF, WHW), pp. 521–532.
Abstract Interpretation in Weak Powerdomains (RM, YZ), pp. 119–126.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1992-BoulangerB #logic programming #source code #using
Deriving Transformations for Logic Programs Using Abstract Interpretation (DB, MB), pp. 99–117.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1992-ParrainDL #optimisation #prolog #source code #towards
Towards Optimization of Full Prolog Programs Guided by Abstract Interpretation (AP, PD, PL), pp. 228–241.
A Suite of Optimizers Based on Abstract Interpretation (TC, DCS), pp. 75–81.
Comparing the Galois Connection and Widening/Narrowing Approaches to Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 269–295.
PPDPPLILP-1992-EnglebertCRH #algorithm #evaluation #optimisation #prolog
Generic Abstract Interpretation Algorithms For Prolog: Tow Optimization Techniques and Their Experimental Evaluation (VE, BLC, DR, PVH), pp. 310–325.
PPDPPLILP-1992-VerschaetseS #linear
Deriving of Linear Size Relations by Abstract Interpretation (KV, DDS), pp. 296–310.
POPLPOPL-1992-CousotC #induction #semantics
Inductive Definitions, Semantics and Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 83–94.
SASWSA-1992-AmeurCFG #float
An Application of Abstract Interpretation to Floating Point Arithmetic (YAA, PC, JJF, AG), pp. 205–212.
SASWSA-1992-CharlierH #design #framework #on the
On the Design of Generic Abstract Interpretation Frameworks (BLC, PVH), pp. 229–246.
SASWSA-1992-GiannottiL #specification #using
Using Abstract Interpretation for Gate splitting in LOTOS Specifications (FG, DL), pp. 194–204.
SASWSA-1992-Hanus #algorithm #logic programming #source code
An Abstract Interpretation Algorithm for Residuating Logic Programs (MH), pp. 304–312.
SASWSA-1992-ParrainDL #optimisation #prolog #source code #towards
Towards Optimization of Full Prolog Programs guided by Abstract Interpretation (AP, PD, PL), pp. 295–303.
ESOPESOP-1992-GiacobazziR #bottom-up #detection
Detecting Determinate Computations by Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation (RG, LR), pp. 167–181.
ESOPESOP-1992-HankinH #approximate #fixpoint
Approximate Fixed Points in Abstract Interpretation (CH, SH), pp. 219–232.
Reversing Abstract Interpretations (JH, JL), pp. 269–286.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-BigotDM #analysis #comprehension #using
Understanding Finiteness Analysis Using Abstract Interpretation (PAB, SKD, KM), pp. 735–749.
ICLPJICSLP-1992-CharlierH #prolog
Reexecution in Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (BLC, PVH), pp. 750–764.
FPCAFPCA-1991-Baraki #polymorphism
A Note on Abstract Interpretation of Polymorphic Functions (GB), pp. 367–378.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1991-LecoutreDL #behaviour #logic programming #recursion #source code
Abstract Interpretation and Recursive Behaviour of Logic Programs (CL, PD, PL), pp. 147–166.
PEPMPEPM-1991-CortesiF #abstract domain #analysis #logic programming #source code
Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs: An Abstract Domain for Groundness, Sharing, Freeness and Compoundness Analysis (AC, GF), pp. 52–61.
PEPMPEPM-1991-McNerney #compilation #correctness #using #verification
Verifying the Correctness of Compiler Transformations on Basic Blocks using Abstract Interpretation (TSM), pp. 106–115.
PPDPPLILP-1991-FileS #type checking
Abstract Interpretation for Type Checking (GF, PS), pp. 311–322.
Abstract Interpretation: A Kind of Magic (UN), pp. 299–309.
POPLPOPL-1991-SekarMR #analysis #on the #strict
On the Power and Limitation of Strictness Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation (RCS, PM, IVR), pp. 37–48.
SASWSA-1991-Clergerie #programming
A Tool for Abstract Interpretation: Dynamic Programming (EVdlC), pp. 151–156.
SASWSA-1991-CousotC #functional #higher-order #relational #source code
Relational Abstract Interpretation of Higher Order Functional Programs (PC, RC), pp. 33–36.
SASWSA-1991-CousotC91a #comparison
Comparison of the Galois Connection and Widening/Narrowing Approaches to Abstract Interpretation (PC, RC), pp. 107–110.
SASWSA-1991-Monsuez #polymorphism
An Attempt to Find Polymorphic Types by Abstract Interpretation (BM), pp. 18–25.
ICLPICLP-1991-CharlierMH #algorithm #analysis #complexity
A Generic Abstract Interpretation Algorithm and its Complexity Analysis (BLC, KM, PVH), pp. 64–78.
ICLPICLP-1991-Cousot #logic programming #source code
Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs (PC), p. 940.
Combined Determination of Sharing and Freeness of Program Variables through Abstract Interpretation (KM, MVH), pp. 49–63.
ICLPISLP-1991-Caseau #constraints #order
Abstract Interpretation of Constraints on Order-Sorted Domains (YC), pp. 435–452.
PLDIPLDI-1990-AmmarguellatH #automation #induction #recognition
Automatic Recognition of Induction Variables and Recurrence Relations by Abstract Interpretation (ZA, WLHI), pp. 283–295.
PPDPPLILP-1990-Bourdoncle #alias #interprocedural
Interprocedural Abstract Interpretation of Block Structured Languages with Nested Procedures, Aliasing and Recursivity (FB), pp. 307–323.
POPLPOPL-1990-Burn #analysis
A Relationship Between Abstract Interpretation and Projection Analysis (GLB), pp. 151–156.
WAGAWAGA-1990-Rosendahl #attribute grammar #using
Abstract Interpretation Using Attribute Grammar (MR), pp. 143–156.
ICLPNACLP-1990-CodognetCC #concurrent #logic
Abstract Interpretation for Concurrent Logic Languages (CC, PC, MMC), pp. 215–232.
ICLPNACLP-1990-KempR #algebra #framework #source code
An Algebraic Framework for Abstract Interpretation of Definite Programs (RSK, GAR), pp. 516–530.
FPCAFPCA-1989-Hunt #set
Frontiers and Open Sets in Abstract Interpretation (SH), pp. 1–13.
ICLPNACLP-1989-MuthukumarH #dependence
Determination of Variable Dependence Information through Abstract Interpretation (KM, MVH), pp. 166–185.
PPDPPLILP-1988-Nilsson #framework #logic programming #source code #towards
Towards a Framework for the Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs (UN), pp. 68–82.
PPDPPLILP-1988-SchreyeB #program transformation
An Application of Abstract Interpretation in Source Level Program Transformation (DDS, MB), pp. 35–57.
An Instance of Abstract Interpretation Integrating Type and Mode Inferencing (MB, GJ), pp. 669–683.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-MarriottS88 #bottom-up #logic programming #source code
Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs (KM, HS), pp. 733–748.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Waern88 #implementation #prolog
An Implementation Technique for the Abstract Interpretation of Prolog (AW), pp. 700–710.
POPLPOPL-1987-Jouvelot #parallel #semantics
Semantic Parallelization: A Practical Exercise in Abstract Interpretation (PJ), pp. 39–48.
POPLPOPL-1987-Nielson #analysis #strict
Strictness Analysis and Denotational Abstract Interpretation (FN), pp. 120–131.
TAPSOFTCAAP-1987-Steffen #optimisation #runtime
Optimal Run Time Optimization Proved by a New Look at Abstract Interpretation (BS), pp. 52–68.
ICLPSLP-1987-BruynoogheJCD87 #optimisation #prolog #source code #towards
Abstract Interpretation: Towards the Global Optimization of Prolog Programs (MB, GJ, AC, BD), pp. 192–204.
ESOPESOP-1986-Sondergaard #logic programming #reduction #source code
An Application of Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs: Occur Check Reduction (HS), pp. 327–338.
ICLPICLP-1986-Mellish86 #prolog #source code
Abstract Interpretation of Prolog Programs (CM), pp. 463–474.
ICALPICALP-1983-MycroftN #using
Strong Abstract Interpretation Using Power Domains (AM, FN), pp. 536–547.
POPLPOPL-1977-CousotC #approximate #fixpoint #source code #static analysis
Abstract Interpretation: A Unified Lattice Model for Static Analysis of Programs by Construction or Approximation of Fixpoints (PC, RC), pp. 238–252.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
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