11 papers:
- AFL-2008-Petre #assembly
- Mathematics of gene assembly in ciliates (Abstract) (IP), pp. 54–55.
- LATA-2008-BrijderH #assembly #graph
- Extending the Overlap Graph for Gene Assembly in Ciliates (RB, HJH), pp. 137–148.
- DLT-2007-BrijderH #assembly #graph #reduction
- Characterizing Reduction Graphs for Gene Assembly in Ciliates (RB, HJH), pp. 120–131.
- CIAA-2006-Rozenberg #assembly
- Theory Inspired by Gene Assembly in Ciliates (GR), p. 10.
- DLT-2006-DassowV #finite #multi #string
- Ciliate Bio-operations on Finite String Multisets (JD, GV), pp. 168–179.
- DLT-J-2004-DassowH05 #problem #product line
- Language families defined by a ciliate bio-operation: hierarchies and decision problems (JD, MH), pp. 645–662.
- CIAA-2004-Cojocaru #assembly #process #simulation
- Simulating the Process of Gene Assembly in Ciliates (LC), pp. 308–309.
- DLT-2004-Dassow #product line
- A Ciliate Bio-operation and Language Families (JD), pp. 151–162.
- DLT-2002-DaleyK
- Some Properties of Ciliate Bio-operations (MD, LK), pp. 116–127.
- DLT-2002-HarjuR #assembly #process
- Computational Processes in Living Cells: Gene Assembly in Ciliates (TH, GR), pp. 1–20.
- ICGT-2002-HarjuPR #assembly #graph transformation #tutorial
- Tutorial on DNA Computing and Graph Transformation — Computational Nature of Gene Assembly in Ciliates (TH, IP, GR), pp. 430–434.