15 papers:
CIAA-2013-MrazO #automaton #decidability- λ-Confluence Is Undecidable for Clearing Restarting Automata (FM, FO), pp. 256–267.
ICPR-2012-AotoTSMY #estimation #using- Position estimation of near point light sources using a clear hollow sphere (TA, TT, TS, YM, NY), pp. 3721–3724.
ICPR-2012-KanekoTAT- Daylight spectrum model under weather conditions from clear sky to cloudy (EK, MT, HA, MT), pp. 1438–1435.
PPDP-2012-Martin-MartinR- Transparent function types: clearing up opacity (EMM, JRH), pp. 127–138.
ASPLOS-2012-FerdmanAKVAJKPAF #case study #hardware- Clearing the clouds: a study of emerging scale-out workloads on modern hardware (MF, AA, YOK, SV, MA, DJ, CK, ADP, AA, BF), pp. 37–48.
DLT-2011-CernoM #automaton- Δ-Clearing Restarting Automata and CFL (PC, FM), pp. 153–164.
CHI-2011-MaedaHKA- “ClearPlate” for capturing printed information: a scanner and viewfinder in one optical unit (AM, KH, MK, MA), pp. 2737–2740.
STOC-2010-Orlin #algorithm- Improved algorithms for computing fisher’s market clearing prices: computing fisher’s market clearing prices (JBO), pp. 291–300.
SAC-2010-RomaniAZCTT #algorithm #mining #named- CLEARMiner: a new algorithm for mining association patterns on heterogeneous time series from climate data (LASR, AMHdÁ, JZJ, RC, CTJ, AJMT), pp. 900–905.
CHI-2006-DillonKCB #using #visual notation- Visual search and reading tasks using ClearType and regular displays: two experiments (AD, LK, GOC, RGB), pp. 503–511.
CHI-2005-LindemanSMPP #effectiveness- Effectiveness of directional vibrotactile cuing on a building-clearing task (RWL, JLS, EMM, SP, DP), pp. 271–280.
SAC-2005-FradkinK #classification #learning- Methods for learning classifier combinations: no clear winner (DF, PBK), pp. 1038–1043.
CHI-1992-IshiiK #named- ClearBoard: A Seamless Medium for Shared Drawing and Conversation with Eye Contact (HI, MK), pp. 525–532.
CSCW-1992-IshiiKG #design #integration- Integration of Inter-Personal Space and Shared Workspace: ClearBoard Design and Experiments (HI, MK, JG), pp. 33–42.
CADE-1986-MannaW #how #logic- How to Clear a Block: Plan Formation in Situational Logic (ZM, RJW), pp. 622–640.