5 papers:
CHI-2013-LugerMR #complexity- Consent for all: revealing the hidden complexity of terms and conditions (EL, SM, TR), pp. 2687–2696.
CSCW-2013-OKaneMT #health #information management #privacy- Non-static nature of patient consent: shifting privacy perspectives in health information sharing (AAO, HMM, ET), pp. 553–562.
CHI-2010-BohmeK #empirical- Trained to accept?: a field experiment on consent dialogs (RB, SK), pp. 2403–2406.
ICEIS-v4-2004-AndradeN #contract- Intelligent Electronic Inter-Systemic Contracting — Issues on Consent and Contract Formation (FA, JN), pp. 403–410.
CHI-2001-MillettFF #design #online #towards #web- Cookies and web browser design: toward realizing informed consent online (LIM, BF, EWF), pp. 46–52.