619 papers:
ECSA-2015-JagroepWSBVB #architecture #case study #energy- An Energy Consumption Perspective on Software Architecture — A Case Study on Architectural Change (EJ, JMEMvdW, RS, LB, RvV, SB), pp. 239–247.
DAC-2015-GuoDJFM #formal method #perspective #security #validation #verification- Pre-silicon security verification and validation: a formal perspective (XG, RGD, YJ, FF, PM), p. 6.
HT-2015-KirchnerR #collaboration #in the cloud #learning- Collaborative Learning in the Cloud: A Cross-Cultural Perspective of Collaboration (KK, LR), pp. 333–336.
VLDB-2015-GaoLZFH #crowdsourcing #perspective- Truth Discovery and Crowdsourcing Aggregation: A Unified Perspective (JG, QL, BZ, WF, JH), pp. 2048–2059.
ITiCSE-2015-ClearCKLSC #education #performance #quality- Global Perspectives on Assessing Educational Performance and Quality (AC, JC, AK, CL, S, ECV), pp. 326–327.
ITiCSE-2015-MuibiDP #design #education #web- Teacher Perspectives on Web Design Instruction (HM, BD, THP), pp. 231–236.
ICPC-2015-Roehm #comprehension #developer- Two user perspectives in program comprehension: end users and developer users (TR), pp. 129–139.
ICFP-2015-Blanchette0T #perspective #proving #recursion- Foundational extensible corecursion: a proof assistant perspective (JCB, AP, DT), pp. 192–204.
CHI-2015-BachourWFHRM #game studies #human-computer #online #people #standard- Provenance for the People: An HCI Perspective on the W3C PROV Standard through an Online Game (KB, RW, MF, TDH, TR, LM), pp. 2437–2446.
CHI-2015-DenisovaC #game studies #question- First Person vs. Third Person Perspective in Digital Games: Do Player Preferences Affect Immersion? (AD, PC), pp. 145–148.
CHI-2015-DesjardinsWO #human-computer #research- Investigating Genres and Perspectives in HCI Research on the Home (AD, RW, WO), pp. 3073–3082.
CHI-2015-FaircloughKG #classification #interactive #realtime- Classification Accuracy from the Perspective of the User: Real-Time Interaction with Physiological Computing (SHF, AJK, KMG), pp. 3029–3038.
CHI-2015-LiaoFM #all about- It Is All About Perspective: An Exploration of Mitigating Selective Exposure with Aspect Indicators (QVL, WTF, SSM), pp. 1439–1448.
CSCW-2015-MarkICJ #multi- Focused, Aroused, but so Distractible: Temporal Perspectives on Multitasking and Communications (GM, STI, MC, PJ), pp. 903–916.
CSCW-2015-MatthiesenB #development #framework #legacy #perspective #why- Why Replacing Legacy Systems Is So Hard in Global Software Development: An Information Infrastructure Perspective (SM, PB), pp. 876–890.
DUXU-DD-2015-FalcoZ #convergence #design #interface- Design Perspectives to the Design of Interfaces Connected and Convergent for T-Commerce Applications (MF, RZ), pp. 599–608.
DUXU-IXD-2015-RibeiroM #case study #community #design #education #health- Origins and Perspectives on Designing Virtual Communities of Practice for Permanent Education: A Case Study in the Collective Health Sector (CER, CRM), pp. 94–103.
HCI-DE-2015-AlenljungS #design #perspective- Designing Simulation-Based Training for Prehospital Emergency Care: Participation from a Participant Perspective (BA, HMS), pp. 297–306.
HCI-DE-2015-BhandariNC #comprehension #mobile #perspective #quality #visual notation- Understanding Visual Appeal and Quality Perceptions of Mobile Apps: An Emotional Perspective (UB, TN, KC), pp. 451–459.
HCI-DE-2015-HornungPBL #challenge #interactive #perspective- Challenges for Human-Data Interaction — A Semiotic Perspective (HHH, RP, MCCB, KL), pp. 37–48.
HIMI-IKD-2015-MacielPS #interactive #internet #legacy- Internet Users’ Legal and Technical Perspectives on Digital Legacy Management for Post-mortem Interaction (CM, VCP, MS), pp. 627–639.
LCT-2015-SheenL #future of #perspective- The Future of Electronic Textbooks from a User Perspective (KAS, YL), pp. 704–713.
SCSM-2015-NguyenJP #design #framework #mobile #perspective #self #social- Designing a Social Mobile Platform for Diabetes Self-management: A Theory-Driven Perspective (HDN, XJ, DCCP), pp. 67–77.
ICEIS-v1-2015-ArevaloRC #approach #information management #legacy #modelling #process- Discovering Business Models for Software Process Management — An Approach for Integrating Time and Resource Perspectives from Legacy Information Systems (CA, IMR, MJEC), pp. 353–359.
ICEIS-v3-2015-ChomaQZB #enterprise #usability- A Perspective-based Usability Inspection for ERP Systems (JC, DQ, LAMZ, DB), pp. 57–64.
ECIR-2015-BotaZJ #perspective #retrieval- Exploring Composite Retrieval from the Users’ Perspective (HB, KZ, JMJ), pp. 13–24.
ICML-2015-RaskuttiM #algorithm #random #sketching #statistics- Statistical and Algorithmic Perspectives on Randomized Sketching for Ordinary Least-Squares (GR, MM), pp. 617–625.
SEKE-2015-Colace0LLYC #adaptation #perspective #recommendation- An Adaptive Contextual Recommender System: a Slow Intelligence Perspective (FC, LG, SL, ML, DY, SKC), pp. 64–71.
SEKE-2015-SaputriL #analysis #machine learning #perspective- Are We Living in a Happy Country: An Analysis of National Happiness from Machine Learning Perspective (TRDS, SWL), pp. 174–177.
SEKE-2015-TangariM #developer #perspective- Developers’ importance from the leader perspective (GT, MM), pp. 379–384.
SAC-2015-NaqviMRPHB #artificial reality #deployment #mobile- To cloud or not to cloud: a context-aware deployment perspective of augmented reality mobile applications (NZN, KM, AR, DP, DH, YB), pp. 555–562.
ICSE-v1-2015-GousiosZSD #challenge #development #perspective- Work Practices and Challenges in Pull-Based Development: The Integrator’s Perspective (GG, AZ, MADS, AvD), pp. 358–368.
SPLC-2015-DhunganaFHS #ecosystem #product line #smarttech- Smart factory product lines: a configuration perspective on smart production ecosystems (DD, AAF, AH, HS), pp. 201–210.
SPLC-2015-QuintonRVGB #challenge #evolution #product line- Evolution in dynamic software product lines: challenges and perspectives (CQ, RR, MV, PG, LB), pp. 126–130.
ICST-2015-FarzanHV #concurrent #execution #testing- Perspectives on White-Box Testing: Coverage, Concurrency, and Concolic Execution (AF, AH, HV), pp. 1–11.
ECSA-2014-GurbuzTE #architecture #design #safety- Safety Perspective for Supporting Architectural Design of Safety-Critical Systems (HGG, BT, NPE), pp. 365–373.
DAC-2014-JungSWPL #3d #on the #perspective- On Enhancing Power Benefits in 3D ICs: Block Folding and Bonding Styles Perspective (MJ, TS, YW, YP, SKL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-SarmaVD #distributed #middleware #mobile #perspective- Sense-making from Distributed and Mobile Sensing Data: A Middleware Perspective (SS, NV, ND), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ShafiqueGHM #challenge #reliability #variability- The EDA Challenges in the Dark Silicon Era: Temperature, Reliability, and Variability Perspectives (MS, SG, JH, DM), p. 6.
DATE-2014-Teepe #perspective- The growing importance of microelectronics from a foundry perspective (GT), p. 1.
VLDB-2014-VenkataramanA #database #research- Datacenters as Computers: Google Engineering & Database Research Perspectives (SV, DA), pp. 1720–1721.
ITiCSE-2014-EckerdalKTNSM #education #learning- Teaching and learning with MOOCs: computing academics’ perspectives and engagement (AE, PK, NT, AN, JS, LM), pp. 9–14.
ITiCSE-2014-EricssonW #mining #what- Mining job ads to find what skills are sought after from an employers’ perspective on IT graduates (ME, AW), p. 354.
ITiCSE-2014-Katai14c #algorithm #perspective- Algorithmic thinking for ALL: a motivational perspective (ZK), p. 353.
MSR-2014-GuptaSP #fault #mining #multi #perspective #process #repository- Process mining multiple repositories for software defect resolution from control and organizational perspective (MG, AS, SP), pp. 122–131.
PLDI-2014-Misra #concurrent- A personal perspective on concurrency (JM), p. 41.
IFM-2014-CalvaneseKSVZ #analysis #data type- Shape and Content — A Database-Theoretic Perspective on the Analysis of Data Structures (DC, TK, MS, HV, FZ), pp. 3–17.
CHI-2014-DenningDK #artificial reality #privacy- In situ with bystanders of augmented reality glasses: perspectives on recording and privacy-mediating technologies (TD, ZD, TK), pp. 2377–2386.
CHI-2014-PuciharCA #visual notation- The use of surrounding visual context in handheld AR: device vs. user perspective rendering (KCP, PC, JA), pp. 197–206.
DUXU-DI-2014-BarrosSF- Use of Immersive Reality and Haptic Devices in Rehabilitation after Cerebral Vascular Accident: Clinical Perspectives and Neuro-Image Evidence (HOB, MMS, ELRF), pp. 501–508.
DUXU-DI-2014-FernandesP #evaluation #experience #online #user interface- Online Shopping Websites: An Evaluation of User Experience and Interface Ergonomic Criteria from the Perspective of Older Users (FRF, LCP), pp. 104–115.
DUXU-DI-2014-FernandesP14a #evaluation #experience #named #online #user interface- Erratum: Online Shopping Websites: An Evaluation of User Experience and Interface Ergonomic Criteria from the Perspective of Older Users (FRF, LCP).
DUXU-DI-2014-Lin14a #effectiveness #interface #perspective #visual notation- Interface as a Medium: Creating Effective Visual Services through a User-Experiences Perspective (TSL), pp. 455–462.
DUXU-DI-2014-WojdziakG #3d #approach #design #interface #modelling- Beyond Perspective — A Model-Based Approach for Camera-Based 3D-Interface Design (JW, RG), pp. 488–498.
DUXU-DP-2014-SauckenMKL #design #exclamation- Motive-Oriented Design — Helping Automobile Engineers to Take the User’s Perspective! (CvS, IM, SK, UL), pp. 370–377.
DUXU-DP-2014-StamatoQM #challenge- Aging and New Technologies: Challenges and Perspectives (CS, MQ, CRM), pp. 173–184.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Kampf #social #social media- Experiencing CSR in Asia: A Social Media Perspective from the Outside In (CK), pp. 554–561.
DUXU-TMT-2014-Brejcha #human-computer #perspective- Ideologies in HCI: A Semiotic Perspective (JB), pp. 45–54.
DUXU-TMT-2014-SakamotoM #elicitation #interactive #mobile #named #perspective #requirements- M4REMAIP: Method for Requirements Elicitation Based on Mobile Applications under an Interaction Perspective (SGS, LCdM), pp. 74–85.
HCI-AIMT-2014-TewsOFK #detection #interface #research- Current and New Research Perspectives on Dynamic Facial Emotion Detection in Emotional Interface (TKT, MO, HF, TK), pp. 779–787.
HCI-TMT-2014-CafezeiroGCM #behaviour #collaboration #interactive #roadmap- A Knowledge-Construction Perspective on Human Computing, Collaborative Behavior and New Trends in System Interactions (IC, CG, VC, IdCM), pp. 58–68.
HIMI-AS-2014-YamamotoINTOW #development- From the Perspective of Service Engineering, The Development of Support Systems for Residents Affected by the Major Earthquake Disaster (SY, KI, NN, YT, KO, KW), pp. 359–370.
CAiSE-2014-RuizCEFP #analysis #information management #process- Integrating the Goal and Business Process Perspectives in Information System Analysis (MR, DC, SE, XF, OP), pp. 332–346.
EDOC-2014-Ludwig #big data #effectiveness #perspective- Managing Big Data Effectively — A Cloud Provider and a Cloud Consumer Perspective (HL), p. 91.
ICEIS-v2-2014-FeuerlichtT #evolution #framework #perspective- Service Consumer Framework — Managing Service Evolution from a Consumer Perspective (GF, HTT), pp. 665–672.
ICEIS-v3-2014-CarreiraDAD #perspective- Environmental Disclosure — From the Accounting to the Report Perspective (FC, AD, RA, FD), pp. 496–501.
ICEIS-v3-2014-ThabetGG #mining #petri net #process #towards- Towards Business Process Model Extension with Cost Perspective Based on Process Mining — Petri Net Model Case (DT, SAG, HHBG), pp. 335–342.
ICML-c1-2014-MaMY #algorithm #statistics- A Statistical Perspective on Algorithmic Leveraging (PM, MWM, BY), pp. 91–99.
ICML-c1-2014-RajkumarA #algorithm #convergence #rank #statistics- A Statistical Convergence Perspective of Algorithms for Rank Aggregation from Pairwise Data (AR, SA), pp. 118–126.
ICPR-2014-GilaniM #3d #difference #perspective #women- Perceptual Differences between Men and Women: A 3D Facial Morphometric Perspective (SZG, ASM), pp. 2413–2418.
ICPR-2014-HaoXPSK #automation #semantics #topic #using- Automated Chinese Essay Scoring from Topic Perspective Using Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing (SH, YX, HP, KS, DK), pp. 3092–3097.
ICPR-2014-MasselliZ #approach #geometry #performance #problem- A New Geometric Approach for Faster Solving the Perspective-Three-Point Problem (AM, AZ), pp. 2119–2124.
ICPR-2014-YingWMYZ #problem #using- The Perspective-3-Point Problem When Using a Planar Mirror (XY, GW, XM, SY, HZ), pp. 4033–4037.
KDD-2014-FuXGYZZ #clustering #dependence #ranking- Exploiting geographic dependencies for real estate appraisal: a mutual perspective of ranking and clustering (YF, HX, YG, ZY, YZ, ZHZ), pp. 1047–1056.
KMIS-2014-Grim-Yefsah #case study #information management #process #requirements #using- A First Step in Improving the Requirements Engineering Process by Using the Knowledge Management Perspective — Case Study from French Public Institute (MGY), pp. 280–288.
RecSys-2014-AdamsSBKHM #collaboration #health #named- PERSPeCT: collaborative filtering for tailored health communications (RJA, RSS, KB, RLK, TKH, BMM), pp. 329–332.
SIGIR-2014-QureshiOP #approach #visualisation- A perspective-aware approach to search: visualizing perspectives in news search results (MAQ, CO, GP), pp. 1261–1262.
SIGIR-2014-WangWLC #perspective #re-engineering- Influential nodes selection: a data reconstruction perspective (ZW, HW, QL, EC), pp. 879–882.
RE-2014-SaitoTYA #design #named #quality #requirements #set- RISDM: A requirements inspection systems design methodology: Perspective-based design of the pragmatic quality model and question set to SRS (SS, MT, SY, MA), pp. 223–232.
REFSQ-2014-AlrobaiPA #perspective #requirements- Digital Addiction: A Requirements Engineering Perspective (AA, KP, RA), pp. 112–118.
SAC-2014-BaeLKWP #network #privacy #social- Analyzing network privacy preserving methods: a perspective of social network characteristics (DHB, JML, SWK, YW, YP), pp. 331–332.
FSE-2014-DevroeyPCPLS #analysis #mutation testing #variability- A variability perspective of mutation analysis (XD, GP, MC, MP, AL, PYS), pp. 841–844.
ECSA-2013-EklundOL #architecture #perspective- Characterising Software Platforms from an Architectural Perspective (UE, CMO, ML), pp. 344–347.
CASE-2013-MoubarakAB #composition #configuration management #multi #scheduling- Reconfiguring a modular robot into a humanoid formation: A multi-body dynamic perspective on motion scheduling for modules and their assemblies (PMM, EJA, PBT), pp. 687–692.
CASE-2013-Pan #combinator #problem #scheduling- A combinatorial auctions perspective on min-sum scheduling problems (YP), pp. 564–569.
CASE-2013-RossanoMHMF #concept #industrial #perspective #programming- Easy robot programming concepts: An industrial perspective (GFR, CM, MH, SM, TAF), pp. 1119–1126.
DAC-2013-NajjarV #compilation #perspective- FPGA code accelerators — the compiler perspective (WAN, JRV), p. 6.
PODS-2013-CalvaneseGM #analysis #database #perspective #process- Foundations of data-aware process analysis: a database theory perspective (DC, GDG, MM), pp. 1–12.
SIGMOD-2013-HullSV #bibliography #data transformation #perspective #process #tutorial- Data management perspectives on business process management: tutorial overview (RH, JS, RV), pp. 943–948.
VLDB-2013-MokbelS #data transformation #network #perspective #social- Mobility and Social Networking: A Data Management Perspective (MFM, MS), pp. 1196–1197.
ITiCSE-2013-BackBCMMM #education #student- Making computing interesting to school students: teachers’ perspectives (JB, JB, PC, CM, PWM, LRM), pp. 255–260.
ITiCSE-2013-LakanenI #student- High school students’ perspective to university CS1 (AJL, VI), pp. 261–266.
ITiCSE-2013-WaldenDGH- An informatics perspective on computational thinking (JW, MD, RG, ZH), pp. 4–9.
CHI-2013-ChilanaKWG #case study #crowdsourcing #multi- A multi-site field study of crowdsourced contextual help: usage and perspectives of end users and software teams (PKC, AJK, JOW, TG), pp. 217–226.
CHI-2013-Erete #perspective- Protecting the home: exploring the roles of technology and citizen activism from a burglar’s perspective (SLE), pp. 2507–2516.
CHI-2013-PanjwaniSSJ #comprehension #perspective #privacy #web- Understanding the privacy-personalization dilemma for web search: a user perspective (SP, NS, SS, SJ), pp. 3427–3430.
CHI-2013-SleeperCKUACS #quote #twitter- “I read my Twitter the next morning and was astonished”: a conversational perspective on Twitter regrets (MS, JC, PGK, BU, AA, LFC, NMS), pp. 3277–3286.
CHI-2013-TanenbaumAR #behaviour #game studies- Three perspectives on behavior change for serious games (JT, ANA, JR), pp. 3389–3392.
CHI-2013-Yetim #persuasion- Critical perspective on persuasive technology reconsidered (FY), pp. 3327–3330.
CSCW-2013-OKaneMT #health #information management #privacy- Non-static nature of patient consent: shifting privacy perspectives in health information sharing (AAO, HMM, ET), pp. 553–562.
DHM-SET-2013-Bretschneider-Hagemes #aspect-oriented #health #safety- AmI-Technology at Work — A Sociological Perspective Covering Aspects of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) (MBH), pp. 289–296.
DHM-SET-2013-Fass #biology #design #human-computer #modelling- Putting in Perspective Human-Machine System Theory and Modeling: From Theoretical Biology to Artifacts Integrative Design and Organization — “Artem Augmented Human Project” (DF), pp. 316–325.
DHM-SET-2013-OkimotoPOM #usability- Usability of Portable Fire Extinguisher: Perspectives of Ergonomics and Intuitive Use (MLLRO, MP, STdO, VM), pp. 355–364.
DUXU-WM-2013-Velez-RojasMRGK #enterprise #network #visualisation- Looking beyond the Single Pane of Glass: Visualization and Perspective in Enterprise Network (MCVR, SM, MR, SG, EK), pp. 581–590.
HCI-AMTE-2013-OhKHJ #design #perspective #process- User Centered Inclusive Design Process: A “Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities” Perspective (HJO, HCK, HH, YGJ), pp. 103–108.
HCI-UC-2013-SturmA #social #social media- The Effects of (Social) Media on Revolutions — Perspectives from Egypt and the Arab Spring (CS, HA), pp. 352–358.
HIMI-D-2013-LeeY #behaviour #comparison #information management #research- Research on Website Usage Behavior through Information Search Perspective: A Comparison of Experiential and Goal-Directed Behaviors (JL, MY), pp. 456–464.
HIMI-D-2013-LiaoLH #concept #modelling #ontology #perspective #security #towards- Towards an Ontological Interpretation on the i* Modeling Language Extended with Security Concepts: A Bunge-Wand-Weber Model Perspective (GYL, PJL, LTH), pp. 322–328.
OCSC-2013-BramanVDWRT #education #network #perspective #social- Teaching about the Impacts of Social Networks: An End of Life Perspective (JB, GV, AD, YW, KR, UT), pp. 240–249.
AdaEurope-2013-BicchieraiBNV #development #functional #integration #ontology #process #safety #using- Using Ontologies in the Integration of Structural, Functional, and Process Perspectives in the Development of Safety Critical Systems (IB, GB, CN, EV), pp. 95–108.
HILT-2013-Wing #formal method #industrial #perspective- Formal methods: an industrial perspective (JMW), pp. 85–86.
CAiSE-2013-BianchiniAM #api #design #enterprise #framework #multi #web- A Multi-perspective Framework for Web API Search in Enterprise Mashup Design (DB, VDA, MM), pp. 353–368.
ICEIS-J-2013-CarneiroN13a #multi #named #towards #visualisation- SourceMiner: Towards an Extensible Multi-perspective Software Visualization Environment (GdFC, MGdMN), pp. 242–263.
ICEIS-v1-2013-Frank #enterprise #modelling #multi #self- Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modelling as a Foundation of Method Engineering and Self-Referential Enterprise Systems (UF), p. IX.
ICEIS-v1-2013-ShamsuzzohaAH #adaptation #enterprise #process- Adaptive Virtual Enterprise Process Management — Perspective of Cloud-based Data Storage (AS, SA, PH), pp. 88–94.
ICEIS-v2-2013-CarneiroN #multi #named #visualisation- SourceMiner — A Multi-perspective Software Visualization Environment (GdFC, MGdMN), pp. 25–36.
ICEIS-v2-2013-OBrienSH #framework #quality- The Value of Good Data — A Quality Perspective — A Framework for Discussion (TO, AS, MH), pp. 555–562.
ICEIS-v2-2013-PradoB #evolution #using- Perspectives on using Actor-Network Theory and Organizational Semiotics to Address Organizational Evolution (ABP, MCCB), pp. 173–181.
CIKM-2013-Eklund #challenge #game studies #lessons learnt #mobile #on the #perspective- On challenges with mobile e-health: lessons from a game-theoretic perspective (AME), pp. 1249–1252.
CIKM-2013-GuoZ #classification #comprehension #empirical #graph #perspective- Understanding the roles of sub-graph features for graph classification: an empirical study perspective (TG, XZ), pp. 817–822.
CIKM-2013-SymondsZKBS #perspective #query- Term associations in query expansion: a structural linguistic perspective (MS, GZ, BK, PB, LS), pp. 1189–1192.
KDD-2013-LuB0L #perspective- The bang for the buck: fair competitive viral marketing from the host perspective (WL, FB, AG, LVSL), pp. 928–936.
KDD-2013-YinLLW #perspective #recommendation- Silence is also evidence: interpreting dwell time for recommendation from psychological perspective (PY, PL, WCL, MW), pp. 989–997.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Bures #data flow #modelling #perspective #research- Modelling of Information Flows in the Business Administration Realm — The Research Perspective (VB), pp. 426–430.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-VickN #generative #perspective- Relations between Information Literacy and Knowledge Generation in Innovation Teams — A Four Dimensional Perspective (TEV, MSN), pp. 437–442.
KEOD-2013-HlomaniS #data-driven #evaluation #ontology #perspective #workflow- Contributing Evidence to Data-driven Ontology Evaluation — Workflow Ontologies Perspective (HH, DAS), pp. 207–213.
KEOD-2013-LeelawatI #enterprise #perspective- Emergency Response Organization through Enterprise Engineering Perspective (NL, JI), pp. 148–155.
RecSys-2013-Adamopoulos #predict #rating #recommendation- Beyond rating prediction accuracy: on new perspectives in recommender systems (PA), pp. 459–462.
RecSys-2013-ZhangWCZ #personalisation #perspective #risk management- To personalize or not: a risk management perspective (WZ, JW, BC, XZ), pp. 229–236.
MoDELS-2013-BatoryLA #database #education #modelling #perspective #relational- Teaching Model Driven Engineering from a Relational Database Perspective (DSB, EL, MA), pp. 121–137.
MoDELS-2013-BatoryLA #database #education #modelling #perspective #relational- Teaching Model Driven Engineering from a Relational Database Perspective (DSB, EL, MA), pp. 121–137.
ER-BR-2013-FerreiraL #evolution #requirements- Requirements Engineering with a Perspective of Software Evolution — Anticipating requirements based on organizational change (MGF, JCSdPL).
SAC-2013-SalgadoMM #modelling #perspective #requirements- Modeling the alignment between business and IS/IT: a requirements engineering perspective (CS, RJM, RSPM), pp. 1309–1311.
ICSE-2013-Romano #industrial #perspective- Analyzing the change-proneness of service-oriented systems from an industrial perspective (DR), pp. 1365–1368.
ISSTA-2013-HillsKV #empirical #perspective #php #static analysis- An empirical study of PHP feature usage: a static analysis perspective (MH, PK, JJV), pp. 325–335.
LICS-2013-Staton #algebra #perspective- Instances of Computational Effects: An Algebraic Perspective (SS), p. 519.
DATE-2012-Pyl #perspective #research- Research and innovation on Advanced Computing — an EU perspective (TVdP), p. 591.
DATE-2012-RajendranPSK #analysis #encryption #fault #logic #perspective- Logic encryption: A fault analysis perspective (JR, YP, OS, RK), pp. 953–958.
FoSSaCS-2012-AdamekBHKMS #algebra- A Coalgebraic Perspective on Minimization and Determinization (JA, FB, MH, BK, SM, AS), pp. 58–73.
MSR-2012-HuHHW #android #architecture #dependence- The build dependency perspective of Android’s concrete architecture (WH, DH, AH, KW), pp. 128–131.
FM-2012-Abadi #formal method #security- Software Security: A Formal Perspective — (Notes for a Talk) (MA), pp. 1–5.
SEFM-2012-CuoqKKPSY #analysis #named #perspective- Frama-C — A Software Analysis Perspective (PC, FK, NK, VP, JS, BY), pp. 233–247.
CHI-2012-BaillyMRWK #gesture #interactive #named #smarttech- ShoeSense: a new perspective on gestural interaction and wearable applications (GB, JM, MR, DW, SGK), pp. 1239–1248.
CHI-2012-KaptelininN #human-computer #perspective #towards- Affordances in HCI: toward a mediated action perspective (VK, BAN), pp. 967–976.
CHI-2012-KimBGCV #3d #estimation #named- TeleHuman: effects of 3d perspective on gaze and pose estimation with a life-size cylindrical telepresence pod (KK, JB, AG, JC, RV), pp. 2531–2540.
CSCW-2012-SawyerKO #documentation #perspective #social- Social scientists and cyberinfrastructure: insights from a document perspective (SS, EK, CSØ), pp. 931–934.
ICPR-2012-FangC #re-engineering- Dense reconstruction by stereo-motion under perspective camera model (MF, RC), pp. 2480–2483.
ICPR-2012-GossowWB #invariant- Distinctive texture features from perspective-invariant keypoints (DG, DW, MB), pp. 2764–2767.
ICPR-2012-HuangA #analysis #detection #perspective- Saliency detection via divergence analysis: A unified perspective (JBH, NA), pp. 2748–2751.
KMIS-2012-LageA #coordination #information management #network #perspective- Factors Influencing Information Sharing in Four SME Networks in Portugal — A Coordination Perspective (EL, BA), pp. 178–183.
AMT-2012-BurguenoWV #perspective #requirements #towards- Towards tracking “guilty” transformation rules: a requirements perspective (LB, MW, AV), pp. 27–32.
MoDELS-2012-SchroeterLW #feature model #modelling #multi- Multi-perspectives on Feature Models (JS, ML, TW), pp. 252–268.
MoDELS-2012-SchroeterLW #feature model #modelling #multi- Multi-perspectives on Feature Models (JS, ML, TW), pp. 252–268.
ICSE-2012-AndronickJKKSZZ #perspective #process #scalability #verification- Large-scale formal verification in practice: A process perspective (JA, DRJ, GK, RK, MS, HZ, LZ), pp. 1002–1011.
ICSE-2012-Clesle #industrial- Supporting sustainability with software — An industrial perspective (Keynote) (FDC), p. 962.
ICSE-2012-Imtiaz #architecture #distributed #perspective #traceability- Architectural task allocation in distributed environment: A traceability perspective (SI), pp. 1515–1518.
PLEASE-2012-BoucherAHPAH #perspective #re-engineering #reliability #towards- Towards more reliable configurators: a re-engineering perspective (QB, EKA, AH, GP, MA, PH), pp. 29–32.
HPCA-2012-VegaBBDFJM #architecture- Architectural perspectives of future wireless base stations based on the IBM PowerEN™ processor (AV, PB, AB, JHD, MF, CJ, RKM), pp. 423–432.
DAC-2011-BurnsCKPWS #3d #challenge #design- Design, CAD and technology challenges for future processors: 3D perspectives (JB, GC, EK, RP, JDW, MS), p. 212.
DAC-2011-Paulin #challenge #industrial #multi #perspective #programming- Programming challenges & solutions for multi-processor SoCs: an industrial perspective (PGP), pp. 262–267.
DATE-2011-ClermidyDDLV #3d #embedded #manycore- 3D Embedded multi-core: Some perspectives (FC, FD, DD, WL, PV), pp. 1327–1332.
DRR-2011-Rodriguez-PineiroAPM #documentation #image- A new method for perspective correction of document images (JRP, PCA, FPG, AMG), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-PanZSN #invariant #using- Recognizing Characters with Severe Perspective Distortion Using Hash Tables and Perspective Invariants (PP, YZ, JS, SN), pp. 548–552.
VLDB-2011-DoanFKK #crowdsourcing #data transformation #perspective- Crowdsourcing Applications and Platforms: A Data Management Perspective (AD, MJF, DK, TK), pp. 1508–1509.
ITiCSE-2011-EckerdalLLS #concept #perspective #programming- Relationship between text and action conceptions of programming: a phenomenographic and quantitative perspective (AE, MJL, ML, AS), pp. 33–37.
ITiCSE-2011-GiannakosDVK #education #programming- Programming in secondary education: benefits and perspectives (MNG, SD, PV, CK), p. 349.
ICPC-2011-SamaraweeraSQ #approach #programming #towards- Programming from the Reader’s Perspective: Toward an Expectations Approach (GS, MS, JQ), pp. 211–212.
FM-2011-Sztipanovits #integration #perspective #physics #semantics- Model Integration and Cyber Physical Systems: A Semantics Perspective (JS), p. 1.
SFM-2011-SteffenHM #automaton #learning #perspective- Introduction to Active Automata Learning from a Practical Perspective (BS, FH, MM), pp. 256–296.
CHI-2011-ByrneKJ #editing- Life editing: third-party perspectives on lifelog content (DB, AK, GJFJ), pp. 1501–1510.
CHI-2011-IqbalGH #cost analysis- Peripheral computing during presentations: perspectives on costs and preferences (STI, JG, EH), pp. 891–894.
CHI-2011-MaLD #analysis #perspective- Perceptual analysis of talking avatar head movements: a quantitative perspective (XM, BHL, ZD), pp. 2699–2702.
CHI-2011-RyokaiOMA #named- GreenHat: exploring the natural environment through experts’ perspectives (KR, LO, MM, AMA), pp. 2149–2152.
DUXU-v1-2011-Lutsch #enterprise #perspective #standard #usability- ISO Usability Standards and Enterprise Software: A Management Perspective (CL), pp. 154–161.
DUXU-v1-2011-TomskyM #experience #performance #perspective #user interface- Managing a Green Giant: Sustainability Performance Management, a User Experience Perspective (BT, AM), pp. 500–508.
HCI-UA-2011-AbrahamJ #comprehension #perspective #why- An Enriched Understanding of Why the Environment and Individual Characteristics Are Important in Understanding Technology Utilization in Healthcare: An Evolutionary Psychology Perspective (CA, IAJ), pp. 141–150.
HCI-UA-2011-HuangB #perspective #usability- Evaluating Usability of Web-Based Electronic Government: Users’ Perspective (ZH, LB), pp. 456–465.
HCI-UA-2011-LuhC #framework #geometry #sketching- CAI Platform for Fundamental Geometric Training on Perspective Sketching (DBL, SNC), pp. 86–92.
HIMI-v1-2011-Ibrahim #network #online #perspective #privacy #social- Exploring Informational Privacy Perceptions in the Context of Online Social Networks: A Phenomenology Perspective (ENMI), pp. 330–338.
IDGD-2011-ChenCC11b #identification #user interface- Identifying the Features of Friendly User Interfaces from Emotional Perspectives (LCC, PYC, YMC), pp. 293–301.
IDGD-2011-SalgadoSL #design #using- Using Metaphors to Explore Cultural Perspectives in Cross-Cultural Design (LCdCS, CSdS, CFL), pp. 94–103.
OCSC-2011-BramanDCVW #student- Gaining Insight into the Application of Second Life in a Computing Course: Students’ Perspectives (JB, AD, KC, GV, YW), pp. 20–29.
OCSC-2011-TanT #design #perspective- Impact of Blog Design Features on Blogging Satisfaction: An Impression Management Perspective (WKT, HHT), pp. 130–139.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Jin-shiH #game studies #traceability- Establishing Food Traceability System based on Game Theory — From the Perspective of Retailers (WJs, LHj), pp. 368–372.
ICEIS-v3-2011-IizukaKM #effectiveness #framework- A Framework for Effective IT Investment — From the Perspective of Business — IT Alignment and Organization (KI, SK, MM), pp. 344–349.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Jung #comprehension #game studies #video- Understanding Media Violence from a Role-play Perspective — Effects of Various Types of Violent Video Games on Players’ Cognitive Aggression (YJ), pp. 261–266.
ICEIS-v4-2011-NgosiHCW #architecture #design #development #enterprise #network #process- Design Science and Actor Network Theory Nexus — A Perspective of Content Development of a Critical Process for Enterprise Architecture Management (TN, MH, MC, EW), pp. 449–456.
ICEIS-v4-2011-XinQ #information management #paradigm- The Construction of Open Innovation Paradigm — A Perspective from the Knowledge Management (SX, WQ), pp. 401–406.
ICEIS-v4-2011-YangZC #ecosystem #enterprise #perspective- The Construction of Dynamic Capabilities for Publishing Enterprises — A Business Ecosystem Perspective (LY, RZ, WC), pp. 636–640.
CIKM-2011-CardosoM #ranking #similarity- Google, bing and a new perspective on ranking similarity (BC, JM), pp. 1933–1936.
CIKM-2011-ChenHAXHP #image #modelling #process- Perspective hierarchical dirichlet process for user-tagged image modeling (XC, XH, YA, ZX, TH, EKP), pp. 1341–1346.
CIKM-2011-DasSF #documentation #modelling- Simultaneous joint and conditional modeling of documents tagged from two perspectives (PD, RKS, YF), pp. 1353–1362.
KDD-2011-LuoXZGD #composition #perspective- Enhancing investment decisions in P2P lending: an investor composition perspective (CL, HX, WZ, YG, GD), pp. 292–300.
KEOD-2011-BouiadjraB #approach #evaluation #ontology #state of the art- Ontology Evaluation — State of the Art, New Approach and Perspectives (ABB, SMB), pp. 365–368.
KEOD-2011-MunozCLCP #enterprise #framework #integration #ontology #process- Ontological Framework for the Enterprise from a Process Perspective — Operational, Tactical and Strategic Integration for Improved Decision-making (EM, ECG, JML, AEC, LP), pp. 538–546.
KMIS-2011-Jurczyk-BunkowskaJ #case study #experience #information management #process- Perspectives of Knowledge Management System Application in Innovation Processes — A Study based on Experience of Polish IT Company (MJB, KJ), pp. 287–293.
SEKE-2011-BoorjessonF #case study #multi #re-engineering- Structuring Software Engineering Case Studies to Cover Multiple Perspectives (EB, RF), pp. 276–281.
Onward-2011-Derk #perspective #programming language #what- What makes a programming language popular?: an essay from a historical perspective (MD), pp. 163–166.
RE-2011-KomssiKTLD #analysis #perspective #process- Integrating analysis of customers’ processes into roadmapping: The value-creation perspective (MK, MK, HT, LL, AMD), pp. 57–66.
REFSQ-2011-HenkelP #perspective #requirements- E-Service Requirements from a Consumer-Process Perspective (MH, EP), pp. 121–135.
SAC-2011-HaBKBJ #analysis #network #perspective #social- Analyzing a Korean blogosphere: a social network analysis perspective (JH, DHB, SWK, SCB, BSJ), pp. 773–777.
ICSE-2011-Tiako #development #distributed #framework- Perspectives of delegation in team-based distributed software development over the GENI infrastructure (PFT), pp. 796–799.
CSL-2011-Vardi #branch #linear #perspective #semantics- Branching vs. Linear Time: Semantical Perspective (MYV), p. 3.
ECSA-2010-Bashroush #automation #modelling #multi #variability- A NUI Based Multiple Perspective Variability Modeling CASE Tool (RB), pp. 523–526.
ASE-2010-BergerSLWC #modelling #operating system #variability- Variability modeling in the real: a perspective from the operating systems domain (TB, SS, RL, AW, KC), pp. 73–82.
DATE-2010-GhoshS #performance #perspective- Power efficient voltage islanding for Systems-on-chip from a floorplanning perspective (PG, AS), pp. 654–657.
MSR-2010-DaviesZNG #debugging- Perspectives on bugs in the Debian bug tracking system (JD, HZ, LN, DMG), pp. 86–89.
WCRE-2010-GreilerGD #comprehension #perspective #plugin #testing- Understanding Plug-in Test Suites from an Extensibility Perspective (MG, HGG, AvD), pp. 67–76.
ICFP-2010-ScottSGM #functional #industrial #programming #using- Using functional programming within an industrial product group: perspectives and perceptions (DJS, RS, TG, AM), pp. 87–92.
CHI-2010-StavnessLF #named #polynomial- pCubee: a perspective-corrected handheld cubic display (IS, BL, SF), pp. 1381–1390.
CHI-2010-SundarXB #design #interface #perspective- Designing interactivity in media interfaces: a communications perspective (SSS, QX, SB), pp. 2247–2256.
SOFTVIS-2010-Deursen #visualisation- A pragmatic perspective on software visualization (AvD), pp. 1–2.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-ReisBB #challenge #network #social- New Perspectives for Search in Social Networks — A Challenge for Inclusion (JCdR, RB, MCCB), pp. 53–62.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-IizukaIT #analysis #approach #effectiveness #process #re-engineering- Analysis of Effective Approach for Business Process re-Engineering — From the Perspective of Organizational Factors (KI, YI, KT), pp. 384–389.
CIKM-2010-CumminsLO #induction #information retrieval #perspective #process- Examining the information retrieval process from an inductive perspective (RC, ML, CO), pp. 89–98.
ICML-2010-DowneyS #adaptation #difference- Temporal Difference Bayesian Model Averaging: A Bayesian Perspective on Adapting λ (CD, SS), pp. 311–318.
ICPR-2010-ChandaPFK #identification #perspective- Script Identification — A Han and Roman Script Perspective (SC, UP, KF, FK), pp. 2708–2711.
ICPR-2010-IwahoriIWKFK #performance- Extending Fast Marching Method under Point Light Source Illumination and Perspective Projection (YI, KI, RJW, HK, SF, KK), pp. 1650–1653.
ICPR-2010-LiangLXL #composition #image #perspective- Face Hallucination under an Image Decomposition Perspective (YL, JHL, XX, WL), pp. 2158–2161.
ICPR-2010-PatrauceanGC #identification #invariant #using- Bubble Tag Identification Using an Invariant — Under — Perspective Signature (VP, PG, JC), pp. 408–411.
ICPR-2010-PernekH #polynomial #problem #re-engineering- Perspective Reconstruction and Camera Auto-Calibration as Rectangular Polynomial Eigenvalue Problem (ÁP, LH), pp. 49–52.
KDD-2010-LichtenwalterLC #predict- New perspectives and methods in link prediction (RL, JTL, NVC), pp. 243–252.
KDD-2010-LuHCPHL #social #topic- The topic-perspective model for social tagging systems (CL, XH, XC, JrP, TH, ZL), pp. 683–692.
KEOD-2010-RedavidEI #case study #comparative #distributed #framework #perspective #semantics #web #web service- A Comparative Study on Semantic Web Services Frameworks from the Dynamic Orchestration Perspective (DR, FE, LI), pp. 355–359.
RecSys-2010-GuyJAMNNS #industrial #perspective #recommendation- Will recommenders kill search?: recommender systems — an industry perspective (IG, AJ, PA, PM, PN, CN, HS), pp. 7–12.
RecSys-2010-JancsaryNT #personalisation #semantics #towards- Towards context-aware personalization and a broad perspective on the semantics of news articles (JJ, FN, HT), pp. 289–292.
ICMT-2010-BrambillaCT #modelling #perspective- Search Computing: A Model-Driven Perspective (MB, SC, MT), pp. 1–15.
PPDP-2010-Bonacina #on the #proving #theorem proving- On theorem proving for program checking: historical perspective and recent developments (MPB), pp. 1–12.
PADL-2010-Pontelli #perspective #programming #set- Answer Set Programming in 2010: A Personal Perspective (EP), pp. 1–3.
SAC-2010-IlayperumaZ #collaboration #modelling #perspective- Exploring business value models from the inter-organizational collaboration perspective (TI, JZ), pp. 99–105.
ICSE-2010-FendlerW #education #perspective #re-engineering #towards- Towards contextualised software engineering education: an African perspective (JF, HWT), pp. 599–607.
HPDC-2010-Lee #in the cloud- A perspective on scientific cloud computing (CAL), pp. 451–459.
ICTSS-2010-Schieferdecker #automation #perspective #state of the art #testing- Test Automation with TTCN-3 — State of the Art and a Future Perspective (IS), pp. 1–14.
CASE-2009-AkellaXBC #automation #integration #modelling- Knowledge sciences in services automation: Integration models and perspectives for service centers (RA, ZX, JB, KLCE), pp. 71–78.
CASE-2009-LyTBPV #fault #perspective- Fault diagnosis and failure prognosis for engineering systems: A global perspective (CL, KT, CSB, RP, GJV), pp. 108–115.
DAC-2009-Borkar #design- Design perspectives on 22nm CMOS and beyond (SB), pp. 93–94.
DAC-2009-GargMMO #design #multi #perspective- Technology-driven limits on DVFS controllability of multiple voltage-frequency island designs: a system-level perspective (SG, DM, RM, ÜYO), pp. 818–821.
ICDAR-2009-ZhouLT #recognition- Character Recognition under Severe Perspective Distortion (PZ, LL, CLT), pp. 676–680.
ITiCSE-2009-DAntonioBKMRT #perspective #research- Undergraduate research in CS: a global perspective (LD, RDB, ANK, LM, CR, MT), pp. 139–140.
ITiCSE-2009-Hislop #programming- Replacing introductory programming courses with a broader perspective on computing (GWH), p. 390.
ITiCSE-2009-KulturA #design #user interface- Fine arts perspective in user interface design (CK, IVA), p. 386.
ICSM-2009-SchugerlRC #documentation #perspective #web- Beyond generated software documentation — A web 2.0 perspective (PS, JR, PC), pp. 547–550.
SAS-2009-Schmidt #abstract interpretation #perspective- Abstract Interpretation from a Topological Perspective (DAS), pp. 293–308.
SEFM-2009-BonfanteMR #self #source code- A Computability Perspective on Self-Modifying Programs (GB, JYM, DRP), pp. 231–239.
CHI-2009-Ljungblad #what- Passive photography from a creative perspective: “If I would just shoot the same thing for seven days, it’s like... What’s the point?” (SL), pp. 829–838.
HCD-2009-ChouC #experience #physics #user interface- Engaging Experience: A New Perspective of User Experience with Physical Products (CJC, CC), pp. 31–40.
HCI-NT-2009-DittmarF- An Exploration of Perspective Changes within MBD (AD, PF), pp. 806–815.
HCI-NT-2009-KolskiFDGTE #architecture #design #evaluation #interactive- Agent-Based Architecture for Interactive System Design: Current Approaches, Perspectives and Evaluation (CK, PF, BD, PG, CDT, HE), pp. 624–633.
HCI-NT-2009-RojasC #communication #perspective- The Appropriation of Information and Communication Technology: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (JR, MC), pp. 687–696.
HIMI-DIE-2009-IshiiS #perspective #representation- Representation Method for Engineering Perspective (GI, MS), pp. 69–76.
HIMI-DIE-2009-TaguchiKT- A Method for Evaluating the Relationship among Four Perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard (YT, TK, TT), pp. 163–170.
HIMI-DIE-2009-TarasewichNS #mobile #privacy #security- Exploring Employee Perspectives on Information Privacy and Security in the Mobile Environment (PT, BN, MS), pp. 171–180.
HIMI-II-2009-ChouC09a #fuzzy #multi #perspective- A Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model for Selecting the Distribution Center Location in China: A Taiwanese Manufacturer’s Perspective (CCC, PCC), pp. 140–148.
HIMI-II-2009-HuangBC #assessment #perspective- The Assessment of Credibility of e-Government: Users’ Perspective (ZH, LB, SYC), pp. 26–35.
HIMI-II-2009-LiuZL #collaboration #design #effectiveness #empirical #learning #perspective- An Empirical Investigation on the Effectiveness of Virtual Learning Environment in Supporting Collaborative Learning: A System Design Perspective (NL, YZ, JL), pp. 650–659.
OCSC-2009-OzokGWNMW #health #usability- Usability and User Acceptance for Personal Health Records: A Perspective from Healthcare Citizens (AAO, APG, HW, MN, DM, JW), pp. 690–699.
OCSC-2009-Shirazi #perspective- Measuring E-Democracy Opportunities: A Global Perspective (FS), pp. 700–709.
SIGAda-2009-LiangRS #architecture #automation #generative #prototype- “Automatic Prototype Generating” restated with re-ADA: perspective-bridged architecture for document-driven systems transitioning (SXL, LAR, SS), pp. 45–60.
SIGAda-2009-Smart #ada- A look at Ada from both sides now (a government, and a defense contractor perspective) (JCS), pp. 119–120.
CAiSE-2009-AndrikopoulosBP #evolution #perspective- Evolving Services from a Contractual Perspective (VA, SB, MPP), pp. 290–304.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-MarkovicH #abstraction #modelling #process #towards- Towards Integrating Perspectives and Abstraction Levels in Business Process Modeling (IM, FH), pp. 286–291.
ICEIS-J-2009-BittencourtBCPVDL #modelling #semantics #web- Modeling JADE Agents from GAIA Methodology under the Perspective of Semantic Web (IIB, PB, EdBC, JPP, DV, DD, HPLL), pp. 780–789.
ICEIS-J-2009-ShishkovSV #collaboration #flexibility #perspective #towards- Towards Flexible Inter-enterprise Collaboration: A Supply Chain Perspective (BS, MvS, AV), pp. 513–527.
CIKM-2009-QianLLXSS #community #development #topic #what- What’s behind topic formation and development: a perspective of community core groups (TQ, QL, BL, HX, JS, PCYS), pp. 1843–1846.
ICML-2009-WarmuthV #bibliography #optimisation #perspective #summary #tutorial- Tutorial summary: Survey of boosting from an optimization perspective (MKW, SVNV), p. 15.
ICML-2009-XuWS #learning #predict- Optimal reverse prediction: a unified perspective on supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised learning (LX, MW, DS), pp. 1137–1144.
KMIS-2009-Al-Busaidi #information management #process- A Knowledge Management Perspective on Corporate Portal — Processes and Benefits (KAAB), pp. 69–74.
KMIS-2009-KoutsomitropoulosSAP #information management #perspective #repository #semantics #web- Knowledge Management and Acquisition in Digital Repositories — A Semantic Web Perspective (DAK, GDS, ADA, TSP), pp. 117–122.
KMIS-2009-OsisG #information management- Perspectives on Usage of Agents in Personal Knowledge Management (KO, JG), pp. 332–337.
SEKE-2009-RachevaD #agile #concept #development #perspective #requirements #towards- Reprioritizing the Requirements in Agile Software Development: Towards a Conceptual Model from Clients’ Perspective (ZR, MD), pp. 73–80.
SIGIR-2009-Dumais #information retrieval- An interdisciplinary perspective on information retrieval (STD), pp. 1–2.
ICMT-2009-CzarneckiFHLST #bidirectional #perspective- Bidirectional Transformations: A Cross-Discipline Perspective (KC, JNF, ZH, RL, AS, JFT), pp. 260–283.
MoDELS-2009-BendixE #industrial #perspective #requirements- Requirements for Practical Model Merge — An Industrial Perspective (LB, PE), pp. 167–180.
MoDELS-2009-BendixE #industrial #perspective #requirements- Requirements for Practical Model Merge — An Industrial Perspective (LB, PE), pp. 167–180.
RE-2009-RegevHGW #modelling #perspective #requirements- Modeling Service-Level Requirements: A Constancy Perspective (GR, OH, DCG, AW), pp. 231–236.
REFSQ-2009-PerrouinBBT #consistency #detection #modelling #nondeterminism #perspective #requirements- Composing Models for Detecting Inconsistencies: A Requirements Engineering Perspective (GP, EB, BB, YLT), pp. 89–103.
GTTSE-2009-Selic #design #modelling #perspective #re-engineering #theory and practice- The Theory and Practice of Modeling Language Design for Model-Based Software Engineering — A Personal Perspective (BS), pp. 290–321.
DAC-2008-HuangSSRS #design #manycore #perspective- Many-core design from a thermal perspective (WH, MRS, KS, RJR, KS), pp. 746–749.
DATE-2008-Vernay #challenge #embedded #research- Perspective on Embedded Systems: Challenges, Solutions and Research Priorities (DV), p. 2.
ITiCSE-2008-ApplinH #library #multi #research- Computing research methods multi-perspective digital library: a call for participation (AGA, HJH), p. 337.
ITiCSE-2008-Armoni #algorithm- Reductive thinking in a quantitative perspective: the case of the algorithm course (MA), pp. 53–57.
ITiCSE-2008-PlaneV #capacity #education #framework #perspective- Comparing capacity building frameworks for computer science education in underdeveloped countries: an Asian and African perspective (JDP, IMV), pp. 306–310.
FASE-2008-ClassenHS #perspective #requirements #what- What’s in a Feature: A Requirements Engineering Perspective (AC, PH, PYS), pp. 16–30.
SEFM-2008-Giacobazzi08a #obfuscation- Hiding Information in Completeness Holes: New Perspectives in Code Obfuscation and Watermarking (RG), pp. 7–18.
ICFP-2008-Jones08a #functional #morphism #perspective #polymorphism #programming- Polymorphism and page tables: systems programming from a functional programmer’s perspective (MPJ), pp. 265–266.
CHI-2008-WoodruffHA- A bright green perspective on sustainable choices (AW, JH, SA), pp. 313–322.
AdaEurope-2008-PerezGSH #ada #middleware #perspective #realtime- Real-Time Distribution Middleware from the Ada Perspective (HP, JJG, DS, MGH), pp. 268–281.
EDOC-2008-IacobJ #modelling #rule-based #specification- A Model-Driven Perspective on the Rule-Based Specification of Services (MEI, HJ), pp. 75–84.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-FolinoGGP #modelling #multi #process- Discovering Multi-Perspective Process Models (FF, GG, AG, LP), pp. 70–77.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-ItaborahyOS #project management- Value-Based Software Project Management — A Business Perspective on Software Projects (AI, KMdO, RRdS), pp. 218–225.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-Haider #perspective- Issues in IS Based Engineering Asset Management — An Australian Perspective (AH), pp. 94–101.
ICEIS-J-2008-FolinoGGP08a #modelling #multi #process- Discovering Multi-perspective Process Models: The Case of Loosely-Structured Processes (FF, GG, AG, LP), pp. 130–143.
ECIR-2008-SongTWHY #perspective #proximity- Viewing Term Proximity from a Different Perspective (RS, MJT, JRW, HWH, YY), pp. 346–357.
ICPR-2008-BitsakosYYF #symmetry- Bilateral symmetry of object silhouettes under perspective projection (KB, HY, LY, CF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiT08a #recognition- Character recognition under severe perspective distortion (LL, CLT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangWH #matrix- Structure and motion factorization under quasi-perspective projection with missing data in tracking matrix (GW, QMJW, WH), pp. 1–4.
KR-2008-Balbiani #analysis #reasoning #representation #standard- Time Representation and Temporal Reasoning from the Perspective of Non-Standard Analysis (PB), pp. 695–704.
SIGIR-2008-HuXZSL #clique #clustering #documentation #perspective- Hypergraph partitioning for document clustering: a unified clique perspective (TH, HX, WZ, SYS, HL), pp. 871–872.
SAC-2008-ZhuDXW #documentation #image #linear #using- Perspective rectification of camera-based document images using local linear structure (YZ, RD, BX, CW), pp. 451–452.
RTA-2008-LevyV #higher-order #perspective #unification- Nominal Unification from a Higher-Order Perspective (JL, MV), pp. 246–260.
ASE-2007-ShiriHR #analysis #feature model #interactive #maintenance #perspective- Feature interaction analysis: a maintenance perspective (MS, JH, JR), pp. 437–440.
DAC-2007-Borkar #perspective- Thousand Core ChipsA Technology Perspective (SB), pp. 746–749.
DAC-2007-Kwon #challenge #industrial- Perspective of the Future Semiconductor Industry: Challenges and Solutions (OHK).
DAC-2007-WangBA #correlation #data mining #mining #perspective- Design-Silicon Timing Correlation A Data Mining Perspective (LCW, PB, MSA), pp. 384–389.
HT-2007-WrightP #case study- A study of publisher, writer, and reader: different perspectives on digital fiction (HW, DP), pp. 157–158.
ICDAR-2007-YinSNFFKT #documentation #image #mobile #multi- A Multi-Stage Strategy to Perspective Rectification for Mobile Phone Camera-Based Document Images (XCY, JS, SN, KF, YF, KK, HT), pp. 574–578.
CSEET-2007-Moloney #industrial #perspective- Graduate Training from an Industry Perspective (MM).
CSEET-2007-TaranR #case study #comparative #education #people #perspective #process #re-engineering- Software Engineering Education in Russia: A Comparative Study of People, Process and Technology a Four Year Perspective (GT, MRL), pp. 19–28.
WCRE-2007-Baxter #re-engineering #tool support- Reengineering Tools: A Perspective from the Trenches (keynote) (IDB).
CHI-2007-Aoki #performance- Back stage on the front lines: perspectives and performance in the combat information center (PMA), pp. 717–726.
CHI-2007-GuiardDC #documentation #evaluation #navigation- Quantifying degree of goal directedness in document navigation: application to the evaluation of the perspective-drag technique (YG, YD, OC), pp. 327–336.
DHM-2007-ClapworthyKGTVHPFMLJWC #modelling #perspective- Digital Human Modelling: A Global Vision and a European Perspective (GC, PK, HG, SRT, MV, DRH, DP, JF, KMM, PVL, SLVSJ, SW, PVC), pp. 549–558.
HCI-AS-2007-MorimotoMT #process #reuse- Perspectives on Reuse Process Support Systems for Document-Type Knowledge (YM, HM, HT), pp. 682–691.
HCI-IDU-2007-YangTT #perspective #strict- User Response to Free Trial Restrictions: A Coping Perspective (XY, CHT, HHT), pp. 991–1000.
HCI-IPT-2007-BattisteJJGD- Flight Crew Perspective on the Display of 4D Information for En Route and Arrival Merging and Spacing (VB, WWJ, NHJ, SG, AQVD), pp. 541–550.
HCI-MIE-2007-KimL07b #optimisation- Decision Theoretic Perspective on Optimizing Intelligent Help (CK, MRL), pp. 358–365.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Kani-ZabihiG #design #interface- Involving Users in OPAC Interface Design: Perspective from a UK Study (EKZ, GG), pp. 374–383.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KrachinaRT #ontology #perspective #policy #privacy #semantics- Reconciling Privacy Policies and Regulations: Ontological Semantics Perspective (OK, VR, KET), pp. 730–739.
VISSOFT-2007-RillingMCC #perspective #process #visualisation- Software Visualization — A Process Perspective (JR, WJM, FC, PC), pp. 10–17.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Grundspenkis #development #information management- Intelligent Agent and Knowledge Management Perspectives for the Development of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (JG), pp. 380–388.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-PetrieMKLZ #challenge #lessons learnt- SWS Challenge — Status, Perspectives, Lessons Learned So Far (CJP, TMS, UK, HL, MZ), pp. 447–452.
CIKM-2007-DoranTI #ontology #perspective #reuse- Ontology module extraction for ontology reuse: an ontology engineering perspective (PD, VAMT, LI), pp. 61–70.
ECIR-2007-Robertson #information retrieval- The Last Half-Century: A Perspective on Experimentation in Information Retrieval (SR), p. 2.
ICML-2007-HulseKN #learning- Experimental perspectives on learning from imbalanced data (JVH, TMK, AN), pp. 935–942.
KDD-2007-TangWXZ #clustering #perspective- Enhancing semi-supervised clustering: a feature projection perspective (WT, HX, SZ, JW), pp. 707–716.
MoDELS-2007-BrownDJ #design #implementation- A Practical Perspective on the Design and Implementation of Service-Oriented Solutions (AWB, MD, SKJ), pp. 390–404.
MoDELS-2007-BrownDJ #design #implementation- A Practical Perspective on the Design and Implementation of Service-Oriented Solutions (AWB, MD, SKJ), pp. 390–404.
SAC-2007-SavoldiG #forensics #perspective- SIM and USIM filesystem: a forensics perspective (AS, PG), pp. 181–187.
ICSE-2007-Staron #education #evaluation #learning #process #re-engineering #student #using- Using Experiments in Software Engineering as an Auxiliary Tool for Teaching — A Qualitative Evaluation from the Perspective of Students’ Learning Process (MS), pp. 673–676.
HPCA-2007-Pawlowski #challenge #manycore #perspective #research- Petascale Computing Research Challenges — A Manycore Perspective (SP), p. 96.
LCTES-2007-Engelsma #case study #experience #perspective #tool support- Enabling seamless mobility: an enablers, experiences and tools perspective (JE), p. 136.
CAV-2007-Kropf #debugging #development #formal method #industrial #question- Software Bugs Seen from an Industrial Perspective or Can Formal Methods Help on Automotive Software Development? (TK), p. 3.
DATE-2006-VanderperrenD #matlab #uml- From UML/SysML to Matlab/Simulink: current state and future perspectives (YV, WD), p. 93.
VLDB-2006-MissierEGPJ #quality- Quality Views: Capturing and Exploiting the User Perspective on Data Quality (PM, SME, RMG, ADP, BJ), pp. 977–988.
ITiCSE-2006-PerrenetK #abstraction #algorithm #comprehension #concept #perspective #student- Levels of abstraction in students’ understanding of the concept of algorithm: the qualitative perspective (JP, EK), pp. 270–274.
ITiCSE-2006-SudolB #education #student #women- Is there such a thing as too much support?: a discussion from a teacher and a student’s perspective of support groups for girls in computer science (LAS, KB), p. 309.
MSR-2006-RoblesGMA #evolution #mining #scalability- Mining large software compilations over time: another perspective of software evolution (GR, JMGB, MM, JJA), pp. 3–9.
CHI-2006-NacentaSCSG #interactive #multi- Perspective cursor: perspective-based interaction for multi-display environments (MAN, SS, BC, SS, CG), pp. 289–298.
EDOC-2006-MutschlerBR06a #approach #evaluation #perspective #workflow- An Evaluation Approach for Analyzing Workflow Management Systems from a Value-based Perspective (BM, JB, MR), pp. 477–482.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-ShishkovDL- Bridging the Language-Action Perspective and Organizational Semiotics in SDBC (BS, JLGD, KL), pp. 52–60.
ICPR-v1-2006-GebkenTPS #estimation #image #nondeterminism- Perspective Pose Estimation from Uncertain Omnidirectional Image Data (CG, AT, CP, GS), pp. 793–796.
ICPR-v1-2006-LladoBA #parametricity #re-engineering #using- Euclidean Reconstruction of Deformable Structure Using a Perspective Camera with Varying Intrinsic Parameters (XL, ADB, LdA), pp. 139–142.
ICPR-v2-2006-LuT06a #invariant #recognition- Camera Text Recognition based on Perspective Invariants (SL, CLT), pp. 1042–1045.
ICPR-v2-2006-OlssonKO #estimation- Optimal Estimation of Perspective Camera Pose (CO, FK, MO), pp. 5–8.
ICPR-v3-2006-ShenLCF #video- Video Completion for Perspective Camera Under Constrained Motion (YS, FL, XC, HF), pp. 63–66.
ICPR-v4-2006-CheungKZKY #evaluation #perspective- Does EigenPalm work? A System and Evaluation Perspective (KHC, AWKK, DZ, MK, JY), pp. 445–448.
ICPR-v4-2006-YuanYT #invariant #symmetry- Perspective Symmetry Invariant and Its Applications (TY, SY, XT), pp. 65–68.
KDD-2006-XiongWC #clustering #metric #perspective #validation- K-means clustering versus validation measures: a data distribution perspective (HX, JW, JC), pp. 779–784.
SEKE-2006-YuC06a #evolution #maintenance #open source #reuse- Two Perspectives on Open-Source Software Evolution: Maintenance and Reuse (LY, KC), pp. 737–742.
SEKE-2006-ZengA #classification #multi #representation- Classification by Multi-Perspective Representation Method (JZ, RA), pp. 85–90.
POPL-2006-Sweeney #developer #game studies #perspective #programming language- The next mainstream programming language: a game developer’s perspective (TS), p. 269.
RE-2006-Berenbach #industrial #perspective #requirements- Requirements Engineering: An Industrial Perspective (BB), p. 260.
SAC-2006-WinterS #design #modelling #perspective- Reference modeling and method construction: a design science perspective (RW, JS), pp. 1561–1562.
ICSE-2006-Lemos #architecture #perspective #re-engineering- Software architectures for dependable systems: a software engineering perspective (RdL), pp. 1065–1066.
ICSE-2006-RichardsonMMK #development #distributed #education- Distributed development: an education perspective on the global studio project (IR, AEM, NM, PK), pp. 679–684.
CC-2006-LiuW #architecture #compilation #optimisation #performance #perspective- Performance Characterization of the 64-bit x86 Architecture from Compiler Optimizations’ Perspective (JL, YW), pp. 155–169.
HPCA-2006-Emma #capacity #evolution #industrial- Industrial Perspectives: The Next Roadblocks in SOC Evolution: On-Chip Storage Capacity and Off-Chip Bandwidth (PGE), p. 201.
HPCA-2006-Recio #evolution #industrial #network- Industrial Perspectives: System IO Network Evolution — Closing Requirement Gaps (RR), p. 201.
HPCA-2006-Yavatkar #challenge #design #framework #industrial- Industrial Perspectives: Platform Design Challenges with Many cores (RY), p. 201.
WICSA-2005-WoodsR #architecture #using- Using Architectural Perspectives (EW, NR), pp. 25–35.
DAC-2005-ChangD #perspective- Explaining the gap between ASIC and custom power: a custom perspective (AC, WJD), pp. 281–284.
DAC-2005-ChinneryK #perspective- Closing the power gap between ASIC and custom: an ASIC perspective (DGC, KK), pp. 275–280.
DAC-2005-MarculescuT #architecture #energy #perspective #variability- Variability and energy awareness: a microarchitecture-level perspective (DM, ET), pp. 11–16.
DATE-2005-BougardCDCD #energy #modelling #network #performance #standard- Energy Efficiency of the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard in Dense Wireless Microsensor Networks: Modeling and Improvement Perspectives (BB, FC, DCD, AC, WD), pp. 196–201.
DATE-2005-IllgenO #assurance #case study #experience #perspective #process #quality- Process Oriented Software Quality Assurance — An Experience Report in Process Improvement — OEM Perspective (TI, SO), pp. 536–537.
DATE-2005-ManaresiMAAVRATG- New Perspectives and Opportunities From the Wild West of Microelectronic Biochips (NM, GM, MA, VA, PV, AR, LA, MT, RG), pp. 1092–1093.
DATE-2005-Schattkowsky #bibliography #design #uml- UML 2.0 — Overview and Perspectives in SoC Design (TS), pp. 832–833.
ICDAR-2005-MonnierHSA #documentation- Sequential Correction of Perspective Warp in Camera-based Documents (CM, SH, MS, VA), pp. 394–398.
PODS-2005-LiLWFT #data mining #mining #perspective- Relative risk and odds ratio: a data mining perspective (HL, JL, LW, MF, YPT), pp. 368–377.
VLDB-2005-IoannidisK #information retrieval #modelling #personalisation #perspective- Personalized Systems: Models and Methods from an IR and DB Perspective (YEI, GK), p. 1365.
CSEET-2005-MahantiM #education #perspective #re-engineering- Software Engineering Education From Indian Perspective (RM, PKM), pp. 111–117.
ITiCSE-2005-Christensen #design #education- Implications of perspective in teaching objects first and object design (HBC), pp. 94–98.
ITiCSE-2005-Klawe #image- Changing the image of computer science: a north american perspective in conversation with Europe (MMK), p. 3.
FASE-2005-EgyedSW #maintenance #refinement #uml- Maintaining Life Perspectives During the Refinement of UML Class Structures (AE, WS, KW), pp. 310–325.
IWPC-2005-GearBCCO #case study #component #industrial #process #reuse- Achieving a Reuse Perspective within a Component Recovery Process: An Industrial Scale Case Study (ALG, JB, BC, JJC, KO), pp. 279–288.
IWPC-2005-WalkinshawRW #behaviour #comprehension #object-oriented #perspective #source code- Understanding Object-Oriented Source Code from the Behavioural Perspective (NW, MR, MW), pp. 215–224.
WCRE-2005-LiCHCY #abstraction #architecture #process- Architecture Recovery and Abstraction from the Perspective of Processes (QL, HC, SH, PC, ZY), pp. 57–66.
VISSOFT-2005-CoxFM #comprehension #visual notation- User Perspectives on a Visual Aid to Program Comprehension (AC, MF, JM), pp. 70–75.
CAiSE-2005-ChenC #information management #metric #perspective- Measurement Practices for Knowledge Management: An Option Perspective (APC, MYC), pp. 387–399.
EDOC-2005-StefanovL #process- Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Business Processes: A Business Intelligence Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains (VS, BL), pp. 3–14.
ICEIS-v1-2005-Schwabe #challenge #web- Engineering Web Applications — Challenges and Perspectives (DS), pp. 13–14.
ICEIS-v3-2005-BeckerJDF #case study #documentation #process- Perspectives on Process Documentation — a Case Study (JB, CJ, PD, WF), pp. 46–56.
ICEIS-v3-2005-XuWLKL #framework #multi #ontology #perspective- A Framework for Managing Multiple Ontologies: The Function-Oriented Perspective (BX, PW, JL, DK, YL), pp. 300–305.
LSO-2005-Schneider #perspective #process- Software Process Improvement from a FLOW Perspective (KS), pp. 82–86.
SEKE-2005-Aoyama #challenge #embedded #re-engineering #ubiquitous- Challenges of Embedded and Ubiquitous Software Engineering from the Perspective of Networked Ecological Systems (MA), p. 792.
SEKE-2005-NetoRP #automation #developer #perspective #testing- System Testing Automation: A Developer Perspective (PdAdSN, RFR, CIPdSeP), pp. 380–385.
SIGIR-2005-ZhouG #categorisation #corpus #geometry #on the- On redundancy of training corpus for text categorization: a perspective of geometry (SZ, JG), pp. 671–672.
MoDELS-2005-StaronK #design- Properties of Stereotypes from the Perspective of Their Role in Designs (MS, LK), pp. 201–216.
MoDELS-2005-StaronK #design- Properties of Stereotypes from the Perspective of Their Role in Designs (MS, LK), pp. 201–216.
RE-2005-RaadtGY #perspective #web #web service- Exploring Web Services from a Business Value Perspective (BvdR, JG, ESKY), pp. 53–62.
SAC-2005-BlakeCRIG #case study #component #development #product line #specification- Use case-driven component specification: a medical applications perspective to product line development (MBB, KC, SR, LI, KG), pp. 1470–1477.
ESEC-FSE-2005-SrinivasS #component #performance #perspective- Summarizing application performance from a components perspective (KS, HS), pp. 136–145.
SPLC-2005-MatturroS #approach #knowledge-based #product line- A Knowledge-Based Perspective for Preparing the Transition to a Software Product Line Approach (GM, AS), pp. 96–101.
CGO-2005-Amarasinghe #compilation #multi #question- Multicores from the Compiler’s Perspective: A Blessing or a Curse? (SPA), p. 137.
HPCA-2005-HwuP #architecture #future of #industrial #perspective #research- The Future of Computer Architecture Research: An Industrial Perspective (WmWH, SJP), p. 264.
HPCA-2005-MukherjeeER #architecture #fault #perspective #problem- The Soft Error Problem: An Architectural Perspective (SSM, JSE, SKR), pp. 243–247.
ASE-2004-RysselbergheD #clone detection #detection #perspective #refactoring- Evaluating Clone Detection Techniques from a Refactoring Perspective (FVR, SD), pp. 336–339.
DATE-v2-2004-MarculescuPH #design #distributed #multi #perspective- Distributed Multimedia System Design: A Holistic Perspective (RM, MP, JH), pp. 1342–1349.
PODS-2004-KaushikRC #optimisation #perspective #query- Synopses for Query Optimization: A Space-Complexity Perspective (RK, RR, VTC), pp. 201–209.
ITiCSE-2004-Christensen #design pattern #framework #named #perspective- Frameworks: putting design patterns into perspective (HBC), pp. 142–145.
IWPC-2004-DistantePT #perspective #reverse engineering #towards #transaction #web- Towards a Technique for Reverse Engineering Web Transactions from a User’s Perspective (DD, TP, SRT), pp. 142–150.
ICGT-2004-BaresiH #graph transformation #perspective #re-engineering #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to Graph Transformation: A Software Engineering Perspective (LB, RH), pp. 431–433.
ICGT-2004-Sandhu #data access #graph #modelling- A Perspective on Graphs and Access Control Models (RSS), pp. 2–12.
CAiSE-2004-MalinowskiZ #concept #perspective- OLAP Hierarchies: A Conceptual Perspective (EM, EZ), pp. 477–491.
ICEIS-v3-2004-DomingosRV #data access #perspective #workflow- Workflow Access Control from a Business Perspective (DD, ARS, PV), pp. 18–25.
ICEIS-v3-2004-MacedoST #information management #perspective #process #standard- Information Systems Support for Manufacturing Processes — The Standard S95 Perspective (PM, PS, JMT), pp. 552–555.
ICEIS-v3-2004-PoloniaOO #health #information management #perspective #process- A Business Process Model for Public Health Information Systems: A Governmental Perspective (DFP, IO, JLO), pp. 573–576.
ICEIS-v4-2004-CostaCA04a #design #perspective #web- Principles for Creating Web Sites: A Design Perspective (CJC, PC, MA), pp. 484–488.
ICEIS-v5-2004-ChenLK #assessment #perspective- Assessment of E-Learning Satisfaction from Critical Incidents Perspective (NSC, KML, K), pp. 27–34.
ICEIS-v5-2004-MarzalBMC #analysis #documentation #perspective #topic- Verbs & Topic Maps: A Proposal for Legal Documentation from the Document Content Analysis Perspective (MÁM, CB, JM, FC), pp. 63–68.
ICPR-v3-2004-IshiiO #3d #using- Perfect Perspective Projection using a Varifocal Mirror and Its Application to Three-Dimensional Close-Up Imaging (AI, RO), pp. 270–273.
ICPR-v3-2004-TankusSY #image #re-engineering- Reconstruction of Medical Images by Perspective Shape-from-Shading (AT, NAS, YY), pp. 778–781.
ICPR-v4-2004-CriminisiS #comparison- Did the great masters use optical projections while painting? Perspective Comparison of Paintings and Photographs of Renaissance Chandeliers (AC, DGS), pp. 645–648.
LSO-2004-MelnikR #learning- Impreciseness and Its Value from the Perspective of Software Organizations and Learning (GM, MMR), pp. 122–130.
TOOLS-USA-2003-ArdourelH04 #eiffel #graph- Class-based Visibility from an MDA Perspective: From Access Graphs to Eiffel Code (GA, MH), pp. 177–195.
ICSE-2004-PrietoA #formal method #multi #named #requirements #specification- chi-SCTL/MUS: A Formal Methodology to Evolve Multi-Perspective Software Requirements Specifications (ABBM, JJPA), pp. 72–74.
DATE-2003-GonciariAN #perspective #testing- Test Data Compression: The System Integrator’s Perspective (PTG, BMAH, NN), pp. 10726–10731.
CSEET-2003-Bagert #generative #legacy- Norm’s Legacy: A Perspective from the Next Generation (DJB), pp. 22–26.
CSEET-2003-Diaz-HerreraTR #re-engineering- Software Engineering Retraining — Different Perspectives (JLDH, PT, DR), p. 322–?.
ITiCSE-2003-SheardMR #perspective- Web-based discussion forums: the staff perspective (JS, JM, SR), pp. 158–162.
ESOP-2003-Leroy #perspective #programming language #security #static analysis- Computer Security from a Programming Language and Static Analysis Perspective (XL), pp. 1–9.
IWPC-2003-Klint #compilation #comprehension #how #perspective- How Understanding and Restructuring Differ from Compiling — A Rewriting Perspective (PK), pp. 2–12.
CAiSE-2003-SpiekermannDGR #e-commerce #industrial- User Agents in E-commerce Environments: Industry vs. Consumer Perspectives on Data Exchange (SS, ID, OG, DR), pp. 696–710.
ICEIS-v3-2003-BarjisG #requirements- Requirements Engineering Versus Language/Action Perspective: Different Facets and Possible Contribution (JB, TG), pp. 14–22.
ICEIS-v3-2003-Gittoes #approach #implementation #quality- A Three Perspective Approach to Groupware Implementation Quality Management: Within an Australian University (DG), pp. 307–312.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Zhao #analysis- Analysis of Business to Business Electronic Markets in China: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives (JZ), pp. 377–385.
CIKM-2003-ChengC #image #topic #web- Auto-generation of topic hierarchies for web images from users’ perspectives (PJC, LFC), pp. 544–547.
MLDM-2003-ChiuX #mining #optimisation- Optimizing Financial Portfolios from the Perspective of Mining Temporal Structures of Stock Returns (KCC, LX), pp. 266–275.
ICSE-2003-SchneiderJ #education #perspective #programming- eXtreme Programming at Universities — An Educational Perspective (JGS, LJ), pp. 594–601.
TestCom-2003-Bergengruen #perspective #testing- UMTS Terminal Testing: A Practical Perspective (OB), pp. 10–19.
DATE-2002-BlasquezHFLBHB #industrial #verification- Formal Verification Techniques: Industrial Status and Perspectives (JB, MvH, AF, JLL, DB, CH, PB), p. 1050.
PODS-2002-Lenzerini #integration #perspective- Data Integration: A Theoretical Perspective (ML), pp. 233–246.
ICSM-2002-Bohner #evolution #impact analysis #perspective- Software Change Impacts — An Evolving Perspective (SAB), pp. 263–272.
ICSM-2002-FuentetajaB #evolution #perspective- Software Evolution from a Time-Series Perspective (EF, DJB), pp. 226–229.
ICSM-2002-JiwnaniZ #maintenance #perspective #security- Maintaining Software with a Security Perspective (KJ, MVZ), pp. 194–203.
IWPC-2002-VestdamN #aspect-oriented #documentation #perspective- Aspects of Internal Program Documentation — An Elucidative Perspective (TV, KN), pp. 43–52.
ICGT-2002-BaresiH #graph transformation #perspective #re-engineering #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to Graph Transformation: A Software Engineering Perspective (LB, RH), pp. 402–429.
CSCW-2002-Tuikka #concept #design #perspective #process- Remote concept design from an activity theory perspective (TT), pp. 186–195.
ICPR-v4-2002-AppelN #3d #framework #image #re-engineering- 3D Reconstruction from Co-Registered Orthographic and Perspective Images: Theoretical Framework and Applications (MA, NN), pp. 21–26.
SEKE-2002-AlvesF #challenge #off the shelf #perspective #requirements- Challenges in COTS decision-making: a goal-driven requirements engineering perspective (CFA, AF), pp. 789–794.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-KimHK #design #object-oriented #realtime #scheduling- Perfecting preemption threshold scheduling for object-oriented real-time system design: from the perspective of real-time synchronization (SK, SH, THK), pp. 223–232.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-Magarshack #development #embedded #industrial #perspective- Systems-on-chip needs for embedded software development: an industrial perspective (PM), p. 1.
DAC-2001-RichPS #design #perspective- Reducing the Frequency Gap Between ASIC and Custom Designs: A Custom Perspective (SER, MJP, JS), pp. 432–437.
DATE-2001-PaulinKB #architecture #embedded #network #requirements #tool support- Network processors: a perspective on market requirements, processor architectures and embedded S/W tools (PGP, FK, PB), pp. 420–429.
VLDB-2001-ChirkovaHS #formal method #problem- A Formal Perspective on the View Selection Problem (RC, AYH, DS), pp. 59–68.
ICSM-2001-Niessink #maintenance- Perspectives on Improving Software Maintenance (FN), pp. 553–556.
IWPC-2001-ZayourL #reverse engineering #tool support- Adoption of Reverse Engineering Tools: A Cognitive Perspective and Methodology (IZ, TCL), pp. 245–255.
STOC-2001-Yao #complexity- Some perspective on computational complexity (abstract) (ACCY), p. 600.
SVIS-2001-Ben-AriMST #animation- Perspectives on Program Animation with Jeliot (MBA, NM, ES, JT), pp. 31–45.
SVIS-2001-Diehl- Future Perspectives — Introduction (SD0), pp. 347–353.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Bosilj-Vuksic #e-commerce #perspective #process #re-engineering- Business Process Reengineering and E-Commerce: Croatian Perspective (VBV), pp. 815–820.
ICEIS-v2-2001-DrinjakJA #perspective #web- Justifying the Benefits of Web Based Electronic Commerce Applications: An Australian Perspective (JD, PJ, GA), pp. 1183–1187.
RE-2001-Zave #evolution #perspective #requirements- Requirements for Evolving Systems: A Telecommunications Perspective (PZ), pp. 2–9.
ICSE-2001-BalzerG #industrial #re-engineering- Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments: Academic and Industrial Perspectives (RB, VG), pp. 671–672.
ICSE-2001-Broy #modelling #perspective #specification- Specification and Modeling: An Academic Perspective (MB), pp. 673–675.
ICSE-2001-Selic #industrial #modelling #perspective #specification- Specification and Modeling: An Industrial Perspective (BS), pp. 676–677.
ICSE-2001-Voigt #challenge #perspective #re-engineering- Software Engineering Challenges: A CIO’s Perspective (BV), p. 666.
DAC-2000-ChinneyK #perspective- Closing the gap between ASIC and custom: an ASIC perspective (DGC, KK), pp. 637–642.
VLDB-2000-MohanBWSZ #database #evolution- Evolution of Groupware for Business Applications: A Database Perspective on Lotus Domino/Notes (CM, RB, SW, AS, MZ), pp. 684–687.
CSEET-2000-MengelCF- A Perspective on Three Cooperating Courses (SAM, LMC, JF), pp. 265–272.
ITiCSE-2000-KelemenTHAB #education- Has our curriculum become math-phobic? (an American perspective) (CK, ABT, PH, OLA, KBB), pp. 132–135.
FASE-2000-NelsonCA #multi #object-oriented- A Model for Describing Object-Oriented Systems from Multiple Perspectives (TN, DDC, PSCA), pp. 237–248.
TACAS-2000-GoedickeEMT #development #distributed #graph transformation #multi #tool support- ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development: Tool Support for Integrating Multiple Perspectives by Distributed Graph Transformation (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 43–47.
ICSM-2000-Olver #perspective- Preserving the Value of Software — A CIO Perspective (THO), p. 9–?.
STOC-2000-Kleinberg #algorithm #perspective- The small-world phenomenon: an algorithmic perspective (JMK), pp. 163–170.
STOC-2000-OrlinSS #combinator #optimisation #precise- epsilon-optimization schemes and L-bit precision: alternative perspectives in combinatorial optimization (extended abstract) (JBO, ASS, SS), pp. 565–572.
ICEIS-2000-Ash #e-commerce #enterprise #internet #perspective- An E-Commerce Model for Extending ERP Systems Onto the Internet: An Australian Perspective (CGA), pp. 390–394.
ICEIS-2000-KochikarR #perspective- Managing Knowledge in the E-Organization: The IT Perspective (VPK, SR), pp. 447–454.
ICML-2000-BanerjeeDS #multi- Combining Multiple Perspectives (BB, SD, SS), pp. 33–40.
ICPR-v1-2000-FujikiK #modelling #recursion- Recursive Factorization Method for the Paraperspective Model Based on the Perspective Projection (JF, TK), pp. 1406–1410.
ICPR-v1-2000-Kanatani #3d #analysis #re-engineering #reliability- Gauge-Based Reliability Analysis of 3-D Reconstruction from Two Uncalibrated Perspective Views (KiK), pp. 1076–1079.
ICPR-v1-2000-WangT #composition #matrix- An SVD Decomposition of Essential Matrix with Eight Solutions for the Relative Positions of Two Perspective Cameras (WW, HTT), pp. 1362–1365.
SIGIR-2000-Aizawa- The feature quantity: an information theoretic perspective of Tfidf-like measure (ANA), pp. 104–111.
GCSE-2000-Tilman #design #perspective- Designing for Change, a Dynamic Perspective (MT), pp. 15–25.
SAIG-2000-Muller #source code- Specialization of Systems Programs: Lessons and Perspectives (GM), pp. 7–8.
ICSE-2000-Lamsweerde #perspective #requirements #research- Requirements engineering in the year 00: a research perspective (AvL), pp. 5–19.
DAC-1999-ChuangP #design #perspective- SOI Digital CMOS VLSI — a Design Perspective (CTC, RP), pp. 709–714.
ICDAR-1999-ShridharMHB #image #recognition- Recognition of License Plate Images: Issues and Perspectives (MS, JM, GFH, LB), pp. 17–20.
SIGMOD-1999-Mohan #database- A Database Perspective on Lotus Domino/Notes (CM), p. 507.
WCRE-1999-WatersA #architecture #multi #synthesis- Architectural Synthesis: Integrating Multiple Architectural Perspectives (RW, GDA), pp. 2–12.
FLOPS-1999-CaballeroL #functional #parsing- A Functional-Logic Perspective on Parsing (RC, FJLF), pp. 85–99.
AGTIVE-1999-GoedickeEMT #development #distributed #graph transformation #integration #multi #tool support #towards- Tool Support for ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development: Towards Integration of Multiple Perspectives by Distributed Graph Transformation (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 369–377.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Iakovidis #health #human-computer #perspective- User acceptance in health telematics: an HCI perspective (II), pp. 863–867.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Kuutti #framework #information management- Supporting perspective making and perspective taking: a framework for contextual information (KK), pp. 293–297.
HCI-CCAD-1999-StephanidisSEA #design #policy- Policy perspectives on “design for all” (CS, GS, PLE, DA), pp. 868–872.
HCI-EI-1999-Goppold- Spatio-Temporal Perspectives: A new way for cognitive enhancement (AG), pp. 476–480.
HCI-EI-1999-Gulliksen #design #social- Bringing the Social Perspective: User Centred Design (JG), pp. 1327–1331.
HCI-EI-1999-JohnsonC #mobile #roadmap #usability- Mobile and Stationary Usability Labs: Technical Issues, Trends and Perspectives (RJ, EC), pp. 1123–1127.
HCI-EI-1999-JorgensenGLJ- Mental Workload in IT Work: Combining Cognitive and Physiological Perspectives (AHJ, AHG, BL, BRJ), pp. 97–101.
HCI-EI-1999-Serfaty #design #integration- The Role of Task Driven Design for the Integration of Perspectives (CS), pp. 1318–1321.
HCI-EI-1999-Stary #design #user interface- Integrating Perspectives for UI Design (CS), pp. 1308–1312.
HCI-EI-1999-Totter #evaluation #lessons learnt- The Task of Integrating Perspectives: Lessons Learnt From Evaluation (AT), pp. 1313–1317.
AdaEurope-1999-Locke #ada #architecture #realtime- An Architectual Perspective of Real-Time Ada Applications (CDL), pp. 1–11.
EDOC-1999-AagedalM #enterprise #perspective #uml- ODP enterprise language: UML perspective (JØA, ZM), pp. 60–71.
ICEIS-1999-Fox #challenge #enterprise #perspective- The Challenge of Making Enterprises Virtual: An AI Perspective (MSF), p. IV.
ICEIS-1999-Uchyigit #development #multi- Agent Mediated Multi Perspective Software Development (GU), pp. 319–326.
ICEIS-1999-Wu #case study #perspective #web- A Causal Model for the Intention to Use a Web Site: A Study Based on the Technology Acceptance Model and the Uses and Gratifications Perspective (CJW), p. 788.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-Al-AhmadS #inheritance #modelling #reuse- Modeling and Reuse Perspectives of Inheritance Can be Reconciled (WAA, ES), pp. 31–40.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-BaekdalK #multi- Aggregation from Multiple Perspectives by Roles (LKB, BBK), pp. 139–150.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Stal99a #distributed #perspective- Distributed Objects from a Patterns Perspective (MS), p. 445.
ICSE-1999-LaitenbergerA #development #object-oriented- Generalizing Perspective-Based Inspection to Handle Object-Oriented Development Artifacts (OL, CA), pp. 494–503.
DATE-1998-MendiasH #formal method #perspective #synthesis- Correct High-Level Synthesis: a Formal Perspective (JMM, RH), pp. 977–978.
HT-1998-HayashiNHTHG #documentation #thread- Temporally Threaded Workspace: A Model for Providing Activity-Based Perspectives on Document Spaces (KH, TN, TH, MT, SH, SG), pp. 87–96.
SIGMOD-1998-FranklinZ #perspective #quote- “Data in Your Face”: Push Technology in Perspective (MJF, SBZ), pp. 516–519.
ITiCSE-1998-ODwyer #education #perspective- Educational software — a European perspective (TO), pp. 10–13.
FM-1998-Krieg-Bruckner #formal method- UniForM Perspectives for Formal Methods (BKB), pp. 251–265.
CHI-1998-Fogg #persuasion #research- Persuasive Computers: Perspectives and Research Directions (BJF), pp. 225–232.
CIKM-1998-SpaccapietraPZ #concept #modelling #perspective- Modeling Time from a Conceptual Perspective (SS, CP, EZ), pp. 432–440.
ICPR-1998-LeiW #detection #novel #symmetry- A novel method for detecting and localising of reflectional and rotational symmetry under weak perspective projection (YL, KCW), pp. 417–419.
ICPR-1998-SeoAH #video- Video augmentation by image-based rendering under the perspective camera model (YS, MHA, KSH), pp. 1694–1696.
LOPSTR-1998-Wolper #algorithm- Algorithms for Synthesizing Reactive Systems: A Perspective (Abstract) (PW), p. 308.
ICRE-1998-LoomesJ #requirements- Requirements Engineering: A Perspective Through Theory-Building (ML, SJ), pp. 100–107.
LICS-1998-Vardi #branch #linear #perspective- Linear vs. Branching Time: A Complexity-Theoretic Perspective (MYV), pp. 394–405.
PODS-1997-Hull #database #perspective #semantics- Managing Semantic Heterogeneity in Databases: A Theoretical Perspective (RH), pp. 51–61.
ITiCSE-1997-ImpagliazzoG #education- Perspectives on innovations in the computing curriculum (panel) (JI, MG), p. 146.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-GoldweberIBCDFM #education- Historical perspectives on the computing curriculum (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on historical perspectives in computing education) (MG, JI, IAB, AGC, GD, HF, JPM, RR), pp. 94–111.
HCI-CC-1997-Yang #development #framework #integration- An Integration Framework for Software Development Environments to Incorporate Task, Team and Tool Perspectives (YY), pp. 61–64.
HCI-SEC-1997-Keller #usability- Usability in the Perspective of Work Environment (KDK), pp. 621–624.
HCI-SEC-1997-Purchase #communication #multi #perspective- Multimedia Communication and Technology: A Semiotic Perspective (HCP), pp. 687–690.
CAiSE-1997-CastanoA #analysis #framework #information management #legacy #multi- A Multi-Perspective Framework for the Analysis of Legacy Information Systems (SC, VDA), pp. 117–130.
DAC-1996-WagnerD #bibliography #perspective #synthesis #testing- High-Level Synthesis for Testability: A Survey and Perspective (KDW, SD), pp. 131–136.
KBSE-1996-Biggerstaff #generative #reuse- A 15 Year Perspective on Reuse and Generation (Keynote) (TB), p. 4.
CSEE-1996-Ceberio-Verghese #perspective #process- Personal Software Process: A User’s Perspective (ACCV), pp. 52–67.
CSEE-1996-JacksonMRS #education #industrial #re-engineering- Changing Culture: An Industry Perspective on Graduate Software Engineering Education (MJ, KM, MR, KS), pp. 230–233.
ITiCSE-1996-Knox #web- Historical perspectives of computing: an introductory lab for browsing on the World Wide Web (DK), pp. 20–22.
ICSM-1996-Bohner #impact analysis #perspective #process- Impact analysis in the software change process: a year 2000 perspective (SAB), pp. 42–51.
ICSM-1996-Bohner96a #challenge #maintenance #perspective- Examining Year 2000 Data Challenges from the Maintenance Perspective (SAB), p. 125–?.
SAS-1996-Nielson #perspective #program analysis #semantics- Semantics-Directed Program Analysis: A Tool-Maker’s Perspective (FN), pp. 2–21.
CHI-1996-LevyZTS #perspective- Gratuitous Graphics? Putting Preferences in Perspective (EL, JZ, BT, DJS), pp. 42–49.
AKDDM-1996-ElderP #database #information management #statistics- A Statistical Perspective on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (JFEI, DP), pp. 83–113.
ICPR-1996-GurdjosDC #3d #coordination #invariant- Tracking 3D coplanar points in the invariant perspective coordinates plane (PG, PD, SC), pp. 493–497.
ICPR-1996-HolmstromKLO #classification #network #statistics- Neural network and statistical perspectives of classification (LH, PK, JL, EO), pp. 286–290.
ICPR-1996-LiM #3d #estimation- 3D pose estimation from an n-degree planar curved feature in two perspective views (LL, SM), pp. 374–377.
ICPR-1996-MaL #re-engineering- Ellipsoid reconstruction from three perspective views (SM, LL), pp. 344–348.
ICPR-1996-WunschH #image- Registration of CAD-models to images by iterative inverse perspective matching (PW, GH), pp. 78–83.
ICPR-1996-YuCXY #3d #approximate #higher-order- 3D shape and motion by SVD under higher-order approximation of perspective projection (HY, QC, GX, MY), pp. 456–460.
KR-1996-Leong #multi #reasoning- Multiple Perspective Reasoning (TYL), pp. 562–573.
ECOOP-1996-GaweckiM #perspective #quantifier #type system- Integrating Subtyping, Matching and Type Quantification: A Practical Perspective (AG, FM), pp. 26–47.
ICRE-1996-NissenJJZH #analysis #case study #concept #experience #modelling #multi #requirements- Requirements Analysis from Multiple Perspectives: Experiences with Conceptual Modeling Technology (HWN, MAJ, MJ, GVZ, HH), p. 217.
ICSE-1996-Zamperoni #development #graph #named #re-engineering- GRIDS — GRaph-based, Integrated Development of Software: Integrating Different Perspectives of Software Engineering (AZ), pp. 48–59.
HPDC-1996-BermanW #scheduling- Scheduling from the Perspective of the Application (FB, RW), pp. 100–111.
KDD-1995-ElderP #database #information management #statistics- A Statistical Perspective On Knowledge Discovery In Databases (JFEI, DP), pp. 87–93.
KDD-1995-HolsheimerKMT #data mining #database #mining- A Perspective on Databases and Data Mining (MH, MLK, HM, HT), pp. 150–155.
SAC-1995-Sateesh #concept #perspective #realtime- Conceptual model of real-time systems: a perspective (TKS), pp. 206–209.
ESEC-1995-Schwartzel #industrial- Demands and Perspectives for Future Software Engineers: An Industrial Viewpoint (Abstract) (HS), pp. 1–2.
ICSE-1995-LeonhardtKN #development #distributed #multi #process- Decentralised Process Enactment in a Multi-Perspective Development Environment (UL, JK, BN), pp. 255–264.
DAC-1994-Maly #design #perspective- Cost of Silicon Viewed from VLSI Design Perspective (WM), pp. 135–142.
CSEE-1994-AmmannGORS #re-engineering #source code- A Five Year Perspective on Software Engineering Graduate Programs at George Mason University (PA, HG, AJO, DR, BS), pp. 473–488.
ICSM-1994-CherinkaOCR #automation #perspective #process- Issues in Software Process Automation — From a Practical Perspective (RC, CMO, LAC, JR), pp. 109–118.
ICSM-1994-Khan #abstraction #design #multi- Design Extraction by Adiabatic Multi-Perspective Abstraction (JIK), pp. 191–200.
CSCW-1994-MichelisG- Situating Conversations Within the Language/Action Perspective: The Milan Conversation Model (GDM, MAG), pp. 89–100.
TRI-Ada-1994-Lauridsen #design #perspective #programming #user interface- Design of GUIs from a Programming Perspective (OL), pp. 236–245.
ICRE-1994-RobinsonF #multi #requirements- Supporting multi-perspective requirements engineering (WNR, SF), pp. 206–215.
SIGMOD-1993-AnwarMC #database #object-oriented- A New Perspective on Rule Support for Object-Oriented Databases (EA, LM, SC), pp. 99–108.
VLDB-1993-Schreier #database #knowledge-based #perspective #requirements #scheduling- Database Requirements of Knowledge-based Production Scheduling and Control: A CIM Perspective (US), pp. 710–711.
CSM-1993-CherinkaOS #maintenance #perspective- Building An Integrated Software Maintenance Environment — From a Maintainer’s Perspective (RC, CMO, RS), pp. 31–40.
FME-1993-BowenS #formal method #industrial #perspective #safety- The Industrial Take-up of Formal Methods in Safety-Critical and Other Areas: A Perspective (JPB, VS), pp. 183–195.
HCI-ACS-1993-AronssonS #perspective- Coping with Malfunctions of Computer Aided Equipment from a Stress Perspective (GA, AS), pp. 804–808.
HCI-ACS-1993-CarstensenS #analysis #requirements- Work Analysis — Perspectives on and Requirements for a Methodology (PHC, KS), pp. 575–580.
HCI-ACS-1993-KeranRS #automation #mining #mobile #perspective- Automation of Mobile Equipment in Mining: A Human Factors Perspective (CMK, RFR, TJS), pp. 307–312.
HCI-SHI-1993-MorganHCHQMO #analysis #design #implementation #interactive #knowledge base #multi #perspective- Implementation and Design Issues in Interactive Multi-Media Knowledge Based Systems for Criminal Intelligence Analysis: The Mycroft Perspective (KM, PH, JC, LH, TQ, RM, RO), pp. 513–518.
INTERCHI-1993-Bellotti #design- Integrating theoreticians’ and practitioners’ perspectives with design rationale (VB), pp. 101–106.
TRI-Ada-1993-Frankel #ada #automation #perspective- Ada 9X and CASE: A Methods Perspective (MIF), pp. 200–210.
CAiSE-1993-PrevelakisT #development- Perspectives on Software Development Environments (VP, DT), pp. 586–600.
SEKE-1993-Zhang #knowledge base #verification- Perspectives in Knowledge Base Verification (DZ), pp. 396–405.
ECOOP-1993-DuboisBP #analysis #perspective #requirements- O-O Requirements Analysis: an Agent Perspective (ED, PDB, MP), pp. 458–481.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Boy #perspective- Cognitive Science and Objects; the Agent Perspective (GAB), p. 295.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Boy93a #perspective- Associated Paper: Cognitive Science and Objects: the Agent Perspective (GAB), pp. 297–318.
ESEC-1993-FinkelsteinGHKN #consistency #multi #nondeterminism #specification- Inconsistency Handling in Multi-Perspective Specifications (AF, DMG, AH, JK, BN), pp. 84–99.
IWPTS-1993-CavalliFP #consistency #formal method #testing- Formal Methods for Conformance Testing: Results and Perspectives (ARC, JPF, MP), pp. 3–17.
DAC-1992-Scallan #framework #perspective- CAD Framework Initiative — A User Perspective (TJS), pp. 672–675.
SEI-1992-StalhaneKS #education #perspective #reuse- Software Reuse in an Educational Perspective (TS, EAK, GS), pp. 99–114.
PEPM-1992-KatzW #partial evaluation #towards- Towards a New Perspective on Partial Evaluation (MK, DW), pp. 29–37.
CSCW-1992-BolandMTST #distributed- Sharing Perspectives in Distributed Decision Making (RJBJ, AM, DT, DGS, RVT), pp. 306–313.
KBSE-1991-HarandiL #design #machine learning #perspective- Acquiring Software Design Schemas: A Machine Learning Perspective (MTH, HYL), pp. 188–197.
CHI-1991-MackinlayRC- The perspective wall: detail and context smoothly integrated (JDM, GGR, SKC), pp. 173–176.
CHI-1991-MacLeanBYM #design- Reaching through analogy: a Design Rationale perspective on roles of analogy (AM, VB, RMY, TPM), pp. 167–172.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Singh #modelling #object-oriented #perspective- Object-Oriented Modeling: Issues and Perspective (MSS), pp. 345–346.
ICSE-1991-FrankeP #hardware #perspective- Hardware/Software Codesign: A Perspective (DWF, MKP), pp. 344–352.
ICSE-1991-Gerhart #formal method #perspective- Formal Methods: An International Perspective (SLG), pp. 36–37.
IWPTS-1991-TretmansKB #consistency #formal method #protocol #testing- Protocol Conformance Testing: A Formal Perspective on ISO IS-9646 (JT, PK, EB), pp. 131–142.
DAC-1990-FidukKKP #design #framework #perspective- Design Methodology Management — a CAD Framework Initiative Perspective (KWF, SK, MK, EBP), pp. 278–283.
VLDB-1990-Markowitz #object-oriented #perspective- Referential Integrity Revisited: An Object-Oriented Perspective (VMM), pp. 578–589.
VLDB-1990-WangM #database #perspective #semistructured data- A Polygen Model for Heterogeneous Database Systems: The Source Tagging Perspective (YRW, SEM), pp. 519–538.
SEI-1990-CiochM #documentation- Use-Perspective Unit Documentation (FAC, FM), pp. 136–144.
SEI-1990-SandersS #perspective #re-engineering- Establishing Motorola-University Relationships: A Software Engineering Training Perspective (GS, GS), pp. 2–12.
CSCW-1990-Clement #social- Cooperative Support for Computer Work: A Social Perspective on the Empowering of End Users (AC), pp. 223–236.
CADE-1990-Bibel #automation #deduction- Perspectives on Automated Deduction (Abstract) (WB), p. 426.
FPCA-1989-KuoM #analysis #strict #type inference- Strictness Analysis: A New Perspective Based on Type Inference (TMK, PM), pp. 260–272.
ICSE-1989-Ross- The NATO Conferences form the Perspective of an Active Software Engineer (DTR), pp. 101–102.
NACLP-1989-MelloNR #logic programming #perspective #re-engineering- Logic Programming in a Software Engineering Perspective (PM, AN, CR), pp. 441–458.
RTA-1989-Birkhoff #algebra #term rewriting- Term Rewriting and Universal Algebra in Historical Perspective (Abstract of Invited Lecture) (GB), p. 1.
CSCW-1988-BowersC #communication- Local and Global Structuring of Computer Mediated Communication: Developing Linguistic Perspectives on CSCW in Cosmos (JB, JC), pp. 125–139.
CSCW-1988-CiborraO #perspective #transaction- Encountering Electronic Work Groups: A Transaction Costs Perspective (CC, MHO), pp. 94–101.
ECOOP-1988-LinsjornS #concept #database #object-oriented #perspective- Database Concepts Discussed in Object-Oriented Perspective (YL, DIKS), pp. 300–318.
JICSCP-1988-ButlerDLOOS88 #perspective #scheduling- Scheduling OR-Parallelism: An Argonne Perspective (RB, TD, ELL, RO, RAO, RLS), pp. 1590–1605.
DAC-1987-Pachter #automation #design #standard- Design Automation Standards — Perspectives from a Down-the-Road End User (RJP), pp. 563–564.
DAC-1987-Rosenberg #perspective #re-engineering- The Making of VIVID: A Software Engineering Perspective (JBR), pp. 74–81.
PODS-1987-Minker #database #deduction- Perspectives in Deductive Databases (Abstract) (JM), p. 135.
SIGMOD-1987-Ingenthron #database #perspective #research- Thoughts on Database Research: A User Perspective (KI), p. 2.
HCI-SES-1987-RuthG #predict- Examining the Silent Majority: A Current Perspective on Predictive Variables Associated with Managerial and Clerical ADP Users (SRR, EPG), pp. 311–318.
DAC-1986-Williams #automation #design #industrial- IBM perspectives on the electrical design automation industry (keynote address) (RMW), p. 1.
SIGMOD-1986-Roussopoulos #design #information management #perspective- Engineering Information Systems: Builders and Designers Perspective (NR), pp. 1–3.
CSCW-1986-Winograd #design- A language/action perspective on the design of cooperative work (TW), pp. 203–220.
SIGIR-1986-TruckenmullerR #analysis #design #perspective #topic- Methodological Issues for the Design of an Office Information Server — Focal Topics for the Analysis from an Office System Perspective (TWT, MR), pp. 39–48.
DAC-1985-GoatesHSH #design- Star’s envoling design environment: a user’s perspective on CAE (GBG, PMH, RJSI, RH), pp. 584–590.
PODS-1984-CasanovaVF #database #perspective #specification- Formal Data Base Specification — An Eclectic Perspective (MAC, PASV, ALF), pp. 110–118.
DAC-1983-Reinke #design #perspective- Technology design rules — a user’s perspective (TRR), p. 394.
VLDB-1983-BeechF #database #perspective- The Integrated Data Model: A Database Perspective (DB, JSF), pp. 302–304.
SIGIR-1982-Smith #information retrieval #perspective- Machine Intelligence vs. Machine-Aided Intelligence in Information Retrieval: A Historical Perspective (LCS), pp. 263–274.
DAC-1981-Chan- A perspective view of the MODCON system (YKC), pp. 179–188.
DAC-1981-Spence #automation #design- Design Automation — a perspective (Position Paper) (HWS), p. 343.
DAC-1981-Sumney #automation #design #development #perspective- Government interest and involvement in design automation development the VHSIC perspective (LWS), pp. 344–346.
DAC-1980-Allen #automation #design- A contemporary perspective on design automation and VLSI in the 80’s (Position Statement) (JA), pp. 338–339.
DAC-1980-Armstrong #what- A CAD user’s perspective what gets done right wrong and not at all (Position Paper) (RAA), p. 517.
ICSE-1979-MorrisseyW #on the #perspective #re-engineering- On Software Engineering — An Economic Perspective (JMM, LSYW), pp. 412–422.
SIGMOD-1978-Berlin #evaluation- DBMS Selection and Evaluation: Perspectives and Practical Issues (BB), pp. 37–38.
ICSE-1978-Hetzel #development- A Perspective on Software Development (BH), pp. 260–263.
SIGFIDET-1974-SteuertG #data transformation #perspective #relational- The Relational Data Management System: A Perspective (JS, JG), pp. 295–320.