4 papers:
SEKE-2009-LiCQJJ #generative #testing- Generating Test Cases of Composite Services Based on OWL-S and EH-CPN (BL, JC, DQ, SJ, YJ), pp. 350–355.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-Shinkawa #adaptation #component- CPN Based Component Adaptation (YS), pp. 261–268.
TACAS-2001-Beaudouin-LafonMJAJLLMMRRCJ #editing #named #petri net #simulation #tool support- CPN/Tools: A Tool for Editing and Simulating Coloured Petri Nets ETAPS Tool Demonstration Related to TACAS (MBL, WEM, MJ, PA, PJ, HML, KL, KHM, SM, AVR, KR, SC, KJ), pp. 574–577.
TACAS-1997-ChristensenJK #design #named #petri net- Design/CPN — A Computer Tool for Coloured Petri Nets (SC, JBJ, LMK), pp. 209–223.