10 papers:
HT-2015-ChungL #framework #predict- A Long-Term Study of a Crowdfunding Platform: Predicting Project Success and Fundraising Amount (JC, KL), pp. 211–220.
CSCW-2015-HarburgHGG #comprehension #self- Understanding the Effects of Crowdfunding on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (EH, JH, MDG, EMG), pp. 3–16.
CSCW-2015-HuiG #research- Crowdfunding Science: Sharing Research with an Extended Audience (JSH, EMG), pp. 31–43.
CSCW-2015-SolomonMW #coordination #exclamation #how- Don’t Wait!: How Timing Affects Coordination of Crowdfunding Donations (JS, WM, RW), pp. 547–556.
CHI-2014-GreenbergG #learning #online- Learning to fail: experiencing public failure online through crowdfunding (MDG, EG), pp. 581–590.
CHI-2014-XuYRFHB #analysis #exclamation- Show me the money!: an analysis of project updates during crowdfunding campaigns (AX, XY, HR, WTF, SWH, BPB), pp. 591–600.
CSCW-2014-HuiGG #community #comprehension- Understanding the role of community in crowdfunding work (JH, MDG, EG), pp. 62–74.
CSCW-2014-MullerGSW #enterprise- Geographical and organizational distances in enterprise crowdfunding (MJM, WG, TS, JW), pp. 778–789.
CSCW-2014-WashS #coordination- Coordinating donors on crowdfunding websites (RW, JS), pp. 38–48.
CHI-2013-MullerGSDC #collaboration #enterprise- Crowdfunding inside the enterprise: employee-initiatives for innovation and collaboration (MJM, WG, TS, SD, LTC), pp. 503–512.