8 papers:
KDD-2010-HoTL #learning #metric #reduction #sequence #similarity- Tropical cyclone event sequence similarity search via dimensionality reduction and metric learning (SSH, WT, WTL), pp. 135–144.
KDD-2008-HoT #automation #multi #using- Automated cyclone discovery and tracking using knowledge sharing in multiple heterogeneous satellite data (SSH, AT), pp. 928–936.
ICPR-v3-2004-YanLWW #automation- Automatic Template Matching Method for Tropical Cyclone Eye Fix (KYW, CLY, PWL, WWT), pp. 650–653.
ISMM-2004-HicksMGJ #experience- Experience with safe manual memory-management in cyclone (MWH, JGM, DG, TJ), pp. 73–84.
SEKE-2003-LiuKMS #framework #information management- An Integrated Framework for Knowledge Management and Discovery of Tropical Cyclone Movements (JNKL, RWMK, MW, DKYS), pp. 691–698.
PASTE-2002-Morrisett #analysis- Analysis issues for cyclone (JGM), p. 26.
PLDI-2002-GrossmanMJHWC #memory management- Region-Based Memory Management in Cyclone (DG, JGM, TJ, MWH, YW, JC), pp. 282–293.
DAC-2000-RanterMPVSGS #automation #design #layout #named- CYCLONE: automated design and layout of RF LC-oscillators (CDR, BDM, GVdP, PJV, MS, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 11–14.