4 papers:
RecSys-2015-ForsatiBMER #algorithm #named #performance #recommendation #trust- PushTrust: An Efficient Recommendation Algorithm by Leveraging Trust and Distrust Relations (RF, IB, FM, AHE, HR), pp. 51–58.
HT-2014-TangHL #social #social media #trust- Is distrust the negation of trust?: the value of distrust in social media (JT, XH, HL), pp. 148–157.
CIKM-2014-TangHCL #interactive #predict- Predictability of Distrust with Interaction Data (JT, XH, YC, HL), pp. 181–190.
RecSys-2009-MaLK #learning #recommendation #trust- Learning to recommend with trust and distrust relationships (HM, MRL, IK), pp. 189–196.