23 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-HuLWTGY #automation #documentation #named #social #social media #using- DocRicher: An Automatic Annotation System for Text Documents Using Social Media (QH, QL, XW, AKHT, SG, JY), pp. 901–906.
DUXU-UI-2015-KangK #documentation #experience #framework #in the cloud #smarttech #user interface- Elements of Properties of User Experience in Cloud Computing Documentation Platform According to Smart Device Screen Size Changes: Focus on Google Docs and Naver Office (MKK, SWK), pp. 551–562.
ICEIS-v2-2015-JuniorP #approach #identification #named #ontology #requirements- OnTheme/Doc — An Ontology-based Approach for Crosscutting Concern Identification from Software Requirements (PAPJ, RADP), pp. 188–200.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-ElorantaHVK #architecture #documentation #generative #knowledge base #named #topic #using- TopDocs: Using Software Architecture Knowledge Base for Generating Topical Documents (VPE, OH, TV, KK), pp. 191–195.
DocEng-2012-TranouezNDBHLGF #documentation #named #physics- DocExplore: overcoming cultural and physical barriers to access ancient documents (PT, SN, VD, AB, LH, YL, RMG, MCF), pp. 205–208.
ICEIS-v1-2011-MessaoudFKZ #documentation #unification #xml- Unification of XML Document Structures for Document Warehouse (DocW) (IBM, JF, KK, GZ), pp. 85–94.
SAC-2011-RamosCAA #case study #modelling #process #towards- Towards the improvement of use case models: the AIRDoc process (RAR, JBdC, JA, FMRA), pp. 708–709.
VLDB-2010-AngGNH #automation #collaboration #content management #named- P2PDocTagger: Content management through automated P2P collaborative tagging (HHA, VG, WKN, SCHH), pp. 1601–1604.
SAC-2010-DAngeloVZ #privacy #web- Content cloaking: preserving privacy with Google Docs and other web applications (GD, FV, SZ), pp. 826–830.
SAC-2010-KruegerGRL #named #self #web- TokDoc: a self-healing web application firewall (TK, CG, KR, PL), pp. 1846–1853.
KMIS-2009-SaraivaS #documentation #named- WebC-Docs — A CMS-based Document Management System (JdSS, ARdS), pp. 21–28.
MoDELS-2009-Chimiak-Opoka #constraints #ocl- OCLLib, OCLUnit, OCLDoc: Pragmatic Extensions for the Object Constraint Language (JCO), pp. 665–669.
MoDELS-2009-Chimiak-Opoka #constraints #ocl- OCLLib, OCLUnit, OCLDoc: Pragmatic Extensions for the Object Constraint Language (JCO), pp. 665–669.
DocEng-2005-LanfranchiCMP #documentation #editing- Document editing and browsing in AKTiveDoc (VL, FC, PM, DP), pp. 237–238.
ICDAR-2005-YacoubSS #documentation #named- PerfectDoc: A Ground Truthing Environment for Complex Documents (SMY, VS, SNS), pp. 452–457.
CAiSE-2004-IgnatN #collaboration #documentation #multi #named- CoDoc: Multi-mode Collaboration over Documents (CLI, MCN), pp. 580–594.
ICPR-v2-2004-CinqueMN #library #named #ontology #query- OntoDoc: An Ontology-Based Query System for Digital Libraries (LC, AM, RN), pp. 671–674.
ECIR-2003-VegasFC #named #visual notation #visualisation #web- WebDocBall: A Graphical Visualization Tool for Web Search Results (JV, PdlF, FC), pp. 351–362.
SIGIR-2003-AgunF #component #hardware #named- HAT: a hardware assisted TOP-DOC inverted index component (SKA, OF), pp. 447–448.
SEKE-2002-Fernandez-CondeG #analysis #framework #object-oriented- Domain analysis of object-oriented frameworks in FrameDoc (CFC, PAGC), pp. 27–33.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KimJJKL #collaboration #documentation #effectiveness #named- CoDocs: An electronic document management system supporting effective collaborative work (GWK, SKJ, JHJ, IHK, MJL), pp. 593–597.
SEKE-1994-ChiangWBN #automation #documentation #named #programming #visual notation- DocFlow: an event-driven visual programming environment for office automation through document processing (SCYC, JTLW, MPB, PAN), pp. 454–461.
PLDI-1988-CoutantMR #approach #debugging #named- DOC: A Practical Approach to Source-Level Debugging of Globally Optimized Code (DSC, SM, MR), pp. 125–134.