23 papers:
ECOOP-2015-Alimadadi0P #hybrid #impact analysis #javascript- Hybrid DOM-Sensitive Change Impact Analysis for JavaScript (SA, AM, KP), pp. 321–345.
SAC-2015-LeottaSRT #automation #generative #testing #visual notation #web- Automated generation of visual web tests from DOM-based web tests (ML, AS, FR, PT), pp. 775–782.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ParameshwaranBS #scalability- Auto-patching DOM-based XSS at scale (IP, EB, SS, HD, AS, PS), pp. 272–283.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ParameshwaranBS15a #framework #named #robust #testing- DexterJS: robust testing platform for DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities (IP, EB, SS, HD, AS, PS), pp. 946–949.
ASE-2014-BajajPM #code completion #javascript #named- Dompletion: DOM-aware JavaScript code completion (KB, KP, AM), pp. 43–54.
SCAM-2014-StoccoLRT #migration #named #testing #visual notation #web- PESTO: A Tool for Migrating DOM-Based to Visual Web Tests (AS, ML, FR, PT), pp. 65–70.
CIKM-2014-ZhangLLW #graph #multi #named- PatentDom: Analyzing Patent Relationships on Multi-View Patent Graphs (LZ, LL, TL, DW), pp. 1369–1378.
ISSTA-2014-MirzaAghaeiM #test coverage #testing #web- DOM-based test adequacy criteria for web applications (MM, AM), pp. 71–81.
ISSTA-2014-ZouCZZG #effectiveness #testing #web- Virtual DOM coverage for effective testing of dynamic web applications (YZ, ZC, YZ, XZ, ZG), pp. 60–70.
DATE-2011-WangWT #approach #modelling #named #performance #scheduling #simulation- DOM: A Data-dependency-Oriented Modeling approach for efficient simulation of OS preemptive scheduling (PCW, MHW, RST), pp. 335–340.
KDIR-2011-OmerBG #algorithm #mining #motivation #using- A New Frequent Similar Tree Algorithm Motivated by Dom Mining — Using RTDM and its New Variant — SiSTeR (OB, RB, SG), pp. 238–243.
SIGIR-2011-SunSL- DOM based content extraction via text density (FS, DS, LL), pp. 245–254.
ESEC-FSE-2011-JensenMM #api #html #javascript #modelling #static analysis #web- Modeling the HTML DOM and browser API in static analysis of JavaScript web applications (SHJ, MM, AM), pp. 59–69.
DocEng-2009-JoshiL #analysis #documentation #image #natural language #using #web- Web document text and images extraction using DOM analysis and natural language processing (PMJ, SL), pp. 218–221.
DocEng-2009-LuoFLLXL #approach #visual notation #web- Web article extraction for web printing: a DOM+visual based approach (PL, JF, SL, FL, YX, JL), pp. 66–69.
SAC-2009-HijikataHON #algorithm #analysis #using- HITS algorithm improvement using anchor-related text extracted by DOM structure analysis (YH, BQH, MO, SN), pp. 1691–1698.
PODS-2008-GardnerSWZ #hoare #reasoning- Local Hoare reasoning about DOM (PG, GS, MJW, UZ), pp. 261–270.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-HuangG #api #documentation #protocol #xml- A Locking Protocol for DOM API on XML Documents (YFH, MLG), p. 105–?.
HT-2005-MantratzisOC #analysis #html #navigation #using- Separating XHTML content from navigation clutter using DOM-structure block analysis (CM, MAO, SC), pp. 145–147.
ICSE-2005-McClureK #sql- SQL DOM: compile time checking of dynamic SQL statements (RAM, IHK), pp. 88–96.
AdaEurope-2004-VrandecicS #ada #using #xml- XML4Ada95 Accessing XML Using the DOM in Ada95 (ZV, DS), pp. 178–189.
CAiSE-2004-MorishimaK #database #optimisation #relational #source code #xml- Optimizing DOM Programs on XML Views over Existing Relational Databases (AM, AK), pp. 248–262.
DocEng-2003-ChenT #xml- Set-at-a-time access to XML through DOM (HC, FWT), pp. 225–233.