7 papers:
DLT-J-2012-SalomaaSS13- Goodby to the Kindhearted Dragon Prof. Sheng Yu, 1950-2012 (AS, KS, ALS), pp. 945–954.
DLT-2012-Szilard- The Kind Hearted Dragon Prof. Sheng Yu, 1950-2012 (AS), pp. 1–6.
DocEng-2010-Bagley #compilation #lessons learnt- Lessons from the dragon: compiling PDF to machine code (SRB), pp. 65–68.
SIGMOD-2009-GhandeharizadehGSBCNWW- Taming the storage dragon: the adventures of hoTMaN (SG, AG, CS, CB, FC, NN, AW, AW), pp. 925–930.
CHI-2008-KarrerWLB #interface #named #navigation #video- DRAGON: a direct manipulation interface for frame-accurate in-scene video navigation (TK, MW, EL, JOB), pp. 247–250.
CIKM-2006-LeuskiL #modelling- Tracking dragon-hunters with language models (AL, VL), pp. 698–707.
ASPLOS-1987-AtkinsonM- The Dragon Processor (RRA, EMM), pp. 65–69.