10 papers:
KDD-2013-ChenHKB #learning #named- DTW-D: time series semi-supervised learning from a single example (YC, BH, EJK, GEAPAB), pp. 383–391.
VLDB-2012-CandanRSW #constraints #named #using- sDTW: Computing DTW Distances using Locally Relevant Constraints based on Salient Feature Alignments (KSC, RR, MLS, XW), pp. 1519–1530.
ICDAR-2011-SaabniB #performance- Fast Key-Word Searching via Embedding and Active-DTW (RS, AB), pp. 68–72.
ICDAR-2011-Santosh #recognition- Character Recognition Based on DTW-Radon (KCS), pp. 264–268.
SAC-2011-Muramatsu #algorithm #online #random #verification- Random forgery attacks against DTW-based online signature verification algorithm (DM), pp. 27–28.
ICPR-2010-VenkateshJ #using- Human Electrocardiogram for Biometrics Using DTW and FLDA (NV, SJ), pp. 3838–3841.
ICDAR-2009-BledaBGZLMPV #online #recognition #using- Improving a DTW-Based Recognition Engine for On-line Handwritten Characters by Using MLPs (MJCB, SEB, JGM, FZM, DLP, AMV, FPV, JMVT), pp. 1260–1264.
ICDAR-2009-RoyMSS #adaptation #classification #framework #online #recognition- A Framework for Adaptation of the Active-DTW Classifier for Online Handwritten Character Recognition (VR, SM, AS, RRS), pp. 401–405.
VLDB-2009-AssentWKKS #database #performance #similarity- Anticipatory DTW for Efficient Similarity Search in Time Series Databases (IA, MW, RK, HK, TS), pp. 826–837.
ICPR-v3-2006-HuRH #approach #clustering #robust- An Interweaved HMM/DTW Approach to Robust Time Series Clustering (JH, BKR, LH), pp. 145–148.