4 papers:
SAC-2012-KimWLLL #component #migration #multi- HW resource componentizing for smooth migration from single-function ECU to multi-function ECU (JCK, KSW, CGL, KJL, YSL), pp. 1821–1828.
DAC-2009-GlassLTBC #analysis #architecture #design #encoding #hybrid #network- Designing heterogeneous ECU networks via compact architecture encoding and hybrid timing analysis (MG, ML, JT, UDB, SC), pp. 43–46.
DATE-2008-GlassLRHT #analysis #network #optimisation #reliability- Symbolic Reliability Analysis and Optimization of ECU Networks (MG, ML, FR, CH, JT), pp. 158–163.
DAC-2007-HagiescuBCSGR #analysis #network #performance- Performance Analysis of FlexRay-based ECU Networks (AH, UDB, SC, PS, PVVG, SR), pp. 284–289.