4 papers:
CSEET-2011-HoskingSKJ #learning #re-engineering #student- Learning at the elbows of experts: Technology roadmapping with Software Engineering students (JGH, PS, EK, NJ), pp. 139–148.
DHM-2011-LiT #3d- In Silicon Study of 3D Elbow Kinematics (KL, VT), pp. 139–142.
DHM-2009-HermawatiM #modelling- Realistic Elbow Flesh Deformation Based on Anthropometrical Data for Ergonomics Modeling (SH, RM), pp. 632–641.
CASE-2006-ZhangA #functional #simulation- Tremor Suppression of Elbow Joint via Functional Electrical Stimulation: A Simulation Study (DZ, WTA), pp. 182–187.