7 papers:
HT-2015-SongFGWCZ #graph #microblog #word- Build Emotion Lexicon from Microblogs by Combining Effects of Seed Words and Emoticons in a Heterogeneous Graph (KS, SF, WG, DW, LC, CZ), pp. 283–292.
HCI-AIMT-2014-SterkenburgJP #design- Auditory Emoticons: Iterative Design and Acoustic Characteristics of Emotional Auditory Icons and Earcons (JS, MJ, CP), pp. 633–640.
HCI-AS-2014-ParkKL #case study #smarttech- A Study of Emoticon Use in Instant Messaging from Smartphone (TWP, SJK, GL), pp. 155–165.
HIMI-AS-2014-HsiaoH #difference #recognition- Age Difference in Recognition of Emoticons (KAH, PLH), pp. 394–403.
SCSM-2014-KimSK- Reinterpret 3G Emoticons from a Persona Theory (MK, CS, JK), pp. 462–473.
SAC-2013-HogenboomBFBJK #analysis #sentiment- Exploiting emoticons in sentiment analysis (AH, DB, FF, MB, FdJ, UK), pp. 703–710.
KDD-2012-ZhaoDWX #analysis #named #sentiment #twitter- MoodLens: an emoticon-based sentiment analysis system for chinese tweets (JZ, LD, JW, KX), pp. 1528–1531.