6 papers:
CSCW-2015-GuhaW #network #social- Do Birds of a Feather Watch Each Other?: Homophily and Social Surveillance in Location Based Social Networks (SG, SBW), pp. 1010–1020.
ECIR-2011-PhelanMBS #recommendation #twitter #using- Terms of a Feather: Content-Based News Recommendation and Discovery Using Twitter (OP, KM, MB, BS), pp. 448–459.
LDTA-2008-AllwoodE09 #java- Tickling Java with a Feather (TORA, SE), pp. 3–16.
VLDB-2007-KrompassDKK #scalability- Dynamic Workload Management for Very Large Data Warehouses: Juggling Feathers and Bowling Balls (SK, UD, HAK, AK), pp. 1105–1115.
SIGAda-2007-Dewar07a #named #question- Birds-of-a-feather: where would you like to see GNAT go? (RD), pp. 97–98.
MLDM-2005-HalveyKS #clustering #internet #navigation #predict #using- Birds of a Feather Surf Together: Using Clustering Methods to Improve Navigation Prediction from Internet Log Files (MH, MTK, BS), pp. 174–183.