6 papers:
CHI-2015-MaiorPSW #human-computer #reliability #using- Examining the Reliability of Using fNIRS in Realistic HCI Settings for Spatial and Verbal Tasks (HAM, MP, SCS, MLW), pp. 3039–3042.
CHI-2014-PikeMPSW #protocol #using- Measuring the effect of think aloud protocols on workload using fNIRS (MFP, HAM, MP, SCS, MLW), pp. 3807–3816.
CHI-2013-PeckYOJC #interface #using #visualisation- Using fNIRS brain sensing to evaluate information visualization interfaces (EMP, BFY, AO, RJKJ, RC), pp. 473–482.
HCI-III-2013-IteyaMK #analysis #using #visual notation- Responses Analysis of Visual and Linguistic Information on Digital Signage Using fNIRS (SI, AM, TK), pp. 411–420.
CHI-2012-SoloveySSSFJ #interactive #named #streaming- Brainput: enhancing interactive systems with streaming fnirs brain input (ETS, PWS, MS, AS, SF, RJKJ), pp. 2193–2202.
HIMI-II-2009-NozawaK #analysis #comparison #realtime #reduction- A Comparison of Artifact Reduction Methods for Real-Time Analysis of fNIRS Data (TN, TK), pp. 413–422.