5 papers:
PLDI-2013-Golan-GuetaRSY #concurrent #library- Concurrent libraries with foresight (GGG, GR, MS, EY), pp. 263–274.
ESEC-FSE-2013-TrippR #adaptation #named #parallel- Tightfit: adaptive parallelization with foresight (OT, NR), pp. 169–179.
ECOOP-2012-SteimannP #constraints #refactoring- Constraint-Based Refactoring with Foresight (FS, JvP), pp. 535–559.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-Papazoglou #research- Foresight & Research Priorities for Service Oriented Computing (MPP), p. 31.
CGO-2004-KudlurFCRCM #heuristic #named #scheduling- FLASH: Foresighted Latency-Aware Scheduling Heuristic for Processors with Customized Datapaths (MK, KF, MLC, RAR, NC, SAM), pp. 201–212.