304 papers:
- CASE-2015-LyuWC #algorithm #heuristic #integer #programming
- Mixed integer programming model and heuristic algorithm for production planning of continuous casting and hot rolling (ML, ZW, FTSC), pp. 1503–1508.
- DATE-2015-VenkataramanKSE #design #heuristic #using
- Designing inexact systems efficiently using elimination heuristics (SV, AK, JS, CCE), pp. 758–763.
- DATE-2015-WaqasGKSBSVC #heuristic #online #scalability #scheduling
- A re-entrant flowshop heuristic for online scheduling of the paper path in a large scale printer (UW, MG, JK, LJS, TB, SS, PV, HC), pp. 573–578.
- SAS-2015-Terauchi #effectiveness #heuristic #refinement #verification
- Explaining the Effectiveness of Small Refinement Heuristics in Program Verification with CEGAR (TT), pp. 128–144.
- ICALP-v1-2015-KunnemannM #approximate #comprehension #heuristic #towards
- Towards Understanding the Smoothed Approximation Ratio of the 2-Opt Heuristic (MK, BM), pp. 859–871.
- DUXU-DD-2015-CamposBFNC #experience #guidelines #heuristic #industrial #multimodal
- Combining Principles of Experience, Traditional Heuristics and Industry Guidelines to Evaluate Multimodal Digital Artifacts (FC, RB, WF, EVN, WC), pp. 130–137.
- DUXU-DD-2015-ChuanSA #evaluation #gesture #heuristic #human-computer #interactive #usability
- Usability Heuristics for Heuristic Evaluation of Gestural Interaction in HCI (NKC, AS, WFWA), pp. 138–148.
- DUXU-DD-2015-PazPP #case study #heuristic #usability
- Experimental Case Study of New Usability Heuristics (FP, FAP, JAPS), pp. 212–223.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-AljohaniB #evaluation #heuristic #repository
- Heuristic Evaluation of University Institutional Repositories Based on DSpace (MA, JB), pp. 119–130.
- DUXU-UI-2015-JoyceLBJ #evaluation #heuristic #smarttech #usability
- Smartphone Application Usability Evaluation: The Applicability of Traditional Heuristics (GJ, ML, TB, AJ), pp. 541–550.
- HCI-DE-2015-ChomaZB #communication #design #heuristic #protocol #usability
- Communication of Design Decisions and Usability Issues: A Protocol Based on Personas and Nielsen’s Heuristics (JC, LAMZ, DB), pp. 163–174.
- HCI-DE-2015-SantosFD #case study #evaluation #heuristic #set #using #visualisation
- Heuristic Evaluation in Information Visualization Using Three Sets of Heuristics: An Exploratory Study (BSS, BQF, PD), pp. 259–270.
- HCI-IT-2015-MaikeNGB #heuristic
- Heuristics for NUI Revisited and Put into Practice (VRMLM, LdSBN, SKG, MCCB), pp. 317–328.
- HCI-UC-2015-LopesGCSO #community #evaluation #heuristic
- Heuristic to Support the Sociability Evaluation in Virtual Communities of Practices (LAL, DFG, TAC, EMS, TFdO), pp. 3–14.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-ConstantinonNS #heuristic
- Combining Heuristic and Utility Function for Fair Train Crew Rostering (AAC, CFXdMN, AGN, AFdS), pp. 593–602.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-GruppiMAFL #heuristic #performance
- An Efficient and Topologically Correct Map Generalization Heuristic (MGG, SVGM, MVAA, WRF, WL), pp. 516–525.
- MLDM-2015-FerrerSR #approximate #distance #edit distance #graph #heuristic #learning
- Learning Heuristics to Reduce the Overestimation of Bipartite Graph Edit Distance Approximation (MF, FS, KR), pp. 17–31.
- SAC-2015-BasgaluppBP #algorithm #evolution #induction #multi
- Evolving decision-tree induction algorithms with a multi-objective hyper-heuristic (MPB, RCB, VP), pp. 110–117.
- ASE-2014-MarkerBG #comprehension #heuristic #performance
- Understanding performance stairs: elucidating heuristics (BM, DSB, RAvdG), pp. 301–312.
- DRR-2014-ParkerFF #documentation #heuristic #image #robust #using
- Robust binarization of degraded document images using heuristics (JP, OF, GF), p. ?–12.
- ICSME-2014-KhanIA #approach #behaviour #heuristic #state machine #uml
- A Heuristic-Based Approach to Refactor Crosscutting Behaviors in UML State Machines (MUK, MZI, SA), pp. 557–560.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-Al-RazganAA #heuristic #mobile #people #usability
- Heuristics for Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Launchers for Elderly People (MSAR, HSAK, MDAS), pp. 415–424.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-BrangierD #case study #heuristic #persuasion
- Heuristic Inspection to Assess Persuasiveness: A Case Study of a Mathematics E-learning Program (EB, MCD), pp. 425–436.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-JerzakR #evaluation #game studies #heuristic
- Serious Games and Heuristic Evaluation — The Cross-Comparison of Existing Heuristic Evaluation Methods for Games (NJ, FR), pp. 453–464.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-JoyceL #development #heuristic #mobile #smarttech #towards #usability
- Towards the Development of Usability Heuristics for Native Smartphone Mobile Applications (GJ, ML), pp. 465–474.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-MasipOG #evaluation #heuristic #industrial #user interface
- Common Industry Format (CIF) Report Customization for UX Heuristic Evaluation (LM, MO, TG), pp. 475–483.
- DUXU-TMT-2014-ZhuF #game studies #heuristic #online
- Developing Playability Heuristics for Computer Games from Online Reviews (MZ, XF), pp. 496–505.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-DharmaT #bibliography #elicitation #empirical #heuristic #perspective
- A Heuristic Model of Vibrotactile Haptic Feedbacks Elicitation Based on Empirical Review (AAGD, KT), pp. 624–632.
- HCI-AS-2014-SalgadoF #evaluation #heuristic #mobile #usability
- Heuristic Evaluation of Mobile Usability: A Mapping Study (AdLS, APF), pp. 178–188.
- HCI-TMT-2014-RodriguesTN14a #heuristic #interactive #source code
- Heuristics for Assessing Emotional Response of Viewers during the Interaction with TV Programs (KRdHR, CACT, VPdAN), pp. 577–588.
- LCT-NLE-2014-BrayshawGNWB #analysis #case study #evaluation #heuristic
- Investigating Heuristic Evaluation as a Methodology for Evaluating Pedagogical Software: An Analysis Employing Three Case Studies (MB, NG, JTN, LW, AB), pp. 25–35.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-HaddadCSM #algorithm #heuristic #named #parallel #problem #scheduling
- AIV: A Heuristic Algorithm based on Iterated Local Search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for Solving the Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Setup Times (MNH, LPC, MJFS, NM), pp. 376–383.
- ICEIS-v1-2014-SilvaSMMS #branch #design #heuristic #network #problem
- A Heuristic Procedure with Local Branching for the Fixed Charge Network Design Problem with User-optimal Flow (PHGS, LGS, CAdJM, PYPM, ES), pp. 384–394.
- ICEIS-v3-2014-BorysL #assessment #comparison #evaluation #heuristic
- Expert vs Novice Evaluators — Comparison of Heuristic Evaluation Assessment (MB, ML), pp. 144–149.
- CIKM-2014-ChatzistergiouV #clustering #data type #heuristic #performance
- Fast Heuristics for Near-Optimal Task Allocation in Data Stream Processing over Clusters (AC, SDV), pp. 1579–1588.
- ICML-c1-2014-ZhangHL #heuristic #performance
- Covering Number for Efficient Heuristic-based POMDP Planning (ZZ, DH, WSL), pp. 28–36.
- ICPR-2014-BruneauPO #algorithm #automation #clustering #heuristic
- A Heuristic for the Automatic Parametrization of the Spectral Clustering Algorithm (PB, OP, BO), pp. 1313–1318.
- KDIR-2014-AzadM #classification #consistency #fault #heuristic
- “Misclassification Error” Greedy Heuristic to Construct Decision Trees for Inconsistent Decision Tables (MA, MJM), pp. 184–191.
- KR-2014-SiderisD #heuristic #optimisation
- Heuristic Guided Optimization for Propositional Planning (AS, YD).
- PPDP-2014-SchrijversWDD #functional #heuristic #implementation #logic programming #specification
- Heuristics Entwined with Handlers Combined: From Functional Specification to Logic Programming Implementation (TS, NW, BD, BD), pp. 259–270.
- REFSQ-2014-RiegelD #analysis #elicitation #heuristic #optimisation #performance
- An Analysis of Priority-Based Decision Heuristics for Optimizing Elicitation Efficiency (NR, JD), pp. 268–284.
- SAC-2014-BertoutFO #automation #clustering #heuristic #realtime #set
- A heuristic to minimize the cardinality of a real-time task set by automated task clustering (AB, JF, RO), pp. 1431–1436.
- FSE-2014-DingesA #heuristic
- Solving complex path conditions through heuristic search on induced polytopes (PD, GAA), pp. 425–436.
- SAT-2014-BalintBFS #heuristic #implementation #satisfiability
- Improving Implementation of SLS Solvers for SAT and New Heuristics for k-SAT with Long Clauses (AB, AB, AF, US), pp. 302–316.
- VMCAI-2014-AcunaAMS #approach #complexity #heuristic #modelling #network
- Modeling Parsimonious Putative Regulatory Networks: Complexity and Heuristic Approach (VA, AA, AM, AS), pp. 322–336.
- CASE-2013-LiJJ #algorithm #heuristic
- A heuristic algorithm for minimizing total absolute deviation from distinct due dates on a single machine (YL, ZJ, WJ), pp. 392–397.
- CASE-2013-SunSSZS #heuristic #optimisation
- A linearized model and nested-partitions heuristics for VMAT radiation treatment planning optimization (BS, ZS, JS, GZ, LS), pp. 629–633.
- ICDAR-2013-KimLT #classification #heuristic #identification #using
- Identification of Investigator Name Zones Using SVM Classifiers and Heuristic Rules (JK, DXL, GRT), pp. 140–144.
- ITiCSE-2013-CalvoGII #content management #evaluation #heuristic #learning
- Are chats and forums accessible in e-learning systems?: a heuristic evaluation comparing four learning content management systems (RC, AG, BI, AI), p. 342.
- WCRE-2013-MaffortVBAH #architecture #heuristic
- Heuristics for discovering architectural violations (CAM, MTV, MAdSB, NA, AH), pp. 222–231.
- DUXU-NTE-2013-MarcusAA #evaluation #heuristic
- Heuristic Evaluation of iCalamityGuide Application (AM, SA, MFA), pp. 130–139.
- ICEIS-v1-2013-SimrinAD #heuristic #problem #using
- A Lagrangian Relaxation based Heuristic for the Static Berth Allocation Problem using the Cutting Plane Method (ASS, NNA, AHD), pp. 565–569.
- SAC-2013-BasgaluppBSC #approach #predict
- Software effort prediction: a hyper-heuristic decision-tree based approach (MPB, RCB, TSdS, ACPLFC), pp. 1109–1116.
- CC-2013-BaranyK #heuristic
- Optimal and Heuristic Global Code Motion for Minimal Spilling (GB, AK), pp. 21–40.
- CGO-2013-DioufCR #heuristic #polynomial
- A polynomial spilling heuristic: Layered allocation (BD, AC, FR), p. 10.
- CGO-2013-KulkarniCWS #automation #heuristic #machine learning #using
- Automatic construction of inlining heuristics using machine learning (SK, JC, CW, DS), p. 12.
- SAT-2013-Gableske #heuristic #message passing #on the #satisfiability
- On the Interpolation between Product-Based Message Passing Heuristics for SAT (OG), pp. 293–308.
- CASE-2012-BilykM #heuristic #parallel #problem #search-based
- Variable neighborhood search-based subproblem solution procedures for a parallel shifting bottleneck heuristic for complex job shops (AB, LM), pp. 419–424.
- CASE-2012-DriesselM #case study #composition #heuristic #scheduling
- An exploratory study of a decomposition heuristic for complex shop scheduling with transportation (RD, LM), pp. 413–418.
- MLDM-2012-BouhamedMLR #heuristic #learning #network
- A New Learning Structure Heuristic of Bayesian Networks from Data (HB, AM, TL, AR), pp. 183–197.
- RecSys-2012-Ninaus #heuristic #recommendation #requirements #using
- Using group recommendation heuristics for the prioritization of requirements (GN), pp. 329–332.
- SIGIR-2012-LvLW #heuristic #mobile #ranking
- An exploration of ranking heuristics in mobile local search (YL, DL, QW), pp. 295–304.
- REFSQ-2012-KnaussS #documentation #heuristic #learning #requirements
- Supporting Learning Organisations in Writing Better Requirements Documents Based on Heuristic Critiques (EK, KS), pp. 165–171.
- SAC-2012-HaublWM #evaluation #heuristic #java
- Evaluation of trace inlining heuristics for Java (CH, CW, HM), pp. 1871–1876.
- SAC-2012-SantosCSLB #analysis #heuristic #identification #modelling #process
- Analysis of heuristics to identify crosscutting concerns in business process models (FJNS, CC, FMS, JCSdPL, TVB), pp. 1725–1726.
- SPLC-2012-NunesGLL #evolution #heuristic #product line
- History-sensitive heuristics for recovery of features in code of evolving program families (CN, AG, CJPdL, JL), pp. 136–145.
- PPoPP-2012-WernsingS #automation #heuristic #manycore #named
- RACECAR: a heuristic for automatic function specialization on multi-core heterogeneous systems (JRW, GS), pp. 321–322.
- ICST-2012-BorgesdABP #execution #metaheuristic #symbolic computation
- Symbolic Execution with Interval Solving and Meta-heuristic Search (MB, Md, SA, DHB, CSP), pp. 111–120.
- CASE-2011-HuangG #deployment #heuristic
- An improved Least Cost Heuristic for dynamic yard crane deployment in container terminals (SYH, XG), pp. 84–89.
- CSMR-2011-HigoK #clone detection #dependence #detection #heuristic
- Code Clone Detection on Specialized PDGs with Heuristics (YH, SK), pp. 75–84.
- AGTIVE-2011-FurstMM #graph grammar #heuristic #induction #process
- Graph Grammar Induction as a Parser-Controlled Heuristic Search Process (LF, MM, VM), pp. 121–136.
- CHI-2011-AyyavuJ #feedback #heuristic #privacy #security
- Integrating user feedback with heuristic security and privacy management systems (PA, CJ), pp. 2305–2314.
- DUXU-v1-2011-BotellaGT #evaluation #heuristic #interactive #using
- Using Interaction Patterns in Heuristic Evaluation (FB, JAG, RT), pp. 23–32.
- DUXU-v2-2011-MasipOG #classification #component #evaluation #heuristic #interactive
- Classification of Interactive System Components Enables Planning Heuristic Evaluation Easier (LM, MO, TG), pp. 478–486.
- IDGD-2011-EksiogluKCSO #case study #evaluation #heuristic #testing #usability
- Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Testing: Case Study (ME, EK, BÇ, MNS, SO), pp. 143–151.
- SEKE-2011-Zhang #heuristic #problem
- Inconsistency-Induced Heuristics for Problem Solving (DZ), pp. 137–142.
- PLATEAU-2011-SadowskiK #case study #evaluation #heuristic #parallel #programming language
- Heuristic evaluation of programming language features: two parallel programming case studies (CS, SK), pp. 9–14.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-HeideggerT #approach #heuristic
- A Heuristic Approach for Computing Effects (PH, PT), pp. 147–162.
- REFSQ-2011-El-SharkawyS #approach #empirical #heuristic #requirements
- A Heuristic Approach for Supporting Product Innovation in Requirements Engineering: A Controlled Experiment (SES, KS), pp. 78–93.
- SAC-2011-ElahiY #analysis #heuristic #metric #requirements #trade-off
- Requirements trade-offs analysis in the absence of quantitative measures: a heuristic method (GE, ESKY), pp. 651–658.
- ICST-2011-SmithW #detection #heuristic #sql #using #web
- Using SQL Hotspots in a Prioritization Heuristic for Detecting All Types of Web Application Vulnerabilities (BHS, LW), pp. 220–229.
- SAT-2011-TompkinsBH #heuristic #satisfiability
- Captain Jack: New Variable Selection Heuristics in Local Search for SAT (DADT, AB, HHH), pp. 302–316.
- CASE-2010-DriesselHMS #architecture #assessment #heuristic #parallel #performance #scheduling
- A parallel shifting bottleneck heuristic for scheduling complex job shops: Architecture and performance assessment (RD, UH, LM, WS), pp. 81–86.
- CASE-2010-TaoW #3d #algorithm #constraints #heuristic #problem
- A new packing heuristic based algorithm for Vehicle Routing Problem with Three-dimensional Loading constraints (YT, FW), pp. 972–977.
- DAC-2010-GuptaKKS #benchmark #heuristic #metric #named
- Eyecharts: constructive benchmarking of gate sizing heuristics (PG, ABK, AK, PS), pp. 597–602.
- DATE-2010-SigdelTGPB #case study #evaluation #heuristic #runtime
- Evaluation of runtime task mapping heuristics with rSesame — a case study (KS, MT, CG, ADP, KB), pp. 831–836.
- FASE-2010-LauterburgKMA #heuristic #partial order #reduction
- Evaluating Ordering Heuristics for Dynamic Partial-Order Reduction Techniques (SL, RKK, DM, GA), pp. 308–322.
- CSMR-2010-AsadiPAG #approach #concept #execution #heuristic #identification
- A Heuristic-Based Approach to Identify Concepts in Execution Traces (FA, MDP, GA, YGG), pp. 31–40.
- ICPR-2010-TopalAG #approach #detection #heuristic #realtime #robust
- Edge Drawing: A Heuristic Approach to Robust Real-Time Edge Detection (CT, CA, YG), pp. 2424–2427.
- KDD-2010-BozorgiSSV #heuristic #learning #predict
- Beyond heuristics: learning to classify vulnerabilities and predict exploits (MB, LKS, SS, GMV), pp. 105–114.
- KEOD-2010-MazakSL #approximate #heuristic #ontology
- align++ — A Heuristic-based Method for Approximating the Mismatch-at-Risk in Schema-based Ontology Alignment (AM, BS, ML), pp. 17–26.
- SIGIR-2010-SchedlSSWS #heuristic
- Three web-based heuristics to determine a person’s or institution’s country of origin (MS, KS, DS, GW, CS), pp. 801–802.
- ECMFA-2010-KessentiniBSB #diagrams #heuristic #petri net #sequence chart #using
- Example-Based Sequence Diagrams to Colored Petri Nets Transformation Using Heuristic Search (MK, AB, HAS, MB), pp. 156–172.
- HPDC-2010-ReinefeldSM #database #heuristic #scalability
- Very large pattern databases for heuristic search (AR, TS, RM), pp. 803–809.
- ICLP-2010-Balduccini10 #heuristic #learning #set
- Learning Domain-Specific Heuristics for Answer Set Solvers (MB), pp. 14–23.
- ASE-2009-KimYS #concurrent #detection #heuristic #memory management #model checking #precise #using
- Precise Data Race Detection in a Relaxed Memory Model Using Heuristic-Based Model Checking (KK, TYK, BAS), pp. 495–499.
- CASE-2009-WuCCW #heuristic #problem
- Heuristic for lane reservation problem in time constrained transportation (YW, CC, FC, NW), pp. 543–548.
- CASE-2009-WuS #heuristic #multi #problem
- A new heuristic method for capacitated multi-level lot sizing problem with backlogging (TW, LS), pp. 483–488.
- DAC-2009-SarbisheiAF #clustering #heuristic #optimisation #polynomial #using
- Polynomial datapath optimization using partitioning and compensation heuristics (OS, BA, MF), pp. 931–936.
- DAC-2009-ShojaeiGBGSH #composition #heuristic #multi #runtime
- A parameterized compositional multi-dimensional multiple-choice knapsack heuristic for CMP run-time management (HS, AHG, TB, MG, SS, RH), pp. 917–922.
- CIAA-2009-AhnH #heuristic #implementation #using
- Implementation of State Elimination Using Heuristics (JHA, YSH), pp. 178–187.
- SEFM-2009-BuiN #heuristic #model checking
- Heuristic Sensitivity in Guided Random-Walk Based Model Checking (THB, AN), pp. 125–134.
- CHI-2009-GeertsG #heuristic #social
- Supporting the social uses of television: sociability heuristics for social tv (DG, DDG), pp. 595–604.
- HCD-2009-Varsaluoma #evaluation #heuristic #mobile
- Scenarios in the Heuristic Evaluation of Mobile Devices: Emphasizing the Context of Use (JV), pp. 332–341.
- HCI-NT-2009-MirelW #development #heuristic #tool support
- Heuristic Evaluations of Bioinformatics Tools: A Development Case (BM, ZW), pp. 329–338.
- HCI-VAD-2009-BuxtonTF #evaluation #heuristic #scalability #using
- Heuristic Evaluation of Mission-Critical Software Using a Large Team (TB, AT, ALF), pp. 673–682.
- HIMI-II-2009-AllamrajuC #clustering #documentation #heuristic #preprocessor
- Enhancing Document Clustering through Heuristics and Summary-Based Pre-processing (SHA, RC), pp. 105–113.
- OCSC-2009-DesurvireW #design #game studies #heuristic #usability
- Game Usability Heuristics (PLAY) for Evaluating and Designing Better Games: The Next Iteration (HD, CW), pp. 557–566.
- OCSC-2009-PuseyM #education #heuristic #implementation #learning #wiki
- Heuristics for Implementation of Wiki Technology in Higher Education Learning (PP, GM), pp. 507–514.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-BoryczkaK #approach #heuristic
- A New Heuristic Function in Ant-miner Approach (UB, JK), pp. 33–38.
- RE-2009-KnaussSS #heuristic #learning #requirements
- Learning to Write Better Requirements through Heuristic Critiques (EK, KS, KS), pp. 387–388.
- SAC-2009-KrocSS #heuristic #message passing #satisfiability
- Message-passing and local heuristics as decimation strategies for satisfiability (LK, AS, BS), pp. 1408–1414.
- SAC-2009-SilvaML #approach #automation #heuristic
- Heuristic approach for automated shelf space allocation (DLS, FM, KL), pp. 922–928.
- ICSE-2009-KnaussLM #heuristic #requirements
- Feedback-driven requirements engineering: The Heuristic Requirements Assistant (EK, DL, SM), pp. 587–590.
- SAT-2009-SinzI #heuristic #problem
- Problem-Sensitive Restart Heuristics for the DPLL Procedure (CS, MI), pp. 356–362.
- TAP-2009-CalvagnaG #combinator #heuristic #interactive #satisfiability #testing
- Combining Satisfiability Solving and Heuristics to Constrained Combinatorial Interaction Testing (AC, AG), pp. 27–42.
- ASE-2008-BurnimS #generative #heuristic #scalability #testing
- Heuristics for Scalable Dynamic Test Generation (JB, KS), pp. 443–446.
- CASE-2008-Monch #heuristic #parallel
- Heuristics to minimize total weighted tardiness of jobs on unrelated parallel machines (LM), pp. 572–577.
- CASE-2008-TeoP #heuristic #hybrid #layout #problem
- A hybrid ACO/PSO heuristic to solve single row layout problem (YTT, SGP), pp. 597–602.
- ICSM-2008-MalikH #adaptation #co-evolution #evolution #heuristic #using
- Supporting software evolution using adaptive change propagation heuristics (HM, AEH), pp. 177–186.
- CHI-2008-PinelleW #design #evaluation #game studies #heuristic #usability #video
- Heuristic evaluation for games: usability principles for video game design (DP, NW), pp. 1453–1462.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-Guzman-ArenasC #heuristic #information management
- Knowledge Acquisition with OM — A Heuristic Solution (AGA, ADCR), pp. 356–363.
- CIKM-2008-KormilitsinCFS #algorithm #heuristic
- View and index selection for query-performance improvement: quality-centered algorithms and heuristics (MK, RC, YF, MFS), pp. 1329–1330.
- CIKM-2008-PlacekTSDS #approach #heuristic #query
- A heuristic approach for checking containment of generalized tree-pattern queries (PP, DT, SS, TD, TKS), pp. 551–560.
- POPL-2008-McMillan #heuristic #program analysis
- Relevance heuristics for program analysis (KLM), pp. 145–146.
- SAC-2008-DouillardJ #constraints #heuristic
- Splitting heuristics for disjunctive numerical constraints (TD, CJ), pp. 140–144.
- SAC-2008-LunaAAB #fault tolerance #heuristic #multi #resource management
- Dynamic resource allocation heuristics for providing fault tolerance in multi-agent systems (AdLA, SA, JPB), pp. 66–70.
- SAC-2008-OliveiraRSCBM #heuristic #problem
- A vehicular waiting time heuristic for dynamic vehicle routing problem (HCBdO, GMR, MMdS, LAC, VRB, GRM), pp. 13–17.
- LCTES-2008-LeeMK #compilation #detection #embedded #heuristic #java
- Enhanced hot spot detection heuristics for embedded java just-in-time compilers (SWL, SMM, SMK), pp. 13–22.
- ASE-2007-McIntyreW #automation #heuristic
- Assisting potentially-repetitive small-scale changes via semi-automated heuristic search (MMM, RJW), pp. 497–500.
- CASE-2007-YogeswaranPT #algorithm #heuristic #hybrid #problem #search-based #using
- An hybrid heuristic using genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm to solve machine loading problem in FMS (MY, SGP, MKT), pp. 182–187.
- DAC-2007-VermaBI #composition #heuristic
- Progressive Decomposition: A Heuristic to Structure Arithmetic Circuits (AKV, PB, PI), pp. 404–409.
- TACAS-2007-KupferschmidDHFDPB #heuristic #model checking
- Uppaal/DMC- Abstraction-Based Heuristics for Directed Model Checking (SK, KD, JH, BF, HD, AP, GB), pp. 679–682.
- ICALP-2007-CaragiannisFM #ad hoc #energy #exponential #heuristic #network
- An Exponential Improvement on the MST Heuristic for Minimum Energy Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (IC, MF, LM), pp. 447–458.
- HCI-IDU-2007-KowalskiG #collaboration #design #heuristic #user interface
- 10 Heuristics for Designing Administrative User Interfaces — A Collaboration Between Ethnography, Design, and Engineering (LK, KG), pp. 133–139.
- ICML-2007-GriraH #clustering #heuristic
- Best of both: a hybridized centroid-medoid clustering heuristic (NG, MEH), pp. 313–320.
- KDD-2007-HuaP #approach #heuristic
- Cleaning disguised missing data: a heuristic approach (MH, JP), pp. 950–958.
- CGO-2007-KulkarniWT #algorithm #heuristic #optimisation #order
- Evaluating Heuristic Optimization Phase Order Search Algorithms (PAK, DBW, GST), pp. 157–169.
- AMOST-2007-KorelKT #evaluation #heuristic #modelling
- Model-based test prioritization heuristic methods and their evaluation (BK, GK, LHT), pp. 34–43.
- ISSTA-2007-RenR #fault #heuristic #java #locality #ranking
- Heuristic ranking of java program edits for fault localization (XR, BGR), pp. 239–249.
- CASE-2006-CapachoPGD #assembly #heuristic #problem
- Heuristic Methods to Solve the Alternative Subgraphs Assembly Line Balancing Problem (LC, RP, OG, AD), pp. 501–506.
- DATE-2006-SrinivasanC #architecture #complexity #design #heuristic
- A low complexity heuristic for design of custom network-on-chip architectures (KS, KSC), pp. 130–135.
- ICPC-2006-SalehieLT #design #detection #framework #heuristic #object-oriented
- A Metric-Based Heuristic Framework to Detect Object-Oriented Design Flaws (MS, SL, LT), pp. 159–168.
- ICALP-v1-2006-Coja-Oghlan #adaptation #clustering #graph #heuristic #random
- An Adaptive Spectral Heuristic for Partitioning Random Graphs (ACO), pp. 691–702.
- IFL-2006-HageH #fault #heuristic
- Heuristics for Type Error Discovery and Recovery (JH, BH), pp. 199–216.
- ICGT-2006-EdelkampJL #analysis #graph #heuristic
- Heuristic Search for the Analysis of Graph Transition Systems (SE, SJ, ALL), pp. 414–429.
- CIKM-2006-TheodoratosSDPS #graph #heuristic #query
- Heuristic containment check of partial tree-pattern queries in the presence of index graphs (DT, SS, TD, PP, TKS), pp. 445–454.
- KR-2006-BonetG #heuristic #using
- Heuristics for Planning with Penalties and Rewards using Compiled Knowledge (BB, HG), pp. 452–462.
- SEKE-2006-NieXSW #generative #heuristic #testing
- A New Heuristic for Test Suite Generation for Pair-wise Testing (CN, BX, LS, ZW), pp. 517–521.
- SAC-2006-CutelloNO #algorithm #analysis #heuristic
- Analysis of an evolutionary algorithm with HyperMacromutation and stop at first constructive mutation heuristic for solving trap functions (VC, GN, PSO), pp. 945–949.
- CGO-2006-ChakrabartiL #analysis #heuristic
- Inline Analysis: Beyond Selection Heuristics (DRC, SML), pp. 221–232.
- CAV-2006-Roe #heuristic #modulo theories #proving #smt #theorem proving
- The Heuristic Theorem Prover: Yet Another SMT Modulo Theorem Prover (KR), pp. 467–470.
- ASE-2005-RungtaM #heuristic #model checking
- A context-sensitive structural heuristic for guided search model checking (NR, EGM), pp. 410–413.
- CASE-2005-GuschinskayaDGL #approach #heuristic #optimisation
- A combined heuristic approach for optimization of a class of machining lines (OG, AD, NG, GL), pp. 154–159.
- CASE-2005-KameshwaranN #evaluation #heuristic
- A Lagrangian heuristic for bid evaluation in e-procurement auctions (SK, YN), pp. 220–225.
- DATE-2005-PomeranzR05a #detection #fault #heuristic
- The Accidental Detection Index as a Fault Ordering Heuristic for Full-Scan Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 1008–1013.
- DATE-2005-ResanoMC #configuration management #hardware #heuristic #hybrid #runtime #scheduling
- A Hybrid Prefetch Scheduling Heuristic to Minimize at Run-Time the Reconfiguration Overhead of Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware (JR, DM, FC), pp. 106–111.
- ICDAR-2005-ChengB #heuristic #segmentation #using #word
- The Neural-based Segmentation of Cursive Words using Enhanced Heuristics (CKC, MB), pp. 650–654.
- SIGMOD-2005-BohannonFFR #constraints #cost analysis #effectiveness #heuristic
- A Cost-Based Model and Effective Heuristic for Repairing Constraints by Value Modification (PB, MF, WF, RR), pp. 143–154.
- PPDP-2005-PaluDP #heuristic #optimisation #parallel #predict
- Heuristics, optimizations, and parallelism for protein structure prediction in CLP(FD) (ADP, AD, EP), pp. 230–241.
- SAC-2005-LimZLR #graph #heuristic #problem
- Heuristic methods for graph coloring problems (AL, YZ, QL, BR), pp. 933–939.
- SAT-2005-Coste-MarquisBL #branch #heuristic #quantifier
- A Branching Heuristics for Quantified Renamable Horn Formulas (SCM, DLB, FL), pp. 393–399.
- SAT-2005-DershowitzHN #heuristic #satisfiability
- A Clause-Based Heuristic for SAT Solvers (ND, ZH, AN), pp. 46–60.
- SAT-2005-SangBK #heuristic #performance
- Heuristics for Fast Exact Model Counting (TS, PB, HAK), pp. 226–240.
- WICSA-2004-Perez-MartinezS #analysis #architecture #heuristic
- Heuristics for the Transition from Analysis to Software Architecture (JEPM, ASA), pp. 311–314.
- ASE-2004-BossungSGAH #automation #heuristic #interactive #specification
- Automated Data Mapping Specification via Schema Heuristics and User Interaction (SB, HS, JCG, RA, JGH), pp. 208–217.
- ASE-2004-LeowKLS #automation #generative #heuristic #reachability #source code #testing
- Heuristic Search with Reachability Tests for Automated Generation of Test Programs (WKL, SCK, THL, VS), pp. 282–285.
- DAC-2004-Kerntopf #algorithm #heuristic #logic #synthesis
- A new heuristic algorithm for reversible logic synthesis (PK), pp. 834–837.
- CSMR-2004-ZaidmanD #clustering #execution #process
- Managing Trace Data Volume through a Heuristical Clustering Process Based on Event Execution Frequency (AZ, SD), pp. 329–338.
- PLDI-2004-CavazosEM #heuristic
- Inducing heuristics to decide whether to schedule (JC, JEBM), pp. 183–194.
- SEFM-2004-KammullerS #heuristic #refinement
- Heuristics for Refinement Relations (FK, JWS), pp. 292–299.
- ICEIS-v4-2004-ChariA #design #evaluation #heuristic #online
- Design and Evaluation of Agent-Based Negotiation Heuristic for Online Negotiations (KC, MA), pp. 92–97.
- ICEIS-v5-2004-ArribaB #development #heuristic #usability #web #xml
- Usability Heuristics for XML-Based Web Development (MFdA, JALB), pp. 121–125.
- ICEIS-v5-2004-KotzeC #authoring #heuristic #tool support
- Heuristics Supporting Usable Authoring Tools (PK, EC), pp. 169–178.
- KR-2004-ZhouH #heuristic
- Breadth-First Heuristic Search (RZ, EAH), pp. 701–709.
- SIGIR-2004-FangTZ #formal method #heuristic #information retrieval
- A formal study of information retrieval heuristics (HF, TT, CZ), pp. 49–56.
- SAC-2004-AlbaC #fault #heuristic #hybrid #parallel #problem
- Solving the error correcting code problem with parallel hybrid heuristics (EA, JFC), pp. 985–989.
- FSE-2004-TanACZL
- Heuristic-guided counterexample search in FLAVERS (JT, GSA, LAC, SZ, SL), pp. 201–210.
- ICSE-2004-TanAC #heuristic #refinement
- Heuristic-Based Model Refinement for FLAVERS (JT, GSA, LAC), pp. 635–644.
- CGO-2004-KudlurFCRCM #heuristic #named #scheduling
- FLASH: Foresighted Latency-Aware Scheduling Heuristic for Processors with Customized Datapaths (MK, KF, MLC, RAR, NC, SAM), pp. 201–212.
- DRR-2003-RahmanTA #heuristic #hybrid #web
- Exploring a hybrid of support vector machines (SVMs) and a heuristic-based system in classifying web pages (AFRR, YT, HA), pp. 120–127.
- ICSM-2003-Mitchell #approach #clustering #heuristic #problem
- A Heuristic Approach to Solving the Software Clustering Problem (BSM), pp. 285–288.
- PLDI-2003-StephensonAMO #compilation #heuristic #machine learning #optimisation
- Meta optimization: improving compiler heuristics with machine learning (MS, SPA, MCM, UMO), pp. 77–90.
- FME-2003-Lettrari #abstraction #heuristic #object-oriented #using
- Using Abstractions for Heuristic State Space Exploration of Reactive Object-Oriented Systems (ML), pp. 462–481.
- CHI-2003-MankoffDHKLA #evaluation #heuristic
- Heuristic evaluation of ambient displays (JM, AKD, GH, JAK, SL, MA), pp. 169–176.
- SAC-2003-AuyeungGD #algorithm #multi #scheduling #search-based
- Multi-Heuristic List Scheduling Genetic Algorithms for Task Scheduling (AA, IG, HKD), pp. 721–724.
- SAC-2003-RaidlJ #algorithm #bound #heuristic #problem
- Greedy Heuristics and an Evolutionary Algorithm for the Bounded-Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (GRR, BAJ), pp. 747–752.
- SAT-2003-DrakeF #branch #heuristic #interactive
- The Interaction Between Inference and Branching Heuristics (LD, AMF), pp. 370–382.
- DATE-2002-FlottesPR #heuristic #scheduling
- A Heuristic for Test Scheduling at System Level (MLF, JP, BR), p. 1124.
- DATE-2002-GorenF #finite #heuristic #named #reduction #state machine
- CHESMIN: A Heuristic for State Reduction in Incompletely Specified Finite State Machines (SG, FJF), pp. 248–254.
- ICALP-2002-FabrikantKP #internet #paradigm #trade-off
- Heuristically Optimized Trade-Offs: A New Paradigm for Power Laws in the Internet (AF, EK, CHP), pp. 110–122.
- FME-2002-Burguillo-RialIGN #case study #heuristic #specification #testing
- Heuristic-Driven Test Case Selection from Formal Specifications. A Case Study (JCBR, MJFI, FJGC, MLN), pp. 57–76.
- CSCW-2002-BakerGG #development #empirical #evaluation #heuristic
- Empirical development of a heuristic evaluation methodology for shared workspace groupware (KB, SG, CG), pp. 96–105.
- ICML-2002-ZubekD #heuristic #learning
- Pruning Improves Heuristic Search for Cost-Sensitive Learning (VBZ, TGD), pp. 19–26.
- SAC-2002-ChadesSC #approach #assessment #heuristic #problem
- A heuristic approach for solving decentralized-POMDP: assessment on the pursuit problem (IC, BS, FC), pp. 57–62.
- SAC-2002-MathiasCDM #architecture #distributed #heuristic #metaheuristic #named #optimisation
- DEVOpT: a distributed architecture supporting heuristic and metaheuristic optimization methods (ENM, CMdC, FLD, FMM), pp. 870–875.
- CADE-2002-Tour #heuristic #symmetry
- A Note on Symmetry Heuristics in SEM (TBdlT), pp. 181–194.
- ISSTA-2002-GroceV #heuristic #java #model checking #source code #using
- Model checking Java programs using structural heuristics (AG, WV), pp. 12–21.
- TestCom-2002-FeijsGMT #distance #heuristic #testing
- Test Selection, Trace Distance and Heuristics (LMGF, NG, SM, JT), pp. 267–282.
- DAC-2001-CarballoD #collaboration #constraints #design #heuristic
- Application of Constraint-Based Heuristics in Collaborative Design (JAC, SWD), pp. 395–400.
- DATE-2001-ConstantinidesCL #heuristic #multi
- Heuristic datapath allocation for multiple wordlength systems (GAC, PYKC, WL), pp. 791–797.
- ICDAR-2001-BloombergPM #documentation #heuristic #image #using
- Document Image Decoding Using Iterated Complete Path Search with Subsampled Heuristic Scoring (DSB, KP, TPM), pp. 344–349.
- STOC-2001-AryaGKMP #heuristic #problem
- Local search heuristic for k-median and facility location problems (VA, NG, RK, AM, KM, VP), pp. 21–29.
- FME-2001-BosnackiDH #heuristic #reduction #symmetry
- A Heuristic for Symmetry Reductions with Scalarsets (DB, DD, LH), pp. 518–533.
- PADL-2001-FlenerHK01a #metaheuristic #problem #set
- A Meta-heuristic for Subset Problems (PF, BH, ZK), pp. 274–287.
- IJCAR-2001-AudemardH #heuristic
- The eXtended Least Number Heuristic (GA, LH), pp. 427–442.
- IJCAR-2001-GiunchigliaMTZ #heuristic #optimisation #satisfiability
- Evaluating Search Heuristics and Optimization Techniques in Propositional Satisfiability (EG, MM, AT, DZ), pp. 347–363.
- DATE-2000-CordoneFSC #approach #heuristic #performance #problem
- An Efficient Heuristic Approach to Solve the Unate Covering Problem (RC, FF, DS, RWC), pp. 364–371.
- DATE-2000-SakallahAS #case study #heuristic #satisfiability
- An Experimental Study of Satisfiability Search Heuristics (KAS, FAA, JPMS), p. 745.
- ICPR-v3-2000-WinkNV #heuristic #using
- Minimum Cost Path Determination Using a Simple Heuristic Function (OW, WJN, MAV), pp. 7010–7013.
- SIGIR-2000-ZhaiJE #adaptation #approach #heuristic #learning
- Exploration of a heuristic approach to threshold learning in adaptive filtering (CZ, PJ, DAE), pp. 360–362.
- SAC-2000-CottaT #heuristic #on the #representation
- On the Influence of the Representation Granularity in Heuristic Forma Recombination (CC, JMT), pp. 433–439.
- CL-2000-LimN #approach #documentation #heuristic #html #xml
- A Heuristic Approach for Converting HTML Documents to XML Documents (SJL, YKN), pp. 1182–1196.
- DAC-1999-CaldwellKKM #clustering #development #heuristic
- Hypergraph Partitioning for VLSI CAD: Methodology for Heuristic Development, Experimentation and Reporting (AEC, ABK, AAK, ILM), pp. 349–354.
- WIA-1999-AmilhastreJV #finite #heuristic
- FA Minimisation Heuristics for a Class of Finite Languages (JA, PJ, MCV), pp. 1–12.
- HCI-EI-1999-KurosuSM #case study #comparative #evaluation #heuristic
- A Comparative Study of sHEM (structured heuristic evaluation method) (MK, MS, SM), pp. 938–942.
- CAiSE-1999-PrakashS #heuristic #modelling #quality
- Modelling Method Heuristics for Better Quality Products (NP, RS), pp. 429–433.
- ICEIS-1999-CarvalhoCNKKBGB #heuristic #object-oriented #reasoning
- Expert System Object-Oriented Combining Systematic and Heuristic Reasoning (LFdC, HJTdC, JCN, CAAK, CK, CTB, RZG, VSB), p. 763.
- SIGIR-1999-KretserM #documentation #effectiveness #heuristic #similarity
- Effective Document Presentation with a Locality-Based Similarity Heuristic (OdK, AM), pp. 113–120.
- SIGIR-1999-PapadiasMKMA #heuristic #retrieval #using
- Content-Based Retrieval Using Heuristic Search (DP, MM, PK, NM, IA), pp. 168–175.
- SAC-1999-DunningR #estimation #heuristic #optimisation
- A Heuristic Cost Estimation Method for Optimizing Assignment of Tasks to Processors (LAD, SR), pp. 358–364.
- SAC-1999-Julstrom #heuristic #permutation
- Coding TSP Tours as Permutations via an Insertion Heuristic (BAJ), pp. 297–301.
- ICML-1998-Domingos #heuristic
- A Process-Oriented Heuristic for Model Selection (PMD), pp. 127–135.
- ICPR-1998-DuyguluAD #algorithm #documentation #heuristic #representation
- A heuristic algorithm for hierarchical representation of form documents (PD, VA, ED), pp. 929–931.
- ICPR-1998-Perez-CortesV #heuristic
- The extended general spacefilling curves heuristic (JCPC, EV), pp. 515–517.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-AndreattaCR #framework #heuristic #object-oriented
- An Object-Oriented Framework for Local Search Heuristics (AAA, SERC, CCR), pp. 33–45.
- SAC-1998-Marchiori98a #algorithm #clique #heuristic #problem #search-based
- A simple heuristic based genetic algorithm for the maximum clique problem (EM), pp. 366–373.
- EDTC-1997-GovindarajanV #algorithm #clustering #heuristic
- Cone-based clustering heuristic for list-scheduling algorithms (SG, RV), pp. 456–462.
- EDTC-1997-LiuS #graph #heuristic #multi #performance #using
- Multi-layer chip-level global routing using an efficient graph-based Steiner tree heuristic (LCEL, CS), pp. 311–318.
- ICDAR-1997-BohnackerSY #heuristic
- Matching form lines based on a heuristic search (UB, JS, TY), p. 86–?.
- HCI-SEC-1997-LowryHK #bias #evolution #heuristic #human-computer #interface #robust
- Heuristics and Biases in the Evolution of a Robust Human-Machine Interface Methodology (JCL, PEVH, SZK), pp. 323–326.
- ICML-1997-Menczer #adaptation #heuristic #named #retrieval
- ARCCHNID: Adaptive Retrieval Agents Choosing Heuristic Neighborhoods (FM), pp. 227–235.
- SAC-1997-KhuriC #algorithm #heuristic #problem
- Heuristic algorithms for the terminal assignment problem (SK, TC), pp. 247–251.
- SAC-1997-ShumskyWME #constraints #finite #first-order #generative #heuristic
- Direct finite first-order model generation with negative constraint propagation heuristic (OS, RWW, WM, FE), pp. 25–29.
- DAC-1996-TheobaldNW #heuristic #logic #named
- Espresso-HF: A Heuristic Hazard-Free Minimizer for Two-Level Logic (MT, SMN, TW), pp. 71–76.
- PLDI-1996-RuttenbergGLS #compilation #heuristic #pipes and filters
- Software Pipelining Showdown: Optimal vs. Heuristic Methods in a Production Compiler (JCR, GRG, WL, AS), pp. 1–11.
- ICALP-1996-CowenFK #framework #heuristic #source code
- A Formal Framework for Evaluating Heuristic Programs (LC, JF, SK), pp. 634–645.
- KDD-1996-IglesiaDR #database #heuristic #using
- Discovering Knowledge in Commercial Databases Using Modern Heuristic Techniques (BdlI, JCWD, VJRS), pp. 44–49.
- SAC-1996-LiuC #algorithm #distributed #heuristic #query
- A heuristic algorithm for partition strategy in distributed query processing (CL, HC), pp. 196–200.
- SAC-1996-MisirMC #approach #fuzzy #heuristic
- A heuristic approach to determine the gains of a fuzzy PID controller (DM, HAM, GC), pp. 609–613.
- ICSE-1996-WoodsY #analysis #approach #comprehension #heuristic #problem
- The Program Understanding Problem: Analysis and a Heuristic Approach (SGW, QY), pp. 6–15.
- CADE-1996-Fuchs #experience #heuristic #proving
- Experiments in the Heuristic Use of Past Proof Experience (MF), pp. 523–537.
- DAC-1995-HagenHK #heuristic #layout #quantifier
- Quantified Suboptimality of VLSI Layout Heuristics (LWH, DJHH, ABK), pp. 216–221.
- ICDAR-v1-1995-LinLS #comprehension #documentation #heuristic #interactive #using
- Interactive acquisition of thematic information of Chinese verbs for judicial verdict document understanding using templates, syntactic clues, and heuristics (KHCL, RLL, VWS), pp. 297–300.
- ICDAR-v2-1995-WeigelBR #automation #heuristic
- Lexical postprocessing by heuristic search and automatic determination of the edit costs (AW, SB, JR), pp. 857–860.
- CHI-1995-Conn #heuristic #usability
- Time Affordances: The Time Factor in Diagnostic Usability Heuristics (APC), pp. 186–193.
- ICML-1995-Fuchs #adaptation #heuristic #learning #parametricity #proving
- Learning Proof Heuristics by Adaptive Parameters (MF), pp. 235–243.
- KDD-1995-MurthyS #effectiveness #heuristic #how #induction #question
- Decision Tree Induction: How Effective is the Greedy Heuristic? (SKM, SS), pp. 222–227.
- SAC-1995-AndersonM #diagrams #heuristic #reasoning
- Developing a heuristic via diagrammatic reasoning (MA, RM), pp. 227–231.
- SAC-1995-HalgamugeBG #algorithm #classification #comparison #generative #heuristic #rule-based #search-based
- Comparison of a heuristic method with a genetic algorithm for generation of compact rule based classifiers (SKH, AB, MG), pp. 580–585.
- DAC-1994-ShipleHSB #heuristic #using
- Heuristic Minimization of BDDs Using Don’t Cares (TRS, RH, ALSV, RKB), pp. 225–231.
- CHI-1994-Nielsen94b #heuristic #power of #usability
- Enhancing the explanatory power of usability heuristics (JN), pp. 152–158.
- ICML-1994-Valdes-PerezP #behaviour #heuristic
- A Powerful Heuristic for the Discovery of Complex Patterned Behaviour (REVP, AP), pp. 326–334.
- DAC-1993-HuangPS #approach #approximate #heuristic #polynomial #problem
- A Polynomial-Time Heuristic Approach to Approximate a Solution to the False Path Problem (STH, TMP, JMS), pp. 118–122.
- DAC-1993-SantucciCG #behaviour #heuristic #using
- Speed up of Behavioral A.T.P.G. using a Heuristic Criterion (JFS, ALC, NG), pp. 92–96.
- HCI-SHI-1993-TrabelsiKN #database #generative #heuristic #interface #natural language #query
- Heuristics for Generating Informative Responses to Failing User’s Queries in Natural Language Database Interfaces (ZT, YK, HN), pp. 362–367.
- INTERCHI-1993-MyersWPG #heuristic #user interface
- Heuristics in real user interfaces (BAM, RW, KP, CG), pp. 304–307.
- INTERCHI-1993-NielsenP #empirical #heuristic #interface #usability
- Estimating the relative usability of two interfaces: heuristic, formal, and empirical methods compared (JN, VLP), pp. 214–221.
- DAC-1992-Fishburn #heuristic #logic #named
- LATTIS: An Iterative Speedup Heuristic for Mapped Logic (JPF), pp. 488–491.
- CHI-1992-Nielsen #evaluation #heuristic #problem #usability
- Finding usability problems through heuristic evaluation (JN), pp. 373–380.
- ML-1992-HoggerB #approach #heuristic #learning #logic programming #source code
- The MENTLE Approach to Learning Heuristics for the Control of Logic Programs (EIH, KB), pp. 212–217.
- ECOOP-1992-LauS #heuristic #library #object-oriented #parallel #scalability
- An Object-Oriented Class Library for Scalable Parallel Heuristic Search (WCL, VS), pp. 252–267.
- DAC-1991-ButlerRKM #diagrams #heuristic #order #performance
- Heuristics to Compute Variable Orderings for Efficient Manipulation of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (KMB, DER, RK, MRM), pp. 417–420.
- DAC-1991-JainMSW #empirical #evaluation #heuristic #scheduling #synthesis
- Empirical Evaluation of Some High-Level Synthesis Scheduling Heuristics (RJ, AM, AS, HW), pp. 686–689.
- DAC-1991-Woo #heuristic
- A Heuristic Method for FPGA Technology Mapping Based on the Edge Visibility (NSW), pp. 248–251.
- KDD-1991-WuSO #classification #heuristic #integration
- Integration of Heuristic and Bayesian Approaches in a Pattern-Classification System (QW, PS, AO), pp. 249–260.
- ML-1991-Day #csp #heuristic #learning #problem
- Learning Variable Descriptors for Applying Heuristics Across CSP Problems (DSD), pp. 127–131.
- PLILP-1991-KeslerPR #approach #heuristic #random
- A Randomized Heuristic Approach to Register Allocation (CWK, WJP, TR), pp. 195–206.
- DAC-1990-Fishburn #heuristic #how #logic
- A Depth-Decreasing Heuristic for Combinational Logic: Or How To Convert a Ripple-Carry Adder Into A Carry-Lookahead Adder Or Anything in-between (JPF), pp. 361–364.
- DAC-1990-HwangHL #constraints #heuristic #scheduling
- Optimum and Heuristic Data Path Scheduling Under Resource Constraints (CTH, YCH, YLL), pp. 65–70.
- DAC-1990-SaabR #effectiveness #evolution #heuristic #layout #performance #probability #problem
- Stochastic Evolution: a Fast Effective Heuristic for Some Generic Layout Problems (YS, VBR), pp. 26–31.
- DAC-1990-SinghS #algorithm #heuristic #problem
- A Heuristic Algorithm for the Fanout Problem (KJS, ALSV), pp. 357–360.
- ICALP-1990-SavageW #clustering #heuristic #on the
- On Parallelizing Graph-Partitioning Heuristics (JES, MGW), pp. 476–489.
- CHI-1990-NielsenM #evaluation #heuristic #user interface
- Heuristic evaluation of user interfaces (JN, RM), pp. 249–256.
- SIGIR-1990-Rousseau #approach #heuristic #question #retrieval
- Extended Boolean Retrieval: A Heuristic Approach? (RR), pp. 495–508.
- CADE-1990-SuttnerE #automation #heuristic
- Automatic Acquisition of Search Guiding Heuristics (CBS, WE), pp. 470–484.
- DAC-1989-SherwaniD #heuristic #problem
- A New Heuristic for Single Row Routing Problems (NAS, JSD), pp. 167–172.
- SIGMOD-1989-Swami #combinator #heuristic #optimisation #query #scalability
- Optimization of Large Join Queries: Combining Heuristic and Combinatorial Techniques (ANS), pp. 367–376.
- PLDI-1989-BriggsCKT #heuristic
- Coloring Heuristics for Register Allocation (PB, KDC, KK, LT), pp. 275–284.
- Best-of-PLDI-1989-BriggsCKT89a #heuristic
- Coloring heuristics for register allocation (with retrospective) (PB, KDC, KK, LT), pp. 283–294.
- ML-1989-MostowP #heuristic #optimisation
- Discovering Admissible Search Heuristics by Abstracting and Optimizing (JM, AP), p. 240.
- DAC-1988-Pangre #approach #heuristic #named
- Splicer: A Heuristic Approach to Connectivity Binding (BMP), pp. 536–541.
- ICSE-1988-HuangZC #algorithm #clustering #distributed #heuristic #realtime
- Heuristic Software Partitioning Algorithms for Distributed Real-Time Applications (XH, HZ, XC), pp. 116–121.
- PPEALS-1988-StrammB #algorithm #compilation #heuristic
- Communication-Sensitive Heuristics and Algorithms for Mapping Compilers (BS, FB), pp. 222–234.
- JICSCP-1988-Abdallah88 #heuristic #logic #process
- Heuristic Logic and the Process of Discovery (MANA), pp. 859–875.
- DAC-1987-Forbes #heuristic
- Heuristic Acceleration of Force-Directed Placement (RF), pp. 735–740.
- DAC-1987-MinaiWB #approach #evaluation #heuristic #predict
- A Discrete Heuristics Approach to Predictive Evaluation of Semi-Custom IC Layouts (AAM, RDW, FWB), pp. 770–776.
- ICALP-1987-LevcopoulosLS #geometry #heuristic
- Nearly Optimal Heuristics for Binary Search Trees with Geometric Generalizations (Extended Abstract) (CL, AL, JRS), pp. 376–385.
- DAC-1986-BarclayA #algorithm #generative #heuristic #testing
- A heuristic chip-level test generation algorithm (DSB, JRA), pp. 257–262.
- DAC-1986-Coppola #heuristic #implementation
- An implementation of a state assignment heuristic (AJC), pp. 643–649.
- DAC-1986-PatelP #automation #effectiveness #generative #heuristic #metric
- Effectiveness of heuristics measures for automatic test pattern generation (SJP, JHP), pp. 547–552.
- CADE-1986-Lim #heuristic
- The Heuristics and Experimental Results of a New Hyperparamodulation: HL-Resolution (YL), pp. 240–253.
- CADE-1986-OppacherS #deduction #heuristic #proving
- Controlling Deduction with Proof Condensation and Heuristics (FO, ES), pp. 384–393.
- DAC-1985-KuoCH #algorithm #heuristic
- A heuristic algorithm for PLA block folding (YSK, CC, TCH), pp. 744–747.
- DAC-1983-CohoonS #heuristic #problem
- Heuristics for the Circuit Realization Problem (JC, SS), pp. 560–566.
- DAC-1983-Vida-TorkuH #generative #heuristic #petri net #testing
- Petri Net based search directing heuristics for test generation (EKVT, BMH), pp. 323–330.
- DAC-1982-FiducciaM #heuristic #linear #network
- A linear-time heuristic for improving network partitions (CMF, RMM), pp. 175–181.
- VLDB-1982-Chang #approach #distributed #heuristic #query
- A Heuristic Approach to Distributed Query Processing (JMC), pp. 54–61.
- STOC-1980-SupowitPR #heuristic
- Heuristics for Weighted Perfect Matching (KJS, DAP, EMR), pp. 398–419.
- SIGMOD-1979-HammerN #approach #clustering #heuristic
- A Heuristic Approach to Attribute Partitioning (MH, BN), pp. 93–101.
- DAC-1977-Strebendt #algorithm #generative #heuristic
- Heuristic enhancement of an algorithmic test generator (RES), pp. 84–87.
- DAC-1975-YoshizawaKK #array #heuristic
- A heuristic procedure for ordering MOS arrays (HY, HK, KK), pp. 384–393.
- DAC-1974-ArimaTAO #algorithm #generative #heuristic #testing
- A new heuristic test generation algorithm for sequential circuits (TA, MT, GA, JO), pp. 169–176.
- DAC-1970-SmithT #heuristic #scalability
- A simplification heuristic for large flow tables (RJSI, JHT), pp. 47–53.