4 papers:
ECIR-2015-ChongDL #modelling #predict #topic #using- Prediction of Venues in Foursquare Using Flipped Topic Models (WHC, BTD, EPL), pp. 623–634.
SAC-2014-VasconcelosAG #code review #predict #what- What makes your opinion popular?: predicting the popularity of micro-reviews in foursquare (MAV, JMA, MAG), pp. 598–603.
RecSys-2012-SklarSH #realtime #recommendation- Recommending interesting events in real-time with foursquare check-ins (MS, BS, AH), pp. 311–312.
CHI-2011-LindqvistCWHZ #people #why- I’m the mayor of my house: examining why people use foursquare — a social-driven location sharing application (JL, JC, JW, JIH, JZ), pp. 2409–2418.