134 papers:
CASE-2015-FariaHGL #robust- Extended high-gain observer for robust position control of a micro-gripper in air and vacuum (MGdF, YH, YLG, PL), pp. 1626–1631.
CASE-2015-LatulippeM- Dipole field controlled micro- and nanomanipulation (ML, SM), pp. 1601–1607.
CASE-2015-SchletteR #assembly- Utilization of motion planning strategies for micro-optical assembly (CS, JR), pp. 781–786.
DATE-2015-JoostenS #architecture #automation #communication #design #modelling- Automatic extraction of micro-architectural models of communication fabrics from register transfer level designs (SJCJ, JS), pp. 1413–1418.
HT-2015-ApaolazaHJ #analysis #behaviour #interactive #low level #web- Longitudinal Analysis of Low-Level Web Interaction through Micro Behaviours (AA, SH, CJ), pp. 337–340.
HT-2015-ChongDL #code review- Did You Expect Your Users to Say This?: Distilling Unexpected Micro-reviews for Venue Owners (WHC, BTD, EPL), pp. 13–22.
CSCW-2015-DaiRPC #crowdsourcing #workflow- And Now for Something Completely Different: Improving Crowdsourcing Workflows with Micro-Diversions (PD, JMR, PP, EHC), pp. 628–638.
DUXU-DD-2015-Liang #industrial #metaprogramming #on the #online- On Chinese Online P2P Lender’s Model Building on the Macro, Micro and Industry Level (QL), pp. 315–327.
LCT-2015-FardounAC15a #self #student- Construction of Educative Micro-Worlds to Build Students’ Creativity in Terms of Their Own Self-Learning (HMF, AAMAG, APC), pp. 349–360.
ICML-2015-NarayanPA #metaprogramming- α-β Divergences Discover Micro and Macro Structures in Data (KSN, AP, PA), pp. 796–804.
CASE-2014-NagataO #approach #multi #using- Electric power interchange between micro-grids by using multi-agent approach (TN, KO), pp. 50–55.
DATE-2014-MacrelliWRHPTR #design #energy- Design and fabrication of a 315 μΗ bondwire micro-transformer for ultra-low voltage energy harvesting (EM, NW, SR, MH, RPP, MT, AR), pp. 1–4.
CSCW-2014-CrabtreeC #challenge #design #enterprise- Making it “pay a bit better”: design challenges for micro rural enterprise (AC, AC), pp. 687–696.
HCI-TMT-2014-LuzSN #generative #human-computer #ontology #workflow- Generating Human-Computer Micro-task Workflows from Domain Ontologies (NL, NS, PN), pp. 98–109.
ICPR-2014-WangYLZF #independence #recognition #using- Micro-expression Recognition Using Dynamic Textures on Tensor Independent Color Space (SW, WJY, XL, GZ, XF), pp. 4678–4683.
KDD-2014-RadosavljevikP #interface #modelling #predict #scalability- Large scale predictive modeling for micro-simulation of 3G air interface load (DR, PvdP), pp. 1620–1629.
KDD-2014-ZhouWHY #data-driven #metaprogramming- From micro to macro: data driven phenotyping by densification of longitudinal electronic medical records (JZ, FW, JH, JY), pp. 135–144.
SAC-2014-VasconcelosAG #code review #predict #what- What makes your opinion popular?: predicting the popularity of micro-reviews in foursquare (MAV, JMA, MAG), pp. 598–603.
FSE-2014-ZhouM #mining- Mining micro-practices from operational data (MZ, AM), pp. 845–848.
ICSE-2014-Godefroid #execution- Micro execution (PG), pp. 539–549.
DATE-2013-NugterenBC #architecture #future of #parametricity- Future of GPGPU micro-architectural parameters (CN, GJvdB, HC), pp. 392–395.
SIGMOD-2013-RaducanuBZ #adaptation- Micro adaptivity in Vectorwise (BR, PAB, MZ), pp. 1231–1242.
CHI-2013-GrahamSPBD #architecture #distributed #game studies #what- Villains, architects and micro-managers: what tabula rasa teaches us about game orchestration (TCNG, IS, MP, QB, RD), pp. 705–714.
CHI-2013-MusthagG #mobile- Labor dynamics in a mobile micro-task market (MM, DG), pp. 641–650.
DUXU-WM-2013-SauckenML #approach #case study #design #experience #how #metaprogramming #user interface- How to Design Experiences: Macro UX versus Micro UX Approach (CvS, IM, UL), pp. 130–139.
ICEIS-J-2013-RothPS13a #analysis #twitter- Tweeting Politicians: An Analysis of the Usage of a Micro Blogging System (MR, GP, JS), pp. 351–365.
CIKM-2013-AsthanaC #keyword #peer-to-peer #retrieval- Retrieval of trending keywords in a peer-to-peer micro-blogging OSN (HA, IJC), pp. 1229–1232.
CIKM-2013-NguyenLT #code review #performance #set #using- Using micro-reviews to select an efficient set of reviews (TSN, HWL, PT), pp. 1067–1076.
SAC-2013-ShihL #kernel #manycore #named- nuKernel: MicroKernel for multi-core DSP SoCs with load sharing and priority interrupts (CSS, HYL), pp. 1525–1532.
SLE-2013-KlintR #domain-specific language #game studies #named- Micro-Machinations — A DSL for Game Economies (PK, RvR), pp. 36–55.
CASE-2012-IchikawaA #automation- Magnetically driven micro-robot with suction mechanism for on-chip automatic (AI, FA), pp. 273–278.
CASE-2012-KharboutlyMGC #2d- 2D open loop trajectory control of a micro-object in a dielectrophoresis-based device (MK, AM, MG, NC), pp. 950–955.
CASE-2012-XiaoLL #adaptation- A model reference adaptive PID control for electromagnetic actuated micro-positioning stage (SX, YL, JL), pp. 97–102.
DATE-2012-Meder #challenge #mobile- The mobile society — chances and challenges for micro- and power electronics (KM), p. 1.
SIGMOD-2012-XueYC- Temporal provenance discovery in micro-blog message streams (abstract only) (ZX, JY, BC), p. 864.
VLDB-2012-CaoSTC- Whom to Ask? Jury Selection for Decision Making Tasks on Micro-blog Services (CCC, JS, YT, LC), pp. 1495–1506.
ITiCSE-2012-SchaferBBJSFKS #embedded #empirical- The empirically refined competence structure model for embedded micro- and nanosystems (AS, RB, SB, SJ, SES, DF, BK, HS), pp. 57–62.
CSCW-2012-LeeTH #coordination #named- Micro-coordination: because we did not already learn everything we need to know about working with others in kindergarten (JSL, DGT, SH), pp. 1135–1144.
CIKM-2012-LiangXTC #recommendation #topic- Time-aware topic recommendation based on micro-blogs (HL, YX, DT, PC), pp. 1657–1661.
SAC-2012-DestefanisTCM #analysis #anti #java #scalability- An analysis of anti-micro-patterns effects on fault-proneness in large Java systems (GD, RT, GC, MM), pp. 1251–1253.
CGO-2012-ZhangDS #database #named- Micro-specialization: dynamic code specialization of database management systems (RZ, SD, RTS), pp. 63–73.
CASE-2011-RakotondrabeHCL #assembly #automation- Automation of assembly and packaging at the micro/nano-scale (MR, YH, CC, PL), pp. 1–5.
CASE-2011-SapuppoAB #feedback- Micro-optic technology for the microfluidics feedback (FS, PA, MB), pp. 381–386.
DAC-2011-CoptyKN #analysis #architecture #performance #statistics #transaction- Transaction level statistical analysis for efficient micro-architectural power and performance studies (EC, GK, SN), pp. 351–356.
DAC-2011-ShiSW #3d #design- Non-uniform micro-channel design for stacked 3D-ICs (BS, AS, PW), pp. 658–663.
DATE-2011-LuPRR #energy #optimisation- Stage number optimization for switched capacitor power converters in micro-scale energy harvesting (CL, SPP, VR, KR), pp. 770–775.
ICDAR-2011-XuDPL #grid #independence #recognition- An Improved Method Based on Weighted Grid Micro-structure Feature for Text-Independent Writer Recognition (LX, XD, LP, XL), pp. 638–642.
ITiCSE-2011-SchaferBJSFKS #development #embedded- A normative competence structure model for embedded micro- and nanosystems development (AS, RB, SJ, SES, DF, BK, HS), p. 375.
CSMR-2011-BelderrarKGAG #architecture #evolution #identification #mining #object-oriented- Sub-graph Mining: Identifying Micro-architectures in Evolving Object-Oriented Software (AB, SK, YGG, GA, PG), pp. 171–180.
SCAM-2011-SyerAZH #android #case study #development- Exploring the Development of Micro-apps: A Case Study on the BlackBerry and Android Platforms (MDS, BA, YZ, AEH), pp. 55–64.
CHI-2011-EdgeSCZL #learning #mobile #named- MicroMandarin: mobile language learning in context (DE, ES, KC, JZ, JAL), pp. 3169–3178.
CHI-2011-KleekSsK #named #people- Finders/keepers: a longitudinal study of people managing information scraps in a micro-note tool (MVK, WS, MMCS, DRK), pp. 2907–2916.
CHI-2011-WilcoxMTGH- Characterizing patient-friendly “micro-explanations” of medical events (LW, DM, DST, JG, EH), pp. 29–32.
OCSC-2011-GaoQZ #mining #social- Mining Social Relationships in Micro-blogging Systems (QG, QQ, XZ), pp. 110–119.
ESEC-FSE-2011-LeeNHKI #fault #interactive #metric #predict- Micro interaction metrics for defect prediction (TL, JN, DH, SK, HPI), pp. 311–321.
CGO-2011-HundtRTV #architecture #named- MAO — An extensible micro-architectural optimizer (RH, ER, MT, NV), pp. 1–10.
CASE-2010-ChangJZ #assembly #hybrid- Hybrid micro assembly of microchips on segmented patterns (BC, MJ, QZ), pp. 15–20.
CASE-2010-ChenCSRSY- Active control of adhesion force for pick-and-place of micro objects with compound vibration in micromanipulation (LC, TC, LS, WR, BS, QY), pp. 716–721.
CASE-2010-ShahiniMY- Characterization of micro forces in pushing flat micro-sized objects (MS, WWM, JTWY), pp. 539–544.
CASE-2010-YuanZ #video- Micro-mixing of highly viscous bio-samples observed with a miniature wireless video sensor (LY, YFZ), pp. 180–185.
CASE-2010-ZhangWPTCPJ #analysis- Micro-thermal-fluid transient analysis and active control for two-phase microelectronics cooling (TZ, JTW, YP, TT, JYC, RP, MKJ), pp. 750–755.
DAC-2010-PashaDS #architecture #generative #power management- A complete design-flow for the generation of ultra low-power WSN node architectures based on micro-tasking (MAP, SD, OS), pp. 693–698.
DATE-2010-KranenburgL #architecture #implementation #named #robust- MB-LITE: A robust, light-weight soft-core implementation of the MicroBlaze architecture (TK, RvL), pp. 997–1000.
DATE-2010-LuPRR #energy #performance #transducer- Efficient power conversion for ultra low voltage micro scale energy transducers (CL, SPP, VR, KR), pp. 1602–1607.
ICSM-2010-GuzziPD #developer #ide #interactive- Combining micro-blogging and IDE interactions to support developers in their quests (AG, MP, AvD), pp. 1–5.
CHI-2010-ZhangQCW #case study #enterprise- A case study of micro-blogging in the enterprise: use, value, and related issues (JZ, YQ, JC, YW), pp. 123–132.
KMIS-2010-AlvaroCPCCGC #information management #microblog #named #semantics- miKrow — An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution (GÁ, CC, VP, MC, FC, JMGP, JC), pp. 36–43.
ASPLOS-2010-SudanCNABD #named #performance- Micro-pages: increasing DRAM efficiency with locality-aware data placement (KS, NC, DWN, MA, RB, AD), pp. 219–230.
CASE-2009-WichESF #assembly #automation- Micro-nano-integration based on automated serial assembly (TW, CE, CS, SF), pp. 573–578.
CASE-2009-YuanZ #using- Micro-mixing of highly viscous bio-samples using orbital shaking (LY, YFZ), pp. 579–584.
DAC-2009-KamhiNTW #analysis #architecture #named #statistics #transaction- MAGENTA: transaction-based statistical micro-architectural root-cause analysis (GK, AN, AT, AW), pp. 639–643.
CHI-2009-RoudautLG #named- MicroRolls: expanding touch-screen input vocabulary by distinguishing rolls vs. slides of the thumb (AR, EL, YG), pp. 927–936.
CIKM-2009-BanerjeeCDMJNRM #social #social media- User interests in social media sites: an exploration with micro-blogs (NB, DC, KD, SM, AJ, SN, AR, SM), pp. 1823–1826.
CIKM-2009-WuLACB #algebra #benchmark #generative #named #query #xpath- XQGen: an algebra-based XPath query generator for micro-benchmarking (YW, NL, RA, SC, SB), pp. 2109–2110.
SIGIR-2009-GrinevGBNSL- Sifting micro-blogging stream for events of user interest (MNG, MPG, AB, LN, AS, DL), p. 837.
CASE-2008-HeribanTGF #behaviour- Improving rotation behaviour of robotic structures for micro-assembly (DH, AT, MG, GF), pp. 983–988.
DATE-2008-Micheli #design- Designing Micro/Nano Systems for a Safer and Healthier Tomorrow (GDM), p. 1.
SCAM-2008-SingerK- Exploiting the Correspondence between Micro Patterns and Class Names (JS, CCK), pp. 67–76.
CASE-2007-BoettnerCJ #assembly #collaboration #framework- An Advanced Collaborative Framework for Micro Assembly (SSB, JC, YJ), pp. 806–811.
CASE-2007-JiangLCHHS #automation #development #framework- Development of Whole Human Genome Micro-array Automated Hybridization Platform (JYJ, KHL, CCC, JLH, CHH, HJS), pp. 640–645.
CASE-2007-WasonGWGD #multi- Multi-Probe Micro-Assembly (JDW, WG, JTW, JG, NGD), pp. 63–68.
CASE-2007-YuanZCC #automation #using- Automatic Mixing of Bio-Samples Using Micro-Channel and Centrifugation (LY, YFZ, WC, MC), pp. 634–639.
DAC-2007-ChelceaVG #self- Self-Resetting Latches for Asynchronous Micro-Pipelines (TC, GV, SCG), pp. 986–989.
DAC-2007-Roychowdhury- Micro-Photonic Interconnects: Characteristics, Possibilities and Limitations (JSR), pp. 574–575.
HCI-IDU-2007-DaimotoAMK #case study #research #safety- Application of Micro-Scenario Method (MSM) to User Research for the Motorcycle’s Informatization — A Case Study for the Information Support System for Safety (HD, SA, MM, MK), pp. 49–57.
HCI-IDU-2007-KurosuGHK #collaboration #database- Micro-Scenario Database for Substantializing the Collaboration Between Human Science and Engineering (MK, KG, NH, HK), pp. 140–145.
CASE-2006-CvetanovicCAGB #component #novel- A Novel Protective Cover in Assembling of Micro Components in a SEM Chamber (AC, AC, DA, IG, WB), pp. 242–246.
CASE-2006-Mishima #development #evaluation #performance- Development of a micro manufacturing system and its efficiency evaluation method (NM), pp. 478–483.
CASE-2006-NarayanasamyCT #assembly #framework- The Creation of an Information Based Manufacturing Framework for micro devices assembly: A discussion of the path planning and virtual assembly modules (GN, JC, AT), pp. 490–495.
CASE-2006-ZhangCVJG #assembly #modelling- Modeling of van der Waals Forces during the Assembly of Micro Devices (LZ, JC, DV, JJ, BG), pp. 484–489.
MSR-2006-KimPW #evolution- Micro pattern evolution (SK, KP, EJWJ), pp. 40–46.
DAC-2005-AdirABPS #approach #architecture #testing #verification- A generic micro-architectural test plan approach for microprocessor verification (AA, HA, EB, OP, KS), pp. 769–774.
WRLA-2004-StumpBBHK05- From Rogue to MicroRogue (AS, RB, JCB, JH, BK), pp. 69–87.
IWPC-2005-MurrayL #comprehension- Presenting Micro-Theories of Program Comprehension in Pattern Form (AM, TCL), pp. 45–54.
OOPSLA-2005-GilM #java- Micro patterns in Java code (JYG, IM), pp. 97–116.
SAC-2005-GruianAKS #automation #generative #java- Automatic generation of application-specific systems based on a micro-programmed Java core (FG, PA, KK, MS), pp. 879–884.
DATE-DF-2004-FaroukS #architecture #design #implementation- Design and Implementation of a Secret Key Steganographic Micro-Architecture Employing FPGA (HAF, MS), pp. 212–217.
LSO-2004-RasW #case study #experience- Embedding Experiences in Micro-didactical Arrangements (ER, SW), pp. 55–66.
DAC-2003-MongZ #architecture- A retargetable micro-architecture simulator (WSM, JZ), pp. 752–757.
DATE-2003-AdriahantenainaCGMZ #named #scalability- SPIN: A Scalable, Packet Switched, On-Chip Micro-Network (AA, HC, AG, LM, CAZ), pp. 20070–20073.
DATE-2003-AndriahantenainaG #implementation #network- Micro-Network for SoC: Implementation of a 32-Port SPIN network (AA, AG), pp. 11128–11129.
DATE-2003-PalermoSZ #architecture #embedded- Power-Performance System-Level Exploration of a MicroSPARC2-Based Embedded Architecture (GP, CS, VZ), pp. 20182–20187.
HPCA-2003-SlechtaCFFMQSPL #optimisation- Dynamic Optimization of Micro-Operations (BS, DC, BF, MF, GAM, JQ, FS, SJP, SL), pp. 165–176.
LICS-2003-PitermanV #decidability #future of #stack- Micro-Macro Stack Systems: A New Frontier of Elementary Decidability for Sequential Systems (NP, MYV), p. 381–?.
DAC-2002-KurzwegLMKC #modelling #performance- A fast optical propagation technique for modeling micro-optical systems (TPK, SPL, JAM, MK, DMC), pp. 236–241.
DATE-2002-BeroulleBLN #on the- On the Use of an Oscillation-Based Test Methodology for CMOS Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (VB, YB, LL, PN), p. 1120.
AdaEurope-2002-BinderL #embedded #execution #java #kernel #reliability #using- Using a Secure Java Micro-kernel on Embedded Devices for the Reliable Execution of Dynamically Uploaded Applications (WB, BL), pp. 125–135.
CIKM-2002-LiPHL #internet #using- Using micro information units for internet search (XL, THP, MH, BL), pp. 566–573.
FSE-2002-CapraEM #approach #mobile- A micro-economic approach to conflict resolution in mobile computing (LC, WE, CM), pp. 31–40.
DAC-2001-Wingard #integration- MicroNetwork-Based Integration for SOCs (DW), pp. 673–677.
ICSE-2001-White #java- An Introduction to Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME); Java in Small Things (JW), pp. 724–725.
ICPR-v4-2000-Hata #visual notation- Practical Visual Inspection Techniques — Optics, Micro-Electronics and Advanced Software Technology (SH), pp. 4114–4117.
ICPR-v4-2000-OhbaOTRDTKK #artificial reality #realtime- Real-Time Micro Environmental Observation with Virtual Reality (KO, JCPO, KT, GR, RD, YT, TK, NK), pp. 4487–4490.
ICPR-v4-2000-RataTQS #3d #multi- Multi-Directional Camera 3-D Vision System for Micro-Operation (SH, DT, SG, KS), pp. 4583–4588.
DAC-1999-UrY #architecture #generative #source code- Micro Architecture Coverage Directed Generation of Test Programs (SU, YY), pp. 175–180.
CSEET-1999-Hirai #metric- Micro-Process Based Software Metrics in the Training (KH), pp. 132–134.
VLDB-1996-Moni #database #distributed #named- DISNIC-PLAN: A NICNET Based Distributed Database for Micro-level Planning in India (MM), p. 586.
ICPR-1996-KindratenkoE #classification #fourier #using- Classification of irregularly shaped micro-objects using complex Fourier descriptors (VVK, PJMVE), pp. 285–289.
ICPR-1996-ParvinCJM #visual notation- Visual servoing for micro-manipulation (BP, DEC, WEJ, MM), pp. 341–345.
DAC-1995-TremblayMIK #analysis #architecture #flexibility #performance #trade-off- A Fast and Flexible Performance Simulator for Micro-Architecture Trade-off Analysis on UltraSPARC-I (MT, GM, AI, LK), pp. 2–6.
SOSP-1995-Liedtke #kernel #on the- On micro-Kernel Construction (JL), pp. 237–250.
INTERCHI-1993-Newell #human-computer #research- MicroCentre, Dundee: ordinary and extra-ordinary HCI research (AFN), pp. 242–243.
DAC-1991-RaghavendraL #automation #self #synthesis- Automated Micro-Roll-back Self-Recovery Synthesis (VR, CL), pp. 385–390.
ASPLOS-1989-Dally #float- Micro-Optimization of Floating Point Operations (WJD), pp. 283–289.
TAV-1989-Young #compilation- Verified Compilation in micro-Gypsy (WDY), pp. 20–26.
DAC-1988-ChaoG #fault #modelling- Micro-operation Perturbations in Chip Level Fault Modeling (CHC, FGG), pp. 579–582.
DAC-1987-BrewerG #architecture #design #knowledge base- Knowledge Based Control in Micro-Architecture Design (FB, DG), pp. 203–209.
HCI-CE-1987-TaladoireMTL #interface #named #relational- SQL-U: A Casual-User Oriented Interface for a Relational DBMS on Micro-Computers (GT, SM, NLT, LL), pp. 155–166.
STOC-1986-ColeV #algorithm #design #metaprogramming #parallel- Deterministic coin tossing and accelerating cascades: micro and macro techniques for designing parallel algorithms (RC, UV), pp. 206–219.
DAC-1984-EtiembleADB #algorithm #evaluation- Micro-computer oriented algorithms for delay evaluation of MOS gates (DE, VA, NHD, JCB), pp. 358–364.
DAC-1982-MuellerV #automation #semantics- Formal semantics for the automated derivation of micro-code (RAM, JV), pp. 815–824.
ICSE-1979-Cohen #source code- Computer-Aided Micro-Analysis of Programs (JC), pp. 79–84.
VLDB-1978-TingT #database #distributed- A Micro-DBMS for a Distributed Data Base (PDT, DT), pp. 200–206.
DAC-1970-AshleyMS #automation #metric- An automated micro measurement system for integrated circuit masks (FRA, EBM, HJS), pp. 17–27.