17 papers:
CHI-2014-MaziluBHTGH #named- GaitAssist: a daily-life support and training system for parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait (SM, UB, MH, GT, EG, JMH), pp. 2531–2540.
POPL-2014-KuperTKN #parallel #programming- Freeze after writing: quasi-deterministic parallel programming with LVars (LK, AT, NRK, RRN), pp. 257–270.
MLDM-2013-MaziluCGRHT #detection #learning #predict- Feature Learning for Detection and Prediction of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease (SM, AC, EG, DR, JMH, GT), pp. 144–158.
STOC-2012-Molloy #graph #random- The freezing threshold for k-colourings of a random graph (MM), pp. 921–930.
SAT-2011-AudemardLMS #on the- On Freezing and Reactivating Learnt Clauses (GA, JML, BM, LS), pp. 188–200.
FoSSaCS-2010-DemriS #decidability #ltl #model checking- When Model-Checking Freeze LTL over Counter Machines Becomes Decidable (SD, AS), pp. 176–190.
HIMI-II-2009-ParkLKC #network #performance- Freeze TCPv2: An Enhancement of Freeze TCP for Efficient Handoff in Heterogeneous Networks (MP, JL, JK, HC), pp. 448–457.
FoSSaCS-2008-DemriLS #automaton #ltl #model checking- Model Checking Freeze LTL over One-Counter Automata (SD, RL, AS), pp. 490–504.
LICS-2006-DemriL #automaton #ltl #quantifier- LTL with the Freeze Quantifier and Register Automata (SD, RL), pp. 17–26.
DAC-2005-PengL #named #performance #power management #using- Freeze: engineering a fast repeater insertion solver for power minimization using the ellipsoid method (YP, XL), pp. 813–818.
DATE-1999-BeniniMMMPS #power management- Glitch Power Minimization by Gate Freezing (LB, GDM, AM, EM, MP, RS), pp. 163–167.
DATE-1999-SantosoMRA #generative #named #testing #using- FreezeFrame: Compact Test Generation Using a Frozen Clock Strategy (YS, MCM, EMR, MA), p. 747–?.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-LiXXZ- Strategies and Techniques of Freeze/Melt (YL, YX, GX, ZZ), pp. 98–107.
RTA-1998-Xi #automation #proving #termination #towards- Towards Automated Termination Proofs through “Freezing” (HX), pp. 271–285.
DAC-1992-AbramoviciRM #approach #exclamation #testing- Freeze!: A New Approach for Testing Sequential Circuits (MA, KBR, DTM), pp. 22–25.
ICLP-1987-Carlsson87 #implementation- Freeze, Indexing, and Other Implementation Issues in the WAM (MC), pp. 40–58.
ICLP-1986-Boizumault86- A General Model to Implement DIF and FREEZE (PB), pp. 585–592.