59 papers:
DATE-2015-BaldwinBRPB #analysis #array #predict #using- Gait analysis for fall prediction using hierarchical textile-based capacitive sensor arrays (RB, SB, RR, CP, NB), pp. 1293–1298.
CHI-2015-Tajadura-Jimenez- As Light as your Footsteps: Altering Walking Sounds to Change Perceived Body Weight, Emotional State and Gait (ATJ, MB, OD, MF, NM, NBB), pp. 2943–2952.
CASE-2014-LiaoLCHF #analysis- Vision based gait analysis on robotic walking stabilization system for patients with Parkinson’s Disease (CKL, CDL, CYC, CMH, LCF), pp. 818–823.
CHI-2014-MaziluBHTGH #named- GaitAssist: a daily-life support and training system for parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait (SM, UB, MH, GT, EG, JMH), pp. 2531–2540.
DHM-2014-OhgiriYYKH #analysis #comparison- Comparison of Gait Analysis by the Way of Semi-structured Interviews (MO, KY, HY, NK, HH), pp. 43–54.
ICPR-2014-CastroMC #multi #recognition- Pyramidal Fisher Motion for Multiview Gait Recognition (FMC, MJMJ, RMC), pp. 1692–1697.
ICPR-2014-DeCannRC #clustering #on the- On Clustering Human Gait Patterns (BD, AR, MC), pp. 1794–1799.
ICPR-2014-DengXWWCW #automation- Automatic Gait Motion Capture with Missing-Marker Fillings (XD, SX, WW, ZW, LC, HW), pp. 2507–2512.
ICPR-2014-YangTL #energy #image #recognition #using- Gait Recognition Using Flow Histogram Energy Image (YY, DT, GL), pp. 444–449.
SAC-2014-AnderssonDA #artificial reality #identification #using- Anthropometric and human gait identification using skeleton data from Kinect sensor (VOA, RD, RMdA), pp. 60–61.
MLDM-2013-MaziluCGRHT #detection #learning #predict- Feature Learning for Detection and Prediction of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease (SM, AC, EG, DR, JMH, GT), pp. 144–158.
CASE-2012-Ramirez-AlpizarHK #estimation #flexibility- Estimation of a thin flexible object with bipedal gaits (IGRA, MH, MK), pp. 956–961.
ICPR-2012-HadidGKPBN #question- Can gait biometrics be Spoofed? (AH, MG, VK, MP, JDB, MSN), pp. 3280–3283.
ICPR-2012-KawaiMHIY #identification #using- Person re-identification using view-dependent score-level fusion of gait and color features (RK, YM, CH, HI, YY), pp. 2694–2697.
ICPR-2012-LiuZWW #multi #recognition- Multiple HOG templates for gait recognition (YL, JZ, CW, LW), pp. 2930–2933.
ICPR-2012-LuWH #classification #gender- Gait-based gender classification in unconstrained environments (JL, GW, TSH), pp. 3284–3287.
ICPR-2012-MakiharaFY #question #recognition- Can gait fluctuations improve gait recognition? (YM, YF, YY), pp. 3276–3279.
ICPR-2012-MansurMY #invariant #recognition- View-invariant gait recognition from low frame-rate videos (AM, YM, YY), pp. 2383–2386.
ICPR-2012-Martin-FelezOM #recognition #video- Exploring the effects of video length on gait recognition (RMF, JO, RAM), pp. 3411–3414.
ICPR-2012-MatovskiNMM #automation #on the #quality #recognition- On including quality in applied automatic gait recognition (DSM, MSN, SM, TM), pp. 3272–3275.
DHM-2011-PaulickDB #embedded #monitoring #named- StabilitySole: Embedded Sensor Insole for Balance and Gait Monitoring (PP, HD, MB), pp. 171–177.
ICPR-2010-Al-HuseinyMN #approach #set- Gait Learning-Based Regenerative Model: A Level Set Approach (MSAH, SM, MSN), pp. 2644–2647.
ICPR-2010-AqmarSF #recognition #robust- Robust Gait Recognition Against Speed Variation (MRA, KS, SF), pp. 2190–2193.
ICPR-2010-BouchrikaCNMT #detection #people #using- Using Gait Features for Improving Walking People Detection (IB, JNC, MSN, RM, GT), pp. 3097–3100.
ICPR-2010-HuWZW #classification #gender- Combining Spatial and Temporal Information for Gait Based Gender Classification (MH, YW, ZZ, YW), pp. 3679–3682.
ICPR-2010-KusakunniranWZL #multi #recognition #using- Multi-view Gait Recognition Based on Motion Regression Using Multilayer Perceptron (WK, QW, JZ, HL), pp. 2186–2189.
ICPR-2010-Martin-FelezMS #gender #recognition #representation #towards- Towards a More Realistic Appearance-Based Gait Representation for Gender Recognition (RMF, RAM, JSS), pp. 3810–3813.
ICPR-2010-MoriMY #recognition #using- Gait Recognition Using Period-Based Phase Synchronization for Low Frame-Rate Videos (AM, YM, YY), pp. 2194–2197.
ICPR-2010-ZhangWB #classification #using- Age Classification Base on Gait Using HMM (DZ, YW, BB), pp. 3834–3837.
DHM-2009-Sugiyama- Harmonic Gait under Primitive DOF for Biped Robot (SS), pp. 150–159.
SAC-2009-HeinenO #evolution- Evolving morphologies and gaits of physically realistic simulated robots (MRH, FSO), pp. 1161–1165.
ICPR-2008-BouchrikaN #recognition- Gait recognition by dynamic cues (IB, MSN), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HossainMJY #adaptation #identification #invariant #using- Clothes-invariant gait identification using part-based adaptive weight control (MAH, YM, WJ, YY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-JeanBA #invariant #normalisation #recognition- Trajectories normalization for viewpoint invariant gait recognition (FJ, RB, ABA), pp. 1–4.
DHM-2007-YangJJZWFZ- An Inverse Dynamical Model for Slip Gait (JY, DJ, LJ, JZ, RW, XF, DZ), pp. 253–258.
HCI-MIE-2007-KwonPKK #recognition #using- Human Shape Tracking for Gait Recognition Using Active Contours with Mean Shift (KSK, SHP, EYK, HJK), pp. 690–699.
MLDM-2007-CuiL #sequence- A New Combined Fractal Scale Descriptor for Gait Sequence (LC, HL), pp. 616–627.
MLDM-2007-EkinciAG #kernel #multi #recognition- Gait Recognition by Applying Multiple Projections and Kernel PCA (ME, MA, EG), pp. 727–741.
ICPR-v2-2006-MakiharaSMEY #adaptation #identification- Adaptation to Walking Direction Changes for Gait Identification (YM, RS, YM, TE, YY), pp. 96–99.
ICPR-v3-2006-LamL #identification #using- Human Identification by Using the Motion and Static Characteristic of Gait (THWL, RSTL), pp. 996–999.
ICPR-v3-2006-TanHYT #performance #recognition- Efficient Night Gait Recognition Based on Template Matching (DT, KH, SY, TT), pp. 1000–1003.
ICPR-v3-2006-Wang06a #analysis #using- Abnormal Walking Gait Analysis Using Silhouette-Masked Flow Histograms (LW0), pp. 473–476.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZouB #classification #energy #image #process #programming #search-based- Human Activity Classification Based on Gait Energy Image and Coevolutionary Genetic Programming (XZ, BB), pp. 556–559.
ICPR-v4-2006-ChaiWJZ #novel #recognition- A Novel Human Gait Recognition Method by Segmenting and Extracting the Region Variance Feature (YC, QW, JJ, RZ), pp. 425–428.
ICPR-v4-2006-LeeRS #hybrid #recognition- Fusion of Chaotic Measure Into a New Hybrid Face-Gait System for Human Recognition (TKML, SR, SS), pp. 541–544.
ICPR-v4-2006-RanCZ- Finding Gait in Space and Time (YR, RC, QZ), pp. 586–589.
ICPR-v4-2006-YuTT #framework #recognition- A Framework for Evaluating the Effect of View Angle, Clothing and Carrying Condition on Gait Recognition (SY, DT, TT), pp. 441–444.
ICPR-v4-2006-ZhaoCLP #recognition #using- Gait Recognition Using Fractal Scale and Wavelet Moments (GZ, LC, HL, MP), pp. 453–456.
ICPR-v4-2006-ZhouB #distance #recognition #video- Feature Fusion of Face and Gait for Human Recognition at a Distance in Video (XZ, BB), pp. 529–532.
ICPR-v4-2004-Hild #3d #estimation #image #recognition #sequence- Estimation of 3D Motion Trajectory and Velocity from Monocular Image Sequences in the Context of Human Gait Recognition (MH), pp. 231–235.
ICPR-v4-2004-LiuS04a #recognition #representation- Simplest Representation Yet for Gait Recognition: Averaged Silhouette (ZL, SS), pp. 211–214.
ICPR-v1-2002-DockstaderBT #analysis #feature model- Feature Extraction for the Analysis of Gait and Human Motion (SLD, KAB, AMT), pp. 5–8.
ICPR-v1-2002-PhillipsSRGB #algorithm #challenge #identification #problem #set- The Gait Identification Challenge Problem: Data Sets and Baseline Algorithm (PJP, SS, IRV, PG, KWB), pp. 385–388.
ICPR-v1-2002-VegaS #analysis- Experiments on Gait Analysis by Exploiting Nonstationarity in the Distribution of Feature Relationships (IRV, SS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-v1-2002-WangHT #identification- A New Attempt to Gait-based Human Identification (LW, WH, TT), pp. 115–118.
ICPR-v1-2002-YamNC #automation #identification #on the- On the Relationship of Human Walking and Running: Automatic Person Identification by Gait (CYY, MSN, JNC), pp. 287–290.
ICPR-v2-2002-TassoneWV #classification- Temporal PDMs for Gait Classification (ET, GAWW, SV), pp. 1065–1068.
ICPR-v3-2002-BhanuH #analysis #recognition- Individual Recognition by Kinematic-Based Gait Analysis (BB, JH), pp. 343–346.
SAC-2000-KohleM #detection- Analyzing Human Gait Patterns for Malfunction Detection (MK, DM), pp. 41–45.