11 papers:
CHI-2015-McNaneyBHSJWGBR #design #game studies #people- Designing for and with People with Parkinson’s: A Focus on Exergaming (RM, MB, AH, GS, DJ, MW, BG, GB, LR, PO), pp. 501–510.
CHI-2015-McNaneyPVBZO #named #people #speech- LApp: A Speech Loudness Application for People with Parkinson’s on Google Glass (RM, IP, JV, MB, PZ, PO), pp. 497–500.
CHI-2015-MentisSPFS #programming- Being Seen: Co-Interpreting Parkinson’s Patient’s Movement Ability in Deep Brain Stimulation Programming (HMM, RS, SP, PF, LS), pp. 511–520.
CASE-2014-LiaoLCHF #analysis- Vision based gait analysis on robotic walking stabilization system for patients with Parkinson’s Disease (CKL, CDL, CYC, CMH, LCF), pp. 818–823.
CHI-2014-MaziluBHTGH #named- GaitAssist: a daily-life support and training system for parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait (SM, UB, MH, GT, EG, JMH), pp. 2531–2540.
CHI-2014-McNaneyVRBZPO #people- Exploring the acceptability of google glass as an everyday assistive device for people with parkinson’s (RM, JV, DR, MB, PZ, IP, PO), pp. 2551–2554.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-SharmaMTZRTGJ #named #personalisation #smarttech- SPARK: Personalized Parkinson Disease Interventions through Synergy between a Smartphone and a Smartwatch (VS, KM, FDlT, AZ, NR, TGNT, RG, SJ), pp. 103–114.
MLDM-2013-MaziluCGRHT #detection #learning #predict- Feature Learning for Detection and Prediction of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease (SM, AC, EG, DR, JMH, GT), pp. 144–158.
CHI-2011-McNaneyLLLSPHJWMO- Cueing for drooling in Parkinson’s disease (RM, SL, KL, CL, GS, TP, NYH, DJ, RW, NM, PO), pp. 619–622.
KDIR-2010-PalmeriniRMCV #feature model- Feature Selection for the Instrumented Timed Up and Go in Parkinson’s Disease (LP, LR, SM, LC, FV), pp. 95–99.
KEOD-2010-KambhampatiSP #metric #predict- Dysphonia Measures in Parkinson’s Disease and Their use in Prediction of Its Progression (CK, MS, NP), pp. 104–109.